Office/Desk Job, in 20's

Hey everyone! I had a Fitbit & used MyFitnessPal pretty regularly a few years ago but with college & work I lost the habit.
I'm now trying to get back at it, since I have graduated I've gained almost 20-30 lbs. My main problem is my sedetary lifestyle (desk job), my overeating and lack of motivation.

I'm looking for people to link with on here who may be in the same boat as me (or not, I don't mind!) to keep things interesting. Right now I only know fiance and I, along with a few others on here and I have no one else to connect with! :(

I'm new to the "Community" portion of MyFitnessPal but would love to have some friends!

- Megan, 23 years old, 183 lbs looking to lose 45 lbs, from NJ.



  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    I am getting a fitbit tonight and think it would be super helpful and interesting to see others results also!! I sent a friend request.
  • mpendjurin
    mpendjurin Posts: 12
    Yay! I'm excited for you :) I have a Fitbit Flex and so far I love it!
  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    Thanks! I was just about to ask which one you had, I can't decide which one I want! I like the smaller ones that you can just wear on your clothes but so scared I will lose it being so small. The Flex has so many colors to pick from, not sure which one to pick! lol
  • Hey there my name is Larissa! I'm 25 and just joined this site a few days ago. I used to have a desk job so I know how you feel. Feel free to add me if you'd like! :)
  • mpendjurin
    mpendjurin Posts: 12
    Thanks! I was just about to ask which one you had, I can't decide which one I want! I like the smaller ones that you can just wear on your clothes but so scared I will lose it being so small. The Flex has so many colors to pick from, not sure which one to pick! lol

    I had the One (or the older version of it) a few years ago and I accidently washed it with my jeans :( .. It was also kind of a pain taking it off at night, putting it in the sleep wristband, taking it out in the morning & then putting it back on. I was also worried I would lose it, because my fiance lost his at one point. Also I figured if its on my wrist I'll be reminded to eat better whenever I reach for food! So far so good :)
  • mpendjurin
    mpendjurin Posts: 12
    Hey there my name is Larissa! I'm 25 and just joined this site a few days ago. I used to have a desk job so I know how you feel. Feel free to add me if you'd like! :)

    Great! Added :) Congrats on the weight you already lost!!
  • emily1370
    emily1370 Posts: 15 Member

    I'm 23 and work an 8-5 office job.
    I gained about 15 lbs in my first few months working after graduating college.
    I made a new years resolution and stuck with it and have been a regular logger and have lost over 20lbs with myfitnesspal in the last 7 months.
    I just bought a vivofit (like a fitbit) and am excited for it to arrive.

    Feel free to add! I've found that having friends/support on here makes a huge difference.
  • Boobietrap1337
    Boobietrap1337 Posts: 195 Member
    I started my first desk job four years ago, and gained over 40 pounds. I'm now still working at the same job, but now working to get the weight off. If you need more sedentary motivational friends feel free to add me!
  • modevia
    modevia Posts: 13
    I have a desk job and I'm school and have no much time to work out, I decided to quit going to the gym everyday, instead I decided to work out at home with DVDs, which saves me time... I am working to drop those pounds I have gained this last couple months.
    My goal is to lose the same amount 40- 45 pounds.
    Feel free to add me!
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    heyyy I have a desk job too! sittin at this damn desk as we speak haha. I initially lost 50lbs and gained half of it back, so right now I'm in the process of re-losing lol.

    Erica, 21, 5'9. SW-271 CW-234.6 (or something haha) GW-around 180 or so
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    ... lack of motivation.
    ^ this

    I'm kinda new to this stuff, lost some and bounced up again. I also have a desk job and other responsibilities that make gym time difficult. finally accepted that most if it is head work, and it is not easy.

    Friend request sent.
  • Ediz1987
    Ediz1987 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! 26 from Ohio. New to the desk job scene in just the last few months. I've been on and off mgp for about 4 years now and with the desk job it has made it so much easier for me to put on!
  • ZoofMW
    ZoofMW Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome! I definitely noticed the kilos adding on when I went from an active student-lifestyle to the stressy desk-job lifestyle. Just simple things from walking between classes, cycling between faculty buildings, more free time to be outside to the change in food habits that seem to come with the office lifestyle really changed my physique. I went from being always borderline underweight at 59kgs at 1.74m to 66 at my heaviest.

