Why Do We Hate Being Fat So Much?



  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    I'm significantly cuter when not fat.

    And sex is better.

    But given that the most important sex organ is the brain, how much of that is due to what we perceive as sexy?
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    there are statues and paintings covering hundreds of years featuring women considered to be beautiful who have bellies and thighs that these days would be considered fat, but at those times and in those cultures were considered beautiful and feminine. this question reminded me of this article i read a couple months ago about a woman who in 1912 was considered "perfect", and she weighed 171 pounds.


    She was a perfect pear shape by measurements. Then again, if, as it was reported, she really did have a figure similar to the Venus de Milo, she also had a six pack. She probably really did have more muscle than most of us do now. Maybe it shows that fit was the old skinny as much as that voluptuous was prized more than it is today.

    By the way, these body models from the ancient greek and "de milo" times were not really the norm for the time. Being a naked model was not a high profession. These models were probably workers and had farming backgrounds or were slaves or courtesans in a time when having a suntan was a show of the common worker and the elite did nothing all day but live large and have pale skin to show they did not do outdoor work. I will assume that the proviliged persons from that time were sloppy as well.

    We don't live in the dark ages anymore (well, you'd think we don't) where being fat is a show of wealth and good health. Lets stay in this century, shall we?

    The quoted article on the 'perfect woman' doesn't quite go back that far. It's from 1912. The young woman was compared to the de milo. I stated that, if she was comparable, she did indeed have more muscle tone than most of us have today.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Because I don't look good and can't wear the clothes I want to wear... Because I don't feel good and I'm always tired and lacking of energy...
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    After reading other responses...

    I felt SO ugly when I was fat. Never had boyfriends. All my friends were getting married off, having babies, and I was staying in more evenings eating myself to "happy." I never tried anything new - what if I was bad? People would actually "see" me and see the fat and laugh at me/hate on me. I had zero feeling of self-confidence/self-worth/self-esteem. Zip. Leading to more overeating...you get the picture. Vicious circle.

    Fast forward to me being 70lbs lighter and I'm a different person. I'm much happier now. Enjoy exercise. Still eat too much but then I probably always will. :) I don't mind looking foolish in front of people - who cares?! At least I'm trying something new. I still struggle with former fat kid syndrome - only see the fat me in the mirror, etc.

    I'm rambling now. Shutting up.

    Good post OP!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm significantly cuter when not fat.

    And sex is better.

    But given that the most important sex organ is the brain, how much of that is due to what we perceive as sexy?

    You misunderstand. I'm more fit than I used to be, so now we can go longer. Being more fit = more positions that we can try too.
  • _Stardust_
    _Stardust_ Posts: 124 Member
    Mostly I hate it when my body rubs against itself.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Society tells me to hate myself for what I believe in, to hate myself for not being rich and successful, to hate myself for being single, and to hate myself for being fat. The only one I could do anything about was being fat. Not that I would change my beliefs even if I could.
  • Cookieman123
    Cookieman123 Posts: 26 Member
    The health thing doesn't concern me as much as the social aspect.

    The idea of settling down as a fat dad with a fat partner is disgusting to me. Would rather look beautiful and be miserable than being fat and "happy" for the rest of my life.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I feel healthier after losing some weight and I like the way I look in pictures more. I wear dresses now because I like the way I look in them. I am not self conscious when I dress up or if people take pictures of me. I will never be thin and may never even be in the normal range, but I like the way I look and feel better now and I have more energy.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Why does nearly everyone seem to hate being fat (or hate others being fat) so much? Is it socialized? Inate? Do we hate the look of it, the feel of it? Is it more about what other people think? I've thought before that I do believe I'd lose weight even if I was the only person left on earth.

    What do you think it is?

    It's probably different for everyone.

    I didn't gain weight until after I married my husband. And honestly, yep I totally hated it. Here's why:
    - None of my cute clothes fit
    - I could no longer just go to walmart and buy a bra. I now had to go to specialty shops and the bras were expensive.
    - I felt like crap. Literally. Not about body image or anything like that, just day to day felt off.
    - I was constantly getting sick. Something that rarely happened before I gained weight.
    - I was constantly tired. Had absolutely no energy.
    - I had let myself get so out of shape that I could no longer do a lot of the activities I once enjoyed.
    - I didn't like the way I looked. Maybe it was societies influence. Maybe it was the fact that I had been in shape once before. Maybe it was some combination of the 2.
    Then I got pregnant with my first child. The pregnancy was full of complications, my health was horrible, and as a result of the combination, I wasn't able to carry him to term. I felt guilty. Knowing that if I had just taken better care of myself before I got pregnant, my pregnancy probably wouldn't have gone that badly.

