Affair after Weight Loss



  • homemadehippy
    homemadehippy Posts: 44 Member
    It's easy to be faithful when nobody flirts with you. Only after there are opportunities can someone demonstrate commitment, loyalty and will power.

    Cheaters are totally lame.

    Love this!
  • coullmom
    coullmom Posts: 133 Member
    My biggest weight loss was when I got rid of my husband......I lost 170 lbs (him). :laugh: That was the smartest thing I ever did in my life. while I was getting healthier and happier he was getting more controlling and he had to go!!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    nope I just love the fact that my hubby cant keep his hands or eyes off of me now. The thing I like more than that is I like what I see in the mirror now. This has strengthened our relationship especially in the bedroom. no need for cheating here

    sorry tmi
  • danascott798
    danascott798 Posts: 11 Member
    I am not condoning it, butI think it is just human nature to be flattered when the opposite sex is attracted after not noticeing a heavy person for a long time. Sometimes if you have never been thin and fit and go ignored, and now all of a sudden girls/guys are throwing themselves at you it is hard to not fall for the attention. It should be something that is learned right with nutrition , how to have a relationship after large weightloss.
  • Polishprinsezz
    Polishprinsezz Posts: 249 Member
    How is this even an appropriate topic for the success stories? There is nothing successful about adultery period!
  • jsissom86
    jsissom86 Posts: 47 Member
    My ex had an affair while I was pregnant because he said he wasn't attracted to me.

    I think if someone has an affair after weight loss they would have done it before anyway they just didn't feel they had a chance at actually pulling it off.

    Joke's on him.....
  • bombshellinprogress
    bombshellinprogress Posts: 125 Member
    I am not condoning it, butI think it is just human nature to be flattered when the opposite sex is attracted after not noticeing a heavy person for a long time. Sometimes if you have never been thin and fit and go ignored, and now all of a sudden girls/guys are throwing themselves at you it is hard to not fall for the attention. It should be something that is learned right with nutrition , how to have a relationship after large weightloss.

    ^^ This. I think sometimes when people lose a lot of weight, things may go to their head and they get self confidence that they never had before. I don't think that it has anything to do with their current spouse or relationship but everything to do with the way they view their self.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I have seen it happen but for different reasons. It's not just that all of the sudden you have become attractive to other people. I have seen it because one person in the relationship has changed. Not just physically but mentally. Eating a certain way, exercising, always having goals and trying to be a better/healthier you is now a priority. Being with someone who is just content being in one spot and not moving forward can be frustrating, and can certainly drive two people apart.
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    Basically I think it boils down to this:
    We can be idealists and talk about how it's wrong all we want, and it IS wrong. Unfortunately though, it still happens, a lot. but I've seen countless situations where relationships fall apart after one partner loses weight. You have multiple situations:

    -One loved the other when they were overweight and meek. They was disturbed and threatened by a new-found confidence and went looking for another partner either to hurt them back or to replace their old role.

    -One partner loses weight and suddenly gets tons of attention from attractive people. They give in to temptation.

    -After losing weight a person feels that they've undergone a very spiritual transformation as well as physical, and feels a need to sever themselves completely from their old lifestyle, including friendships or relationships. They can also feel like they aren't connected with their partner anymore.

    -One person becomes so excited about fitness that it consumes all of their previous hobbies and interests. They now want to spend their weekends at the gym or on long hiking trips, and the partner doesn't want to tag along. They simply drift apart or gradually become interested in someone else whose hobby is fitness.

    -One lost a significant amount of weight and would never admit it- but all the vanity went to their head and they suddenly found themselves "too good" for their old partner.

    -One partner changed, the other didn't, and the same way the thought of eating an entire gallon of Ben and Jerry's grosses someone out after getting really fit and breaking their junk food addictions, watching someone else continue in that lifestyle with no guilt, remorse, or need to change, just simply grosses them out. I've seen this happen multiple times- even though a person used to have the exact same habits, somehow witnessing their partners continue on that road repulses them (and maybe reminds them how they used to be.)

    -The relationship was never a good one and one side loses weight and gets the guts to finally get out, and uses an affair as the spring board. (As bad as it is, I've seen women use affairs to get out of a bad or controlling relationship by hurting the old partner so he wouldn't want her back.)

    -One partner lost weight and there was an imbalance of sexual attraction after that. In my opinion, when this happens, the sexual relationship of the couple was doomed from the start and wasn't based in love and intimacy.

    Great insights and I think you are spot on.

    I also liked some of the other comments about how people on a weight loss journey learn to exercise, learn proper nutrition but don't learn how to handle the emotional side of losing weight, having confidence and having sex appeal.
  • dwdodson
    You feel great, high confidence, Attractive people paying more attention to you, maybe hitting on you. It can be intoxicating and I can see how people not happy in their relationship can slip. If you are worried about a spouse that is getting fit, you should talk to them about your concerns.

    Very intoxicating.
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    I love my husband even more as the pounds come off me, because he saw the beauty in me and loved me for me even when I was 300lbs. I say, if you can't love me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best.

    ^^ This! My fiance has been so supportive and encouraging, and even though I'm not even close to goal yet, he keeps telling me how proud he is of me and that my squats are working wonders for me. :wink: I worry about if I lose too much weight what will he feel like because he loved me and asked me to marry him at my heaviest, but he tells me over and over again that he fell in love with my heart and he loves me no matter what I look like. I think in our case it helps that we were friends first for a short while.

