is fruit bad?



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    @DeguelloTex yours is probably way too low...esp since you have about 60lbs left to lose.
    Why so? (Other than a paste of the "If you have X pounds to lose then Y per week" thing.)

    Tex: any comments made are more directed at people who might look at your example and try to emulate it. For most men, 1700 would not be enough for them.

    That and the fact I at 5 ft 7 and a woman lose 3/4 of a pound a week eating 1700 calories...

    I believe it is the AMA that suggests the min for a man is 1800...
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    She's saying they are bad because she's doing the low card. Fruit has tons of carbs, but they are "good" carbs... if there is such a thing as bad and good carbs. Fruits are nature's treats!
  • mikekelly1234
    mikekelly1234 Posts: 9 Member
    I can't comment on this, not because I don't have an opinion, but because I think the better person to ask is your doctor. Your doctor can recommend certain diets. Definitely fruits are better than other sugary snacks. And I know it's better to eat the actual fruit instead of drinking the juice(even no sugar added juices).

    It is always recommended to talk to your doctor before starting any diet or exercies regimen especially if you have questions.

    Best of luck!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Fruit does have lots of sugar, relative to other things like veggies or meats. also has tons of vitamins and micronutrients, fiber, and FLAVOR. Fruit is good for you, in moderation. Eat fruit!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    @DeguelloTex yours is probably way too low...esp since you have about 60lbs left to lose.
    Why so? (Other than a paste of the "If you have X pounds to lose then Y per week" thing.)

    Tex: any comments made are more directed at people who might look at your example and try to emulate it. For most men, 1700 would not be enough for them.
    That's reasonable, but I did also mention that my evaluation of "enough" calories for others isn't exactly binding on them. Still, more clarification is rarely a bad thing. I'm just saying it's working well for me; it may not work for anyone else.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    That and the fact I at 5 ft 7 and a woman lose 3/4 of a pound a week eating 1700 calories...

    I believe it is the AMA that suggests the min for a man is 1800...
    Well, using my weight, body fat estimates, and the amount of fat that can be metabolized in a day, my fat can provide almost 2900 calories a day even if I don't eat a bite. I've got the 1800, if that's really a thing, covered just by being so fat.

    I'm trying to lose more than 3/4 of a pound a week, though. If that were my goal, I'd obviously need to eat a lot more.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    That and the fact I at 5 ft 7 and a woman lose 3/4 of a pound a week eating 1700 calories...

    I believe it is the AMA that suggests the min for a man is 1800...
    Well, using my weight, body fat estimates, and the amount of fat that can be metabolized in a day, my fat can provide almost 2900 calories a day even if I don't eat a bite. I've got the 1800, if that's really a thing, covered just by being so fat.

    I'm trying to lose more than 3/4 of a pound a week, though. If that were my goal, I'd obviously need to eat a lot more.

    and I understand that you are trying to lose more weight than I did...but even now at 152lbs I can lose on 1700 calories...that's my point if I can lose 3/4lb a week on what you are eating and you are a man and almost 2x my size than chances are you are losing really fast...and it's not just fat, it's muscle too...based on TDEE you could lose 2lbs a week eating 2000 calories a day...and since you are nearing the 50lb mark 2500 would seem more appropriate...

    Unless you don't care where the weight comes just want it gone.

    ETA: and that TDEE is at sedentary as you didn't mention it would go even higher if you exercised. For example exercise 3x a week and you can still lose eating 2500 calories a day.
  • jwchappel
    jwchappel Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a low carb guy. Fruit causes insulin response which causes fat storage and hunger. Granted fruit is better than a cookie but it can still slow down weight loss.
    You really don't know what you're talking about. Please don't spread misinformation.

    I also hope you're aware that protein creates an insulin response as well. You probably didn't know that though.

    Protein releases insolin, but also releases glucagon to counteract. Glucagon is made from fat cells in your body. Therefore your buring fat.

    My advice is to keep an open mind, read the scientific papers yourself (or at least the abstracts) and form your own opinion. I've lost 50 lbs without counting calories or doing much exercise. I'm sure both diets will work its more a question of your ability to follow the diet. For me it was low carb.
  • TMski1000
    TMski1000 Posts: 48 Member
    Fruit isn't bad in moderation -- Just like anything else --- but fruit does have more carbs in it than Veggies do.. I try to stay away from fruit and eat lots of leafy greens instead.. I do eat some fruit if I start to crave sweets -- Mmm Pineapple!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I'm a low carb guy. Fruit causes insulin response which causes fat storage and hunger. Granted fruit is better than a cookie but it can still slow down weight loss.

