SWa Walking group - January Walk



  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Okay, I'm so sore from doing that Chris Freytag "walk". I'm hurting from my hips to my knees. It must have been a good workout as it seems to have used lots of muscles I obviously haven't been using. :sad:

    I checked my Biggest loser DVD and I have the power walk too. It's one I need to try again too.

    Hopefully I'll get in a walk tomorrow if I'm moving better.
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    3 miles. Will have to get the Biggest Loser sounds like a challenge!
    4 Fast miles 2 miles with weights and squats etc....

    Happy Tuesday!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Afternoon!!

    I Just walked to the Beach over the bridge and back, then to my City Park & walked around a mile & back home. 6.21 MILES My legs are sooooo sore, My knees are killing me along with my feet. But Surprisingly I feel great but in pain LMAO>>>>>>>:noway:

    p.s. IM trying Hard to get out of Virginia / whats with all the Zig Zagging, couldn't "walkacrossamerica" make it simple :bigsmile:

  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Kathy and Teresa: Thanks for the kind words :embarassed: It's nice to be back. I may have lapsed, but I'll always come back. Afterall, quitting didn't do me any good before so just need to pull the (control top) pantyhose back up and try again :laugh:

    I reset my goal for January to 60 miles. Did 4 Fast Miles today at lunch. Feels good to get moving again.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I made myself do the 2 mile WATP for abs. I felt a lot better about halfway thru the second mile. It really helped loosen up the stiff muscles.

    I hope everyone had a good day! Keep on walking!
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, everyone.

    I can't believe I haven't posted since January 5 (yikes!), although I've been walking. Those holiday weeks threw me off my schedule of checking in. :grumble:

    It's great to see so many familiar faces from previous months, and great to see so many new walkers! I've caught up on all the posts - sorry to hear of all the winter weather woes; here in Phoenix it was a sunny 76 and a gorgeous day! (These are our months to gloat since we will be in the triple digits in a few months, which lasts until late October.)

    Tonight, I (finally) tried the Super Challenge 4 Miles; I've been doing the original WATP 1, 2 and 3 mile tapes and the Start Walking at Home 1 and 2 mile walks through cable On Demand. Sandy, you mentioned (way back on 1/10) that you had a list and description of all LS workouts; would you send me a copy? Thanks!

    Have a good week, everyone. Stay motivated!

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    3 miles. Will have to get the Biggest Loser sounds like a challenge!
    4 Fast miles 2 miles with weights and squats etc....
    4 miles with the works...late for work...yikes

    Sandra I would really like the walk list also, thanks Alice
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I seem to have lost my Walk Across America account! The other day I kept getting a weird error message page and today it says I don't have an account there! Oh well, if I have time I'll create another one but for now I think I'll just keep walking anyway.

    I did some miles with Leslie yesterday and will do a Chris Freytag video today. I'm going to give the BL Power Walk another try tomorrow, I think.

    Nice to see you again, AZChatter!

    Alice--you are walking up a storm!
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    First time I've done this. 3 miles:bigsmile:
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Fellow Walkers :bigsmile:

    I also couldn't get on "walking across America" Yesterday. I will try it again when I'm done. :huh:

    All morning was cloudy & looked like rain. So I stayed in doors, gave my 3 dogs a bath & did the Treadmill 1.7 miles / 35 minutes
    I was so exhausted but I pushed through the treadmill. Time for a NAP before I go into work tonight.

    Hope you all have a GREAT DAY!!!! And WorkOut. Oh!! The Sun is finally deciding to come out, right when I want to sleep. GREAT "UGH":huh:
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi There!!!

    Well I was able to get on " walk across America" Finally. I thought Of giving it up, But when looking at it again, it made me think That this is motivational for me to try and really make it across america. So I'm going to stick with IT like I'm sticking to this MFP.
    I'm on the right Path, Im really doing good & I don't plan on getting OFF, To The END!!! 125 pounds here I come!!!!!!! :drinker:
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    Well I got 3 miles in today, (ToM) is kicked my butt this week.
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Didn't get down to my lunch walking group due to work being so busy, but will try to do 3 miles at home tonight. I'd better as I only have 245 calories left and tonight's spaghetti and meatballs for dinner - YUM! I'll check in later to let you know if the coach caugh me or if I "walked away."
  • undercover
    undercover Posts: 138 Member
    Been kind of MIA lately, hurt my back the other day but now I feel almost as good as new, so I did 5 miles while watching The Biggest Loser tonight. You just can't quit while your watching that show! Maybe I should get previous seasons to always keep going... :) Have a good night!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everybody!

    AZ & Alice, I sent the list. Let me know if you didn't get it for some reason.

    I"m freaking out here right now. :noway: I might have a second phone interview on Friday for a job that I interviewed for sometime last fall. Now I've got to go study up on all those impossible interview questions. They asked lots of them on the first one. I really suck at interviewing (especially phone interviews) so now I have to stress over it until I find out if I even have an interview! I'm not sure if this means they decided to wait until now to fill the job or if they filled it and didn't like who they hired? Anyway, I may or may not be walking until I get this settled.

    Wish me luck though because I really, really need a new job! :laugh:
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Hi Everyone! I know I haven't been around much...been really busy. My daughter is getting married in September and we're getting things reserv ed and pulled together. Whew! What a job. I also started physical therapy for back and hip. I'll try to be around more, but I can't make any promises. Those physical therapists can really put you in a hold. LOL

    Only 2 miles this week so far. Gotta step it up!
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Sandy - :flowerforyou: Best of luck on the interview! You'll do great I'm sure.

    Luney - Congrats to your daughter. How much fun it must be to look forward to her special day and see all the details come together. Hope your PT is helpful and you see some quick results.

    Well, I did the 3 mile bootcamp when I got home while hubby handled dinner and the kid's homework. So now I get to have my spaghetti & meatball dinner with the appropriate serving sizes :bigsmile:
  • Hi everyone, hope you are all having a great evening,
    its been a busy work week for me, so I'm not getting as much walking in as I'd like this week. Work can really be a hammper on tring to lose and get fit...:grumble: there are lots of days I'ed love to just quit so I can spend more time doing what I want....I guess I should be happy I have a good job.:ohwell: Someday that retirement day will come.....
    I did manage 2 miles on the treadmill tonight though.... Tomorrow I'm going to shoot for 4 miles..... We'll see how well that goes..... :bigsmile:

    Sandy good luck on your interview too!!!!!!!!!!!
    Have a good night all.....
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    3 miles. Will have to get the Biggest Loser sounds like a challenge!
    4 Fast miles 2 miles with weights and squats etc....
    4 miles with the works...late for work...yikes
    4 miles withthe works. Happy Thursday!

    Sandra you'll do fine! I think phone interviews are easier as you're in a familiar place, you can have crib notes handy, they can't see your physical reation to their question! You can do this!!

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