Don't be this person at the gym.



  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    This is the most surprising trainwreck thread of the month.
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    in fairness...judging by the color of your respective skins there is a good chance his is bigger than yours...

    haha wow. just. wow.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Right, because I'm sure you've waltzed through life never complaining about anything ever unless you know the 100% truth about any specific situation in it's complete and unequivocal context. What is your secret really?

    Yeah, that basically sums me up. I've been through hell in back. I've also met homeless people who were once millionaires. Everyone has a story, and I'm sure you do to. that's probably why you're being a judgemental *kitten*. Someone did something to make you butthurt enough to try to make yourself look superior to others.

    As for the skin colour comment: I've spent time with some girls from Jamaica who were stated that skin colour and size don't always corrolate. ;)
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    This thread is giving me diabetus
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    eh I have worked jobs in the past with customer service duties and people who hang out and chit chat are pretty much par for the course.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Wow. This post. People can find anything to argue about when they're bored.

    OP, I get it. I've been there. It really sucks to be the guy stuck on the listening end of an unwanted conversation. Some people are so self-absorbed that they don't realize that they are making *kitten* of themselves, and some people are too nice to tell them.

    I agree. Don't be that guy. But don't be the guy who doesn't have enough of a backbone to get out of the conversation.
  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    This is the most surprising trainwreck thread of the month.

    I agree. We've all been stuck talking to boors, with some people better than others at bowing out gracefully.

    Heck I try to stay out of the forums because it's like wading through molasses. But what pulled me into the thread at least was OP's lashing out at people who disagreed with him. This being a public forum, that's never going to go well.

    The skin color comments just have no place here (if they have a place anywhere, which they likely don't).

    Seems like OP probably earned a strike, and isn't allowed to post in this thread any longer. Hopefully /thread
  • Efflictim
    Efflictim Posts: 147 Member
    Wow. This post. People can find anything to argue about when they're bored.

    OP, I get it. I've been there. It really sucks to be the guy stuck on the listening end of an unwanted conversation. Some people are so self-absorbed that they don't realize that they are making *kitten* of themselves, and some people are too nice to tell them.

    I agree. Don't be that guy. But don't be the guy who doesn't have enough of a backbone to get out of the conversation.

    This ^
  • azymth99
    azymth99 Posts: 122 Member
    My favorite guys at the gym are the ones that hog a station in pairs-then barely work out while they bullsh#t.

    They'll do 2 or 3 reps (not even a full set) then complain about some pain they are having "Oh man, last week I musta tore my tricep or somethin." Then spend a few minutes posing in the mirror. While their buddy is sitting on the bench looking at his smartphone rather than lifting. Then, when you say something- they think YOU are the d$ck. Which I don't have a problem with, I've been accused of worse, but hogging the station for 20 minutes is ridiculous.

    Get on the weights. Do your set. Get the hell off and move to the next one. Socialize at the bar.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    I go to the gym fairly late at night, and there is usually one employee managing the desk. The same guy usually. He is pretty quiet and well reserved. Doesn't seem like he wants to talk really. I usually say a quick hello, sign in and go about my business.

    I arrive last night there is this man talking to him at the desk. I think nothing of it, sign in, and do what I have to do. I walk by the desk in the middle of my session (about an hour) and still see the same guy just talking to the clerk. You could tell it was one of those conversations where one person does the talking and the other just sits there, nods their head and just agrees. But whatever.

    I'm finished for the night. It's been two hours. I'm leaving and of course the same man is still leaning over the counter talking to the employee. He is probably still taking to him now. And from what little I heard it just seemed like small talk, except this was more like big talk. Just felt bad for the clerk. Not like he can protest. He just has to stand there and take it. Said bye and went to my car.

    Really though, what middle aged man has two hours on a Monday heading into Tuesday morning to just straight up chit-chat at the gym before/post workout? Just seems weird to me.

    Dude, it shouldn't be surprising just how many people in life have NOTHING of significance going for them. They are "the social invisible" by their own choosing and/or from a grievous inability to adapt to the social norms of give-and-take. I've seen it a hundred times. Some people just...don't get it.

    My advice: Let them live in their own world and let someone on the receiving end of the stick be the one to tell the poor *kitten* off.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    So the lesson for today is: Don't be the guy who engages in a long conversation with another human being who appears uncomfortable.

