Couch to 5K (C25K) Starting today. Anyone interested?



  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Finished W4D1 last night. The last 2 minutes of my 2nd 5 min run, I really thought i was going too fly off the end of the treadmill.
    here's to it getting easier eventually!

    I have felt like that a few times, that im either going to pass out in the last minute or just fly off of it completely. haha, well done for completing it. You will fine it gets easier as you up the distance. Well done :)
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Well, temptation got the better of me today and I did day 1 of b210k :tongue: and it didn't feel much more difficult that the last week of c25k which is encouraging. The minute walk breaks are certainly very welcome and I did start to get tired during the last five minutes but managed to finish ok.

    Well done everyone :drinker:

    Well done - that's amazing progress. I can't wait to begin the b210k. Can i ask if your still making sure you get your rest days in or are you comfortable having consecutive training days? I have read about runners going out 5 or 6 times a week maybe one of those a long run and the others a shorter one, but i wondered how you get to this point of being able to run most days without the recovery periods.
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    Well, temptation got the better of me today and I did day 1 of b210k :tongue: and it didn't feel much more difficult that the last week of c25k which is encouraging. The minute walk breaks are certainly very welcome and I did start to get tired during the last five minutes but managed to finish ok.

    Well done everyone :drinker:

    Well done - that's amazing progress. I can't wait to begin the b210k. Can i ask if your still making sure you get your rest days in or are you comfortable having consecutive training days? I have read about runners going out 5 or 6 times a week maybe one of those a long run and the others a shorter one, but i wondered how you get to this point of being able to run most days without the recovery periods.

    Thanks :bigsmile:

    At the moment I'm running every other day which is working out at 4 per week with a rest day in between each. Today was the exception though as I bought some proper running shoes this morning :love: and couldn't resist going to try them out so I did day 2 today which went ok , but I'm not at the stage where I'd like to run on consecutive days too often as my legs were feeling the strain towards the end.
    Week8 Day 2 done. I forgot to look at my watch and ended up running for 29 mins instead of 28. Think that says it all, it must be getting more manageable. I ran outside today and the wind was a problem as it was really strong but im pleased i got round it without too much trouble. I have noticed a massive improvement in my breathing, i don't gasp for air like i used to. It's all progress!!

    Well done everyone!!!

    I've also found that by far the biggest improvement for me has been my breathing, almost to the point where it isn't an issue now whereas a few weeks ago I was struggling a bit. Like you say, definately progress :bigsmile:

    Well done all :drinker:
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    I've just finished week two. Did a 5K today with my boys today and tried to keep up the intervals as best as I could and finished it in 43:15. Very proud of myself. I'm actually finding that doing the 5K's - even though I'm not ready to run the whole thing - is really inspiring to me. We have our "graduation" 5K picked out, and now we're looking for another one in mid February.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Week 8 Day 2 done today
  • msucoastgirl
    msucoastgirl Posts: 3 Member
    I just started the program. I'm going to use the first week as a trial week. I think I may have been overdoing it a little speed wise. During Friday's workout, I think I found a pretty good balance, so I'm thinking I will redo Week 1 this week and move forward. I'm very excited about it!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Week 8 Day 3 done.

    By far my hardest run yet, i felt yuk before i left the house and i new it wasn't going to be a good one. Nevertheless i finished and onto week 9 now. Only 3 runs to go. One thing i noticed is i can now run a lap of the park faster than i used to be able to cycle round it - that made me smile :)

    Well done everyone!!
  • W9D1 DONE! I can't believe i'm so close to finishing this program it's gone so fast :noway: I think that it's still kinda hard but each time i run it gets a little bit easier, spent some time on the rowing machine after my run today and boy did i feel it in my legs after!!

    Keep up the great work everybody! :drinker:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Finished Week 8 Day 3 today. NO MORE CONSECUTIVE DAYS FOR ME! I did Week 8 Day 2 yesterday and had to do Day 3 today because I didnt have time during the week to get them in. Oh my body didnt like that. I finished but my thighs and calves were tight. I will make sure I get a rest day in between runs from now on.

    OMG, we are on Week 9 and it all started the week of Thanksgiving! CONGRATS EVERYONE for keeping up with the program!
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    I'm totally repeating week 4. I'm SO gassed at the last 5 minute run, there's no way i feel confident going to 8 minutes and then 20 minutes on w5d3.

    so mon - wed - fri this week = repeat week 4 :\
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    W9D1 DONE! I can't believe i'm so close to finishing this program it's gone so fast :noway: I think that it's still kinda hard but each time i run it gets a little bit easier, spent some time on the rowing machine after my run today and boy did i feel it in my legs after!!

