rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • dsoucy31
    dsoucy31 Posts: 17 Member
  • christhenix
    christhenix Posts: 163 Member
    Colleagues seem to think it is funny to refer to me as Homer, or Pete Griffin (Family Guy). But the most hurtful was a boss who said to our group that it is a shame when people let themselves go, whilst nodding towards me! I don't think it was malicious, but it cut deep.
  • Susanlove316
    Susanlove316 Posts: 28 Member
    Mine made me eat until I threw up because he didn't want food wasted! I was 8 or 9. No wonder we have weight/food issues! <3
  • saveferris2014
    saveferris2014 Posts: 4 Member
    Good for you! Mean people...
  • whitneysin
    whitneysin Posts: 605 Member
    So many things, and I have never had a BMI that was considered overweight.

    "What kind of sport do you play? You look like you have the body of a rugby or a football player" - Said in public at a work dinner by one of our vendors

    "No, it's just a couple of fat girls" Referring to a friend and I, when we were hiking at Red Rocks, CO

    "You're kind of a big girl, you're like bigger than me" Said by a new male acquaintance

    "You have gotten fat in these areas" *proceeds to point out areas* - Said by a now ex-boyfriend

    "Wheatney, what has happened? You have gotten fat!" -Said by my friends Russian ex-boyfriend.

    "You look quite hippy" - My friends grandma referring to me while I was in a bikini

    When I was 16 and was working at a grocery store, a very elderly man said, "hurry up, fattie!" when I was bagging his groceries.

    I remember every single one of these remarks quite vividly. I wonder if that old man would have ever imagined that I would carry his dismissive, offhand comment with me 12 years later.

    Feeling fat casts a huge dark cloud over my entire day.
  • whitneysin
    whitneysin Posts: 605 Member
    Girl in high school told me that my face resembled that of a hippo (with the fact that my face is very round and my ears stick out apparently).

    Another idiot in high school observed me eating fries and commented "Should you be eating that?". I was 5'3" and 130 lbs at the time; he was well over 200 lbs.

    I was visiting my friend at the hospital once when her newly-made hospital friend pointed to my gut and asked when I was due.

    Ex-boyfriend told me that I would be "prettier" if I lost 30 lbs

    Your face is beautiful, and looks nothing like a hippo. That girl can take a flying leap, she's insane. I've gotten the pressure from boyfriends, too. Comments like, "You're like an 8 but would be a 10 if you were skinnier. You know I can't date a girl over 150 pounds and you're getting there (I was 154 at the time but he didn't know).
  • whitneysin
    whitneysin Posts: 605 Member
    Random lady in the checkout line at the grocery store "when is the baby due?"

    Mom when I was 12 "You don't have the figure for that top." All I said was that it was cute.

    Dad when I was about 13 "if you don't go on a diet, I will make you go on one."

    Teacher of a diabetes class "that's probably why you're so unhealthy." I never mentioned anything about my health. Which is perfect, by the way.

    Unless I physically see a baby crowning first-hand, I will never ask if somebody is pregnant. I'm so sorry about the comments your parents made, it hits very close to home for me. "Do you really need that?" (regarding food) Being a big one.
  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member
    Father at my nursery where I work is brutally honest 'Sara your still beautiful but you got so fat!' Cheers Mohammed, made my day..... A mum also asked if I was expecting.
  • elbandito
    elbandito Posts: 157
    Not the rudest, but the most recent and funny;

    I went on a trip to Vietnam a month ago, and went north to Da Nang and Hoi An. Near there is a place called the Marble Mountains; one of which has stairs carved into it to climb (it's a bit touristy and crowded, but hey! I was a tourist!).

    So I climbed the stairs, explored some of the grottoes, took pictures of the buddhas about 1/3 to 1/2 way up. Before long I was sweating up a storm (it was a 42 deg C day (107 f) and my shirt was sticking to me. However, I was determined to reach the top so I kept going and eventually made it. Took some pictures, slipped on some of the worn smooth-as marble, drunk some of the water I had taken with me.

