rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • Tilda_P
    Tilda_P Posts: 30 Member
    My sister pointed to the tv screen one night when one of those newer diet commercials came on with the cute overweight girl working out and said, "You could do commercials like that. There are lots of plus size models now."

    My mom snorts and said, "There's a difference between being big and pretty and just fat."
  • SkinnyJenVB
    SkinnyJenVB Posts: 3 Member
    I was at my sister's wedding and I don't remember being that big. The cake was cut everyone grabbed a piece and then I got one. My brother says in front of everyone "why don't you get another piece of cake". I don't know if he was joking but he seemed serious. It really hurt my feelings and has stuck with me ever since.

    My favorite sayings (by favorite I mean I despise them) oh you're just big boned thats all. But she has such a pretty face.

    Jr high- this stuck with me to this day: classmate says "you are really pretty" I was like wow thank you then he says "pretty ugly" and laughs in my face.

    I could go on and on but those are the ones I remember off the top of my head.
  • Mapanggulo
    Mapanggulo Posts: 185 Member
    A long time friend of some of my family (others in the family call her "Aunt"):
    "Are you going to be Santa Claus this coming Christmas?"

    This was said in front of my mom, me and my Aunt. She might have just been referring to the fact that I haven't shaved or had a haircut in a long time so my hair is longer than she's ever seen, my beard is semi-full and the grey hair is coming in thick. Don't know if it was a reference to my weight. It hurt but I didn't let it show and held back what I wanted to respond with. Her and my aunt profess to be good Christians, yet I believe (along with other family members) that they are a lesbian couple. I don't have a problem with someones sexual orientation...just people that are hypocrite about trying to hide what is obvious.
  • Bexchubb
    Bexchubb Posts: 55 Member
    After losing weight the last time (2 years ago or so), my friends mother in law saw me at the school gates and said rather loudly "Wow Bex, you look so much better! I bet that coat barely went round you before, now it looks lovely!" :huh:
    Tbh I can now laugh about it, because this woman is the most tactless person I have ever met in my life, and the thing is I know she really thought she was complimenting me. But at the time I was a bit stunned. I actually put all the weight back on not long after, but mercifully she said nothing then!
  • kristinhowell
    kristinhowell Posts: 139 Member
    I was out to eat with friends once, and I said "My stomach hurts" and one of the girls replied "Mine would, too, if it looked like that." :grumble:

    Now, I'm the one losing weight and she's the one gaining :drinker:
  • SoheilaM777
    SoheilaM777 Posts: 4 Member
    OMG, I do not even know where to start! My brother had so many nick names for me (Elephant, huge Bear,...). He used to say that one can use one of my thighs on the grill to feed the entire city. My dad used to comment "your belly is bigger than your boobs" ! My mom will put me on stupid diets every summer. My beloved dad used to say "wear something long so I can cover your big A*** in those pants!
    In school, during the P.E class, couple of classmates used to say "don't be scared, move a little, may be you loose a little weight,.." Others would write on the school bench "Soheila is Fat". Like it needed to be graved!!

    The entire family was giving opinion about how I should do to lose weight because of my parents attitude. Of course they compared me to my brother who was thin like a nail. What can I say, people are cruel and do not think how they can destroy someone's life. They can all go to HELL!!!
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    Unfortunately I get this often - "But you use to be so skinny, you use to be the hot friend."
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    ex-boss: A man would have to be RICH to put a ring on YOUR finger!
    same boss: I see you have your TIGHT pants on today.

    I had just hit the 50lbs mark of shed pounds, and was getting dressed. I accidently grabbed my husband's jeans, and though they wouldn't zip, they came up over my bum. I went to show him, bursting with happiness, and brainless, he says, "What, are you calling me fat?"

    I looked at him for a second, shooting daggers. I said, "What, are you calling ME fat?!" He's never said a thing since :laugh:
  • Rogue_Girl
    Rogue_Girl Posts: 36 Member
    Back when I initially lost 85lbs, my neighbor invited me over to "fix her computer." She locked me in the house and insisted on telling me how unhealthy I was, how I was likely abusing drugs to get to thin, how clearly I had something "dark in my soul" and how I needed God to help me, and how she wouldn't let me leave until I ate a piece of cake. And then I'm pretty sure she tried to get me to have sex with her.

