Diet Soda's and Metabolic rate



  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    I am a big diet cola fan. I never drink soda, but when I do it's a coke zero. I only recently started getting on this kick of craving it (Because it's free at work). I was wondering if drinking too much diet soda's (well artificial sweeteners in general) will hinder my weight loss? I heard many mixed things about it, and I have well over 5 packets of equal a day for my 2-3 coffee's and 1-2 coke zeros.
    No they won't. As you were.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    diet soda's are good at being calorie free but it's like drinking poison, years ago i used to drink diet coke everyday and it was so addicting i could drink a 12 pack in one day, i stopped drinking it and had awful migraines. so now i drink perrier, it has the fizz without the other crap.
  • donjessop
    donjessop Posts: 186
    I am a big diet cola fan. I never drink soda, but when I do it's a coke zero. I only recently started getting on this kick of craving it (Because it's free at work). I was wondering if drinking too much diet soda's (well artificial sweeteners in general) will hinder my weight loss? I heard many mixed things about it, and I have well over 5 packets of equal a day for my 2-3 coffee's and 1-2 coke zeros.
    I'm going to tell you the truth.

    Everyone is different. Everyone responds differently to different chemicals. There may be absolutely no impact on you drinking a dozen cans of Coke Zero while for someone else there may be a big impact. The important thing to do is test it out and determine for yourself whether or not Coke Zero is having an impact on you. Not necessarily your metabolic rate, but the whole you.

    I, personally, cannot have aspartame or sucralose or AceK as there is a chemical reaction in my body that gives me headaches. The severity of the headache is an indication of how much of the artificial sweetener I have consumed. Other people can drink it with no side effects. For every (what did that one commenter call it?) "peer reviewed" article saying that there is no impact I can find a corresponding article that says artificial sweeteners do have an impact. It depends on what you are trying to measure and the people in the experiment.

    If you have a concern do a controlled experiment, try it yourself and make the right decision for you.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    diet soda's are good at being calorie free but it's like drinking poison, years ago i used to drink diet coke everyday and it was so addicting i could drink a 12 pack in one day, i stopped drinking it and had awful migraines. so now i drink perrier, it has the fizz without the other crap.
    What crap? What poison?
    Haven't you heard about CHEMICALS????? :mad:

    I'm all in for this one. Is that aspartame sticky still on the main page?
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Nothing wrong with diet soda. Drink away.
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    I can't speak for anyone else and have no intention of debating the issue with anyone. All I can speak to is my personal experience.

    I drank almost 100 ounces of diet mountain dew for almost 3 years and had to give up all soda in October of 2013. I was having issues with my ankles where my ankles would feel like they were about to give way and the problem was systemic because on any given day, it could be either ankle. After standing from a seated position, I had to stay in a standing position for 3-4 minutes before walking because if I walked, it would feel like my ankle was out of place, almost as if I get it into the right position, it would click into place.

    Running was out of the question and one of other of my ankles would give way within a minute or two. This is from a person used to consistently running 3-5 miles. I was very frustrating.

    After doctors, chiro, kinesiology and a LOT of trial and error, I figured out that it was diet soda that was causing my issue. It took almost 3-4 months before my ankle issues disappeared completely and I had been dealing with the issue for over a year at that point thinking that it was just because I was getting older and arthritis etc. The interesting thing is that I had been dealing with pain from a shoulder surgery also during this entire period and post giving up diet soda, all that inflammation I was dealing with after heavy workouts disappeared also.

    I drink a coke zero very occasionally now but the bottom line is that from a health perspective, you are what you eat. There's crap in soda and diet soda that isn't natural and its best to play safe and drink in moderation if you're going to drink the stuff. And moderation is not several cans a day. If I drink 2 diet sodas for a couple of days in a row, my ankle issues recur.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    It won't hinder your weight loss and definitely will not kill you.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,039 Member
    kevinlynch if you are one of the people that ingredients in diet soda affect, then, sure, best for you to avoid it.

    But you then jump from "not speaking for anyone else" to your last paragraph where you give recommendations for everyone else.

    Everyone else does not suffer the problems you had from it - so no need for them to avoid it.

    Your post is like someone giving a list of symptoms they suffer from any allergy and then saying everyone else should avoid that allergen.
  • mayfrayy
    mayfrayy Posts: 198 Member
    i drink coke zero in enormous amounts when im socializing.
    i find it sometimes increases my appetite, but i don't have a will power problem, so i don't eat more.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Went to a nutritionist years ago who told me that BOTH sugar and artificial sweeteners increase your appetite.
    Where are the studies on this?
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'm going to join with the side that says diet soda is neither good nor bad for you, its pretty much flavored water with some caffeine. It will not sabatoge your weight loss.
  • LyssieLou
    LyssieLou Posts: 32 Member
    I'm not really familiar with any studies or research pertaining to the health risks but I am curious since I really enjoy a diet soda here and there.. Will it contribute to belly bloat? I know drinking lots of water and fluids will help fight bloating but will diet soda hinder that or help the situation?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    No. It has >5 calories. It will not hinder your weight loss efforts.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I can't speak for anyone else and have no intention of debating the issue with anyone.

    ...and there is where I stopped reading.
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    i didn't mean poison literally, i also had the same problem with the caffeine-free version i believe it's the Aspartame not the caffeine, i've never had a problem with coffee.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    In the past I easily drank 120 oz a day of soda and diet sodas. I went strictly diet sodas but still the same amount. Everyone said you quit drinking that the weight will come off. So I did and guess what.

    Nothing changed
  • jjshyvixen
    jjshyvixen Posts: 9 Member
    I just recently read a study on this topic, and the findings were basically that as long as you don't substitute additional calories and or sugar back into your diet that you eliminated using low calorie sweeteners that consuming "diet drinks" or artificial sweeteners have not been shown to cause weight gain, or overeating, as some people claim.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    i didn't mean poison literally, i also had the same problem with the caffeine-free version i believe it's the Aspartame not the caffeine, i've never had a problem with coffee.

    What makes you think it was the aspartame just out of curiosity.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I just recently read a study on this topic, and the findings were basically that as long as you don't substitute additional calories and or sugar back into your diet that you eliminated using low calorie sweeteners that consuming "diet drinks" or artificial sweeteners have not been shown to cause weight gain, or overeating, as some people claim.

    So it was a study that showed that if you don't overeat then you don't overeat?
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    diet soda's are good at being calorie free but it's like drinking poison, years ago i used to drink diet coke everyday and it was so addicting i could drink a 12 pack in one day, i stopped drinking it and had awful migraines. so now i drink perrier, it has the fizz without the other crap.
    What crap? What poison?
    Haven't you heard about CHEMICALS????? :mad:

    I'm all in for this one. Is that aspartame sticky still on the main page?
    You do realize that all the GMO food you eat is laced with pesticides, right?