rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • meyowtime
    meyowtime Posts: 42 Member
    Let's see, the worst from someone I knew personally and cared about their opinion:
    "I like your personality, you are great to be with, but I just don't find you physically attractive." ( Said after many months of flirtation from their end and immediately after getting way too intimate.)
  • Thatslimgal84
    Someone asked me how my husband is even attracted to a person like me! :X

    wtf???! seriously?? o.0
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    My bf was talking about takeaways again last night (he is obsessed!) I jokingly said that he'd made me fat.. I've certainly developed some bad habits in the years we've lived together. His (non-joking) reply..... "it's not my fault you're fat". Well thanks for that!
  • starbucktigh
    starbucktigh Posts: 170 Member
    Meyowtime, I love your ticker! I have an Adipose stress toy at my desk!
  • myquietangel
    My ex told me many times that if I wanted to lose 8 pounds of ugly fat...........just cut off my head!!
    He also told several people that he had to take me to Dallas Tent and Awning for my clothes!
    He also made mention to another cub scout leader that they could use my bra as a "pup tent"!
    He was a very cruel man to me and I divorced him after 15 yrs of marriage.....he died 2 yrs later.!
  • jchurch9
    jchurch9 Posts: 20 Member
    two days ago at the gym... I was told by a random guy in extremely broken english " You know how to not be fat? Stop eating so much" i'm pretty sure I win bonus points for not choking him LOL
  • frogwild
    frogwild Posts: 3 Member
    A second cousin once said to me "Holy cow man, you need to learn to step away from the plate". Ouch! Was true. Double ouch!
  • Huppmanj
    Huppmanj Posts: 60 Member
    Ran into an old high school boyfriend shortly after putting on my freshman "15" (which was really more like 40) and he congratulated me on my pregnancy!!!!!! :explode:
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    One of my Dad's best friends when I was in seventh grade, "Wow! That's one helluva front porch you got there!" That was a tough time to take that shot as I was going through a lot of changes.
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    My brother in law looked, pointedly, at my midsection and asked "You're not having any more kids, are you?"
  • jet32
    jet32 Posts: 11 Member
    The most offensive to me is always some variation of, "you are really the face"
  • dispatcher939
    dispatcher939 Posts: 75 Member
    The rudest things I have ever heard about my weight:

    from my mother
    Do you want to eat that, should you eat that, you should really think about cutting back, you look pregnant, is that a double chin, you look like the girl that turns into the blueberry in willy wonka, if you loose weight you might find a boyfriend,
    Can you fit in these pants they are to big for me now, you shouldn't really wear that, maybe if you wore makeup it would direct attention to your face instead of how big you are.

    From Men
    you are pretty but you could loose some weight, when you drop 10 lbs call me, I am the wing man tonight so I get the ugly fat chick, you would smother me if you were on top during sex, so you are the friend that makes all the other girls feel better about themselves because you are so fat,

    From kids
    You have a big belly, beached whale, MOOOO, hey Kool-Aid
  • BerylX
    BerylX Posts: 108 Member
    The comments that have bothered me the most came from my sister-in-law (who lives in the same house as me, with my parents)

    - wanting to borrow a sweater for her father's funeral, i told her to help herself to my closet. She picked one saying "Its chilly, i could use something i can wrap around myself two or three times"

    - talking about an old school mate of hers and how she gained weight "and no offense....she's even bigger than you" we were in the car, my brother driving. I said nothing. My brother says that wasn't nice to say. She says "but i said no offense".....yeah, like that makes it ok to say :grumble:

    - there have been so many fat comments over the years, i forget them all, but now that I am smaller than her (i lost over 70 lbs, and counting) she has switched her comments from me being so big to being about how I am so so old! (There are 8 years between us) Arg! I feel like I just can't win!

    I must get on permanant at work and move out and away!!
  • no_worries
    no_worries Posts: 61 Member
    The comments about my weight range from "why do you need to work out" (bc in some clothes I don't look my weight) and "when are you expecting?"

    The worst was when my mother in law put her foot in her mouth when my husband and I said we were expecting and she said "I knew you were pregnant at Easter" I wasn't yet. I responded with, "I wasn't pregnant yet, just fat."
  • twrobbel
    twrobbel Posts: 132 Member
    I am very fortunate, my family and friends have never said anything about my weight. Boyfriends and dates on the other hand, well that's a different story,

    I agreed to have drinks with a man I wasn't interested in. He was almost twice my age, heavily into martial arts and was shallow and vain about how he looked. He says to me "Your so cute, I am never attracted to women like you". I replied "Women like me?". He replied, "Well, yeah. You know, your body shape. I usually like really skinny girls". I bit my tongue, but really wanted to say something about him being old, shallow and that this was a pity date. We ended our date shortly after that and I never spoke to him again.

    My ex-boyfriend after a few years of dating brought up my weight. I was gaining weight despite working out and he was confused because I "ate like a bird"- so I needed to just try harder. I didn't know at the time it was my thyroid. Anyways he admitted to me when he first met me (at speed dating) that he saw me in my dress boots and skirt and thought that I was cute and I had a friendly smile when we passed each other on the stairs. He said I didn't have the perfect body, but he figured he could get me to lose the few pounds. I was a size 10 at the time.

    Funny thing, I have always felt fine with whatever weight I am. I always see myself as skinnier then I actually am- which was why those comments left me speechless. Not sure if it was denial or just a great body image.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Oh this thread.
    Mine were in middle school, granted I was not the prettiest crayon in the crayon box... (super awkward and horrible wardrobe)
    Anyway, one day that I actually thought I looked kind of cute (as did my stomach) I wore a sweater that showed a bit of my tummy, and some boy proceeded to tell me to "put it away"

    Oh! There was also some jerk face that would stare at my ankles and tell me how he didn't like them (what?)
    W/E, he ended up liking me and I had the pleasure of ignoring him.

    Oh! There was also a girl that made fun of my legs one day. I guess she thought my shorts were too short cause she snarled at me to put on some pants. And then made fun of me with one of her friends... Hm, now that I think about it, she was much, much bigger than me.

    Wow, can't believe I remembered all that, and I thought I was never made fun of. Bullies come in all shapes I guess, best to forgive and forget.

    Middle school. Ugh. :)
  • angielovemesomeme
    angielovemesomeme Posts: 3 Member
    One of my mom friend called me Heavy Chevy every time he saw me. Everyone would laugh God that annoyed me
  • komitra
    komitra Posts: 67
    people think I'm pregnant because of my structure.. I'm 5'6" and 100 kgs.. I sometimes feel I'm like a giant. Trying to lose max weight, so that for once in real I can get pregnant :)
  • carinthea
    carinthea Posts: 97 Member
    I have tocophobia (fear of pregnancy) and cannot stand to be around pregnant women (find the moving stomach thing really creepy - I know it's not but it really does send shivers up my spine and make me feel sick) and when a close friend got pregnant I started to keep away once she started mum told me "don't see why you're so spooked by it, your stomach is bigger than a woman pregnant with twins!"

    I think that sometimes the comments from family hurts more than those by friends because they are meant to love you whatever!
  • corbinskiii
    corbinskiii Posts: 135 Member
    My parents made me see a nutritionist when I was in high school. One day, My loss for the week was under a pound and my frustrated dad (who I guess paid a lot for it) said "do you think you're 75 pounds overweight? 100 pounds? It's the middle of summer and you're wearing a hoodie because you're fat. Your mother cries herself to sleep every night because you're fat" that was 10 years ago and it hurts just as much now as it did then.