is fruit bad?



  • bcanderson123456
    bcanderson123456 Posts: 45 Member
    Obviously you ahve been to a doctor to receive your diabetes diagnosis. Ask your doctor for a referral to a nutritionist to help you with your diet. There are a lot of medical issues involving diabetes and you should be getting some expert advice about how to control your blood sugar and safely lose weight rather than comtemplate vague eating strategies llke "clean eating" and "no carb" and asking strangers on a message board if fruit is bad.

    Sorry, but there is just so much more that you need to be thinking about here from a medical stand point.

    I am on a low carb diet designed by my nutritionist and there is not one food that she has ever labeled as "bad" or "good".

    You didn't state that you are diabetic if you are then low-carb makes sense if you aren't why is your nutritionist having you limit carbs?
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    I'm a low carb guy. Fruit causes insulin response which causes fat storage and hunger. Granted fruit is better than a cookie but it can still slow down weight loss.

    Can we please be educated on insulin?! You WANT your body to produce insulin. My god.....
  • NeverCatchYourBreath
    NeverCatchYourBreath Posts: 197 Member
    I'm a low carb guy. Fruit causes insulin response which causes fat storage and hunger. Granted fruit is better than a cookie but it can still slow down weight loss.
    You really don't know what you're talking about. Please don't spread misinformation.

    I also hope you're aware that protein creates an insulin response as well. You probably didn't know that though.

    QFT. Certain types of protein can even cause a GREATER insulin response in your body than carbs.

    The sugar found in fruit is a carb just like any other simple carb but the great part is the fiber (a complex carb) in the fruit which slows down digestion of those sugars which helps regulate your body's blood glucose level. This is a good thing, you want to try to keep your blood glucose steady without a bunch of spikes and dips.

    Moral of story = fruit has lots of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are GOOD for your overall health!

    Note: Overindulging in any food (be it fruit or anything else) will cause weight gain if you take in more calories than consumed. You can't single out fruit as the lone culprit.
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Ok, so here is my two cents..... havent read all the replies either so I am sure I am repeating someone.

    Fruit is not bad... even if doing the low carb thing.

    I am doing low carb because I have PCOS (related to insulin resisitance, pre-diabetes, etc) I dont have any of these as of yet,, thank goodness but I am doing low carb because of it.

    My trainer has me on a low carb- high (good) fat program. He says I can have only two servings of fruit a day, both of those have to be before lunch and they both have to be some kind of berry (for the high fiber content). I am staying away from processed carbs as much as possible (trying to not eat these at all). He wants all of my carbs to come from veggies.

    I am not quite yet at my goal and still have a long ways to go but I was stuck for some time and am now losing again so it is helping me. Hope you get alot of good info!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    That and the fact I at 5 ft 7 and a woman lose 3/4 of a pound a week eating 1700 calories...

    I believe it is the AMA that suggests the min for a man is 1800...
    Well, using my weight, body fat estimates, and the amount of fat that can be metabolized in a day, my fat can provide almost 2900 calories a day even if I don't eat a bite. I've got the 1800, if that's really a thing, covered just by being so fat.

    I'm trying to lose more than 3/4 of a pound a week, though. If that were my goal, I'd obviously need to eat a lot more.

    and I understand that you are trying to lose more weight than I did...but even now at 152lbs I can lose on 1700 calories...that's my point if I can lose 3/4lb a week on what you are eating and you are a man and almost 2x my size than chances are you are losing really fast...and it's not just fat, it's muscle too...based on TDEE you could lose 2lbs a week eating 2000 calories a day...and since you are nearing the 50lb mark 2500 would seem more appropriate...

    Unless you don't care where the weight comes just want it gone.

