

  • JanisMS
    Hi All

    Today is my first day on a diet and exercise program for several years. I have belonged to a gym in the past and they made a lot of money from me as I rarely went. I have to find an exercise that doesn't seem like an exercise. I have exercise induced asthma which makes cardio-exercise exhausting. I would like to do water exercise but the only class I can find is during the weekdays and when I am work. Nothing in the evenings. I find your posts on Women Ages 50+ so inspiring and I have already noted some very good strategies. I love the ticker tapes. That would motivate me. I will be reading your posts and I will post again.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Blessings to all this bright and cheery Sunday!!!:flowerforyou: I had another successful day yesterday with my calories so I am aiming for another one! :bigsmile: There is no beginning or end to this journey. :wink: It has been an incredible learning experience in ....not only food....but behavioral patterns. We never graduate....we achieve goals....one day at at time....and continue to set new ones. :wink: The weight is ONE goal. But teaching ourselves to be grateful for goals met.....patient and kind to ourselves on those not so good days.............and to always go forward not backwards.:bigsmile: No matter how bad your day is....as far as food and behavior...it is most likely BETTER than before you started your journey! :flowerforyou: Kudos!!! Kudos!!! When I fall on my butt....and I certainly do...I remind myself that I use to live with my butt on the ground every day!!! :laugh: Now...it's just once in a while!!!:wink:
    I went out to eat last night....something I love to do!:tongue: I had peel and eat shrimp, grilled scallops, salad, string beans and a baked potato that I took a few bites from. I had 2 glasses of wine and I was still within my calories!! :bigsmile: The reason why I can do this is because I'm on my treadmill every morning for an hour and burn 600 calories (incline 6) . I add these to the 1200 and that's my goal for the day.:happy: I have lost all my weight by doing this....eating my burned calories...and it has saved me from feeling deprived!:bigsmile: Because I just gained 2 pounds...... my choices are stricter than when I'm trying to maintain. Eg. Grilled scallops instead of a steak. When these pounds are off...then I may eat steak. I love them both... but chicken and seafood are lower in fat and calories and are better choices when trying to lose.:wink: These are the lessons I learned over the past 16months:bigsmile: They may not work for everybody....but they're working for me!:bigsmile: This is why it is a "journey" not a quick diet! Lose fast....gain fast! At least that's been my story:embarassed: Small steps with lasting habits...work much better and is more likely to stick:wink:
    Barbie & Jake, congratulation on your anniversary! :flowerforyou: What a lovely evening you had!!!
    Doobie hang in there and I'm sorry for your loss.:cry:
    Jeanne I admire you for all that you do! Dealing with both parents...kids...a job....wow! You are one terrific lady!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Mimmie, Mary, Kackie (my spelling is awful) and everyone who is comming back after being away! Welcome home!!!:laugh: To all the newcomers....Welcome!!!!:love:
    One Day at a time, exercise when you can...drink lots of water....and...for the most part you will see results!
    As far as thinking too much about food by taking this journey....I ditto Barbie! Plan ahead and look for other treats and fun experiences!!!
    Working 6 day a week....so I may not be on as much as I'd like to....but I will be "lurking" when I can!!!:laugh:
    Look for the positive...in today!:flowerforyou:
    God Bless!!
    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • mrsanderson404
    Just rewarded myself with a Starbucks Grande Skinny Caramel Macchiato...the barrista assured me it was only 140 calories....that is manageable for me....tasted yummy although I'm usually quite adverse to artificial sweetener. Once in awhile can't be too bad for me....don't drink diet soda or anything like that so the occasional yummy coffee drink is ~~~heaven~~~

    It's all about new habits and understanding that I can't keep doing what I was doing before, and expect change.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Happy Sunday, everyone!:smile:

    Welcome to all our newbies!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: This is a wonderful group of women!:heart::heart: :heart:

    Robin--I'm so happy to hear about your new job! Congratulations!

    Doobie--Nice to see you back and I am sorry for your loss.

    I have been slacking on my healthy journey and am working on getting back on track. Today has gone well so far though I still need to get some more exercise in! I will get that done in a bit.

    I really think this constant gray weather is starting to get to me! Even extra vitamin D isn't helping much. I may see about getting one of those lights that help with seasonal affective disorder--It would be needed almost all year long here!

    It is SO helpful to me to read all your posts. I get ideas and encouragement from you all. Thanks for being a part of my life!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hi All

    Today is my first day on a diet and exercise program for several years. I have belonged to a gym in the past and they made a lot of money from me as I rarely went. I have to find an exercise that doesn't seem like an exercise. I have exercise induced asthma which makes cardio-exercise exhausting. I would like to do water exercise but the only class I can find is during the weekdays and when I am work. Nothing in the evenings. I find your posts on Women Ages 50+ so inspiring and I have already noted some very good strategies. I love the ticker tapes. That would motivate me. I will be reading your posts and I will post again.

