rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • xxxpeacekeepxxx
    So for Easter we had my sister's roommate staying over. She lived far away and couldn't make it home for the small break and we offered to let her stay. So she is a small skinny girl, and my family...well we aren't. So my grandmother was over and the kids were going to take the dog to the playground, so everyone left but me. I was sitting with my grandmother and my mom when she said "You can definitely tell that she doesn't belong in this family." :sad:

    Now then my sister isn't as big as me, and I am definitely not as big as my mom or grandmother. But that comment really hurt. I have been trying to lose weight, but I haven't told anyone. All I could think was, you both used to be so small! I see pictures of them and I can't believe it's the same people. My mom was in the military and she was so healthy, but then she had kids and she let her health go....I want to prove to them that we can look healthy if they just try!

    That comment has always stuck with me...along with a few others that people have told me (the usual "you have a pretty face").
  • lokepa
    lokepa Posts: 204 Member
    During the safety speech just before taking a helicopter ride to a glacier in Alaska, I was made to stand on what I can only describe as a cattle scale to determine if I was over their weight limit. I came in 5lbs under their limit... the lady gave me a crooked look and made me stand on the scale again.
  • riirii93_
    riirii93_ Posts: 475 Member
    These are so sad :(

    My dad and bf have both used the word 'big' to describe my mother and I. I think it's a lack of tact with vocabulary but my dad meant that my mom is tall (they're kind of a funny pair, he's 5'6 and she's 5'9) but no woman wants to be called big!!!! My bf has called my calves big and he just meant the muscles are defined. Lol so awkward. *rolls eyes* I'm now self conscious about my calves.

    in a darker light though, these are the worst memories i have.
    1. my best friends when we were around 11 years old “you would be so beautiful if you lost weight”
    2. i was at summer camp and at lunch some girl looked at my plate and asked me “why so much?” i wanted to throw it at her. and then later we were all walking in a group to do some activity and this random guy just walks up behind me and says Rita’s so fat. like out of NOWHERE. a sweetheart older guy said in response when i had nothing to say because i was so shocked, “i like rita, she’s real” or something. in reference to my personality. it made me feel a lot better and stopped the tears from wanting to come out.

    3. my middle school principal’s 5 year old daughter when i was 13 “you’re fat” i wanted to deck the little *****.

    4. after being bullied throughout the entirety of middle school by the other 9 girls in my all girls’ class (oh that was a great idea) as the fat girl, can’t even go into detail about that cause there are too many details… this one girl actually sent me an email after we graduated telling me how much she hated me and that i wasn’t worth anything and that i was ugly and no guy will ever love me. I don’t know why she felt the need to do that even, seemed kind of bizarre at the time. well she ended up overdosing on ecstasy her first year of college and dropped out. now she hates her life. i think she was just unhappy her whole life and had to take it out on people she saw as targets.

    is it any wonder that at this age ,13, I lost 50 lbs and got down to a BMI of 18.5 and developed an eating disorder for years? I’m in so much better of a place today but jesus christ I don’t know how I survived ages 11-14 sometimes. for some reason it felt good to get all of this out. ****, people are so gross sometimes! i'm so grateful to my family and boyfriend who have never been anything but loving and supporting and never been cruel to me.
  • riirii93_
    riirii93_ Posts: 475 Member
    Back when I initially lost 85lbs, my neighbor invited me over to "fix her computer." She locked me in the house and insisted on telling me how unhealthy I was, how I was likely abusing drugs to get to thin, how clearly I had something "dark in my soul" and how I needed God to help me, and how she wouldn't let me leave until I ate a piece of cake. And then I'm pretty sure she tried to get me to have sex with her.

  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    Back when I initially lost 85lbs, my neighbor invited me over to "fix her computer." She locked me in the house and insisted on telling me how unhealthy I was, how I was likely abusing drugs to get to thin, how clearly I had something "dark in my soul" and how I needed God to help me, and how she wouldn't let me leave until I ate a piece of cake. And then I'm pretty sure she tried to get me to have sex with her.


    I always find it funny when people come out of the woodwork once you loose weight, and start trying to tell you how it's unhealthy to loose so fast, how taking fat burners or supplements are unhealthy, or to eat so little is going to stop my metabolism. I just think " I lost 60 lb's and my doctor says that my vitals are the best they have ever been, what do you know." I just X those people out of my social network nowadays instead of arguing with them.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    Last week I told my mom I need to lose about 40lbs. She said "That's going to be hard isn't it..."

    At about 10 years old, riding in the car with my dad: "You're getting a belly!" (Said in a joking manner as he was smiling, like it was cute...)

    About 12 years old. Middle school. "Best friend" called me Thunder Thighs at the local swim club as she was cracking up laughing.
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    As I walked across the living room one time at 17, my dad was on the couch with a bowl of ice cream sitting on his stomach, He looked at me and said "You're getting a little broad across the beam, aren't you?"
  • grantairesbottle
    Well, it has happened recently. My mother who is always pestering me about how "nobody would want me because I look like I swallowed a whale"(mind you, I broke a leg and a couple of ribs so I was in bed for a better part of 2013) but now that I've lost most of that excess weight she says "Guess you are a damn rexy now.".
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    I was wearing a bikini top and shorts when I went to visit family and my mom asked me "Are you really going to walk around with your belly hanging out?"

    Um. My body fat is 20%. I'm a runner. There is nothing "hanging" anywhere. I don't have rock hard abs, but I definitely don't have "hanging" anything and I think I have every right to wear whatever I want out in 90 degree whether as long as my reproductive bits are covered up.

