Anything I can do about this woman?



  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Carry some eggs with you on your run. Hit her car with them.

    Fill balloons with something sticky like syrup. Hit her car with them.
  • ljminto
    ljminto Posts: 52
    She's a woman driver and it's the morning, so she's probably drinking coffee and putting on makeup at the same time and doesn't see you! But you know what else she can't see? A handful of nails accidentally dropped on the side of the road.

    i like this idea!
  • kenc1971
    kenc1971 Posts: 107 Member
    Up in my area, we get a good deal of runners/walkers/cyclists (I included cyclists here because they're quite prevalent, and I didn't want you to think I was talking about zombies). Because it's a town that was rural (think 1200-1500 sq foot houses with 2-3 acre avg. yards, with a state forest running through it) and has become more suburbia (those houses have been knocked down to make 3000 sq foot McMansions with 1 acre yards), there is a lack of sidewalks in most of the town, other than downtown/school areas, and the newer streets that they've been adding in.

    As a driver, I notice that there are people who are aggressive in this manner, though not quite to the level that you're experiencing. It almost seems as though this woman has a vendetta against you, or more likely, what you're doing. Maybe seeing your dedication and progress makes her feel bad about her own health choices, and she's acting out. Then again, she could just be a miserable human who think that you're "ON HER ROAD!" :)

    Disclaimer: I am annoyed by the cyclists in my town because they hit the hill and move to the middle of the road, backing up traffic while we all get to see bicycle butts going at about 4MPH. Our choices are swerve into the other lane and blow by them, or follow the butts. Even then, I notice people give them a wide berth, the same with runners/walkers. Some cyclists do hit the shoulder strip, which honestly isn't more than 6-12" of pavement between the white line and someone's lawn.

    So my suggestions, take them with a grain of salt (but track the sodium)...

    1. The towns near me have done road work and actually added in a bike/running lane, which is a good idea, so long as everyone stays in their lane. It doesn't work quite so well in cities, but people are getting there. See if your town can work something like that into their improvement agenda! Take this negative puss-face on wheels, and turn it into a positive. Find other exercising types in your area, and band together to see if you can get it done. Then she'd be breaking the law if she encroached on you, and you'd have a safer place to run.

    2. Find other exercise people in the area. Everyone get together at the starting point one morning. Everyone run your route at the time she shows up.

    3. Definitely bring up the safety of the area, and the speed of the cars. Too often, nobody acts until the tragedy happens. It might also spur along point #1

    4. Get her plate and make/model of the car. Get her description (reasonably done). Make sure your husband has it in case she ever clips you (hoping that never comes to pass, but if she's persistent in her actions, it's a risk).

    5. When she passes you, chances are she looks in the rear-view mirror to see if her passive-aggressive move had an effect. SMILE AND WAVE at her like "Good morning, neighbor!" Then, she'll realize that her anger has not been transferred onto you, and you'll be in her crawlspace instead. :)

    Run safe!
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Take a picture of her plate # or video tape her driving. Make it obvious that you are stopped and waiting for her and then see if just that action makes a difference in upcoming days and if not then contact the police about her unsafe driving. You can't run in her lane otherwise you'd be at fault if something happened.

    I also like the air horn idea :)
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Carry some eggs with you on your run. Hit her car with them.

    Fill balloons with something sticky like syrup. Hit her car with them.

    Or baloney. Cars hate baloney.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Video makes great evidence.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    I would definitely take down her license plate and contact the police. Do you run with with any sort of reflective clothing? Is it possible maybe she just doesn't see you in the morning?
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    This may seem a little OT but what are you wearing while you're running? I don't want to defend some ignorant aggressive driver visible are you? (I'm a little paranoid about being seen, if I'm running along the roadside in poor visibility / low light I have an LED headlamp on flash mode and reflective gear)

    I'd also second the other suggestion of reporting this person to the police.
    Run against traffic. It's safer, you can see the cars coming towards you and it will solve your *kitten* problem.

    It sounds like the OP is already doing this (my inner Sherlock Holmes figured his out based on the "dog to the left of me".....)

