POLL: Have you ever have a mouse in your house?



  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Yes. We lived in an old farmhouse in the country for many years. Field mice, chipmunk, bats, birds on occasion. Country livin' y'all :grumble:

    Now, we live in the city (a small one), but with a river in our backyard. So...now we get rats and feral cats tracking them :sick: Not in the house, but in our garage. Still too close for comfort. :frown:
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Do pet rats count?
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,784 Member
    When I lived in Ohio I lived in this one house and in the 20 some odd years I had never had a mouse, well with the exception of about 4 years ago when I saw signs of a mouse and thought okay I'll put a trap or two out and get the little sucker. Killed two that night so I put more traps out and every night I killed two or three. By the time I quit killing them I had murdered over 50 of those thangs. I was ready to move out and just let them have the damn house. It was horrible. I lived there 4 more years and never had another mouse in that house. Now I live in MS in the woods and I've killed 4. I keep a trap bated and ready every night. And I moved into the place with roaches. I was pissed. But now even those are gone. I don't take kindly to creepy crawlies in my humble abode. Everyone said you can't kill the roaches just move. Excuse me I'm broke now so I got to do something else and moving isn't an option. So I've killed all the roaches and the mice when they come to visit. It's not a shame to have them, the shame comes in keeping them.
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    Yes, but only because our cat brings them in through her cat door!
  • touslesmemes
    the question should be have you ever SEEN a mouse... i think its a safe bet to say most houses have been invaded by those sneaky little *kitten* at some point or another

    haha that is true.
  • twikoff
    twikoff Posts: 65 Member
    we had an issue where mice were getting into the pantry and helping themselves to snacks
    i must have caught 10 of them in conventional traps.. i had gotten pretty good at knowing where to place the traps

    then i picked up those plug in sonic noise things at lowes...

    came home and plugged one into the hallway.. immediately a mouse came bolting out of the guest bedroom.. hit the stairs going so fast, that he basically cleared them all in one shot.. and quickly went right back out the hole he had come in... (i hadnt found that hole, until i saw him racing out of it.. sealed it then)...

    plugged another in the master bedroom and another mouse came scurrying out of the closet.. went into a corner.. and kept slamming itself into the wall trying to get out... that one i caught in a trash can and tossed him to the neighbors ;)

    so i put a few more of those plug ins around the house.. and have never had another issue since..
    that was a few years ago
  • b4tb4t
    b4tb4t Posts: 30
    No, lizards, palmetto bugs, and snakes though. Had fruit rats living in our attic once if that counts. XD
    Yay Florida!
  • gfrogel
    gfrogel Posts: 14
    I am currently renting a place...a very terrible, disgusting place, that we are in merely because of the fact that our roommate insisted he could bring his beloved dog (which he only kept here for three months :mad: ) and this place is littered with mice! So far we have caught six and I still see them scrambling through the trash, running across the living room floor, and I hear them scratching on the walls! To weigh a mere few grams they sound like ground hogs! I hate mice!
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    No, lizards, palmetto bugs, and snakes though. Had fruit rats living in our attic once if that counts. XD
    Yay Florida!

    Palmetto bugs :explode:
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    My previous house had heaps, caught nearly 10 one winter. It became a sport and was quite a thrill except when they don't actually die and are just maimed, that's not nice.

    PS. Don't shoot them with a bb gun either cause that doesn't actually kill them.
  • elsha1700
    elsha1700 Posts: 2 Member
    yes 3 caught last month!
  • _JustDG_
    _JustDG_ Posts: 1,584
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    we had an issue where mice were getting into the pantry and helping themselves to snacks
    i must have caught 10 of them in conventional traps.. i had gotten pretty good at knowing where to place the traps

    then i picked up those plug in sonic noise things at lowes...

    came home and plugged one into the hallway.. immediately a mouse came bolting out of the guest bedroom.. hit the stairs going so fast, that he basically cleared them all in one shot.. and quickly went right back out the hole he had come in... (i hadnt found that hole, until i saw him racing out of it.. sealed it then)...

    plugged another in the master bedroom and another mouse came scurrying out of the closet.. went into a corner.. and kept slamming itself into the wall trying to get out... that one i caught in a trash can and tossed him to the neighbors ;)

    so i put a few more of those plug ins around the house.. and have never had another issue since..
    that was a few years ago

    I had a few of those placed around my duplex. I had mouse traps too and kept catching them (in addition to finding scat and holes chewed through food packages). Anyway, the nest was in a place I couldn't access from my area of the duplex. Once the landlord found that and removed it, no more problems. But I had those plugins setup the whole time and the mice just seemed to ignore them.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    No, lizards, palmetto bugs, and snakes though. Had fruit rats living in our attic once if that counts. XD
    Yay Florida!

    Palmetto bugs :explode:

    Evil creatures, palmetto bugs.
  • rpmtnbkr
    rpmtnbkr Posts: 137 Member
    Multiple times.... part of livin' in the country....
  • kathyrbl
    kathyrbl Posts: 23 Member
    When I lived in NYC I came home from clubbing one Saturday morning, turned on the lights and saw a mouse looking at me scared out of its mind. At about 4 am almost every day I would wake up to my 4 in the morning mouse. I plugged the space around the radiator pipe with steel wool where he was coming in and never saw him again. I kind of missed him actually....
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member

    my cat brought him in
  • maryanndambrogio
    maryanndambrogio Posts: 17 Member
    oh yes many of times and my cat would beat it up
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    We had a lizard in our bedroom for a while but no mice. The kiddos were catching lizards on the porch and thought it would be a good idea to bring it inside to show us.