    The one thing that the office lifestyle does offer: structure. If you have structured lunch breaks - schedule a walk. If you finish each day at the same time - line up your gym activity with that time. Skip the office coffee run a few times a week if its practiced at your office and bring your own lunch rather than setting yourself up for temptation from an office restaurant or take-away.
  • madiao
    madiao Posts: 119 Member
    Oooh! Everyone feel free to add me too! I'm 22 and work an 8 - 5 desk job as well! I hate it though :( I used to have a job where I was on my feet more and I really do miss it
  • mpendjurin
    mpendjurin Posts: 12
    Thanks for all the responses! I've sent everyone requests :) Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress and I'm excited to have some extra motivation to keep going! I'm definitely not alone and it feels great!! :flowerforyou:
  • icck
    icck Posts: 197 Member
    I've been in a desk job since I left school - I'm 25 now! I do enjoy it, but it does really limit the time I have to be active.
  • firesweetheart
    firesweetheart Posts: 92 Member
    I'm 26 and I have a desk job too. Like the kind where I don't have a "lunch break" so I eat every single day at my desk as I work...I really want a fitbit for support and motivation but I've been having that wristband versus clip battle for about two weeks. Feel free to add me!
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    All of this is my issue as well! Always has been my issue, and always will be!

    It was so much easier when I was 24/25 to lose the weight fast (like melt off fast). Even had lost so much so fast, that I had won the company I worked for at the time's 12 week weight loss challenge! It was awesome! I looked amazing going from 148 to 120. I just made a very conscientious effort to watch what I ate M-F and fit in about 3 days of 30 min of cardio. Weekends, I still partied with my friends with light beer and just tried to eat in moderation. And then I fell off track after a year... It started slowly at first by just "having a bite" of things I know I shouldn't be; to having full-out meals of the bad things and not increasing my activity to counter balance. Soon I was just not working out at all and eating just like I had when I had gained all the weight the first time...

    Now that I'm 29, and the weight is even worst at 158 lbs!!! And I am having THE WORST time taking any weight off! Definitely is not melting away as fast as when I last tried... Here I thought it would be just like last time, if I just made a better effort of watching what I ate like I did last time, and all the walking I do in Chicago; weight would fall off again. I guess it is true what they say about your metabolism slowing down as you get older, what a sad realization... And my boyfriend does try to help me make better food decisions; but he is also my worst enemy in my weight loss journey too. I actually did see some weight come off between February and March; but then I moved in with him and things went straight to Haiti... He tries to feed me drinks every day, (when I know I need to minimize my drinking to allow for a bigger calorie deficit) and takes me out to dinner/lunch or orders in way more often than we should be. It's definitely hard to live in a great city with the best eats and being overweight and a foodie. I've been trying to increase my gym time and make a conscientious effort to walk around more. But I'm finding my weight is just not shifting...

    I would love the support and to be each other's motivators! Also, let my story be a fair warning to all of you to get the weight off now, and make sure to stick to it. Because it's that much harder down the road....
  • Boobietrap1337
    Boobietrap1337 Posts: 195 Member
    It's definitely hard to live in a great city with the best eats and being overweight and a foodie.

    I know exactly what you mean! I used to live in Chicago (Logan Square) and would order in all the time. So much good food in Chi town. When I started to eat healthier, I really fell in love with Native Café. You should check them out. All natural, all vegan (I'm not even vegan, but this food is DELICIOUS). And they make it for you. It's perfect.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I'm 25 years old and have had a desk job since I graduated college 4 years ago. I also have fitbit and I love seeing the differences on days where I'm not busy vs. days where I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I started at about where you are and am currently about 155, looking to get down to 135 and then I'll re-evaluate my goals.

    I'm 5'1" and freaking love food. I started running about a year and a half ago and my favorite hoodie is my one that says "Will Run for Cupcakes" so true. I just love how it tastes. I don't mind the taste of healthy food, some if it is pretty good, but I just freaking love the way unhealthy food tastes. I need to work on my willpower and moderation.

    Feel free to add me!