Looking for other P90 Support

MikeK51 Posts: 317
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Are you doing P90 (not P90X)?

I'm new to MFP.
I haven't found but a few others on MFP and would like to hear how others are making out.
I'm just starting week 3 (along with my son) and would love to add some Friends whereby we can motivate each other and be able to support each other with P90 specific workout / diet questions.

If your interested, let us know where your at in the program (what week? 1-2 or 3-4), is this your first time doing P90? Which do you enjoy more, Cardio or Sculpting?

Feel free to Friend me.


  • I just got p90 last night but im confused on how to do the cds I have 10 disk do I alternate them or do I do one @ a time??? so confused but I wanted to do something so last night I did the ab one 1-2 it was quick but I could tell its going to work...
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    it should have included a schedule for you to use...at least the p90x did.....it was included in the documents...hope you figure it out its a great workout
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    I am on Day 6. Sculpting tonight!

    I alternate...Sweat & Ab Ripper one day and then Sculpt the 2nd day. Do this for 45 days and then move onto Sweat 3-4 and Sculpt 3-4.

    I'm enjoying it so far! I also do a bit of Dance Central 3x a week for a bit more cardio!
  • Refisblind
    Refisblind Posts: 77 Member
    I completed Day 2 of P90X this morning. I am doing the lean program this time. I did start the classic program about a year ago and made it about half way then took a vacation and never got back to it. I can not do most of the excersices in this program very well but have a great time with my wife trying our best. Mostly laughing at ourselves valient efforts. However when we are done and I look at the HRM and it still shows a lot of calories burned and that is my goal at this time. I would love the support in making it through this time as well.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    it should have included a schedule for you to use...at least the p90x did.....it was included in the documents...hope you figure it out its a great workout

    Yes you are correct it should have come with a work out schedule. Which means that they either bought it off of a place like craigslist or ebay, or it is a bootleg copy. When will people learn???
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    I just got p90 last night but im confused on how to do the cds I have 10 disk do I alternate them or do I do one @ a time??? so confused but I wanted to do something so last night I did the ab one 1-2 it was quick but I could tell its going to work...

    The P90 package from Beachbody should only come with 2 disks. (A third DVD came along with it for something else...haven't used it yet).
    Disk 1 is Cardio/Abs 1-2 and Sculpting 1-2 (do those until your successful completing it and have increased weights...most do this between 30-45 days).
    Disk 2 is Cardio/Abs 3-4 and Sculpting 3-4 (done till the 90th day)

    The 1-2 and 3-4 is confusing. It's basically a way for you to track where you are at in that "Phase".
    Basically you do Cardio/Abs on days 1,3,5 and Sculpting on days 2,4,6 with day 7 rest.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    I am on Day 6. Sculpting tonight!

    Well I'm only a week ahead of you! I noticed a big difference toward the end of week 2. Also, the soreness went away.
    Good Luck! Keep us up to date on how your progressing.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    I completed Day 2 of P90X this morning. I am doing the lean program this time. I did start the classic program about a year ago and made it about half way then took a vacation and never got back to it. I can not do most of the excersices in this program very well but have a great time with my wife trying our best. Mostly laughing at ourselves valient efforts. However when we are done and I look at the HRM and it still shows a lot of calories burned and that is my goal at this time. I would love the support in making it through this time as well.

    I didn't get the X first because I knew they'd be overwhelming for me to start with.
    I really like doing the P90 and just getting into a routine (the hardest part).
    My goal will probably to switch to P90X after I finish this...I figured this is a life-style change so I'm in no hurry.
    Your more then welcome to join us for any support we can give!
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    its a good idea to start out at a level you are comfortable at....that's when ppl quit when they take on too much at once :)
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    You know I'm here for you Mike! I started Power 90 at the beginning of September and got to Day 50 (had been doing 3-4 since Day 30) when I overdid dips and decline push-ups and hurt my shoulders. In retrospect I was probably using too much weight during the Sculpt workouts as well. On advice from my doctor I've been giving them rest and heat since then and am almost ready to get back into it. I'll be starting over from the beginning. In the meantime I've started the Shakeology workout discs to ease back into the routine of regular exercise.

    So a couple of tips off the top of my head, make sure your legs are off the floor for Upward Dog, nothing but palms and tops of feet touching. Tony doesn't really explain it well. If you leave your legs touching it's called a Cobra and works different muscles. When Tony says to make sure you don't use too much weight, LISTEN! Pay attention to form on everything. I think part of my problem was trying to keep up without pushing pause. If you do it slower and correctly you can tell a difference.

    I can't wait to get back into it and be able to call myself a "grad". I've already purchased Power90 Master Series as the next stepping stone on my way to P90X. Good luck everyone and Keep Pushing Play!
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I just completed DAY 42 of P90 (Power90) I started Circuit 3 & 4 on Monday Jan 17 2011...I lost about 10 pounds in about 40 days...In my blogs I post my results and sometimes pictures if they let me lol.

