Does the fat smell go away if you become skinny again?



  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    I have never had a scent issue at any weight. Maybe check with a Doctor?
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Wow. Any fat guy I ever got ahold of (there's been a few) smelled yummy. It's you. :frown: Srsly, a doctor may be able to help.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    My fiancé is a big guy. About 280 at 5'9". He doesn't smell. BUT, he also uses a LOT of deodorant, putting it on his chest and belly, in addition to underarms. I think he may even reach around and put some on his back as well. He also uses gold bond powder in his shorts. I would say to give something like that a shot, see if it helps. I've never known him to have BO, but my sister, who has always been on the heavy side, when we were teens, I would notice a sweaty kind of smell about her quite a bit.

    Also, don't disregard the comments people have made about medical condition, either. I had an employee once upon a time who was diabetic. I don't know what it was about her that caused it, but I had heard at the time that it was likely related to her diabetes, she had the most god-awful dragon breath ALL the time. And the smell of it seemed to cling to her. I don't know if she wasn't eating the way she should have been, or what the issue was, but it was very bad. So, if deodorant & powder doesn't help, I would say it might be a good idea to get checked out.

    ETA: My almost 15 year-old son, who isn't heavy at all (6 foot, about 170), smells. Bad. I'm always accusing him of not showering. I should probably stop that, or I'm likely going to give him a complex. But wow, does that boy stink it up. I also think that part of his issue is that he's not using deodorant like he should. lol
  • runner2runner
    runner2runner Posts: 1,937 Member
    I didn't know there was such a thing as a fat smell. Sounds like you have something against fat people. A smell is a smell. Whether you thin or fat, if you don't shower, you'll smell bad. if you shower and spray your armpits regularly and use perfume or cologne, you'll smell good, regardless of whether you're fat or thin.

    You shouldn't hate on the heavy people like that.
    and you shouldn't be a judgemental twit.

    there are fat people smells, which not all fat people have but which thin people pretty much never have. skin folds are the worst for getting smelly. with the exception of people with disabilities which constrict or restrict movements, regular sized people just don't get that smell. it's no joking matter, as the skin can easily tear or become infected with fungus & bacteria. putting perfume on damaged skin would be idiotic. doctors prescribe daktacort, not chanel.

    Hey!! I was responding to what sounded like a judgmental topic that appeared to be prejudiced towards fat people. If you feel the need to correct me that's fine. But at least be mature about it and do it without resorting to name calling!
    accusing a person who may actually have an issue, who may have found it difficult to post such a personal topic, of being either a troll or unwashed? without a scrap of evidence to indicate this? based entirely on your own ignorance of the issue?
    the very definition of mature.

    In this particular case, the definition of mature is to be able to engage in an argument or discussion without resorting to childish behaviour like name calling, no matter how much what the other person said offends you. But having said that, I guess that make the two of us then!
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    I had to tell someone about their body odor before. They had gained weight too. I'm not sure what caused it but fat people do NOT have a smell. People who do not clean properly (or have chemical imbalances) do. Here are some possible reasons you may have an odor:

    1. Are you cleaning your entire body? It's possible you're not cleaning well because you aren't used to the extra weight. (i'm sorry, not saying you lack good hygiene but it's a very real possibility. Kind of like using too much lotion when you lose weight because you're used to your old self)

    2. What kind of products do you use? A lot of those "smell good" body gels and lotions can cause chemical imbalances which cause odors.

    3. What caused you to gain weight? Certain foods CAN cause body odor. If you're eating a bunch of them, weight gain and odor could be the result.

    4. Some foods just don't react well with certain people (like intolerances and food allergies).

    If you don't address the real issue, you'll more than likely still have the odor when you lose weight.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I had to tell someone about their body odor before. They had gained weight too. I'm not sure what caused it but fat people do NOT have a smell. People who do not clean properly (or have chemical imbalances) do. Here are some possible reasons you may have an odor:

    1. Are you cleaning your entire body? It's possible you're not cleaning well because you aren't used to the extra weight. (i'm sorry, not saying you lack good hygiene but it's a very real possibility. Kind of like using too much lotion when you lose weight because you're used to your old self)

    2. What kind of products do you use? A lot of those "smell good" body gels and lotions can cause chemical imbalances which cause odors.

    3. What caused you to gain weight? Certain foods CAN cause body odor. If you're eating a bunch of them, weight gain and odor could be the result.

    4. Some foods just don't react well with certain people (like intolerances and food allergies).

    If you don't address the real issue, you'll more than likely still have the odor when you lose weight.

