Office/Desk Job, in 20's



  • mpendjurin
    mpendjurin Posts: 12
    All of this is my issue as well! Always has been my issue, and always will be!

    It was so much easier when I was 24/25 to lose the weight fast (like melt off fast). Even had lost so much so fast, that I had won the company I worked for at the time's 12 week weight loss challenge! It was awesome! I looked amazing going from 148 to 120. I just made a very conscientious effort to watch what I ate M-F and fit in about 3 days of 30 min of cardio. Weekends, I still partied with my friends with light beer and just tried to eat in moderation.
    I would love the support and to be each other's motivators! Also, let my story be a fair warning to all of you to get the weight off now, and make sure to stick to it. Because it's that much harder down the road....

    HEED TAKEN! I hope I have the same success you did! People always tell me it's harder when you get older, but in my head I always say "WAAAH it's hard already!" .... I'm learning now that I was never fully committed to losing the weight. I think I'm ready now!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Man I have gained 5lbs working a desk job because I barely walk. There isn't really much to walk to do.
  • mpendjurin
    mpendjurin Posts: 12
    I don't mind the taste of healthy food, some if it is pretty good, but I just freaking love the way unhealthy food tastes. I need to work on my willpower and moderation.

    THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to tattoo "willpower" on my hands so I stop reaching for all the wrong things! Pasta and carbs are my worst enemy! :sad:
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    It's definitely all about being committed!

    I am committed to a point. As much as I would love to shrink back to 120 and be a skinny-mini again; I also want to live life to the fullest. So I figure that if at least I can be conscientious about my efforts everyday by keeping my food diary, that being aware is better than not doing anything at all. Hopefully soon I will develop a better relationship with food, drinks, and exercise!
  • mpendjurin
    mpendjurin Posts: 12
    ... being aware is better than not doing anything at all. Hopefully soon I will develop a better relationship with food, drinks, and exercise!
    Great point! I also didn't mention my relationship with alcohol.. I can't seem to give it up :( I used to drink only Long Island Iced Teas but now I'm moving to Vodka Clubs because they're less calories. When it's happy hour though, I sneak in an LIT or two. I gotta stop!
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    Hello Im Chantel

    21 years old; 230 pounds; 60 pounds to lose

    I sit at a desk all day

    OO OOhh add me please :)

    I also do the jillian michaels 30 day shred to keep myself active and I walk around the office alot.
  • ljminto
    ljminto Posts: 52
    well, i am a BIT older, but also have a desk job..would love to walk on breaks, but where i work, there is really no where to walk here..i try to get up every 20-30 minutes to move around some, but i know this is very minimal to what i need. i am always open to new friends, so feel free to send me a request. :)
  • focusedonfitness2015
    focusedonfitness2015 Posts: 240 Member
    I'm 44 and have an office job as well. However, I think this job has made it easier for me to lose weight. I dont leave for lunch so everything has to be preplanned..down to my snacks. Since I dont leave and bring my own food, I dont have the temptations of hitting a drive thru or stalking the cupboards. This is just my personal experience but it is working for me so far. I've lost 5.2lbs in the past 3 weeks by planning and bringing my own food. Feel free to add me. I'm not as young as you but I certainly know where you are coming from :smile:
  • milla1985
    milla1985 Posts: 153 Member
    This is just me exactly! I'm based at a desk all day, although I do generally cycle to work and back, which helps. I'm 29, 5ft 2.5 and finding it so much harder to shift the lbs than when I first did this 8 years ago!

    SW 149; CW 141: GW(1): 130: GW(2) 110.

    So yeah, add me!
  • ChriJMitch
    ChriJMitch Posts: 70 Member
    I'm a software engineer. I feel your pain. Biggest thing that helped me was being extremely strict with the diet. Especially carbs. I upped protein intake and dropped carb intake A LOT. Got calories under control. And started bringing a water bottle to work.

    The big thing I noticed while working is the office was the constant supply of cookies/cake/donuts/bagels. Good lord. Every damn day. It's no wonder people in office settings get fat.

    Stay on track, don't let coworkers guilt trip you. They lose in the end from their inability to not control themselves.

    I also started talking a 20 min walk during lunch to keep my metabolism going, and tried to optimize my commute by coming in earlier so I could take the extra time I would spend sitting in traffic and use that to hit the gym instead. Started bringing my workout clothes with me to save the extra 10 mins it took to drive home and change before driving to gym. I free up about 80 mins every day to work-out now.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I sent you a request. I've had a desk job since 2006, so I've been there but as you can see in my ticker, its more than possible
  • kap328
    kap328 Posts: 23 Member
    My name is Kara, I'm 24, 217, with 53 to lose. I love food and snacking while I sit at my desk job all day. I love Zumba and weight lifting. I'd love some friends that have a similar struggle!
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    I'm 21, I sit at a desk for 40 hours a week, and I need to lose just a few more pounds (10ish)!

