Most embarrassing 'fat' moment you can now laugh at?



  • fatnomoremama
    Was at an amusement park and when it came time to get off of the ride (Log Jammer water ride) I almost fell in the water because I was so heavy and awkward.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • skinnygirldc
    skinnygirldc Posts: 30 Member
    Last night I sat on my kids' hammock...and it broke. I fell on the ground, with the hammock in shreds! Guess it's time to get serious about the weight loss. :(
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I took a class trip to Spain last summer. We were in Granad, where the Alhambra is, and I lagged behind everyone getting up it. IT wasn't so much that I was embarrassed about my body - just my level of fitness.

    If you made up to Alhambra walking, you have nothing to be embarrassed about! I sure paid the money to take the bus up that hill!

    Not sure if I am laughing about this...years and years ago, I decided to go tanning. I was under the limit for the tanning bed so I thought it would be ok. I always made sure to get on and off it by rolling my whole body so that I would not have all the weight in one spot. Well one time I got on it and after a minute or two, I realized that I forgot to put the extra sunblock on my tattooes so I sat up on it to get off. BIG MISTAKE! In my defense (well just a little in my defense) there was already a crack in the plastic, but when I sat on that one cracked spot, it really cracked and busted open a little to the point where I am grateful I was moving fast so I didn't break any bulbs. Of course after that I couldn't lie back down on it so I left. Luckily, I was done with the tanning package I had bought and I never went back. I have actually used a tanning bed since then, but generally when I go I use the stand up booth. The whole thought of possibly breaking another one and electrocuting myself really scares me.

    I have never told that story to anyone before and here I am telling a bunch of strangers. :smile:
  • fastfoodietofitcutie
    fastfoodietofitcutie Posts: 523 Member
    I'm failing to see the humor in these stories, they are sad. I hope when I lose the weight I still don't find these funny.
  • Fit_Housewife
    Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member
    Needing and extender for the seatbelt on an airplane.
  • wndrwmn86
    wndrwmn86 Posts: 507 Member
    I'm with a lot of people in that I am just hoping one day I will be able to laugh at them because they are currently painful to reflect on.

    I have had several people think I was pregnant, the most recent I went to a friends baby shower and was helping my friend lift a heavier gift to put in her car. The other people there were all older ladies, were holding babies of their own, or already had gifts in their arms. This older woman yells, and I mean yells to the point where the people in the restaurant turned and looked, don't lift that you're pregnant! My friend's face was horrified and I turned 5 different shades of red as I had to explain to her I wasn't pregnant and could lift the gift without endangering myself. It was nice of her to be concerned though.

    The second was talking to a guy friend of mine that I had a crush on in high school and even going into college. All of our friends knew I liked him lol even he knew I liked him. We got tanked one night and were talking all night like we did often and he looks at me and says "If I could find a girl with your personality and Heidi's body, I'd be the happiest man on Earth". Heidi being his ex-girlfriend. That still stings to this day and he never mentioned it again, nor did I. As far as I know he has no idea he ever said it.
  • bane0317
    bane0317 Posts: 60 Member
    Well, hmmmm. I've had the classic. Congrats you're I am not.....oh, come on you can tell I am not pregnant....sure you are ......nope just gained weight now go away.....

    omg this happened to me once and i wanted to die. It was horribly embarrasing for the person that said it and me but honestly who the hell asks someone if their pregnant. Like i didnt even know the lady! So nosy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yep this happened to me too - was at a friends daughters birthday party and her sister-in-law asked about it. I was horrified - still am and can't laugh at it yet. Mostly because I gained a lot more after that (not because of that, but it was like 10 years ago). I am hoping to find it funny at some point.

    I don't understand why anyone asks this question. I've even been asked this question by women who are heavier set than I am-- because I carry my weight in my belly.

    My boss IS pregnant- I've suspected since May. And she's pretty much out of the closet at this point- but we still aren't talking about it- no one is saying anything.

    Seriously WE KNOW. And NO ONE is asking.


    I wish the lady in Walmart the other day had learned this lesson! I have been working out and even had people mention that they could tell. I was standing at the deli getting something for my husband and she walked in the door and came by me. I didn't have a buggy but had my arms full of stuff. She made a remark about carrying and I stupidly thought she meant all my stuff so I politely said "excuse me?" She repeated herself. LOUDLY. IN FRONT OF SEVERAL OTHER PEOPLE. "I asked if you were carrying a little girl." I replied very coldly, "M'am - I am NOT pregnant!". She just said "oh-I'm sorry - I just saw you had a big smile on your face" and walked off. Like nothing was wrong with publicly embarrassing me. I wanted to say "what - do you have to be pregnant to smile?!" I expect some men to make this mistake on occasion but I thought it was a well known rule among women - NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER - ask if someone is pregnant.

