What is sexy?



  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    Humrous attitude, confidence and respect is VERY sexy
  • Hey; you're absolutely right, being pretty or sexy is very subjective; You've said it all & I simply CAN'T add anything. Bring it on!!!
  • Katybun3
    Katybun3 Posts: 172
    i post it everyday... i am really really ridiculously good looking .. i burn 10 calories in 10 min being so good looking :)
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Good post, I agree with what you say about it being something intangible. My husband is not conventionally good looking, he is in fact someone who I would probably not have even given a second look in a bar (that sounds vile, but I am sure you know what I mean) But I 'met' him online, got to know his mind, his thoughts, his attitudes, his heart and soul and fell deeply and passionately in love with him before I ever met him or even saw a photograph of him. I adore him, to me he is the sexiest man on the planet, his voice melts my chocolate and he gives me a look and a smile and I am lost. I know what is in his mind, what he is thinking, I like how he thinks, how he laughs, how he smells. I know that he loves me for who I am rather then what I come wrapped in and that makes me confident and secure in his love. My sexy might be your turn off. Sexy is utterly intangible, Happy is sexy, confident is sexy, but cocky isn't, well not to me. Secure is sexy, mind IS sexy, clever and articulate is sexy, intelligence and knowledge is sexy. Well to me they are. I like men's minds, I like those who make me laugh, who make me smile.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    Melts your chocolate huh? Lol. New pick up line lol
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    Big butts
  • feetypajamas
    feetypajamas Posts: 104 Member
    Sexy is a state of mind. I love seeing guys and gals that are comfortable with who they are. Being intelligent is incredibly sexy to me. I'd much rather go on a date with a man who is well read, articulate, and has a great personality. That's sexy!


    A person who carries themselves well, is confident but not too cocky (yeah, I like some attitude... :P), I don't like someone so into themselves that they spend all the time preening and checking themsevles out. Bleh.
  • Great post!

    I work as a bra fitter part time and get asked all the time "what do you have that is sexy?" geez Louise, I don't know! What i think is sexy is rarely liked by the customer... Most painful question ever...

    To me, if you're a bad person, I dont care how sexy you are, you're unattractive to me. Confidence is fantastic, but if you're cocky or disrespectful, huuuuge turn off. Sexy to me is having a lovely smile, a good sense of humour and a good nature. looks and body come second to that
  • nonoark
    nonoark Posts: 153 Member
    sense of humor and honesty is so sexy!!!! I am very out going and seem to attract a lot of attn from guys, but if there is no personality or they lie to me, I could care less what they look like...I don't have the time to even talk to them! I have dated guys that look like they should be on the cover of GQ ant then I have dated guys that remind you of meatballs, short/tall, harry/bald, my age/older.....it is all on the inside!~
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    it has alot to do with attitude even more so than appearance. The way some women carry themselves, their attitudes, etc to me make them sexy. I love a woman who is confident in herself but not conceited, who has a sense of humor, and a sense of humor about herself. A big help is just being nice, there have been many times when a woman was just nice that it overrode any physical "deficiency" she may have had. on the other hand many "gorgeous" women have not been nice and it made them ugly.

    Bingo! The combination of confidence and vulnerability, being comfortable in your own skin. The ability to not take yourself too seriously all make a person sexy and appealing.
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    Melts your chocolate huh? Lol. New pick up line lol

    I had no idea I could do that. :-)
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    What is sexy?

    My wife.
  • abalina
    abalina Posts: 59 Member
    Confidence is sexy!
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Intelligence. A variety of interests. A considerate, positive attitude. Good hair, and an even better vocabulary. Nothing worse than someone admitting that they have to use the dictionary to follow me and a thesaurus to keep up—I've had about twenty dates who've said this on the first date—OKthxbye! The confidence to go au naturel, or with only a little make-up. A variety of musical interests. The ability to laugh at yourself. The interest and desire to do something new. Not being too serious. A high activity level.

    One of the sexier things a girl can say is "It's only a mile away, let's just walk" :)
  • sheenabe
    sheenabe Posts: 61 Member
    I think that reason that we all strive to lose that pound or two, or fifty ,or whatever is exactly what people are posting here. We WANT to feel confident and not self concious. We want to be able to let our true selves show, without worrying that these jeans make my *kitten* look fat. If we feel confident in our selves than it shines. Then we can start showing how smart, and funny, and well read we all are.
    You may know this line from a song by the Northern Pikes
    "she ain't pretty, she just looks that way"
    words to live by I swear....look deeper people!! :happy:
  • feetypajamas
    feetypajamas Posts: 104 Member
    Nothing worse than someone admitting that they have to use the dictionary to follow me and a thesaurus to keep up—I've had about twenty dates who've said this on the first date—OKthxbye!

    That's awesome. Not that you had those dates, but that you have that opinion. LOL
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Kindness, loyalty, integrity, compassion, gentleness, intelligence, humour.

    And a great rack.
  • jdesm
    jdesm Posts: 22 Member
    Kindness, loyalty, integrity, compassion, gentleness, intelligence, humour.

    And a great rack.

    Well played good sir! Didn't even see it coming.
  • Curves73
    Curves73 Posts: 134 Member
    Attitude! But since we are all on here trying to make our body look better I'll throw in a nice tight body helps. Half way there. For now I'll have to just have a lot of attitude.
  • Confidence in yourself, nothing nicer than someone with a great personality who lets it shine!!!
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