    Be the guy who makes assumptions about the nature of the conversation, and decides to help the person who looks uncomfortable by walking right by them, not making any attempt to intercede in the conversation and give the person an easy way out of it, then complaining about it the next morning on the internet.

    Thank you, internet hero. The world is now a much better place because you posted about it.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    Seems like OP probably earned a strike, and isn't allowed to post in this thread any longer. Hopefully /thread

    what would he have earned a strike for? i honestly dont get it. why cant people just come here and post about their observations, even if its none of their business? i mean noone is forced to reply right? so why do it when threads like this one annoy and bore you? :p

    people always get their pitchforks out as soon as someone sees things differently. 0_0

    personally, if i see a thread that seems stupid to me, my reaction is to roll my eyes and move on, not post in it.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You've got one person trapped because they're at work and have to be polite, and someone else who is just unloading every thought in their head at them through half their shift. It'd drive me nuts. I hate making small talk (or worse, big talk) with strangers just because they're bored.

  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    You've got one person trapped because they're at work and have to be polite, and someone else who is just unloading every thought in their head at them through half their shift. It'd drive me nuts. I hate making small talk (or worse, big talk) with strangers just because they're bored.

    Yes, but how does it effect the OP? In all honesty my only thought would be 'Woah, sucks to be him!' but I wouldn't feel compelled to tell people about it with the "don't be this guy at the gym!" warning.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    Seems like OP probably earned a strike, and isn't allowed to post in this thread any longer. Hopefully /thread

    what would he have earned a strike for? i honestly dont get it. why cant people just come here and post about their observations, even if its none of their business? i mean noone is forced to reply right? so why do it when threads like this one annoy and bore you? :p

    people always get their pitchforks out as soon as someone sees things differently. 0_0

    personally, if i see a thread that seems stupid to me, my reaction is to roll my eyes and move on, not post in it.

    Why can't people just come here and comment about other people's posts about their observations, even if it's none of their business? I mean no one is forced not to reply, right? So why not do it when threads like this one annoy and bor you? :P

    People always get their pitchforks out as soon as someone sees things differently from people who see things differently. 0_0

    Personally, if I see a post that seems stupid to me, my reaction is to roll my eyes, comment on it, and move on.
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member

    Awesome. Internet meme time.


    Is this your equivalence of saying "My penis is bigger than yours."? Grow up man. Who gives two crap what someone else isdoing if it's not directly affecting you. If the guy at the counter didn't want this guy talking his ear off for 2 or more hours, he would have maned up and told him to get lost. You're just showing how pathetic of a person you are by posting on a rather anonymous forum on the internet, hiding behind a screen and keyboard, basically saying "I'm better than this guy."

    You must feel good about yourself now.

    LOL... Boatloads of irony here.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    Just my two cents, for whatever it's worth,

    I used to work for a gym and sometimes I'd do late night or overnight shifts where there were less people; There was invaribly someone who would talk at me FOREVER because part of my job was to be nice and polite and they mistook it for, it drove me crazy, but it was the job. And it was never anyone else's issue to "save me" or whatever, it's part of the territory when you work customer service.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You've got one person trapped because they're at work and have to be polite, and someone else who is just unloading every thought in their head at them through half their shift. It'd drive me nuts. I hate making small talk (or worse, big talk) with strangers just because they're bored.

    Yes, but how does it effect the OP? In all honesty my only thought would be 'Woah, sucks to be him!' but I wouldn't feel compelled to tell people about it with the "don't be this guy at the gym!" warning.

    How does his posting it effect you?
    Just sayin.

    I figure the people getting their panties in a wad are probably the people unloading their personal business on strangers every day and maybe this is hitting too close to home.
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    You've got one person trapped because they're at work and have to be polite, and someone else who is just unloading every thought in their head at them through half their shift. It'd drive me nuts. I hate making small talk (or worse, big talk) with strangers just because they're bored.

    Yes, but how does it effect the OP? In all honesty my only thought would be 'Woah, sucks to be him!' but I wouldn't feel compelled to tell people about it with the "don't be this guy at the gym!" warning.

    How does his posting it effect you?
    Just sayin.

    I figure the people getting their panties in a wad are probably the people unloading their personal business on strangers every day and maybe this is hitting too close to home.

    Fortunately I have no business to unload to anyone. And if I did I've got friends for that. :flowerforyou: