Gallon a day water drinkers?



  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    I drink around 12 cups a day, plus about 1.5 cups of coffee. Sometimes I also drink tea, and there's also water in the food I consume. Someone told me I was going to get water intoxication, so I cut down and tried to drink only eight cups. My body HATED me for it, I had a headache the next day, my lips were chapped, and I felt so gross. So I think 12-14 cups is my magic number. I have a huge restaurant-sized cup (like 24oz I think) that I fill up over and over. I drink one of them with breakfast, one with lunch, one while I work out, one with supper, and rarely, one more after supper. I pee all day long, but my skin is clear, and I don't feel like binging as much as I used to. Other people may get by drinking less water, but I just can't.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I typically drink 138 - 160 oz of water a day. Plus 4-6 cups of coffee and 2-4 diet sodas. Hydration is good mmmmkay.

    Wait...wut? You're not dead yet from the diet sodas?
    You all know a gallon is 9 pints, or 4.5 litres - right?

    The 8 glasses they recommend per day are 200mls each. That is 1.6 litres. Or three pints.

    You risk water intoxication if you drink too much.

    Just saying - don't go overboard!

    You do realize how rare that is right? Like...not going to happen drinking a gallon over the course of a day. I easily drink a gallon per day and more in the summer...I also make sure I get enough sodium and plenty of potassium to keep my electrolytes in balance. I do a lot of cycling and spend a reasonable amount of time in the weight room...I also live in an arid, high desert climate at over a mile high in elevation...I agree with magerum...hydration is good mmmmkay.

    What's with the fear mongering over every little thing lately?
  • bs98241
    bs98241 Posts: 2 Member
    So how did it work?
  • edrobles99
    edrobles99 Posts: 58 Member
    Since here in the Caribbean the weather's Summer all year long, people get used to drink more than one gallon of water daily. I have always done so, and so far I get no hangovers after drinking nights and such.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I don't consciously set out to drink a gallon but I drink water constantly all day. Probably more than a gallon but sometimes when I don't feel like drinking it, I'll use some of those mio flavor things.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Some days i only manage 8 glasses but most days i drink at least 4-5 33.8 oz bottles of water (i reuse my flavored water bottles from walmart). The last few days when it was hot i went thru a ton of water.
  • edrobles99
    edrobles99 Posts: 58 Member
    Are those mio flavor thingies worth it?