    Then, on the way down I passed this Malaysian gent and his daughter (who was all of nine years old). The father nodded and said, "It is good exercise!"
    I said "yes, really good for cutting down," patting my belly.

    And without missing a beat the little girl said, "yeah you need it!"
  • Ansie13
    Ansie13 Posts: 86
    Not so much what they said ..
    But a group of guys I went to school with chewed up food and threw it at me and told everyone I was gross enough that I would probably eat it. When I got up and left they all pointed and laughed while calling me cow, pig, ect.
  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member
    Not so much what they said ..
    But a group of guys I went to school with chewed up food and threw it at me and told everyone I was gross enough that I would probably eat it. When I got up and left they all pointed and laughed while calling me cow, pig, ect.

    That's actually quite heartbreaking! :(
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    I think most of the rude comments I've gotten about my weight have come from overweight people.

    This weekend, I went to brunch with some friends, and someone said "Oh, I've been working so hard to lose weight, I've cut out soda/sweets/junk food, and I've only lost 5lbs. You didn't change anything and the weight has just come off! You're so lucky!"

    I guess that's not really rude about my weight, but I still think it's pretty damn rude to assume someone is having an easy time losing weight, just because they don't go all super restrictive.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    I was in ON for my cousin's wedding and my mom, grandmother and I were staying in a hotel w/ a pool. As we were going to the pool my grandmother grabbed my side and said, "you've sure put on some weight"... Thanks grandma. The worst was, that was my skinny time about 10 years ago; I've since put on 40 lbs since then
  • whitneysin
    whitneysin Posts: 605 Member
    I was in ON for my cousin's wedding and my mom, grandmother and I were staying in a hotel w/ a pool. As we were going to the pool my grandmother grabbed my side and said, "you've sure put on some weight"... Thanks grandma. The worst was, that was my skinny time about 10 years ago; I've since put on 40 lbs since then

    It seems we have a theme here with grandmother/grandfathers hating on weight. My step grandmother disapproved of my acne when I was a teen. She honestly never liked me until recent years, when I got "prettier".
  • NicoleLFifield
    When someone I knew but hadn't seen for awhile asked me when I was due.....that hurt cause I was not pregnant.
  • Gamerchick00
    Gamerchick00 Posts: 25 Member
    I was walking along a public street and a car full of guys went by. One of them shouted, "Harpoon that whale!"
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    This thread has been both heart breaking and cathartic at the same time.
    I have so many stories I dont know what one...ones to tell but here goes.

    My grandparents and cousins lived 150 miles away from us and we didnt get to go very often. So when we did go I was so excited to be seeing my cousins. We all were outside playing and my cousins started singing to me...

    Fatty fatty two by four
    Couldnt get thru the batnroom door
    So she did it on the floor
    Licked it up and did some more

    Oh how that destroyed my 9 year old self.

    Jump ahead to 10th I had been teased and bullied all thru school but it came to a head one day in the middle of english class. One boy in particular would torment and tease me every chance he got. One day I finally had enough and exploded...I PUNCHED HIM SQUARE IN THE FACE...I got sent to the office for the official reprimand and unofficial pat on the back...

    I could easily write a few more stories but I dont want to go to the dark places any more. Mfp is my light and my life now.
  • alicia0412
    alicia0412 Posts: 165 Member
    Oh man there have been many... but the one that sticks in my mind the most was when a random customer at the restaurant I worked at asked me to put my hand on my hip and stated that I looked like a gallon of milk..... still really bothers me to think about it

    Wow. That's really awful. I wish people would THINK before they said stuff like that. Those are the kind of things you can just never forget, unfortunately. :(
  • gary241069
    gary241069 Posts: 255 Member
    Can I steal some of your fat, so I can fry my sausages? You have plenty to spare!
  • whitneysin
    whitneysin Posts: 605 Member
    Can I steal some of your fat, so I can fry my sausages? You have plenty to spare!

    I don't understand how people don't have enough empathy to realize that these comments are damaging. Some of us are carrying this comments with us 10, 20, or more years later.