    ETA: and that TDEE is at sedentary as you didn't mention it would go even higher if you exercised. For example exercise 3x a week and you can still lose eating 2500 calories a day.
    I exercise (walk) for about an hour a day 6 days a week -- mid-900s to very low 1000s calorie-wise, depending on what random distance MapMyFitness decides on... it's really about 4.3 miles in an hour, give or take two minutes -- and lift 3 days a week. I am progressing on every one of my lifts, though the shoulder press is becoming my arch-enemy. I've cut 3 minutes off my mile pace while more than doubling how far I walk. I have plenty of energy to do whatever. I am sleeping a little more, though, about 6:20 instead of 6:00 a night, so there's that.

    Yeah, I'm probably losing some muscle, just like I'd gain some fat on anything other than a perfect bulk. I am losing almost exactly what my deficit and exercise would "predict." I'm losing somewhere between 3.45 and 3.65 pounds a week since I started, depending on any particular morning's weight. I could definitely "still lose" while eating a lot more. However, given that my energy and exercise are stable, if not increasing, and I have plenty of fat to supply energy above my intake, I'm fine with losing faster for now.

    and that is all that matters...glad to hear you are happy with how it is going...I just have this goal was always to eat as much as I could and still lose a reasonable amount of weight...which I did...

    Congrats on the progress..but please do consider slowing it down a bit when you hit 50lbs to go.
  • mayfrayy
    mayfrayy Posts: 198 Member
    blah blah psuedoscience blah blah.

    fruits not bad, but i never eat fruit when i am in a deficit. If you want to eat fruit who cares. i Personally don't, mainly because it doesn't fill me up. I get my vitamins elsewhere.
    people in here acting like they are elite bodybuilders when the **** really doesn't matter at these levels of fitness.

    Right now im eating 1800 cals a day, I have energy, i lift heavy. Hell, I havent even lost weight in the last couple weeks.
  • paulzli
    paulzli Posts: 72 Member
    Certain fruits may cause a higher rise in blood sugar. Watermelon is a great example. Unless you're pre-diabetic, I wouldn't worry about fruits in general. The amount of vitamins and nutrients that you recieve from fruits alone, A, most of B, C, E, and K in addition to insoluble dietary fiber definitely outweighs the "low carb" diet imho.
  • paulzli
    paulzli Posts: 72 Member
    blah blah psuedoscience blah blah.

    fruits not bad, but i never eat fruit when i am in a deficit. If you want to eat fruit who cares. i Personally don't, mainly because it doesn't fill me up. I get my vitamins elsewhere.
    people in here acting like they are elite bodybuilders when the **** really doesn't matter at these levels of fitness.

    Right now im eating 1800 cals a day, I have energy, i lift heavy. Hell, I havent even lost weight in the last couple weeks.

    Lol. I find it hard not to be decently satiated after consuming 150 calories of fruit for a snack or even following a meal. A whole large grapefruit, 500g of watermelon, the gigantic costco fuji apple, 2 cups of blueberries. The list is endless.

    Frankly, I'd rather add a bunch of fruit than 3-4 oz of lean protein or only 2 oz of a fatty cut. Half of feeling full/ reaching satiety is the bulk of the food.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    blah blah psuedoscience blah blah.

    fruits not bad, but i never eat fruit when i am in a deficit. If you want to eat fruit who cares. i Personally don't, mainly because it doesn't fill me up. I get my vitamins elsewhere.
    people in here acting like they are elite bodybuilders when the **** really doesn't matter at these levels of fitness.

    Right now im eating 1800 cals a day, I have energy, i lift heavy. Hell, I havent even lost weight in the last couple weeks.

    Lol. I find it hard not to be decently satiated after consuming 150 calories of fruit for a snack or even following a meal. A whole large grapefruit, 500g of watermelon, the gigantic costco fuji apple, 2 cups of blueberries. The list is endless.