    "The reason insulin suppresses fat burning is because it's a signal of glucose abundance. It's telling tissues to stop burning fat because carbohydrate is the available fuel. If you eat a meal of 500 calories of carbohydrate, you will burn that carbohydrate under the direction of insulin, which will also make sure body fat mostly stays inside your fat cells during the process. If you eat a meal of 500 calories of fat, you will burn fat instead of carbohydrate, but since you just ate fat, you aren't dipping into your body fat stores any more than you were when you ate carbohydrate. So even though insulin temporarily suppresses fat burning and the release of fat from fat cells when you eat carbohydrate, at the end of the day if you ate the same number of calories you end up with the same amount of fat in your fat cells either way. You now know more about insulin than many popular diet gurus."
  • mspeckma
    mspeckma Posts: 8 Member
    Fruit has sugar, but also has fiber to balance it out. It does not increase blood sugars as rapidly as processed sugars because of the complexity of digesting the fiber. Fruit isn't calorie free, though, so remember to count what you ate.
  • Bustergirl14
    Bustergirl14 Posts: 69 Member
    Obviously you ahve been to a doctor to receive your diabetes diagnosis. Ask your doctor for a referral to a nutritionist to help you with your diet. There are a lot of medical issues involving diabetes and you should be getting some expert advice about how to control your blood sugar and safely lose weight rather than comtemplate vague eating strategies llke "clean eating" and "no carb" and asking strangers on a message board if fruit is bad.

    Sorry, but there is just so much more that you need to be thinking about here from a medical stand point.

    I am on a low carb diet designed by my nutritionist and there is not one food that she has ever labeled as "bad" or "good".
  • mspeckma
    mspeckma Posts: 8 Member
    I like high-fiber, low-sugar diets. But, fruit naturally takes care of balancing its sugar with fiber.
  • littleancientheart
    littleancientheart Posts: 18 Member
    Haven't read the whole thread, so sorry if I'm repeating...Fruit has too many carbs for traditional "low carb" diets like Atkins, but it's fine if you're going for moderate carbs. I agree with you that moderate carbs is way more sustainable than low carbs for a lifestyle change, and fruit also gives you nutrients, fiber, antioxidants, great things.

    If you're trying to reduce carbs without losing fruit, you could restrict to lower glycemic index fruits for a short period (a week or two?) …that just means avoiding the starchier and higher sugar fruits like bananas, mangoes, or figs. You could just go for lower glycemic index fruits like apples, melon, blueberries, etc. instead.

    I could never cut out fruit, and don't personally think it makes sense to get rid of an entire food group for a diet, no matter how fast it could make me lose weight. I think moderate carbs are the way to go - that means avoiding refined sugar and flour, going for whole grains instead like brown rice or whole wheat breads. I am also trying to avoid added sugar - so unsweetened applesauce or yogurt, for example.

    In the end though, I think you guys should just support each other with whatever the other is doing. She can lose her weight the way that works for her, and you can lose the way that works for you. It shouldn't get in the way of your friendship! Good luck to you both!
  • Muffie22
    Muffie22 Posts: 77 Member
    fruit isn't bad. They contain tonnes of vitamins, fibre and good stuff despite being quite high in sugar. Also one thing to consider when trying to do the 'clean eating' thing... try not to limit yourself too much. Allow yourself to have the odd 'non clean' (whatever that is...) treat or you might find yourself feeling to restricted and falling off the wagon.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    That and the fact I at 5 ft 7 and a woman lose 3/4 of a pound a week eating 1700 calories...

    I believe it is the AMA that suggests the min for a man is 1800...
    Well, using my weight, body fat estimates, and the amount of fat that can be metabolized in a day, my fat can provide almost 2900 calories a day even if I don't eat a bite. I've got the 1800, if that's really a thing, covered just by being so fat.

    I'm trying to lose more than 3/4 of a pound a week, though. If that were my goal, I'd obviously need to eat a lot more.

    and I understand that you are trying to lose more weight than I did...but even now at 152lbs I can lose on 1700 calories...that's my point if I can lose 3/4lb a week on what you are eating and you are a man and almost 2x my size than chances are you are losing really fast...and it's not just fat, it's muscle too...based on TDEE you could lose 2lbs a week eating 2000 calories a day...and since you are nearing the 50lb mark 2500 would seem more appropriate...

    Unless you don't care where the weight comes just want it gone.

    ETA: and that TDEE is at sedentary as you didn't mention it would go even higher if you exercised. For example exercise 3x a week and you can still lose eating 2500 calories a day.
    I exercise (walk) for about an hour a day 6 days a week -- mid-900s to very low 1000s calorie-wise, depending on what random distance MapMyFitness decides on... it's really about 4.3 miles in an hour, give or take two minutes -- and lift 3 days a week. I am progressing on every one of my lifts, though the shoulder press is becoming my arch-enemy. I've cut 3 minutes off my mile pace while more than doubling how far I walk. I have plenty of energy to do whatever. I am sleeping a little more, though, about 6:20 instead of 6:00 a night, so there's that.

    Yeah, I'm probably losing some muscle, just like I'd gain some fat on anything other than a perfect bulk. I am losing almost exactly what my deficit and exercise would "predict." I'm losing somewhere between 3.45 and 3.65 pounds a week since I started, depending on any particular morning's weight. I could definitely "still lose" while eating a lot more. However, given that my energy and exercise are stable, if not increasing, and I have plenty of fat to supply energy above my intake, I'm fine with losing faster for now.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Just eat the damn fruit.
  • phil6707
    phil6707 Posts: 541 Member
    Everything is "bad" is you listen to all the "experts on dieting"....Truth is, nothing is bad in moderation and balance
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yes, I like to do bad things with fruit ...
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I'm a low carb guy. Fruit causes insulin response which causes fat storage and hunger. Granted fruit is better than a cookie but it can still slow down weight loss.

    You know what actually slows down/prevents weight loss?

    Not eating at a calorie deficit.