    The worst part is that I work at a car dealership with 30 men who don't care what they eat, and say I need more meat on my bones. Which means a ton of very high calorie food for free.

    I use to work out everyday before work, but got lazy this past month. I will be working out every morning starting tomorrow. You may add me if you like. Best of luck :flowerforyou:

    Edit: to fix spelling because I suck at spelling
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I have a desk job. But that hasn't stopped me from losing 24 lbs in 8 weeks.

    On your lunch break, go for a walk. You'd be surprised how much that helps. When we sit so long, I know I get stiff, circulation isn't as good, and i feel sluggish. After my walk, I feel so much better and am able to focus.

    After work I go to the gym, which is between my place of employment and home, 4-5 days a week. You don't have to spend hours there, but a good 30-40 mins makes all the different, just moving.
  • kap328
    kap328 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a software engineer. I feel your pain. Biggest thing that helped me was being extremely strict with the diet. Especially carbs. I upped protein intake and dropped carb intake A LOT. Got calories under control. And started bringing a water bottle to work.

    The big thing I noticed while working is the office was the constant supply of cookies/cake/donuts/bagels. Good lord. Every damn day. It's no wonder people in office settings get fat.

    Stay on track, don't let coworkers guilt trip you. They lose in the end from their inability to not control themselves.

    I also started talking a 20 min walk during lunch to keep my metabolism going, and tried to optimize my commute by coming in earlier so I could take the extra time I would spend sitting in traffic and use that to hit the gym instead. Started bringing my workout clothes with me to save the extra 10 mins it took to drive home and change before driving to gym. I free up about 80 mins every day to work-out now.

    This is seriously my office exactly. Donuts, cookies, cake, bagels, pizza ALL THE TIME. And they like to guilt trip too! I've been A LOT better at avoiding it, but it does get really hard. I workout every day, but the temptation is still there.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    I am 28 and I work a desk job for 8 hrs a day Mon - Fri. There are plenty of exersices you can get in during the day and plenty of exercises you can do while sitting at your desk or leaning against your desk :) Some exercises are more conspicuous than others, but once people around the office see how good you look, they will wish they would have done what you did instead of making fun of it! I'm doing leg lift on the edge of my chair while I am typing this to you!!
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I don't mind the taste of healthy food, some if it is pretty good, but I just freaking love the way unhealthy food tastes. I need to work on my willpower and moderation.

    THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to tattoo "willpower" on my hands so I stop reaching for all the wrong things! Pasta and carbs are my worst enemy! :sad:

    I have a tattoo "Serenity" on my wrist because I tend to freak out about things and it reminds me of the Serenity prayer. It hasn't helped, though. bahaha!
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I don't mind the taste of healthy food, some if it is pretty good, but I just freaking love the way unhealthy food tastes. I need to work on my willpower and moderation.

    THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to tattoo "willpower" on my hands so I stop reaching for all the wrong things! Pasta and carbs are my worst enemy! :sad:

    Also, (I know you don't live near me) we should go to Olive Garden together. haha! All the pasta and all the carbs.
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    ... being aware is better than not doing anything at all. Hopefully soon I will develop a better relationship with food, drinks, and exercise!
    Great point! I also didn't mention my relationship with alcohol.. I can't seem to give it up :( I used to drink only Long Island Iced Teas but now I'm moving to Vodka Clubs because they're less calories. When it's happy hour though, I sneak in an LIT or two. I gotta stop!

    The alcohol is definitely MY WORST enemy! Mostly because I love craft beers that all have about 150-215 cals each! DEVIL! But I can't break my habit either... So I just try and adjust my days accordingly... Again, that's why I say my boyfriend is my worst enemy too; because I worked-out three times this week to build a deficit for this weekend, knowing that drinking was going to be happening; and he takes me to the bar this week for drinks and food. I ruined my deficit for the week right there; not only making my Wednesday a wash pretty much and my Thursday, made a bad choice in food since I was slightly hungover... I still created a deficit; but just not as big as I wanted for my weekend... Waa waa...

    I wish I could drink the vodka clubs! I can't stand the taste though... I actually don't like the taste of liquor alcohol... I wish I did though
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    Desk jobs are tough for healthy people. I'm a little lucky in that I have a standing desk, and work in a tall building so I can climb the stairs a few times per day.

    The most important thing, though, it not eating anything you don't bring in yourself. Avoiding everyone else's donuts and bagels isn't always easy, but there's a reason you look better than them. :-)

    Also - if you have a smart phone, go outside for breaks and play Ingress. Nerdy, yes, but it keeps me off my *kitten*.