    Falls under the category of someone who deserves a high the face......with a chair!
  • complikaited
    complikaited Posts: 19 Member
    I'm really only starting out now, but I've always laughed at my own fat *kitten*, it's how I survived this long. I was at a barbeque at one of my good friends house. We were standing on her deck (it was elevated about 5 feet off the ground). Well I'm standing next to the railing minding my own business, I lean back against it and suddenly I'm falling five feet. I land flat on my back and look up to see my friend looking down at me horrified asking me if I was okay. I was fine, just incredibly embarrassed. She spent the rest of the night trying to convince me that it was a weak rail, and I spent the whole night telling the new comers how the 'fat chick' broke the porch much to the general amusement of everyone.
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,463 Member
    I had a very beautiful Thoroughbred horse that I competed in Hunter shows. Well the judging scores are 50% horse presentation, 50% rider presentation. Well at the end of the class, we scored last. My trainer could not figure out why, as I had the best horse and my riding for equitation (flat work) was awesome. She went to the judges stand and got a look at the score sheet for us. It went as follows, horse presentation perfect 50%. Rider 10% presentation. Trainer asked why and they told her. My trainer had to come back and with tears in her eyes she gave me our scores. On the score sheet it said that the rider was too fat to be presentable. Rider should come back when rider lost lots of weight. I don't have a horse anymore, but I can laugh about it now as currently most Hunter classes are filled with very beautiful heavy riders.

    I have been asked many times, as much as I ride a bicycle, why is my stomach still answer is my fat has rearranged itself so it can be lost from there! (here's your sign!)
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    When I was 13 I was recruited for a popular female basketball team. I'm very tall, had great defence, but the problem was I was only fast for short spurts of time and couldn't run up and down the court for the full match.
    So they started making us all run laps, which everyone else managed easily, but reduced me to a tomato red pufferfish.
    The janitor corners me in the hall in front of the adult male basketball team and says "Someone needs to go and wrap a chain around her fridge".
    They laughed. Hard.
    I laughed along.
    Then as soon as I was alone I burst into tears :laugh:
  • gary241069
    gary241069 Posts: 255 Member
    When I was in 5th grade I was friends with a girl who would go on to be one of the popular girls in high school. She was skinny, I was fat. We were talking and she said something about me being fat and I said "well, maybe some day or in another life I will be skinny and you will be fat and you can feel how I feel".

    Guess who is way bigger than me now. *insert evil laugh here*

    Congratulations on your success of nearly hitting your target goal.
    Wouldn't it be great if you could approach her and give her some advice on healthy eating.:devil:
    That's real revenge.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I actually laugh at the moment when a girl did call me too fat for her. At least she was honest and didn't feel the need to sugarcoat like I'm some fragile little thing.
  • Veronnie87
    Veronnie87 Posts: 40 Member
    The second was talking to a guy friend of mine that I had a crush on in high school and even going into college. All of our friends knew I liked him lol even he knew I liked him. We got tanked one night and were talking all night like we did often and he looks at me and says "If I could find a girl with your personality and Heidi's body, I'd be the happiest man on Earth". Heidi being his ex-girlfriend. That still stings to this day and he never mentioned it again, nor did I. As far as I know he has no idea he ever said it.

    I've had this said to me as well (I was always the girl who was friends with the guys in high school and college). I hope you're able to look at him with a smile and pity now; because he was too superficial and not strong enough to stand up and own his feelings for you (because I'm sure he had some), he lost out on a life with you. That's how I look at my old high school crush. I smirk a little every time I read a Facebook status about his most recent breakup and think "You have NO idea what you missed out on." Then I go shnuggle my very happy man a little and thank GOD that other guy never did ask me out. I am loved for who I am and that love has made me want to be healthier so that I can enjoy it for decades to come.
  • gotonenerveleft
    gotonenerveleft Posts: 40 Member
    Can't figure out how to do the quote thing but was trying to respond to the slim fast for Christmas post. So sorry you dealt with that. Can't believe someone was such a jerk.
  • osteological
    osteological Posts: 69 Member
    Dating a really skinny boy at the time, he thought it would be 'sexy' for me to try on his boxers.