    3 & 4 is not much different exercise routines as 1 & 2 - its just alot faster pace, and more rounds!...Sculpt 3 & 4 added another round to focus on more on forearms. Sweat 3 &4 is alot faster pace, more rounds (less small talk and breaks inbetween switchs) Ab Ripper 200 is the same as 100, but 20 reps of each.

    3 & 4 I find they focus more on the thighs and calves...I know mine are out of shape...but the burn feels so good....

  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member

    I am in my last week of Power 90. I started the first week of November and have pushed on through. I've lost 17 pounds so far, and approximately 2.5 or so inches off my waist. I didn't take measurements beforehand, so I don't have an accurate guide to go by. My pants sizes have gone down two inches, and the new ones are even beginning to feel loose, so that's where I got the 2.5 inches from.

    I hope to be posting some B&A pictures soon. Not a drastic change (to me), but something I am happy with. It has definitely increased my stamina, strength and balance. I've gone from 20 or so pushups to 36-40 pushups during the max pushup section of Sculpt 3-4. I've also gone from being able to only do 1 pullup to doing 5. I was huffing and puffing and lightheaded at the end of the first video when I started, but now I can do the full Sweat 3-4 and Ab Ripper 200 without stopping and only modifying the move for the knee-cross exercise.

    Once I finish with Power 90, I am moving straight into P90X. I feel like I am ready for it now.

    Goodluck Mike, and keep us posted on your progress.
  • Great idea Mike to have a place for some mutual accountability.
    I'm new here too. I'm "restarting" p90 after giving it a try a while back. I really enjoyed sculpting and didn't care much for the cardio. I'm gonna try sticking with it this time and using all the tools to their full potential (measuring everything, posting pictures, counting calories, etc...).
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Sounds like we are getting a good group of P90 users.

    It's good to get a peak at what 3-4 will be like. Thanks OLP76! I know I'm not ready yet.

    abkeeling: I know what you mean about the huffing and puffing! I'm thinking of getting a heart rate monitor, but still need to do some research first. I want to make sure my heart rate isn't going too high, but staying in the burn range. I've been getting out of breath and trying to keep up with Tony. I'd get out of breath, and then not be able to finish some of the later exercises. I decided to press Pause between some of them...get my heart rate back down, and then continue. What a difference! I was finally able to do the 7-7-7 for the first time just by giving myself a break. I'd highly recommend taking pauses between exercises if needed and concentrate on the form and technique. As Brent mentioned......the heavier weights can come later.

    bettyboop573....great advice. The exact reason I started with P90.

    boomdiggy02....I'm with you. I prefer sculpting. I hope we can all get something out of this. Thanks for joining in and being dedicated this time around. I think measuring, posting, counting calories, and "learning" will make you successful this time around.

    Brent buddy...Thanks for being my first support friend on the site! I HATE upward dog. It's either my 6'5" stature, or my big belly...but I can't get that leg to come between my arms for anything.

    I may not be back on tonight. It's my 25th wedding anniversary and we have dinner plans ( I'm gonna be good...I'm gonna be good)....then come home and press play. Have a great night!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Last night was a late workout after going out to dinner.
    I didn't have the best workout...but I can at least say I gotter done!

    How's everyone else doing?
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Last night was a late workout after going out to dinner.
    I didn't have the best workout...but I can at least say I gotter done!

    How's everyone else doing?

    I always have a late workout. Just as long as it happens, I'm fine with it.

    I pushed myself hard last night, and I have that nice sore feeling this morning, so that must be a good sign. Only 4 more workouts to go, and I'm going to be hitting each one as hard as I can without breaking myself.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    I pushed myself hard last night, and I have that nice sore feeling this morning, so that must be a good sign. Only 4 more workouts to go, and I'm going to be hitting each one as hard as I can without breaking myself.

    Yes...it's a fine line of knowing how much to push yourself without hurting yourself. With 86 days done, I'm sure you've learned your capabilities by now. I'm still experimenting.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Day 18 Cardio and Abs done!

    It's been tough the last 2 nights. Feeling tired during the workouts.
    I guess everyone has their good and bad workouts.

    Looking forward to the weekend!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Day 20 Cardio / Abs done! My new Polar FT7 said I burned 580 calories! Nice!

    Anyone else doing the P90?
    Feel free to friend me. We can all use the inspiration from each other to keep pushing Play!
  • My husband and I are starting tomorrow. I am doing the lean and he's going to do the classic. We both have been pretty active and workout at our gym so I feel more comfortable with the exercises than the diet. I am worried I won't be able to do the diet exactly right and I'll mess up with that part. I am ready to start tho and hope I make it thru the 90 days!
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