ladies want 2 try a 30 day no wine *whining* challenge ?



  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    I'm in! I've been trying to cut back on my wine intake and a 30 day challenge would be perfect.
  • slliwlt
    slliwlt Posts: 68 Member
    I tell them...

    Hahahahaha! ????
  • slliwlt
    slliwlt Posts: 68 Member
    So-last night wasn't a good night :( I ended up buckling and having a glass of wine after work. I'm ticked at myself because it put me over my daily calorie goal, but today I'm going to work harder! & back to the challenge! :)
  • kimsinrud
    kimsinrud Posts: 5 Member
    I gave up alcohol for 30 days, along with flour, sugar and processed foods. I lost 12 lbs in that month. I was disappointed because I thought I would lose more! I mean if I'm going to give up all the good stuff I want to be super skinny!!! Anyway, now I only drink on the weekends and it's usually crown and diet coke. I count it...but have gone over my calorie goal a couple times because of it. I'll keep plugging on but summer time is hard to give it up altogether for me. Everything in moderation.... I like the exercising in the evening idea. Maybe that will help me not partake during the week.
  • abrencoop
    abrencoop Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in. Its going to be very hard, but I know for sure wine has been a huge part of my weight gain. ANybody have any success tories of losing weihg tby cutting out wine, please share, that will be my inspiration! Today is day 3 for me.
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    Bump to keep up with ya'll. Not ready to entirely give it up yet.
  • slliwlt
    slliwlt Posts: 68 Member
    So-I didn't realize how much I look forward to my wine in the evening. Last night my daughter and I went to the gym & had an awesome workout & then we went and wandered around the beach looking for cool pictures to take. (she's in a summer photography class) As long as I was busy-wine didn't even cross my mind, but as soon as I got home I wanted a glass! (I was even thinking of it as a treat for being so well behaved! lol!) Good thing I didn't have any in the house. I guess that's gonna have to be number 1. Don't keep any in the house for the rest of the challenge. & I'm thinking some sort of other treat-maybe even ginger ale in a wine glass to trick myself. :)
    Good luck to everyone! & Congrats to everyone who's done good so far! This is a lot harder than I thought it would be
  • onelifemme
    onelifemme Posts: 10
    Hi I am doing dry July because my husband and I were drinking at least half a bottle to a bottle each a night 3 -4 times a week. I have cut it out and finally shifters 2-3 pounds....

    I am 39 and had no idea how hard it is to shift weight as you get older.:-(
  • BIggestLoseraddict15
    BIggestLoseraddict15 Posts: 72 Member
    It has definitely been a challenge!! Ive had it 2 nights but as opposed to my usual 7 and I am still losing. I just add it in my calorie log. Stay strong you got this!
  • earthboundmisfit
    earthboundmisfit Posts: 192 Member
    I'm a recovering alcoholic, and I'm in on any challenge that involves not imbibing. Alcohol has lots of empty calories and it puts weight on me fast.
  • sweetestcaz
    sweetestcaz Posts: 6 Member
    I've managed to ditch the wine Sunday to Thursday but as I've just had carrot sticks and a bottle of wine for my tea I guess I'd better not sign up :-)
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm in. Its going to be very hard, but I know for sure wine has been a huge part of my weight gain. ANybody have any success tories of losing weihg tby cutting out wine, please share, that will be my inspiration! Today is day 3 for me.

    From January to the end of May I lost about 18# - and still drank a glass or two of wine almost every night - I tried to up my exercise (ate back the cals), ate pretty light during the day- and a normal - but reasonable dinner. I just figured it in and planned for it -

    Edited - oops - I misread - I thought you said "any success WITHOUT cutting out wine" - Sorry - I just don't think I could do it.
  • How is this challenge going for you all?
  • lfmgoss
    lfmgoss Posts: 2 Member
    The longest I've been able to do it is14 days. I had to trick myself by putting other things such as sparkling water in my wine glass. Sometimes I think I just like to hold the glass! I want to be able to eat healthy but include a glass or 2 per day.