Gainer Shakes



  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Yep I'm def going to get into more pastas and carbs after the advice I've gotten from this thread along with a little research I did. Still gonna do the shake in the morning when I don't have time to make eggs.. and I LOOOVE eggs, my favorite food, but idk if I could do 6 whole eggs. I usually do 4 with bacon and a bagel or toast and can barely get it all down. Small stomach problems :(

    You can make at least 3 days worth of scrambled eggs ahead. Leave them slightly under cooked because they will finish cooking when you re-heat them.
  • jmattingly01
    jmattingly01 Posts: 19 Member
    Nice! I always thought they would get nasty-tasting after a day or so. I will definitely start making them ahead of time, with whole milk :)
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Or get up earlier and cook them fresh.....

    Maybe thats just a farmer thing.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member

    I have a shake recipe guaranteed to pack on pure unbridled lean muscle like clock work..

    but before i just through it out there lets shake it up a bit to put some fast and furious on the table..

    those 2 sentences made my eyes bleed...

    Of course your eyes would bleed , bleed they will always do..

    when awesome info trumps- it always brings out trogs who have taken as many short cuts as possible, who done little second effort digging to see if anything else is going on, or simply dont know anything else except for what they have been spoon fed by half *kitten*..

    Bleed they will because little is being brought to the able of ideas that solve-do, or is of any value.. just air breathing fire from base of absolute emptiness...

    I blink a thought you bleed!

    It's the spelling, grammar, punctuation, mixed metaphors and general whackiness that is causing the bleeding my friend!
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member

    I have a shake recipe guaranteed to pack on pure unbridled lean muscle like clock work..

    but before i just through it out there lets shake it up a bit to put some fast and furious on the table..

    those 2 sentences made my eyes bleed...

    Of course your eyes would bleed , bleed they will always do..

    when awesome info trumps- it always brings out trogs who have taken as many short cuts as possible, who done little second effort digging to see if anything else is going on, or simply dont know anything else except for what they have been spoon fed by half *kitten*..

    Bleed they will because little is being brought to the able of ideas that solve-do, or is of any value.. just air breathing fire from base of absolute emptiness...

    I blink a thought you bleed!

    It's the spelling, grammar, punctuation, mixed metaphors and general whackiness that is causing the bleeding my friend!

    When I decided to post that .gif way back up there - I had actually typed out and deleted several sentences...all of then would have got me kicked off the forums...:wink:
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member

    I have a shake recipe guaranteed to pack on pure unbridled lean muscle like clock work..

    but before i just through it out there lets shake it up a bit to put some fast and furious on the table..

    those 2 sentences made my eyes bleed...

    Of course your eyes would bleed , bleed they will always do..

    when awesome info trumps- it always brings out trogs who have taken as many short cuts as possible, who done little second effort digging to see if anything else is going on, or simply dont know anything else except for what they have been spoon fed by half *kitten*..

    Bleed they will because little is being brought to the able of ideas that solve-do, or is of any value.. just air breathing fire from base of absolute emptiness...

    I blink a thought you bleed!

    It's the spelling, grammar, punctuation, mixed metaphors and general whackiness that is causing the bleeding my friend!

    When I decided to post that .gif way back up there - I had actually typed out and deleted several sentences...all of then would have got me kicked off the forums...:wink:

    The gif was all you needed.

    How are them moo cows farmer Steve? I hope they aren't doing that air breathing fire from base of absolute emptiness thing near the hay stack again....
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member

    I have a shake recipe guaranteed to pack on pure unbridled lean muscle like clock work..

    but before i just through it out there lets shake it up a bit to put some fast and furious on the table..

    those 2 sentences made my eyes bleed...

    Of course your eyes would bleed , bleed they will always do..

    when awesome info trumps- it always brings out trogs who have taken as many short cuts as possible, who done little second effort digging to see if anything else is going on, or simply dont know anything else except for what they have been spoon fed by half *kitten*..

    Bleed they will because little is being brought to the able of ideas that solve-do, or is of any value.. just air breathing fire from base of absolute emptiness...

    I blink a thought you bleed!

    It's the spelling, grammar, punctuation, mixed metaphors and general whackiness that is causing the bleeding my friend!

    When I decided to post that .gif way back up there - I had actually typed out and deleted several sentences...all of then would have got me kicked off the forums...:wink:

    The gif was all you needed.

    How are them moo cows farmer Steve? I hope they aren't doing that air breathing fire from base of absolute emptiness thing near the hay stack again....

