LADIES: Skipping exercise for that time of the month?



  • mrsdmiller74
    mrsdmiller74 Posts: 34 Member
    ohh yeah i wanted to say, listen to your body everyone is different. I have a friend that works out harder than me, much harder than me but as soon as her time of the month comes on she is in the corner under the cover with midol. Everybody's body is different and if you feel that you cannot handle it then don't just be mindful of your calorie intake.:wink:
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    It depends on how I feel. If I'm really crampy then I'd chill and just eat at a non-workout day deficit. But if I feel fine then I get it in.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Do you feel like exercising during your period??? 8 months ago

    fitness and periods (women) 1 month ago

    Periods and weight loss 3 months ago

    A question for the girls - do you exercise during your tom? 2 months ago

    LADIES: Do you workout on your period? 4 months ago


    A simple search and these above are only on the first page.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    have i been in this period thread yet?

    i cant even remember, there are so many of them.

    oh well, at least this thread reminded me to make my eggs.

  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    An ayurvedic recommendation is to rest completely in that time,even the daily chores and easing on digestion if its possible.I used to struggle cramps and back pain etc a lot,I stopped workout and have my husband do the chores and cooking for me,I don't eat meat or alcohol or junk food during this time and it eventually got better,I even try to get a small nap in the noon if I can,makes me feel much better.
  • ajstacey
    ajstacey Posts: 18 Member
    I look at it this way - if you work out consistently 25 days of the month - then who cares about 3-5 days of taking it easy.
  • whyyesitsneke
    This is a personal preference thing, I find.

    One of my friends is a personal trainer, and you cannot get her to the gym on three days of the month.

    Personally, I find a long walk (jogging at times if I feel up to it) helps a lot. And I try to stay in my calories - even if my womb is putting out crazy chocolate craving hormones. But everyone is different, and so long as you don't eat superbly unhealthy and use this as a way to break your trend... it won't set you right back to the start.
  • peachinator
    peachinator Posts: 27 Member
    If you're anything like me, I have about two days that are pretty terrible cramp-wise (with extremely heavy flow), which then gradually tapers off. Sometimes I don't work out those two days because I find it difficult to even get off the couch (pain and nausea), but I agree with some people said about taking it easy (walk, stationary bike, etc). A week might set back your momentum and motivation, but 2-3 days shouldn't be too bad. It depends on the person.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    If you feel up to it maybe just try some light walks or yoga (but don't do inversions during your period). If you feel like you need to rest then rest and eat well.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I usually do not work out the first day. It's uncomfortable and honestly one day isn't going to set me off pace. I just make sure day 2 happens. No excuses.
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    If you want to make or find an excuse not to exercise then you will find it!

    That aside....... I had lots of excuses for not exercising even when not that time of the month!

    During that time, I was on the couch for a day or 2 with a heating pad!

    I saw my Dr (finally) and got my hormone levels checked! Holy Crap! What a difference, what a life changing experience the last year has been!

    I am off the couch! I am doing it!

    You still have to want it! But getting your body in line with your mind makes things a lot easier!

    So bottom line for those with terrible and painful dealings with mother nature, go see your Dr or a bioidentical hormone specialist!

    Then get off the couch and get back to life!

  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I have news for you. Periods could be painful and exhausting. Life goes on. So does exercise and eating healthy. It's your equipment ladies, get to know it fer fook's sake.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I have news for you. Periods could be painful and exhausting. Life goes on. So does exercise and eating healthy. It's your equipment ladies, get to know it fer fook's sake.

    ^^This. My ovulation pain ("mittelschmerz") is ungodly painful. No medical problem (that they can find--I'm just a giant baby, I guess). But...I pop 2-3 OTC ibuprofen (should be vicodin per Dr.--but I refuse that stuff), get off the couch and werk it. No ab work, though on those days. Oh lawdy gawd, no ab work. But anything else I can and will power through. The world don't stop for our wimmin's problems, neither will I.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Didn't read the other replies, so apologies if I'm repeating other advice...

    It shouldn't set you back if you choose not to exercise as long as you adjust your calories accordingly. That being said, sometimes light exercise can help with cramps. I know myself, usually I skip the first day since it's exceedingly painful (I can't do much other than lie around with a heating pad...) but after that, I try to do what I can because it really does help. But do whatever you feel most comfortable doing.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I do, on the two worst days. On the other days it just depends on how I feel.
  • __hannah_
    __hannah_ Posts: 787 Member
    As others have said. It won't set you back if you adjust your calories accordingly. I've found only the first day to be bad enough to skip exercise and otherwise at least going for a walk makes the pain lessen or go away. Sometimes I really just want to lay on the couch all day but when I get up and exercise I always feel better after. Its just getting my mind to agree to exercise when I feel like I dont want to.
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 509 Member
    We are all different, so it's difficult to say whether it's going to be good or bad for you. Personally I find my excruciating cramps get (a little) better with gentle exercise like walking. But other women find that it makes it worse. So go with what feels right to you.

    I would say that if you have a full week of bad cramps to the point where you can't exercise each month, I would see a doctor and get it checked out. A full week of being unable to do anything due to pain is severely debillitating.


    Agreed; also with the other poster who mentioned that any movement will make you feel better than none. I used to be flat on my back for the first two days, then could walk on days 3 and 4, then more intense work after.

    But if you really can't move for your entire 5-7 days without excruciating pain, I would second getting to the doctor. There are so many newer solutions out there for women (like us) who suffer through a week of life-impacting pain; and your doctor can guide you through finding the best help for yourself. There is no need to be in agony for so long!
  • SRDB00
    SRDB00 Posts: 50 Member
    I think if you don't work out, you'll be upset about it in the long run. If I am feeling icky during that time of the month, I will ride the stationary bike instead of run. Or, I will go on a walk. SOMETHING to keep me moving.

    I disagree. I have very painful cycles to the point I am passing out, vomiting, back cramps and anything else imaginable. I noticed since I have been working out the pain is not as severe but I still can't exercise the first 2-3 days because of all of that and a extremely heavy flow. I adjust my calories accordingly on the days I can't work out and when I feel better I go back to the gym but I take it slow.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Geez, how did women in centuries past do it? I can't imagine a 19th century farm wife taking the day off from mending clothes, feeding seven kids, hanging the laundry, scrubbing the floors, and shucking corn just because she got her period.