    I'm not sure if it was jealousy or what, but I never forgot just rolling my eyes and walking away.
  • maryanne2000
    maryanne2000 Posts: 13 Member
    No one has said anything about me to my face, but the other day my boss said the our new employee is " huge...will have trouble walking from one end of the building to the other." The woman in question is considerably smaller than I am. It makes me wonder what she says about me behind my back. Also, an average weight colleague expressed disgust when she saw a woman that her ex had dated. "I can't believe he was with her. She must be 200 pounds! " Which is a little less than I weigh.
  • summer144012
    My dad told me after I had my son that I was getting fat like him! Now mind you, he wasn't fat and I had been working out like crazy and watching my calories to get back to pre-baby weight. I thought this was the rudest comment ever. I will never forget he said that to me. My mom always sizes me up too every time she sees me. Other than times of pregnancy, I have always been just a bit over my weight limit but they both make me feel like I need to lose a ton of weight. I am not comfortable eating around them. Now that's really sad.
  • 0Amra
    0Amra Posts: 24 Member
    "You're so pretty for a big girl" - hate that one.
  • Maqneta
    Maqneta Posts: 388 Member
    a complete stranger called me fat at the park two days ago.
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    Few yers ago I lost about 40 pounds, went from size 10 to size 2. All the girls I worked with were extremely supportive and so happy for me, except one. This lady looked at my before and after pictures and said in front of everyone "Awww... even when you were fat, you still didn't have big boobs" Fortunately, I don't easily get upset about harsh words and have a smart mouth :bigsmile:
    I just replied that my B-cup was very helpful when I finished my first marathon with Boston qualifying time. She didn't dare bringing up my looks ever again.
  • bahls24
    bahls24 Posts: 32 Member
    How about don't lose anymore weight and i weigh175 5ft 7in tall............:frown: :huh:
  • torichantel2005
    torichantel2005 Posts: 42 Member
    Rudest comment was actually when I was at my skinniest. Only in the last four years have I gained weight and it wasn't even bad (but it was bad for me) but 15 years ago I was actually desperate to gain weight. At 5'6" I was 100 lbs and no matter what I ate I could not gain. I looked like crap.

    I was at the supermarket, l had a container of ice cream in my hand and was looking at the flavors, trying to chose a second one and a lady came up to me and said "Why even bother when you are going to force yourself to throw up anyway?"

    WHAT!!! People are horrendous.
  • transientcanuck
    transientcanuck Posts: 82 Member
    Girl in high school told me that my face resembled that of a hippo (with the fact that my face is very round and my ears stick out apparently).

    Another idiot in high school observed me eating fries and commented "Should you be eating that?". I was 5'3" and 130 lbs at the time; he was well over 200 lbs.

    I was visiting my friend at the hospital once when her newly-made hospital friend pointed to my gut and asked when I was due.

    Ex-boyfriend told me that I would be "prettier" if I lost 30 lbs
  • Randalene88
    "You're so pretty for a big girl" - hate that one.

    Same here. I have heard that so many times. When I was probably 15 a lady in a store said to me "Aww, you have such a pretty face. What a shame." After that years of disordered eating followed.

    I have a friend who always says to me "You're not fat, you're just big boned and have hips and a butt." ...Yes because clearly that makes me feel better.

    Luckily, I can take most things with a grain of salt lately, I have grown a lot mentally and I'm a work in progress. :)
  • ribqah
    ribqah Posts: 21 Member
    As a woman who, for years, struggled with undiagnosed PCOS and severe adenomyosis (which caused an enlarged uterus), I have certainly heard my share of rude comments over the years -- even when my actual weight was normal. I got the "pretty face" comments, the "pregnant" comments (those are tough to absorb when they start when you're 12 years old, 5'0", and 108lbs), and the "you carry it well...unless you turn to the side, it's hard to tell how fat you are." Plus, my mother -- always obsessed with her weight and sure she was fat at a size 5 -- had me on pretty restrictive diets from the time that I was seven (I got a bit chunky before a growth spurt), and her enforced exercise felt like my punishment for being "overweight." Over the years, I started to struggle in earnest with my weight and my health, never knowing why.

    Still, the comments that hurt me the most came from my now-estranged husband. Before we met, I had discovered a new love of fitness and had dropped 60 lbs from my top weight. I was happy, had mostly gotten over the old wounds, and while my health was still a challenge to manage (and I still didn't know why), I was working out for the right reasons and was proud of all I'd accomplished. After we got together, though, he kept making comments about how he couldn't believe he was with a chubby girl, and he was embarrassed because he didn't know what his friends would think of my weight. I told him it hurt me, but I tried to excuse it because he was not exactly experienced with women...and wasn't great with people in general. But I'd also just moved across the country and just lost a loved one, so I was emotionally vulnerable, anyway -- I don't know that I would have stayed with him had I still been back home with my old friends.

    His constant criticisms wore me down over time, and I gave up for a while. Even when he didn't speak the words aloud, he'd make faces at my outfits, at what I was eating, and a myriad of other things. I was having terrible allergy issues in the area I had moved to, and a recurrence of the worst symptoms of the condition, so exercise was very difficult, anyway. But when we moved back to my home state, I started working out again -- all the while fighting the health issues. I started dropping weight again, but my self-image was so confused that I had taken to taking photos to try to get an idea of what I looked like.

    I made the mistake of mentioning to him in a moment of vulnerability that it felt weird to me that I didn't really KNOW what I looked like any more...and mentioned that some of the pictures I'd taken in a mirror surprised me because I looked a little smaller than I'd expected.

    And his response: "Well, maybe we just have skinny mirrors."

    I'm not sure why that comment is the one that still pricks at me most.
  • dsoucy31
    dsoucy31 Posts: 17 Member
    Oh man there have been many... but the one that sticks in my mind the most was when a random customer at the restaurant I worked at asked me to put my hand on my hip and stated that I looked like a gallon of milk..... still really bothers me to think about it