What grinds your gears



  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    Just a short list:
    - When your local video store stops carrying porn
    - The lack of any new priest / rabbi jokes
    - People in the 19th century
    - Linday Lohan
    - Not being able to find the droids I'm looking for
    - Eating in a restaurant with little baby junior son-of-a-b*tch screaming
    - When people interrupt me
    - and finally.. *YOU* America

    Who is American?



    Did you really not get the references?
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Just a short list:
    - When your local video store stops carrying porn
    - The lack of any new priest / rabbi jokes
    - People in the 19th century
    - Linday Lohan
    - Not being able to find the droids I'm looking for
    - Eating in a restaurant with little baby junior son-of-a-b*tch screaming
    - When people interrupt me
    - and finally.. *YOU* America

    Who is American?



    Did you really not get the references?

    ok now I feel dumb... well played sir
  • BigDaddyD72
    BigDaddyD72 Posts: 2,301 Member
    when communication breaks down and friendship suffers. then you sit back, analyze and realize that your own stuborness is just as much to blame. and only hope that they forgive you as much as you have forgiven them. yep my bad.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    When Pizza Hut acts like its doing me a favor by offering me free breadsticks and then charge me $5 for a 2-liter. Seriously?

    Where are the free hot wings?????
  • AshleyM71
    AshleyM71 Posts: 3,029 Member
    When people skip over myself or others awaiting a response in the forums.
  • aprildaguilar
    aprildaguilar Posts: 1,926 Member
    Women who don't take baths (How is it you soak your feet and nails on weekly but not your Ladybits and *kitten*???) GROSS.
    Completely hairless adults (I think it has spawned a generation or 2 of pedophiles) No GROWN Assed Woman or Dude should look like a 10 year old below the waist.
  • cosmiqrust
    cosmiqrust Posts: 214 Member
    people who get angry at others for wearing make-up at the gym. what's the matter, too beautiful?
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Yes-men (and Yes-women) & brown-nosers at work.

    Sheeple. I can't stand it when people jump on the bandwagon and stop thinking for themselves.

    The butt jeans. I get it. It's a young person thing to do. What generation didn't have some silly dressing fad aimed at making others uncomfortable or angry? But we've actually had young men report to work wearing jeans pulled down with their butt hanging out. They always get sent home and lose pay that day.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Completely hairless adults (I think it has spawned a generation or 2 of pedophiles) No GROWN Assed Woman or Dude should look like a 10 year old below the waist.

    I disagree, but I laughed...lol
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    Women who don't take baths (How is it you soak your feet and nails on weekly but not your Ladybits and *kitten*???) GROSS.
    Completely hairless adults (I think it has spawned a generation or 2 of pedophiles) No GROWN Assed Woman or Dude should look like a 10 year old below the waist.

    If you look like a 10 year old after you shave, you have bigger problems to worry about than just shaving.
  • AshleyM71
    AshleyM71 Posts: 3,029 Member
    Cashiers who have to grab the top if my monster energy drink can with there Palm to scan it. Why can't they grab the side, and not touch where I'm going to drink from? Be considerate!
  • 24Donna
    24Donna Posts: 39 Member
    Old people's chewing. I mean I love my grandma, but YUCK.
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member

    I will start.

    Cyclists really grind my gears. either you follow the rules of cars or pedestrians- not both.

    cyclists know that you follow the rules of cars if you're on the road...it's generally the lay rider that does not know what they're doing.

    Ooooh! Is this the same as saying you're not a "real" runner if you don't run at a 5 minute mile pace or haven't ever run a marathon or any race for that matter?
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    Juice head gangs at the gym who don't even workout but cover several machines in their gear for when they decide to stfu and actually lift.
    It's like a sewing circle, if old women flexed instead of sewing.
  • FrozenSongBird
    FrozenSongBird Posts: 3,892 Member
    1. When people start threads and then never reappear in them.
    2. People who leave the empty toilet paper tube on the holder and then start a new roll and set it on TOP of the empty tube on the holder. Seriously F**king lazy *kitten*.
    3. People who chew like cows or with their mouths open.
    4. Certain words drive me bonkers
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member

    I will start.

    Cyclists really grind my gears. either you follow the rules of cars or pedestrians- not both.

    cyclists know that you follow the rules of cars if you're on the road...it's generally the lay rider that does not know what they're doing.

    Ooooh! Is this the same as saying you're not a "real" runner if you don't run at a 5 minute mile pace or haven't ever run a marathon or any race for that matter?

    That is not even close to a similar comparison.
  • pnkpassion
    pnkpassion Posts: 64 Member
    I just have a list.

    1. People who never even sweat in life offering dieting and exercise tips
    2. AF's disappearing act
    3. People who spit huge lugies in public or around me in general.
    4. Sex less than 5 time a week
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member

    2. People who leave the empty toilet paper tube on the holder and then start a new roll and set it on TOP of the empty tube on the holder. Seriously F**king lazy *kitten*.

    Best invention ever???
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member

    I will start.

    Cyclists really grind my gears. either you follow the rules of cars or pedestrians- not both.

    cyclists know that you follow the rules of cars if you're on the road...it's generally the lay rider that does not know what they're doing.

    A "lay rider" is still a cyclist. They are on a bike. AND THEY KNOW the rules (I will make exceptions for children obviously). They simply choose to be annoying.

    I beg to differ...they are riders of bikes, not cyclists.

    I'll buy that if we can also agree that the people running you off the road are simply drivers of cars, not motorists.

    We can split hairs but I have to say that I agree; I wouldn't call that jack-*kitten* on a bicycle that just cannot understand the concept of hand brakes a cyclist. Different animal.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Women who don't take baths (How is it you soak your feet and nails on weekly but not your Ladybits and *kitten*???) GROSS.
    Completely hairless adults (I think it has spawned a generation or 2 of pedophiles) No GROWN Assed Woman or Dude should look like a 10 year old below the waist.

    Yes, YES!!!! I agree.