    And a warm welcome to you! Glad to have you on board! When I first started, walking around the block was big exercise for me, so I am sure you will find a way to start. Just remember, anything that you do is better than nothing, and you have to start somewhere. Here's to smart choices!
  • dogsdogs
    dogsdogs Posts: 10 Member
    Hi - I used to run much more than I do now. My feet are starting to act up.....yuck!!! Shoes are very important for a comfortable run. The first l0 to 15 minutes your body is saying to you......what are you nuts? Lets stop this now.....try try not to listen to that. If you keep going (even very slowly), your body will adjust and say "ok, I guess I can do this"....our breathing gets easier and it feels lots better. Hope this helps.

  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Julie, I like your idea of exercise stars. I do exercise most days. I knew I couldn't get to the gym today so I had to force myself to get on the stationary bike. I think if I had stars, I wouldn't want to skip the day. Sure is funny how something so simple can be so motivational. Thanks for the idea.

    Zmankin- congratulations on only missing 3 days of exercise in the past 2 months. You are an inspiration!

    Jeannie, sorry to hear your dad is in the hospital. Hopefully you can get through to your mom.

    Mrs.Anderson- I am short too so I feel your pain. I went out to eat tonight, and ordered a dinner salad and had 2 of my daughter's ribs. It was enough and I felt good about not over eating.

    Janis, Finding a schedule at the gym with fun classes that fits your schedule is tough. I finally found a gym that I enjoy going to most days and it fits my schedule. I generally get there 5-6 days a week. It has made a significant difference in my weight loss and my body is starting to tone up.

    To all of the other ladies- we are struggling together to become more healthy and fit. Together we can do it. The motivation that I get from MFP and all of you ladies is a great help.

    Today I ushered at a local opera house production of "Beatlemagic." This group recreated the sounds and visuals of "The Beatles." It was a fun filled afternoon, bringing back many memories. We even did a bit of dancing in the aisles.

    Planning on getting out tomorrow to do some geocaching if it's not too cold.

  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    I know I have only been here a short while.....but ladies, I certainly need your prayers! The Dr.found a spot on hubby's lung xray from a routine physical. Lung biopsy tomorrow and PET sacn on Tuesday.......thanks to all of you for your motivation and support.
  • mimi7grands
    Darlis, you have my prayers and hopes for good news. :heart:
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Darlis - sending positive vibes your way.

    Mimi - congrats on your new addition. I have only ever adopted from shelters or rescue org. Where do you live. I would love to walk out my door and be in nature. DH and I talk about retiring elsewhere but he really needs to start cleaning out his garage today if we are to move in 5 years.:ohwell:

    Jeannie - hope your mom comes around to be more supportive of what your dad needs to do for his health.

    Well, I was doing pretty well staying under or at calories until we took the grandkids out today. At the movies, I brought in my own smartfood popcorn to eat. The problem? Baskins Robbins afterwards. I even went with the lower calorie choice but at 220 it still put me over w/o exercise today. And then there was the wonderful fruity, riesling with dinner. I should have said no to both. The good news? Usually when I mess up, I say 'What the hell? Why not eat whatever I want 'cuz I screwed up already so what difference does it make?" I'm happy to say that I did not go crazy -- did have a couple of pfeffernuse cookies (small ones). but I could have done a lot worse. Tomorrow is another day --- and not too busy work wise so I know I will get some exercise in. Although I know it's tough when some of you report straying from the plan...it's still reassuring to know that I am not alone when I do that.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    Darlis, you may have been here only a short time, but i feel already that you are part of my family and I am thinking positive thoughts for you, your husband, and his doctors as you face this new bump in your life road.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    May God be with you, Darlis.:heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Happy Monday Morning everyone

    :flowerforyou: Robin Congratulations on your new job.

    :flowerforyou: Happy Anniversary Barbie

    :flowerforyou: Darlis sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.

    I've gone over my calories at the weekend, so I'm sure I've put back on the half pound I lost during the week. :frown: I'm starting the week with new determination (again) I'm going into town with my mum this morning and we usually stop off for a cuppa at a little closed down church that is now a little cafe for pensioners. Years ago when my kids were small, I didn't realise and we popped in for a snack (it's a lot cheaper than most cafe's) when I got to the counter I was asked "are you with a pensioner" and I had to confess that I wasn't, I apologised and left quickly. Now though, with mum in tow I can go in legally :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I went to the running club on Friday, don't laugh but I think I pulled something when doing the warm up exercises. :noway: The run went okay - well I was running for about 100 - 150 steps then walking for about 50 - 80 to get my breath back and then running again, but by the time I was walking/running home I could feel pain in my upper thigh. Sat and Sun I've felt it when walking the dogs. I've tried stretching by standing on one leg and raising the left leg and that hurts, so I'm sure I over stretched it on Friday, we didn't do that warm up exercise before and I was fine apart from a general ache in both legs.