    WTF? I mean what the actual *kitten*?

    Why in the world are there so many wackadoodle people!?
  • skinnyEmilijah
    skinnyEmilijah Posts: 61 Member
    Pretty much all of my bad comments have been from exes. A guy I dated when I had just started college called me "Peter Griffin". Then, my ex, after cheating on me with another girl (which caused me to give up on the relationship and leave) texted me one night saying that it wasn't fair that I was fat and unnattractive when we were married, but had gotten skinny, and that his mistress/new gf was getting fat. I was speechless, but then we all found out like a week later that she was pregnant. Kind of funny, also very sad.

    Now I have a respectful boyfriend who never asks me to lose weight, gain weight, wear makeup, or any of that sort of thing. He listens to my weight concerns, tells me I'm beautiful, and then let's me know he is supportive of whatever I want to do. Glad I've got more positivity going for me now :)
  • _Stardust_
    _Stardust_ Posts: 124 Member
    When I was 10 years old, I went to visit my Dad over summer vacation. He takes one look at me after not having seen me since the previous summer and said, "You're going to have trouble with your thighs."
  • WhoIsAmber
    WhoIsAmber Posts: 161 Member
    At my Aunt's house, I went to get a slice of fresh baked bread from the kitchen. Upon coming back into the living room, my Dad told me to stop just as I was in the doorway. I was confused, but did it, he told me to put my arms out and touch the door frame, I did... Then he told me if I kept eating, I wouldn't be able to fit through the door. I think I was 7 or 8 and was a chubby kid.

    He also said rude things about my Mom's weight. And asked my sister if she was pregnant when she started to gain weight...

    My Dad had a very twisted view on what women should look like...
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    Wow. I never cease to be amazed by the cruelty some folks seem so delighted to dole out to others. I'm really sorry that you all have been through such things. And idiots out there still think shame is an effective weight loss motivation tool. Smh. I was pretty fat as a kid and I remember very distinctively my dad telling me that no would love me unless I stopped eating like a pig and lost weight. I think I would have been around 11 or 12. He saw no problem with saying I shouldn't eat this or that in front of friends and family who were enjoying the same foods. All the while modeling an inactive lifestyle and bringing home unhealthy foods. :/ In hindsight he just didn't know how to deal with his concern over my weight and was the kind of man for whom a woman's worth was primarily her appearance. He is very different now, never comments on my weight except to say I am doing a good job losing it. I am glad for that. I wonder if he knows how much his words held me back from losing for so long. PS, he was wrong, I met honestly the sweetest, most romantic man ever, he loved me at over 300 lbs, tells me I'm beautiful, and with his unconditional love and gentle support I started to see my own value as more than just a shell, I care about myself now...and folks, that's the best weight loss motivation there is.

    I 100% agree with you. My ex would always comment on my weight. It never motivated, just pissed me off. My husband on the other hand, met me at my highest, proceeded to tell me he loves me as is, and now is supporting me 100% on becoming a smaller me. I don't think I would have done it without him. His love and support and not once telling me anything weight related really set me free in a sense.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    I remember back when I was no more than kindergarten/1st grade at the most, my gma and great aunt making me come over and show them my hips/stomach and remarking how I'd end up being "so large" when I got older. (They were both in the medical field, what ever). They tried to make me do it again to show an aunt or something but I refused. I just remember feeling so much shame at that age that I was going to be a "big" girl.

    More recently, even after losing weight, I selected a large shirt for here at work. Because there was a huge line of women looking at shirts, I turned around to let the rest see what a large looked like. When I told fellow co-workers that I got a large, I was told, to my face "Seriously, YOU got a large?" by more than one person. If you've never seen a grown 30 something year old woman revert back to the emo highschooler wanting to curl up and die? Yeah, it was then.