    Keep up the great work everybody! :drinker:

    Well done, almost there :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Finished Week 8 Day 3 today. NO MORE CONSECUTIVE DAYS FOR ME! I did Week 8 Day 2 yesterday and had to do Day 3 today because I didnt have time during the week to get them in. Oh my body didnt like that. I finished but my thighs and calves were tight. I will make sure I get a rest day in between runs from now on.

    OMG, we are on Week 9 and it all started the week of Thanksgiving! CONGRATS EVERYONE for keeping up with the program!

    I did two consecutive days this week too and its hurting today :frown: Well done for getting to week 9. Only 3 left :drinker: :bigsmile:
    I'm totally repeating week 4. I'm SO gassed at the last 5 minute run, there's no way i feel confident going to 8 minutes and then 20 minutes on w5d3.

    so mon - wed - fri this week = repeat week 4 :\

    I'm sure it`ll start getting easier soon. I was really surprised how quickly it got better. You`ve caught up really fast though :bigsmile:

    I finished week 1 of b210k today and I actually found it no harder than week 9 of c25k. Its certainly nice to get the walking breaks again lol. Well done everyone :drinker:
  • I am searching for someone who is at my level . . .I just finished week 1!! Yay!! (Had to do day 3 twice because I quit 1/2 way through).
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    repeated w4d1 last night and felt good! maybe it was difficult for me the first time bc i was trying to do it after a zumba class.
    from now on, i'll dedicate days just to c25k.
  • Just finished Wk2 Day 1!
  • W9D2 completed!! It's unbelievable to think there's just one run left i can't believe i've nearly finished the program. Great job to everybody else for sticking with this program too! :flowerforyou:

  • I'm sure it`ll start getting easier soon. I was really surprised how quickly it got better. You`ve caught up really fast though :bigsmile:

    I finished week 1 of b210k today and I actually found it no harder than week 9 of c25k. Its certainly nice to get the walking breaks again lol. Well done everyone :drinker:

    Congrats on finishing the first week :bigsmile: i'm not sure if i'm going to go straight onto b210k because i'm still finding the 30 min run challenging enough but i definitely want to start it sometime soon! Great job on beginning it so soon after c25k! :drinker:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    repeated w4d1 last night and felt good! maybe it was difficult for me the first time bc i was trying to do it after a zumba class.
    from now on, i'll dedicate days just to c25k.

    Sounds like a good idea, because I know Zumba is a great workout! Have you tried running before the Zumba class? I do that sometimes and it helps me burn more calories in the Zumba class because my heart rate is already up.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Week 9 Day 1 Done! It wasnt so bad today. YAY, 2 days left!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Week 9 Day 1 done.

    Felt great - finished it today on the treadmill. Have had a few days rest as Sunday was tough on my legs. Only 2 runs left - seems amazing from where we started 9 weeks ago. I never dreamt i would be fine with a 30 minute run.

    Well done everyone
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    W9D1 DONE! I can't believe i'm so close to finishing this program it's gone so fast :noway: I think that it's still kinda hard but each time i run it gets a little bit easier, spent some time on the rowing machine after my run today and boy did i feel it in my legs after!!

    Keep up the great work everybody! :drinker:

    Well done, almost there :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Finished Week 8 Day 3 today. NO MORE CONSECUTIVE DAYS FOR ME! I did Week 8 Day 2 yesterday and had to do Day 3 today because I didnt have time during the week to get them in. Oh my body didnt like that. I finished but my thighs and calves were tight. I will make sure I get a rest day in between runs from now on.

    OMG, we are on Week 9 and it all started the week of Thanksgiving! CONGRATS EVERYONE for keeping up with the program!

    I did two consecutive days this week too and its hurting today :frown: Well done for getting to week 9. Only 3 left :drinker: :bigsmile:
    I'm totally repeating week 4. I'm SO gassed at the last 5 minute run, there's no way i feel confident going to 8 minutes and then 20 minutes on w5d3.

    so mon - wed - fri this week = repeat week 4 :\

    I'm sure it`ll start getting easier soon. I was really surprised how quickly it got better. You`ve caught up really fast though :bigsmile:

    I finished week 1 of b210k today and I actually found it no harder than week 9 of c25k. Its certainly nice to get the walking breaks again lol. Well done everyone :drinker:

    Well done for finishing week 1 of B210K good to know its not too much more challenging than the final week of C25K. How does it feel being a C25K graduate? Im looking forward to it, i don't think i've ever stuck to anything so religiously.
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