Anyone doing the Subway diet?



  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    The subway diet is a little bit deceptive, it's fine as long as you have low carb bread, no condiments, cheese and all the things that make a sandwich tasty.
  • bandomn88
    bandomn88 Posts: 4
    For me,150 plus carbs per day is over the top (unless you believe the government's healthy diet propaganda).
    You would lose weight faster and sustain your target weight if you just cut out the bread. Eat fruit, nuts and veggies instead.
  • IlluminatedMayhem
    Subway is my favorite fast food choice. I get turkey without cheese and fatty sauces and I load it up with veggies. I wouldn't eat it everyday though.
  • LanaC1210
    LanaC1210 Posts: 37
    Subway's bread is the worst! Empty calories! But if you must then opt for the chicken sub with veggies! No mayo!
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    I read Jared's book on a whim. I wasn't expecting much, but it was a lot more interesting than I expected. Glad I read it as I felt it was an interesting story. I occasionally eat Subway too since I like the options there when I am working and need something on the road for lunch.

    In the book, Jared explains he was overweight his whole life. Things just peaked in college. He was eating well over 10,000 calories a day and weighed over 400 lbs. He could hardly walk. In fact, he was taking the campus loop bus on a 40 minute ride from his student apartment to get to a class that he could have walked to in five minutes -- if he could physically handle it -- which he could not.

    After trying numerous diets and failing -- he details a couple of these experiences and the reactions of his college roommate -- Jared noticed the Subway that was right near where he was living in his college apartment. After checking out the menu, he created his diet:

    Breakfast was coffee only. No food.
    Lunch was a 6" Turkey sub with veggies, no cheese, and mustard, and a pack of Lay's Baked Chips. Diet Coke to drink.
    Dinner was a 12" veggie delight with no cheese, and mustard. Again, Diet Coke to drink.

    Jared felt this diet was sustainable for him since it included 18" of bread a day, one of his favorite foods. It also left him less hungry and able (barely at first) to wait until his next Subway meal before giving up. He describes the initial mental and physical battles with this, but he successfully resisted making the call out to pizza delivery or pigging out at the school's cafeteria and such as was his prior habit.

    Exercise was eventually walking to some classes instead of taking the campus bus. The first few attempts left him drenched with sweat and on the verge of blacking out. This got a lot easier, and he also started taking stairs up to classes that were several flights up as well.

    He was eating around 1200 calories a day about. Shed 240lbs in one year. Got down to 180lbs at his lightest. Some people no longer recognized him.
  • nentecular
    nentecular Posts: 101 Member
    He was eating around 1200 calories a day about. Shed 240lbs in one year. Got down to 180lbs at his lightest. Some people no longer recognized him.

    Well of course, anyone who weighed as much as he did would lose massive amounts of weight by reducing his intake to 1200 calories a day. I didn't have to be Subway, it could be anything whatsoever.

    This whole "Subway diet" thing is a load of rubbish that's been over-hyped by Subway themselves as a marketing trick. Yes, he did it but it could have been absolutely any food he chose, it just happened to be Subway.
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    Right. And the key point is that it is what worked for him. It is important to find something that you can stick to.
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    I put on about 10 pounds eating not much other than subway. It all comes down to calories. Eat less than you expend. This is easier if you cook yourself.

    Exactly. You can eat whatever you'd like, but ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, know your calorie intake. Know what you are putting into your body at all times, so that you can stay in control. It's also good to make sure you're getting the most nutritional value from what you eat, but if it's working for you, keep at it. :)
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    Subway's bread is the worst! Empty calories! But if you must then opt for the chicken sub with veggies! No mayo!

    Why is subway bread the worst?

    Why is it bad to have mayo if it fits within my calorie allowance?
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Jared is 6' 2." Obviously, he has no need to weigh 112 pounds, which is my goal at 5' 3 1/2." That being said, I would be able to fit one veggie footlong per day into my diet. I am a vegan and LOVE a veggie footlong on white bread with tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, lettuce, bell pepper, pepper and salt! They have the best white bread- I LOVE white bread and much prefer white bread to any other kind of bread-- and it is vegan! In fact, it is the only vegan white bread I know of. (I don't know whether any of their other breads are vegan-- I didn't ask them that when I contacted the company, because I knew the white bread would be my favorite, so I only asked about the white bread.) When not dieting, I order the same, except with oil added. The best bread in all the world! The best sandwich! The best lunch!
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    Jared is 6' 2." Obviously, he has no need to weigh 112 pounds, which is my goal at 5' 3 1/2." That being said, I would be able to fit one veggie footlong per day into my diet. I am a vegan and LOVE a veggie footlong on white bread with tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, lettuce, bell pepper, pepper and salt! They have the best white bread- I LOVE white bread and much prefer white bread to any other kind of bread-- and it is vegan! In fact, it is the only vegan white bread I know of. (I don't know whether any of their other breads are vegan-- I didn't ask them that when I contacted the company, because I knew the white bread would be my favorite, so I only asked about the white bread.) When not dieting, I order the same, except with oil added. The best bread in all the world! The best sandwich! The best lunch!

    Yeah, that sandwich is basically a salad and bread. Not the worst thing you can eat on a diet for a meal! Makes it easy to track calories too. But aedreana, make sure you get some good protein in your other meals :)

    Personally, I think Jared's diet was a bit light on protein and, of course, fats. (So I wouldn't personally do it...but that is just IMO)

    His father is a medical doctor, and he and Jared's regular doctor found out able his "Subway diet," they just added a multivitamin and told him to keep going. Losing the weight and the health benefits of doing that was the top concern. Jared also felt that he could not eat other things while in the middle of his experiment as he felt that would ruin his willpower. Once he got to maintenance, that changed.
  • katiegrieder
    I think it would be better (and far cheaper) to learn how to prepare your own meals. While Subway is one of the better choices if you need some food on the go, the price adds up fast. If you like sandiwches, and the idea behind the Subway diet, buy meat from the deli and keep veggies chopped and prepped in the fridge. Their meats are also processed and full of preservatives, so you're probably better off finding an alternative.

    Just my two cents. Whatever you choose, I hope it works out for you.

    I agree with this. The Subway diet was basically him eating a small sandwich with only meats and veggies a couple times a day (and as someone said he walked there) rather than the loads of junk he had been eating in drive thrus (e.g. other fast food).

    It WOULD be easier and far cheaper if you just did that on your own. As far as fast food goes Subway is only better if you leave off the condiments and cheeses and have one of the smallest cold cut sandwiches available (my friend pointed out the disclaimer to me on the bottom of one of their commercials that explains all that) and of course don't drink the sodas or eat the side snacks.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Too much sodium for me. Besides, I can make sandwiches at home way cheaper.
  • jessieleah
    jessieleah Posts: 204 Member
    I'm sure it's do-able, but it would not be my go-to method of losing weight.

    On the other hand, I've lost nearly 60 lbs in the past year while eating Chipotle on a near-daily basis. However, I only do that because I work there and it's free. If i had to pay for it, I wouldn't do it! As long as you look up the calories ahead of time and make sure the sandwich isn't loaded with "hidden" calories from condiments, etc, you'd probably lose the weight.

    Like everyone says, it just comes down to calories in < calories out.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    the wheat has caramel colouring to make it look like wheat bread

    That shouldn't even be allowed. That's obnoxious!
  • Cardio4Cupcakes
    Cardio4Cupcakes Posts: 289 Member
    I go to Subway once a week with my boyfriend (we have a lunch date every week during work hours) but I usually try to get a salad but they're so expensive!!
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    1998 called, it wants its diet back.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    I cant believe people still doing thanks