    Effing mental issues huh??
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    I actually had TWO very sad and embarrassing moments in high school, when I was I the 9th grade. My clothing design teacher (who looked to be about 400lbs or more) exclaimed "You have gained WEIGHT!" There were about two students walking out when she said it, too. Then she went on to tell me how SOME boys liked big girls, but.....(she didn't finish) and she asked me what I had been eating. She started suggesting that I become more active, but all I could do was stare at her large tummy, as she humiliated ME! Then, my algebra teacher told me after class (while I was in front of my friend) that HE thought I was one of the prettiest girls in his class, and how slimming down would make me even prettier. Unfortunately for my fat azz (eye roll) he yelled it out of the door as I tried to leave. Oh, and did I mention that the bell rang, so kids were switching class as he yelled this? This was a VERY sad time for me in my life, and it caused me to be depressed. A few weeks after that, I learned that I suffered from PCOS.
  • skinnyEmilijah
    skinnyEmilijah Posts: 61 Member
    I am so, so, SO sorry. No one should ever have to deal with that. Ever. They're the ugly ones.

    Agreed. This applies to all on this board
  • Bexchubb
    Bexchubb Posts: 55 Member
    Back when I initially lost 85lbs, my neighbor invited me over to "fix her computer." She locked me in the house and insisted on telling me how unhealthy I was, how I was likely abusing drugs to get to thin, how clearly I had something "dark in my soul" and how I needed God to help me, and how she wouldn't let me leave until I ate a piece of cake. And then I'm pretty sure she tried to get me to have sex with her.

    WTF? I mean what the actual *kitten*?

    Why in the world are there so many wackadoodle people!?

    Wackadoodle is my very favourite word ever :happy:

    That woman does indeed sound like a fruitcake. How did you manage to get free?
  • Bexchubb
    Bexchubb Posts: 55 Member
    Back when I initially lost 85lbs, my neighbor invited me over to "fix her computer." She locked me in the house and insisted on telling me how unhealthy I was, how I was likely abusing drugs to get to thin, how clearly I had something "dark in my soul" and how I needed God to help me, and how she wouldn't let me leave until I ate a piece of cake. And then I'm pretty sure she tried to get me to have sex with her.

    WTF? I mean what the actual *kitten*?

    Why in the world are there so many wackadoodle people!?

    Wackadoodle is my very favourite word ever :happy:

    That woman does indeed sound like a fruitcake. How did you manage to get free?

    I convinced her that she'd see me next Sunday at church, accepted the religious-publisher book on anorexia she gave me, and walked out the front door. The book went right into her flower garden.

    Ha! Love it. Although pig that I am, I would have been like "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU CRAZY OLD WIT- Ooooh, cake! Go on then, one quick slice" Lol.
  • Rogue_Girl
    Rogue_Girl Posts: 36 Member
    Back when I initially lost 85lbs, my neighbor invited me over to "fix her computer." She locked me in the house and insisted on telling me how unhealthy I was, how I was likely abusing drugs to get to thin, how clearly I had something "dark in my soul" and how I needed God to help me, and how she wouldn't let me leave until I ate a piece of cake. And then I'm pretty sure she tried to get me to have sex with her.

    WTF? I mean what the actual *kitten*?

    Why in the world are there so many wackadoodle people!?

    Wackadoodle is my very favourite word ever :happy:

    That woman does indeed sound like a fruitcake. How did you manage to get free?

    I convinced her that she'd see me next Sunday at church, accepted the religious-publisher book on anorexia she gave me, and walked out the front door. The book went right into her flower garden.

    Ha! Love it. Although pig that I am, I would have been like "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU CRAZY OLD WIT- Ooooh, cake! Go on then, one quick slice" Lol.

    Before I even looked at your profile Bex, I knew you had to be English (I married a Brit so I've been "exposed" lol)
  • Gawanne
    Gawanne Posts: 105 Member
    There seems to be an increase in ignorant, insensitive, cruel people in the big wide world today. I'm so sorry you have all been hurt by these thoughtless people. When I was a child I was taught this. I have never seen it since but it's maybe what the world needs to learn today:

    So many faiths, so many creeds,
    So many paths that wind and wind
    When just the art of being kind
    Is what the old world needs.