    So here I am. 7wks out of my 2nd pregnancy (which was a perfectly healthy pregnancy). Although I still have a ways to go before I get to my goal, I am lighter now than I was when I got pregnant with my first and still have to lose about 18lbs to get to my pre-pregnancy weight from this last pregnancy. I can't claim to not be tired currently. I am, but at least I know that it's not poor health that is making me tired. I'm rarely sick anymore. I'm starting to feel like me again.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I hate the way it feels when my stomach fat pushes up into my ribcage when I bend over.

    I hate feeling my tummy pressing against my thighs when I sit.

    I like being able to have a clear view of my underwear.

    I like having a full range of motion and physical stamina, which is easier to maintain when I'm at a healthy weight.

    And, yes, I like being able to match the picture in my head of what "attractive" looks like for me. That might be socially ingrained, but it is what it is.

    All of this. Also, things like diabetes and hypertension run on both sides of my family. Back in December, my BP was prehypertensive for the first time in my life. Freaked me the heck out. It's back to normal now.
  • Fiona_Cami89
    Fiona_Cami89 Posts: 42 Member
    I hate being fat because I know what I'm supposed to look like. I used to be the perfect weight for my height and I looked good (though I didn't know to appreciate it at the time lol) and now I just look weird...my face is far too full and my body looks strange to me haha! I long for the days when I could wear a dress or skirt in summer without having to worry about the dreaded 'chub rub' on my thighs :'D People feel better when they're a healthy weight - Onwards and upwards!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I've been at a healthy weight most of my life and spent most of my life being very active and participating in various sports and athletic endeavors. I became overweight over a matter of about 8-10 years due to becoming much more sedentary in adulthood. Not only did I start having really bad health markers start popping up in my blood work due to my obesity, but I also knew what it felt like and what I looked like lean and fit and I like it much better.

    I never hated myself and really never gave my fatness much thought until I started having negative health markers...but as I started to lose weight I was quickly reminded how awesome I was when I was leaner and more fit and that provided a lot of motivation.
  • ortivero
    ortivero Posts: 2 Member
    Because it's uncomfortable and yucky. Because I don't like to sweat the seat of my pants. Because I don't like inner thigh rash. Because I like to breathe with ease. Because I like to be able to run in case of an emergency. Becasue it's not healthy.

    I could go on.....why, is being "fat" somehow good and healthy adn the ideal state for a human being?

    I don't even have to type! This sums up PERFECTLY why I don't want to be fat anymore.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Speaking only for myself, I didn't really hate being fat. What I hated was being unable to do what I wanted to, and feeling unwell. Those things would bother me, no matter my size. Being fat, in and of itself, was fine.
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    Gunna have to go with all of those that said it just feels uncomfortable. Not to mention I always felt lethargic before and I have so much energy now. I also spent a lot of time in Mexico growing up and about 20lbs ago my Mexican family told me to stop losing weight, that I was getting to skinny, losing my curves etc. It wasn't the culture at this point that kept me losing weight- I just feel better physically.
  • marinashakeel
    marinashakeel Posts: 263 Member
    for me it was all about criticism.. i was the skinny kid in the family until in sixth grade i started gaining weight and comments and mocking just keep flooding in piercing my heart.. people wont even think twice before passing a remark over my weight no matter how much overweight they themselves might be.. no matter if they were pre diabetic or a patient of hypercholestrolemia.. they just seem to find so much pleasure in torturing a sixth seventhh grade child with their hopeless remarks.. one of my aunt told me when i was 17 that i would never find a boy and i will never get married because people dont like fat girls.. and the look of disgust on her face was what made the moment even more torture... idk people are rude they are hopeless and you even cant really expect a support from your family.. they might love you but they wouldnt refrain from passing such remarks.. and they are the people now asking me how have i lost this weight. what am i doing.. how to do it.. i feel disgusted sometimes looking back over the past.
  • nopotofgold
    nopotofgold Posts: 164 Member
    Cloths not fitting. I really hate not fitting into pants I did in the winter time.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Because tumblr is overrun by landwhales.
  • panther1911
    I hated how I did with members of the opposite sex.

    I decided to start loosing weight and getting in shape to attract women.