What happens on that day?

What changes on that magic day when the scale finally says what you wanted it to say? I can't see that I stop working out or go back to eating poorly. I can't really go celebrate with sushi. I would be horrified if someone made me a cake to celebrate. How do you recognize that moment? When you got there or when you get there what will be the change that will happen after that day ?


  • glenmchale
    glenmchale Posts: 1,307 Member
    before and after photograph, and set a new set of goals based on the new you... its not a journey that ever ends its just a series of milestones where you get to say you've achieved
  • ChrissyC1985
    ChrissyC1985 Posts: 406 Member
    find another way of rewarding yourself, like a new item of clothing/outfit, whatever. I have decided to put £1 in a pot every time i go to the gym and treat myself from it when i reach a goal. works for motivating me! :-)
    ultimate goal reached means i get some of the planned tattoo work done, long way off that yet though!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    It won't be any different than any other day, why should it?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    What changes on that magic day when the scale finally says what you wanted it to say? I can't see that I stop working out or go back to eating poorly. I can't really go celebrate with sushi. I would be horrified if someone made me a cake to celebrate. How do you recognize that moment? When you got there or when you get there what will be the change that will happen after that day ?

    why cant you eat sushi or cake?
  • i had tears in my eyes when I saw the scale! :) it was an awesome moment.. went to an expensive clothing store and brought myself an expensive Size 8 dress, took a selfie and posted a before an after on fb! ;)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    What changes on that magic day when the scale finally says what you wanted it to say? I can't see that I stop working out or go back to eating poorly. I can't really go celebrate with sushi. I would be horrified if someone made me a cake to celebrate. How do you recognize that moment? When you got there or when you get there what will be the change that will happen after that day ?

    why cant you eat sushi or cake?

    That's what I was wondering I had that yesterday...it was nom nom
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    I wouldn't eat sushi or cake because I guess I think those are things that are high in calories(for me . I don't eat 1 Ca. roll) I guess what I am saying is I wouldn't go out and change everything I have been doing or have done in one night. Sorry if I said it in an awkward way.
    I like the before and after comments. Hadn't thought of that. What I want to know what I need to know is what changed on that day? Once you have made this lifestyle change. What is it that running towards that number got you or will give you ?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I wouldn't eat sushi or cake because I guess I think those are things that are high in calories(for me . I don't eat 1 Ca. roll) I guess what I am saying is I wouldn't go out and change everything I have been doing or have done in one night.

    But the thing is this...when you hit goal weight...your calorie allottment has been slowly going up anyway so you have them to spare...if they are too calorie dense for you now...perhaps when you get the extra 100-500 or more calories a day it won't seem like they have so many...or too many.

    Although I haven't changed anything either I still eat the same foods I did when I was losiing...just a bit more. See I ate sushi when I was losing...maybe 6 pieces instead of 9 or 12....I ate cake, heck I made a brownie bottom peanut butter cup cheese cake while I was losing and ate that...1/4 piece at a time cause 900 calories for one piece well..was a bit much.
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    So maybe that is the part I am missing.
    At what point did you wind down ? Or up as the case may be?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I wouldn't eat sushi or cake because I guess I think those are things that are high in calories(for me . I don't eat 1 Ca. roll) I guess what I am saying is I wouldn't go out and change everything I have been doing or have done in one night. Sorry if I said it in an awkward way.
    I like the before and after comments. Hadn't thought of that. What I want to know what I need to know is what changed on that day? Once you have made this lifestyle change. What is it that running towards that number got you or will give you ?

    at 44 years of age you're never going to eat cake again....? that makes me :sad:
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    You pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself on achieving something positive - then you set new goals.
    It's not the end it's just the start of a new phase.

    From a practical standpoint you start to walk your calories up to find the calorie level where you can maintain your weight within an acceptable range (don't try and fix your weight at a single number).