    It's been a bit of a lazy weekend for me apart from the dog walking, I've been trying to march on the spot when watching tv, but could not get the motivation, I've been so sleepy, I've fallen asleep a few times, can't seem to keep awake, until bedtime when all sorts of things start swirling in my brain and I can't settle.

    Time is getting on, better get hubby his breakfast and get ready to go into town. Wonder if I can get anything nice in the sales (if they are still on)

    Have a wonderful Day everyone,

    Viv xx
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning every one,

    Mimi, post a picture of the little fuzz ball when you get a chance.

    Darlis: I hope everything goes okay with your husbands tests.

    Had a birthday weekend so went over my calories. Well, I'm back to today is the day I have to deal with. My exercise has been really good so I am hoping the gain on the scale is mostly water retention. I'm also feeling like I might have a period coming on. I've been getting one about every 3 months now and I would like for it to just stop completely. Well, it can't go on for too much longer.

    DD was a little sad this weekend because she didn't get selected for a critical care position she had applied for. She's an OR nurse and wants to go to Anesthesia School but first she has to work in a critical care position (ICU or ED). So far she isn't making any progress in transferring into critical care. I keep telling her when the time is right it will happen! She did take the GRE (I think that's what its called) this month and made over 1200 so she is good on going back to Grad School. She is so smart and I am so proud of her accomplishments.

    Well back at making good and better choices today!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I know I have only been here a short while.....but ladies, I certainly need your prayers! The Dr.found a spot on hubby's lung xray from a routine physical. Lung biopsy tomorrow and PET sacn on Tuesday.......thanks to all of you for your motivation and support.

    May you and your husband be lifted on the wings of prayer:love:

    We are all family...... whether here 1 day or 1 year!!!:flowerforyou:

    EMMOM Posts: 6
    Hi! I am new to this site and thread. I think this is just what I was looking for. I just turned 52 and need support from others 50 and older. I have found that I have to approach weight loss differently than 20 years ago. I am looking for support, advice and motivation from others who are there or have been in my shoes. I have lost 13 lbs. but need to lose close to 50 more lbs. to reach my goal. Any help would be appreciated. This site has really been great so far! In January I am striving to get more exercise in. Good luck to everyone in 2011.
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Welcome, Emmom. As many will attest. this is a good place to get support and encouragement. And it's motivating to see the success some gals have, especially seeing their tickers at the end of the posts.

    I see I'm not alone in going over cals this weekend. It's the reason that I don't bother changing my ticker to reflect a measly 1-2 pounds, because that scale goes right back to where I started with a minor indescretion.:grumble:

    Those of you who have the day off -- enjoy.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :flowerforyou: EMMOM, if you are looking for support, encouragement, and good ideas, you have come to the right place.....this thread has the most amazing women :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: go back a few pages and read the posts, then get in the habit of reading and posting every day along with posting your food.....do some exercise today even if it is only a walk around the block or ten minutes of walking up and down the hall.....the longest journey starts with a single step.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, I am always so overwhelmed by the job of gathering all the numbers and documentation for our income tax that I have the highest admiration for people like you who are tax professionals......I am always amazed at how quickly our accountant finishes our return after we send her the information.......I will miss you during tax season.....you always share the most encouraging message......your weight loss and your insights on maintenance continue to help me

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, good luck at finding a job......I've been thinking I might want to work part time but then I think about when I'd have the time and what I'd want to do and the idea goes on the back burner :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, i agree with you that the right job is out there for your DD......it just hasn't appeared yet

    :flowerforyou: Viv, if you are falling asleep while attempting to exercise in front of the TV that might be a sign that you are sleep deprived.......first things first.......go to bed and get more sleep :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: today is my day for all liquids.....I posted my intended consumption on MFP.......the calories are moderate but the sodium and carbs are sky high.....the prep beverage doesn't happen until 6 PM:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I didn't check to see if it has any calories :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    EMMOM Posts: 6
    Thanks to everyone for the welcome and encouragement. I look forward to going through my weight loss challenge with kind people like you. I think with all of the great posts here, that I can do it.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Darlis, prayers have been said and hugs are being sent.

    I'm hoping to get this posted whilst I'm at my DD's as we are still without our broadband at home. Really annoying and we've pretty much decided to change providers.

    Anyway, I'm doing fine with my food (maintaining my goal weight, but would like to lose a little more eventually) and my exercise is picking up again. I've started running for a few minutes each day and I'm also hoping to fit another aqua fit class in each week. Cycling is coming along too, although I'm not confident enough to go out on the road yet.

    My cardiologist has agreed that I can postpone my valve replacement surgery until March time, however, I have to have more tests next week and will find out if I have to have an ablation procedure prior to the main surgery. Fingers crossed that I won't need it.

    I just about manage to read all the posts while I'm in the coffee shop, but it is hard to reply. Can't wait to get the broadband sorted.

    My love and thoughts to you all.

    Amanda x