    Frankly, I'd rather add a bunch of fruit than 3-4 oz of lean protein or only 2 oz of a fatty cut. Half of feeling full/ reaching satiety is the bulk of the food.
    Everyone responds differently. I love fruit and I eat it, but if I don't pair it with protein, I am starving within a half hour, no matter how much I eat. It isn't filling (to me) on its own. But it's still a healthy food full of vitamins, minerals and fiber, so people who don't have medical reasons to limit it should eat it.
  • paulzli
    paulzli Posts: 72 Member
    blah blah psuedoscience blah blah.

    fruits not bad, but i never eat fruit when i am in a deficit. If you want to eat fruit who cares. i Personally don't, mainly because it doesn't fill me up. I get my vitamins elsewhere.
    people in here acting like they are elite bodybuilders when the **** really doesn't matter at these levels of fitness.

    Right now im eating 1800 cals a day, I have energy, i lift heavy. Hell, I havent even lost weight in the last couple weeks.

    Lol. I find it hard not to be decently satiated after consuming 150 calories of fruit for a snack or even following a meal. A whole large grapefruit, 500g of watermelon, the gigantic costco fuji apple, 2 cups of blueberries. The list is endless.

    Frankly, I'd rather add a bunch of fruit than 3-4 oz of lean protein or only 2 oz of a fatty cut. Half of feeling full/ reaching satiety is the bulk of the food.
    Everyone responds differently. I love fruit and I eat it, but if I don't pair it with protein, I am starving within a half hour, no matter how much I eat. It isn't filling (to me) on its own. But it's still a healthy food full of vitamins, minerals and fiber, so people who don't have medical reasons to limit it should eat it.

    I get that, I do. I'm just saying, in the whole scheme of things, after eating your dinner or lunch, I'm saying the marginal benefit of that extra bit of meat gets outweighed by the bulk/sweet craving reduction of fruit in my opinion not that you wouldn't have protein during the meal either.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    blah blah psuedoscience blah blah.

    fruits not bad, but i never eat fruit when i am in a deficit. If you want to eat fruit who cares. i Personally don't, mainly because it doesn't fill me up. I get my vitamins elsewhere.
    people in here acting like they are elite bodybuilders when the **** really doesn't matter at these levels of fitness.

    Right now im eating 1800 cals a day, I have energy, i lift heavy. Hell, I havent even lost weight in the last couple weeks.

    Lol. I find it hard not to be decently satiated after consuming 150 calories of fruit for a snack or even following a meal. A whole large grapefruit, 500g of watermelon, the gigantic costco fuji apple, 2 cups of blueberries. The list is endless.

    Frankly, I'd rather add a bunch of fruit than 3-4 oz of lean protein or only 2 oz of a fatty cut. Half of feeling full/ reaching satiety is the bulk of the food.
    Everyone responds differently. I love fruit and I eat it, but if I don't pair it with protein, I am starving within a half hour, no matter how much I eat. It isn't filling (to me) on its own. But it's still a healthy food full of vitamins, minerals and fiber, so people who don't have medical reasons to limit it should eat it.

    I get that, I do. I'm just saying, in the whole scheme of things, after eating your dinner or lunch, I'm saying the marginal benefit of that extra bit of meat gets outweighed by the bulk/sweet craving reduction of fruit in my opinion not that you wouldn't have protein during the meal either.
    Oh, that I agree with. :-) If I have a little cheese or some almonds with an apple, I'm good. But if I eat five apples and nothing else, I'm going to be starving after!
  • paulzli
    paulzli Posts: 72 Member
    ^^ :)
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Personally I love fruit its the only way to get me to eat trail mix... I'm currently replacing my fries with apple slices where the option is given etc and I have a plan for a light lunch next semester that has apple slices and string cheese before my cardio class.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    I can't comment on this, not because I don't have an opinion, but because I think the better person to ask is your doctor. Your doctor can recommend certain diets. Definitely fruits are better than other sugary snacks. And I know it's better to eat the actual fruit instead of drinking the juice(even no sugar added juices).

    It is always recommended to talk to your doctor before starting any diet or exercies regimen especially if you have questions.

    Best of luck!
    So if all questions should be directed only at doctors, what's the point of this message board?

    Also, doctors are very well versed in nutrition. For example........Oz.

