Turbo Fire Challenge!!! Join Me



  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    HIIT 20 and Tone today...love the combo of the two because your heart rate stays up so high during the Tone after HIIT...466 calorie burn with both...whoot! whoot!
  • :happy: Hey Ladies and Gents,

    Still working out and loosing weight. I lost a few more pounds and only 2 pounds away from my 2nd goal. Had to stop working out for a week to give my knees a break. Been working out hard since I started insanity back in March. I will be doing another round of insanity on Monday but will incorporate turbo fire on some of the days. Looking forward to see better results. So glad everyone is hanging in there. Let us know how you are doing from time to time to keep the motivation level up.

  • I am here still pushing play. Had to take a break and rest my knees. I was in some serious pain. But now feeling better and kicking stronger. I have been going to the gym and taking different classes. Still doing Turbo Fire Hits for some extra added cardio. So what have you all been up too?
  • sfjohnson16
    sfjohnson16 Posts: 33 Member
    Just completed day 1 of turbo fire - the fire 30....Totally awsomeness. It really works :)
  • Hi Sara!

    I just ordered my turbo fire today... My main question is how do I figure out how many calories I burn with each workout and how do we enter it into my fitness pal?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    For those of you that want to know how to measure calorie burn during Turbo Fire do yourself a favor and get a heart rate monitor or Bodybugg. Create a custom entry to log your exercise and use the results from your device.

    Not sure what to do after falling off the wagon...that's easy...get right back on. You are not on a diet. You are on a journey. You may have a lot of stops/starts along the way but if you keep in mind that this is a way of life and not a short term fix then a slip here and there is meaningless. Need a cheerleader to kick your butt and keep you motivated...friend me and I promise to be there for you.

  • Day two of Turbo Fire! Pretty cool.

    I have done the Insanity programs but needed a break. I found that although it was always challenging I was getting bored with the workouts (having done them 3 different times) but couldn't go back to the others like Brazilian Butt Lift because it no longer was a challenge. This program ( along with this website/app) might just be my answer!

    Do I need to long in to see the forums or can I also access those using the iPhone app? I will have to look into a Bodybugg too....
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    I just got my Turbor Fire Monday night and did the Fire 30 this morning - and LOVED IT!!!!
  • cheercoachoregon
    cheercoachoregon Posts: 8 Member
    I just ordered and can't wait to get these! Is there a place to go on here to join the TF group? I am a member of Fitness Pal already. Thanks :smile:
  • LTHOM784
    LTHOM784 Posts: 5 Member
    Love the Turbo Fire workouts!!
  • alexlove31
    alexlove31 Posts: 38 Member

    I just got mine and I plan on working it until I reach my goal. I'll keep you guys posted.
  • alexlove31
    alexlove31 Posts: 38 Member
    Wow! I love your spirit. Friend request sent!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I just ordered and can't wait to get these! Is there a place to go on here to join the TF group? I am a member of Fitness Pal already. Thanks :smile:

    What TF group are you referring to? There are several threads with people doing TF alone or with other programs. If you're looking for some extra support please join mine...http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/168427-sharon-s-coaching-thread

  • AshleyNicole8686
    AshleyNicole8686 Posts: 103 Member
    I want to join! How do you join? I am on week 2
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Ashley - You joined! YAY!

  • TinaBina313
    TinaBina313 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm so new to this. But i'm in my 2nd week of p90x and my 1st day of Turbo Fire. So i would loove to join this group:heart:
  • I'm in!! my sister and I started on Wednesday and we did the HIIT workout this morning and we love it!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Welcome Tina and Mosergirl!!! I'm always happy to meet new TF converts. Glad to have you here on the thread.

  • Hi everyone! I'm sooo glad to find people who are willing to lose weight and actually workout like I love to. My friends are not motivated to workout and have no desires in losing weight though they complain about being overweight. I've always been athletic, but after getting married and having children, I don't have the body I used to have. I got up to 171lbs and was so depressed. I ordered Turbo Fire and have worked on it for several weeks but not like I should. I really need help staying motivated (as I'm pretty much doing this alone) so that I will stay on track.

    I asked my son today if he could tell that Turbo Fire was doing anything for me and he said "Yeah it's making you sweat." Seriously you can't tell anything about my body? My daughter told me last night (after I had been called back into work and by the time I got home it was 9pm) that I hadn't worked out and I informed her that I was aware. She stated "well you're just gonna get fatter." My children love me, can't you tell? This is a real motivation killer.

    I am down 15lbs and about 10" since I started my dieting in November 2010. I workout several times a week and count my calories on Livestrong everyday. I ordered the bodybugg today. I really want to get more motivation and get this weight off. I know it's going to be a while before I can reach my goal of 125lbs but I would really like to have about another 15lbs gone and be toned before I go on my cruise in June.

    Please help me stay motivated.
  • daisyr21
    daisyr21 Posts: 3
    Hello there,

    My name is Carolina, Im a 28 years old and a SAHM of two kiddos, a little girl soon to be 5 and a boy almost 3. I am really loving TF is really my type of workout. I am currently at the tail end of week two. I actually look forward to working out thats how much I like TF but I am dissapointed that after almost two weeks I haven seen any weight loss or any types of changes. I know everyone is different but I really expected to see something at the beginning. I currently weigh 147 and trying to get down to 135. I also did some tweaking with my calories,because I think I wasnt eating enough all of last week. My rest day this week I was pretty slugish and even felt lightheaded at times, so I figured I just wasnt eating enough. I consider myself pretty active, besides this workout I take flamenco dance classes twice a week...so right now im gonna try to eat in between 1800 and 2000 I guess depending on how active my day is..Im gonna try to stay motivated and keep pushing forward because I know as long as I work hard I will see some kind of results right??!!
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