    On the topic, I do have a friend, who went through kind of the opposite. She was married to a guy and HE actually couldn't handle HER weight loss, he was a lot older and I guess his insecurities came out when she started losing weight, and he started doing things he never did before like check her phone and email constantly, follow her to work and back, constantly text her where was she when she even went to work, if she was 10 mins late she would get the third degree, etc. She tried multiple times to get him to see that she only wanted him. She'd cry to me telling me she didn't know how else to prove to him she wasn't looking for anything with anyone and was dedicated to him. Finally after over 2 yrs of it, he drove her away with his stalking. Three years after their divorce they are now "friends" (he was her kid's step-dad and the only dad he knew and he is still a part of the kid's life) as they have both moved on, and he had tried once or twice to get her back, but she said the lack of trust on his end was too hard to bear, that she felt like a prisoner in her own home.
  • stephiejean37
    stephiejean37 Posts: 75 Member
    My plan is to get healthier FOR my spouse not to try to get away from him! I am doing this for myself, but to see him get more attracted to me as the weight falls off is a huge motivator!
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Infidelity, lack of commitment and extreme selfishness are all character flaws.

    If you do not know who you are and what makes you happy, or you can not accept yourself for who you are right now, you are flawed and then it is easy to convince yourself that an immediate pleasure boost is the best you can do.

    I have watched countless people cheat. Big, small, old, young, rich, poor, married, dating...etc, etc.

    Blaming weight loss is a cop out. Own up to your flaws and then you can start to work on them.
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    My ex did after he lost a lot of weight, i got him in trendier clothes, and made him feel better about himself...ah well sh1t happens huh! I believe he wouldn't have had the confidence before hand, but who knows, if its in them, then its in them i guess.
  • mlyn627
    mlyn627 Posts: 104 Member
    Basically I think it boils down to this:
    We can be idealists and talk about how it's wrong all we want, and it IS wrong. Unfortunately though, it still happens, a lot. but I've seen countless situations where relationships fall apart after one partner loses weight. You have multiple situations:

    -One loved the other when they were overweight and meek. They was disturbed and threatened by a new-found confidence and went looking for another partner either to hurt them back or to replace their old role.

    -One partner loses weight and suddenly gets tons of attention from attractive people. They give in to temptation.

    -After losing weight a person feels that they've undergone a very spiritual transformation as well as physical, and feels a need to sever themselves completely from their old lifestyle, including friendships or relationships. They can also feel like they aren't connected with their partner anymore.

    -One person becomes so excited about fitness that it consumes all of their previous hobbies and interests. They now want to spend their weekends at the gym or on long hiking trips, and the partner doesn't want to tag along. They simply drift apart or gradually become interested in someone else whose hobby is fitness.

    -One lost a significant amount of weight and would never admit it- but all the vanity went to their head and they suddenly found themselves "too good" for their old partner.

    -One partner changed, the other didn't, and the same way the thought of eating an entire gallon of Ben and Jerry's grosses someone out after getting really fit and breaking their junk food addictions, watching someone else continue in that lifestyle with no guilt, remorse, or need to change, just simply grosses them out. I've seen this happen multiple times- even though a person used to have the exact same habits, somehow witnessing their partners continue on that road repulses them (and maybe reminds them how they used to be.)

    -The relationship was never a good one and one side loses weight and gets the guts to finally get out, and uses an affair as the spring board. (As bad as it is, I've seen women use affairs to get out of a bad or controlling relationship by hurting the old partner so he wouldn't want her back.)

    -One partner lost weight and there was an imbalance of sexual attraction after that. In my opinion, when this happens, the sexual relationship of the couple was doomed from the start and wasn't based in love and intimacy.

    Now that I've written down those situations- I realize they're almost all valid reasons for ending the relationship. They are NOT however, excuses or acceptable reasons to cheat. There is never a reason to cheat. It's the honest truth though, that many of the above situations are accompanied by or spurred along by the budding of another relationship. (IE, a person's been wanting out the relationship for a while for one of said above reasons but hasn't found the confidence yet, but after meeting someone they're interested in they suddenly get motivated to ditch person A for person B.)

    If you're feeling like you've moved on or transformed in more ways than just the physical, and you realize that your relationship is at odds with your new lifestyle, I encourage you to talk to your partner. Decide if the relationship is worth fixing. Decide if the above situation was from the shock of the weight loss, or is a lasting and serious change. Realize that many things can be worked through, but if you find yourself gravitating toward a new person or a new life, for the love of god end the old one before hurting your partner.

  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    There are many reasons for this. I got divorced once I lost weight too, although I put on all the weight over the course of my distressed marriage as well :/

    I think when your heavier you have low self-esteem and settle for less than you would normally. Another option is also that once your fit and put in the effort to loose the weight, your lifestyle has changed and if your significant other didn't take on a similar style you may see things differently or not have as much in common. If I weighed 300lbs and my significant other did as well, once I started to loose I would expect him to try and jump on bored as well. Not really sexy when someone doesn't take control of their own life and decide to get healthy. JMO
  • sslopez24
    sslopez24 Posts: 110 Member

    There is no good reason for cheating. If you want out of the relationship do it before cheating. Everyone ends up getting hurt when this happens.

    I agree!!!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    Maybe the spouse is not into fitness or is heavy and you are not as attracted as you were previously.

    Why would you no longer be attracted to them if they are the same as they were before YOU lost the weight? Doesn't make sense

    Maybe what the OP was getting at was the possibility that an overweight person might have settled for, ah, *whoever* when choosing a mate to avoid loneliness. Once the weigh melts off, formerly overweight individual realizes that settling is no longer in order and the pickings are no longer slim.

    if that's the case, that's pretty poopy. The spouse of said person (people) of whoever "settled" is better off without their cheating *kitten*.
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    get a life.
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    My plan is to get healthier FOR my spouse not to try to get away from him! I am doing this for myself, but to see him get more attracted to me as the weight falls off is a huge motivator!