    Oh yeah this too! There are certain lotions and potions I cannot use because even though they are marketed to smell fresh wonderful and fruity they may start out that way....but a little while later, I feel like I'm smelling rotting fruit. Some of them are very difficult to wash off, and if I try one at the store I STAY at that store and let them help me find something to wash it off before I leave. That way, they get feedback on their product, and maybe I find something that's good for fighting odors anyway like when you're cooking and garlic and onion smells needs to be washed off your hands. I think you all know the store; they have sinks on the side for trying their items.

    I can't tell you how many times I've fallen into this fresh fruit yummy scented lotion "try it" trap, only to spend the next 20 minutes trying every other one of their scents in the form of hand washes and body washes to try to get the smell off. I should learn, don't try the fruity one's. They just don't work for me.

    If it weren't for all the other lovely flowery, citrusy, herbal, perfumey smelling stuff I wouldn't even be drawn in there. I have a strong sense of smell and I love pretty things in general so I'm drawn to perfume counters and smelly stores everywhere. Just don't try to "mask" your smell OP. Get rid of it. It's not normal. At least NONE of the overweight to obese people I know have that problem. So that makes me conclude it's not a normal function of being overweight.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I didn't know there was such a thing as a fat smell. Sounds like you have something against fat people. A smell is a smell. Whether you thin or fat, if you don't shower, you'll smell bad. if you shower and spray your armpits regularly and use perfume or cologne, you'll smell good, regardless of whether you're fat or thin.

    You shouldn't hate on the heavy people like that.
    and you shouldn't be a judgemental twit.

    there are fat people smells, which not all fat people have but which thin people pretty much never have. skin folds are the worst for getting smelly. with the exception of people with disabilities which constrict or restrict movements, regular sized people just don't get that smell. it's no joking matter, as the skin can easily tear or become infected with fungus & bacteria. putting perfume on damaged skin would be idiotic. doctors prescribe daktacort, not chanel.

    Hey!! I was responding to what sounded like a judgmental topic that appeared to be prejudiced towards fat people. If you feel the need to correct me that's fine. But at least be mature about it and do it without resorting to name calling!
    accusing a person who may actually have an issue, who may have found it difficult to post such a personal topic, of being either a troll or unwashed? without a scrap of evidence to indicate this? based entirely on your own ignorance of the issue?
    the very definition of mature.

    In this particular case, the definition of mature is to be able to engage in an argument or discussion without resorting to childish behaviour like name calling, no matter how much what the other person said offends you. But having said that, I guess that make the two of us then!
    considering the source, i'll pass on your definition of mature.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Really not one of you on here will admit to smelling? Yup if I dont shower everyday whether skinny or fat I start to smell like a week's worth of garbage. Must be nice to be the perfect non smelly people who always smell of roses..cough b_llsh-t cough b_llsh-t cough cough
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    I've heard it is often due to bacteria/yeast between the skin rolls. I would think that it is very difficult to get rid of it completely, since the skin tends to stick together and it is hard to wash between the folds. You may be able to do some research on how to lower the yeast content on your skin. Also, look for an antibacterial body wash rather than just one that smells good.
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    If my blood sugars are running too high my skin grows a yeast that smells disgusting. I've been known to kill it off with athlete's foot spray or yeast infection cream. I'd seriously suggest going to see your doctor. This is NOT normal. Good luck.
  • RickMartin777
    All I can say is that the fat people in here that say they don't smell must have fat blocking their noses too. I can always smell fat people. And...I can say this because I have become fat myself and I know exactly what she is talking about. I've lost weight before and yes it goes away. Sweat in different places attract different bacteria ant thus different smells. Example - your pits vs you feet.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    Good grief - what is it with first time posters resurrecting zombie threads lately ????!!!!
  • starseed777
    starseed777 Posts: 221 Member
    Yikes! You may want to speak to a physician.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    All I can say is that the fat people in here that say they don't smell must have fat blocking their noses too. I can always smell fat people. And...I can say this because I have become fat myself and I know exactly what she is talking about. I've lost weight before and yes it goes away. Sweat in different places attract different bacteria ant thus different smells. Example - your pits vs you feet.

    Speak for yourself. Just cause your personal hygiene suffered doesn't mean everyone else's did.

    I know fat people who smell nice and skinny people that stink. So what?
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Good grief - what is it with first time posters resurrecting zombie threads lately ????!!!!

  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    even when i was 302 pounds, i never stunk.