    Yes, before going to the police, make sure you have removed all possible excuses for the driver. In some states, a pedestrian (whether walking or running) can be ticketed for walking WITH the traffic instead of against. Making sure you and the dog are both visible with your clothing, reflecting vest, lamp, flashy thing on the dog's collar, etc. will go a long way towards getting them on your side and keeping her from blaming you.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    She's a woman driver and it's the morning, so she's probably drinking coffee and putting on makeup at the same time and doesn't see you! But you know what else she can't see? A handful of nails accidentally dropped on the side of the road.

    *high five*
  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    A cooperative police department would have someone actually show up at the location to witness it if you reported it. This type of attention would wake the driver up for sure. Good luck and safe running.
  • mg1123
    mg1123 Posts: 69 Member
    Start running with a big pointy stick so if so if she gets too close she will get a big old scratch down the side of the car - kind of like they used to do on Roman chariots
    Pretty much what I was going to say. Have something large and sharp that sticks over just to the white line (so you're not breaking any laws) and if she gets that close again, her car will feel it. It might scare the crap out of her enough to make sure that she pays attention at least for a while.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    Start running with a big pointy stick so if so if she gets too close she will get a big old scratch down the side of the car - kind of like they used to do on Roman chariots

    I'm just now seeing this one. Honestly, this has to be one of the best suggestions. Not like you're purposely trying to ruin her car, she'd be doing it herself. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    And you guys have me dying! Some of your suggestions are just too hilarious. :laugh: :sad: :laugh:
  • teenie_71
    teenie_71 Posts: 44
    Run against traffic. It's safer, you can see the cars coming towards you and it will solve your *kitten* problem.

    I always run against the traffic. I dont trust anybody to see me, so i run against it to make sure i can jump out the way or do what i need to not to get run over
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Can you try running with the traffic? Not ideal, but at this point the same people are probably driving by you every day. People know that there are runners on the side of the road. I know all of the people who normally jog on the sidewalks on my commute; I actually know I'm running late if the grandma who doesn't wear a bra has reached a traffic circle before me.

    Does your partner have the same experience when he runs?

    Call the police department and ask them for their advice. Before you start reeling off license plate numbers, explain the situation (frequent speeding, location of your home, particular drivers are a concern) and ask them if there's anything they can do. They may see it as a great opportunity to set up a speed trap.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I love MFP !!!!!!!!! All of the revenge fantasies mixed in with the practical advice is keeping me entertained this morning.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I have road rage even when I am not driving, so my automatic response is to do something horrible to her car. Maybe pee in a cup and hope her window is open one of those mornings...
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Start running with a big pointy stick so if so if she gets too close she will get a big old scratch down the side of the car - kind of like they used to do on Roman chariots
    Pretty much what I was going to say. Have something large and sharp that sticks over just to the white line (so you're not breaking any laws) and if she gets that close again, her car will feel it. It might scare the crap out of her enough to make sure that she pays attention at least for a while.


    have you guys NEVER ridden anything or been running and try to put your hand out??? riding a horse and put your hand out-bike or motorcycle?

    physics people.

    if she's HOLDING a stick- and it gets hit against an object moving 65 miles an hour- dollars do doughnuts says she's tear or sprain a wrist at best- or break one or both at worst.

    Don't wear neon- wear HIGH VIZ- there is a difference. something phosphorescence or fluorescence- or a blinking light.

    1.) ask hubby if he has same problem
    2.) get her plates- record incidents
    3.) call police if you can
    4.) carry 2-3 eggs and if you're really willing to go out on a limb- ball bearings- but I wouldn't recommend it.

    playing chicken with a potentially NOT paying attention driver is about the dumbest idea ever though. Law of gross tonnage- even if technically you had the shoulder- guess what- you'd still be dead.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    well, there is what i would actually like to do (stinger in the road, kick car as it passes, shoot out tyres?) and then there is what I would actually do, which is take down the number plate and report her to the police for unsafe driving!

    I would report her although I don't think it would help. But in a perfect world, I would be able to reach in and punch her in the face for being an a-hole. What a beyotch. I hate her for you!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I would probably flash a bright flashlight at her, since you are running against traffic, right? We don't have sidewalks in my neighborhood and I carry a flashlight or use a headlamp when I take out the dogs for a run. If someone doesn't move over, I start flashing my light at them. If you are going to be a jerk, prepare to suffer the consequences and be blinded.

    I really hope you're not serious.

    I could see waving the light in their direction but keep it pointed toward the ground - that would still get their attention. What if you blind them, they lose control of the car and injure themselves, you, someone else? smh