What grinds your gears



  • HypnoticEuphoria
    Wasps/Yellow Jackets/Hornets
    They all grind my gears.
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 285 Member
    BAD MANNERS!!!!!!

    And I totally agree with the Group Text!!

    STYRAFOAM!!!! No need to explain lol
  • frangrann
    frangrann Posts: 219 Member
    not using turn signals

    Driving around with turn signals on but not turning
  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    perhaps we should re title this thread
    "ways cyclists and motorists cannot agree"

  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    What grinds my gears...

    is people who could care less about the speed they're driving until I try to pass them. Very frustrating, especially when I'm using my cruise control so I know I didn't slow down.

    This x 1000.

    Also, people who don't accelerate in the acceleration lane as they're getting on the freeway. It's 65 mph, not 35 mph.

    the twatwaffle who blows thru the yield sign in the onramp..forcing ME to swing over into the left lane to avoid being hit...

    Yield means YIELD..meaning YOU yield to ME..

    On the subject of parents and their annoying talking to their kids..I had one in the store the other day..I heard EVERY part of their iternary for the next 20 minutes..then kid started screaming..like SCREAMING..and mom walked thru the store with her kid like that, oblivious to the cain he was raising.

    I am a parent..raised my son to almost 14 years and hes a damn smart, well mannered kid..and guess what, not once did I make an *kitten* of myself in public when he was younger (now, these days, making an *kitten* is all in good fun..because of the embarassment aspect)..showed up to pick him up at his very prestigious soccer camp yesterday hauling my flat trailer..which contained a sheep transport cage, loose hay and some wood flooring..shame the lamb wasnt still in the cage..but Id dropped him at the processor before..yep...looking pretty redneck..poor kid..LOL

    I had a serious peeve to share, and then you introduced me to my new favorite term, twatwaffle. I am now happy for stopping by this thread.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    What grinds my gears...

    is people who could care less about the speed they're driving until I try to pass them. Very frustrating, especially when I'm using my cruise control so I know I didn't slow down.

    This x 1000.

    Also, people who don't accelerate in the acceleration lane as they're getting on the freeway. It's 65 mph, not 35 mph.

    the twatwaffle who blows thru the yield sign in the onramp..forcing ME to swing over into the left lane to avoid being hit...

    Yield means YIELD..meaning YOU yield to ME..

    On the subject of parents and their annoying talking to their kids..I had one in the store the other day..I heard EVERY part of their iternary for the next 20 minutes..then kid started screaming..like SCREAMING..and mom walked thru the store with her kid like that, oblivious to the cain he was raising.

    I am a parent..raised my son to almost 14 years and hes a damn smart, well mannered kid..and guess what, not once did I make an *kitten* of myself in public when he was younger (now, these days, making an *kitten* is all in good fun..because of the embarassment aspect)..showed up to pick him up at his very prestigious soccer camp yesterday hauling my flat trailer..which contained a sheep transport cage, loose hay and some wood flooring..shame the lamb wasnt still in the cage..but Id dropped him at the processor before..yep...looking pretty redneck..poor kid..LOL

    I had a serious peeve to share, and then you introduced me to my new favorite term, twatwaffle. I am now happy for stopping by this thread.

    isnt it the most wonderful, descriptive word? learned it on a FB page..
  • CarlaNB
    CarlaNB Posts: 38
    These are called "pylons" and they really bug the hell out of me too!! :mad:
  • CarlaNB
    CarlaNB Posts: 38
    People who walk into a grocery store and stop immediately after going through the entrance, blocking incoming foot traffic.

    Um, gtfo of the way and stop Wal-blocking!

    Ha...this should have gone with my previous reply...
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    a badly set up clutch
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    ^^^^ the first person to car reference.. Clap Clap Clap
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Someone had to do it. May as well be me...
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    People who have issues with cyclists.

    Thank you.

    Sometimes you have to go on the sidewalk to avoid the psychopaths that are trying to kill you when there is no path or shoulder. Whatareyagonnado, lay down and die? After getting hit by a stupid lady once, if I have to go on the sidewalk for a few seconds I will. And I ride in New York City, dude!

    And not all cyclist are a-holes. Some of US actually respect cars and pedestrians. So please don't lump US all together like that.

    Not nice.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    What grinds my gears....

    small talk (grrrr)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    People who walk into a grocery store and stop immediately after going through the entrance, blocking incoming foot traffic.

    Um, gtfo of the way and stop Wal-blocking!

    people who stop ANYWHERE mid stream- the store or the boardwalk- it's like are you effing kidding me- move 2-3 feet to your right and GTFOTW.
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Walking 3kms in the sun to check out a MMA club that said they are open, only to get there and find they were doing a once a month women's class. so no men even allowed to ask questions. After even checking they were open.

    Now that grinded my gears big time, will find somewhere else to train .
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    oh that's annoying.

    I would have been seriously peeved.

    I'm rather irritable today for a lot of reasons- but I HATE. Don't ask me why- but I HATE when people leave 5 seconds or whatever on the microwave.

    Now- to be fair- I am one of those people who can barely wait till 1 and it goes DING (unless I walk away)- but I ALWAYS clear out the timer- HATE when there is time on there still. No idea- makes me crazy.
  • cosmiqrust
    cosmiqrust Posts: 214 Member
    to keep with the theme, living in a town with no bike lanes and hardly any sidewalks. :wink:

    other things? children. cell phones going off at inappropriate times (i was just at my grandmother's funeral and someone's phone went off at full volume not even five minutes into the service, Nice). being flirted with in any way. but the worst is repetitive sounds - heavy breathing, snoring, alarms buzzing, tapping, muffled music from someone's headphones. i've had full blown panic attacks from being trapped with a sound where i can't do anything about it.
  • emkayelle91
    emkayelle91 Posts: 846 Member
    People going under the speed limit while in the fast lane....that won't move over. -____-

    People who have the need to be right all the time, even when they are painfully wrong.

    The sound of someone blowing their nose is worse than nails on a chalkboard to me. lol
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Women/Men (usually women) that stand in the middle of an aisle or entry way because they see someone they know and want to chat.... I don't care if you chat, but do the courteous thing and move to the side a bit so foot traffic can flow normally....