    Yeah, we lose more fodder like that than you realise....

    Damn fire-breathing cattle. I bet they are the real culprits behind the heath fires too....

    Luckily, I'm a sheep man so I avoid those problems. Sheep don't do that, its the wool...retains water.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I blink a thought you bleed!

    You are truly a god among men.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Even my 8 year old daughter drinks it and doesnt frump..

    She is a state level swimmer and she is currently placing top 3 every race or beating 8, 9, 10 year olds even in the boys category using this shake..

    You think the shake is what is helping your daughter beat out kids in her age range? Maybe she's just good at swimming and your shake does nothing but fuel her.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Even my 8 year old daughter drinks it and doesnt frump..

    She is a state level swimmer and she is currently placing top 3 every race or beating 8, 9, 10 year olds even in the boys category using this shake..

    You think the shake is what is helping your daughter beat out kids in her age range? Maybe she's just good at swimming and your shake does nothing but fuel her.

    Your logic and reasoning have no place on this thread.
  • jmattingly01
    jmattingly01 Posts: 19 Member
    I would personally like to request that any posts in this thread involving common sense please be deleted by any moderators. DanceswithWow and I had a good thing going on until all these rational-thinking critics started coming out of the woodwork. Personally, I think they are jealous that they don't have the recipe for the saucy goodness that fuels world-class children athletes! I bet his daughter could take all of you on in any athletic competition and completely obliterate you! Your eyes BLEED my friends!!!
  • Dean649
    Dean649 Posts: 39 Member
    Put olive oil on everything. 120 cal per table spoon and is very healthy.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Even my 8 year old daughter drinks it and doesnt frump..

    She is a state level swimmer and she is currently placing top 3 every race or beating 8, 9, 10 year olds even in the boys category using this shake..

    You think the shake is what is helping your daughter beat out kids in her age range? Maybe she's just good at swimming and your shake does nothing but fuel her.

    Your logic and reasoning have no place on this thread.

    Sir, I apologize. As penance I will drink a g spot gainer shake. It'll probably help me win the lottery and graduate college with honors.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I would personally like to request that any posts in this thread involving common sense please be deleted by any moderators. DanceswithWow and I had a good thing going on until all these rational-thinking critics started coming out of the woodwork.

    No! Please! I'll stop. What about eagle eggs? I heard they give you eagle powers.
  • ecphillips1286
    ecphillips1286 Posts: 331 Member
    Can tennis shoes make you a pro tennis player to?
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Glad I decided to pop into this thread! So much awesome :)

    I am looking for info for my bf. He cannot put on proper weight/muscle to save his soul. :( He also has tiny tummy problems.
  • ecphillips1286
    ecphillips1286 Posts: 331 Member
    It's no 1000 calories but definitely a delicious and simple shake.

    6oz yogurt
    4oz whole milk
    1 banana
    2 scoops whey isolate
    1-3 cups ice (depends on how thick you want it)

    515 calories
    5.1g fat
    117.5mg cholesterol
    513mg potassium
    71g carbs
    73g protein

    If any is left over its great frozen as well.
  • jmattingly01
    jmattingly01 Posts: 19 Member
    What about eagle eggs? I heard they give you eagle powers.

    Now this is somethin I can get behind. There's nothing more American than eating freshly laid eagle eggs!
    It's no 1000 calories but definitely a delicious and simple shake.

    6oz yogurt
    4oz whole milk
    1 banana
    2 scoops whey isolate
    1-3 cups ice (depends on how thick you want it)

    515 calories
    5.1g fat
    117.5mg cholesterol
    513mg potassium
    71g carbs
    73g protein

    If any is left over its great frozen as well

    Nice! Well, except banana.. I can't stand the flavor of bananas. Go figure the one fruit I hate has pretty much the highest nutritional value!
  • ecphillips1286
    ecphillips1286 Posts: 331 Member
    HAHA ya bananas are a must. great source of potassium. Maybe try adding some strawberries or cherries that are a bit sweeter to cover up the banana taste. I will be experimenting a bit more with shakes since I want to have 1 a day and the same 1 everyday will get old fast. ill keep you updated
  • jmattingly01
    jmattingly01 Posts: 19 Member
    Awesome. I'm gonna try to eat more whole foods and prep meals after some of the suggestions and research, but it'll always be nice to have a tasty backup calorie-fix. Please share any good recipes you discover here.

    PS I just realized that this thread should really be in the Food and Nutrition forum, but oh well! This has been a very informative and equally entertaining thread so far, so maybe this was the right place to post it lol