    NOT so sexy is what actually happened: they split right up the butt crack, which he thought was hilarious.

    Dropped him and (some of) my extra pounds afterward, so I guess the joke is on him. Not sure if Men's Small boxers will ever fit me comfortably, however...
  • osteological
    osteological Posts: 69 Member
    Some friends (who are all of average weight) and I were discussing how much we weighed - I know, I know, stupidest conversation to have with other women EVER.

    I didn't want to say my weight out loud because back then I was very ashamed of people hearing the number (now I actually don't care, it's just a number), so one of them says "You can't be more than 145lbs. or so, right?"

    I shook my head and told them that I was 170lbs. A couple raised their brows but one gasps and goes, "Oh my God, but 170lbs is FAT!" She caught on to what she had said right after and was tripping over herself trying to explain that she had meant that in her mind 170lbs is a VERY FAT person and that I didn't look like what she had pictured 170lbs to look like.

    I understood what she meant and that she had blurted that out without thinking, but one poster said, a little bit of dying inside. :cry:

    Oh, this reminded me of being in school last year and hearing my classmates and teacher insist that 180 lbs on an average-heighted man was downright obese. I didn't have the heart to tell anyone in that class that I was 180 lbs at 4'11", but boy did it hurt on the inside.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    my pants being so tight on me and they split wide open in the crotch at work. (taco bell) You never have that mcguyver moment until when the only thing you can think to use is tape, staples and some stickers. no joke. I have those in my closet now and I can fit two of me in them. I will keep those dam pants that I had to sew the crotch back up at least three, yes three times, forever to remind me how far I have come. They are size 18 and my size sixes are stating to get loose on me. lol. its funny now.

    oh here is another one that I can now chuckle at cuz I love my health conscious son and all but he was 18 then and in front of his friends and other people when I hugged him he all of sudden poked my stomach and said mom you need to go do some jogging. Geez. Teen boys can be *kitten* but its all good. I can jog circles around him now.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    I had a very beautiful Thoroughbred horse that I competed in Hunter shows. Well the judging scores are 50% horse presentation, 50% rider presentation. Well at the end of the class, we scored last. My trainer could not figure out why, as I had the best horse and my riding for equitation (flat work) was awesome. She went to the judges stand and got a look at the score sheet for us. It went as follows, horse presentation perfect 50%. Rider 10% presentation. Trainer asked why and they told her. My trainer had to come back and with tears in her eyes she gave me our scores. On the score sheet it said that the rider was too fat to be presentable. Rider should come back when rider lost lots of weight. I don't have a horse anymore, but I can laugh about it now as currently most Hunter classes are filled with very beautiful heavy riders.

    I have been asked many times, as much as I ride a bicycle, why is my stomach still answer is my fat has rearranged itself so it can be lost from there! (here's your sign!)

    I am so sorry--that is awful. The hunter/jumper world has always seemed very judgy on size to me, so even though I have wanted to learn to jump since I was a kid, I never really took lessons until I lost weight last year. I am still far from skinny, but I plan to show next year and to he** with anyone that judges my fat thighs.

    Probably one of the worst for me was getting fitted for a bridesmaid's dress for my best friend's wedding. One of the other bridesmaids was horrified that she had to order a size 16 (the dresses ran small). She said, I couldn't even buy that size in a regular store--I would have to go to a plus size department! She then looked pointedly at me. I wore a size 16 at the time (I think they probably had to order an 18 in the dress for me). Hope I run into her sometime now that I am in a size 10--she will always be awkward and unattractive, but I no longer have to shop in the plus sizes!
  • GibbsGirl13072
    GibbsGirl13072 Posts: 156 Member
    I sat down on the wooden toilet seat at my apartment and it cracked. I was mortified. I felt like the fattest person on earth because, really, who breaks a toilet seat? My roomie was so very wise. She said "How many people are you going to tell about this?" "None!" "Lots of people have broken toilet seats but they aren't telling anyone either." I felt so much better. Ten years later, an acquaintance on facebook posted about sitting on his toilet seat and feeling it crack beneath him. I messaged him and thanked him for sharing that because, as far as I know, he and I are the only people ever to do such a thing.

    This happened to me. And then the one I bought to replace it cracked within a week. The lesson is, don't buy a six dollar toilet seat unless you glue an extra support at the week spot!
    Nope... definitely not the only ones. I'm in for two.

    I haven't broken one, but my husband has gone through a few of them.