    Do you really believe that you know something Oz doesn't? He makes huge sums of money by being a sellout. I'm sure you wouldn't do the same thing, given the opportunity, but that makes him morally bankrupt, not ignorant.

    I doubt the OP's doc has any motivation to be giving knowingly incorrect information, although that isn't to say all doctors' recommendations shouldn't be corroborated by knowledgeable experts, such as those you might find on this forum.
  • paulzli
    paulzli Posts: 72 Member
    Personally I love fruit its the only way to get me to eat trail mix... I'm currently replacing my fries with apple slices where the option is given etc and I have a plan for a light lunch next semester that has apple slices and string cheese before my cardio class.

    Slices of apples, onions, and some brie slathered in dijon mustard, but you could definitely use a sharp cheese. This is definitely spicy, but its delicious and you get a dopamine kick out of it.
  • paulzli
    paulzli Posts: 72 Member
    I can't comment on this, not because I don't have an opinion, but because I think the better person to ask is your doctor. Your doctor can recommend certain diets. Definitely fruits are better than other sugary snacks. And I know it's better to eat the actual fruit instead of drinking the juice(even no sugar added juices).

    It is always recommended to talk to your doctor before starting any diet or exercies regimen especially if you have questions.

    Best of luck!
    So if all questions should be directed only at doctors, what's the point of this message board?

    Also, doctors are very well versed in nutrition. For example........Oz.

    Do you really believe that you know something Oz doesn't? He makes huge sums of money by being a sellout. I'm sure you wouldn't do the same thing, given the opportunity, but that makes him morally bankrupt, not ignorant.

    I doubt the OP's doc has any motivation to be giving knowingly incorrect information, although that isn't to say all doctors' recommendations shouldn't be corroborated by knowledgeable experts, such as those you might find on this forum.

    Funnily enough, I'm at an internship at the Federal Trade Commision this summer in the Division of Advertising Practices. One of the cases I worked on was the Dr. Oz Green Coffee Bean extract mess with Lindsay Duncan. I was at the Senate Hearing about a month ago where Oz got grilled by Senator McCaskill. It was fun and endearing watching the quack squirming in his seat as I listened to him make up excuse after excuse to the panel.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    If we are questioning whether fruit is good or bad for you, we have seriously lost our way...
  • Bustergirl14
    Bustergirl14 Posts: 69 Member
    Obviously you ahve been to a doctor to receive your diabetes diagnosis. Ask your doctor for a referral to a nutritionist to help you with your diet. There are a lot of medical issues involving diabetes and you should be getting some expert advice about how to control your blood sugar and safely lose weight rather than comtemplate vague eating strategies llke "clean eating" and "no carb" and asking strangers on a message board if fruit is bad.

    Sorry, but there is just so much more that you need to be thinking about here from a medical stand point.

    I am on a low carb diet designed by my nutritionist and there is not one food that she has ever labeled as "bad" or "good".

    You didn't state that you are diabetic if you are then low-carb makes sense if you aren't why is your nutritionist having you limit carbs?

    At my annual exam in May, my blood sugar was high enough to suggest blood work which showed I am barely over the limit for a diagnosis for diabetes. My doctor prescribed no medications but told me I had to lose 10 pounds by my follow up visit in August. And I can sympathize with anyone who was diagnosed similarly because no direction or guidance was given. I found a nutritionist who was on my insurance and I asked my doctor for the referral because I knew that this was going to involve more than losing weight. I realized I had a lot to learn about how to regulate blood sugar through diet. It's not hard but you really have to know what you are doing and having a professional nutritionist has been very, very helpful for me and I would recommend it to everyone whether they are diabetic or not.
  • highcarbveganzombie
    highcarbveganzombie Posts: 68 Member
    Eat your fruit! :D
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    She wants to go the no-carb route while I prefer the clean eating, low calorie approach which I feel is more if a lifestyle than a diet (how I see low carb).

    They're both diets. You are both dieters.

    Enjoy your fruit. IIFYM, etc.