    I'm afraid your cake and sushi comment suggests to me that you you are "on a diet". I don't think it's sustainable long term (and that's what maintenance has to be...) to exclude completely things you enjoy. Portion control is one of the most valuable lessons learned while losing weight that carries on into maintenance.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    What changes on that magic day when the scale finally says what you wanted it to say? I can't see that I stop working out or go back to eating poorly. I can't really go celebrate with sushi. I would be horrified if someone made me a cake to celebrate. How do you recognize that moment? When you got there or when you get there what will be the change that will happen after that day ?

    each time I meet a goal I go clothes shopping at goodwill. love that place. for me, there is nothing that beats fitting into a smaller jean size and it fitting me perfect. there were a few times along my journey that I have had tears in my eyes from the pure joy of making it to a smaller size. especially once I hit the single digits. food is for my nourishment not a reward. although most things I eat taste good.:drinker:

    what changes to make on the day you reach your goal: now its maintence phase time. you now eat to maintain your weight. you still execise. you just eat more so the scale stay the same weight or at least within the three to five pound bubble. you take pics. you keep trying new recipes. get new clothes. get rid of old clothes with the exception of that one big pair of jeans for reference. you just stay aware of what you eat and what you do. then you sit back and enjoy the new you everytime you pass a mirror
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    Boy I never would have thought i would catch it so bad for that sushi cake thing.:laugh:
    I have Celiacs so no cake not now not again . That has been part of this journey.And that gluten free junk is so fattening that was also part of this journey learning not to eat the GF labels but to eat around gluten.
    But my goal ,my number is a set number with two pounds(give or take) on either side of it for fluctations. And its been hard ,really hard. With losts of stalls and losing it all at .2 lbs at a time. And many but many 1000 calorie burns.
    So i guess what I need to know is when I get there do I suddenly stop. It all comes to the end. Do I feel like I crossed the finish line? Have I tampered down and barely notice?
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    who knows.. but I feel like once I hit my goal weight. I am getting my hubby a nice thoughtful thank you card and gift for putting up with me and supporting me all this time. eating at a deficit can really take over your life and everyone else that is around you too.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Boy I never would have thought i would catch it so bad for that sushi cake thing.:laugh:
    I have Celiacs so no cake not now not again . That has been part of this journey.And that gluten free junk is so fattening that was also part of this journey learning not to eat the GF labels but to eat around gluten.
    But my goal ,my number is a set number with two pounds(give or take) on either side of it for fluctations. And its been hard ,really hard. With losts of stalls and losing it all at .2 lbs at a time. And many but many 1000 calorie burns.
    So i guess what I need to know is when I get there do I suddenly stop. It all comes to the end. Do I feel like I crossed the finish line? Have I tampered down and barely notice?

    just to mention, its not 'cake' (gluten free or not) that is fattening... eating more calories than you need is fattening. this is why most people, myself included, dont think there is any need to give up cake... when you're maintaining especially, you should be able to fit the odd treat in your day or week.

    what exactly do you think stops? you still need to exercise, you still need to be mindful of what you eat?
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    What changes on that magic day when the scale finally says what you wanted it to say? I can't see that I stop working out or go back to eating poorly. I can't really go celebrate with sushi. I would be horrified if someone made me a cake to celebrate. How do you recognize that moment? When you got there or when you get there what will be the change that will happen after that day ?
    This is where i see a lot of problems. To me there is no day, There is just living I have no specific goal weight or number on the scale. As your body can fluctuate +- 5 pounds a day at what time of day do you decide you ave reached that goal.

    I do what I do now I will live I will eat cake I will continue to run there is no day there is just living every day to it's potential
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    I think that is what I don't know. I still swim that day and the next because I feel better when I swim. It clears my head. I won't be eating breads etc because of the CD and the people who said mean nasty things when I gained are just going to continue to say mean nasty things about some other part of me because that's who they are so I don't know and I can't see what makes that day any different. Maybe I don't obsess on the weight so much ?
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    You are over thinking this. Do whatever makes you feel accomplished on 'that day', plain and simple.... whatever that is... do it.... then get right with maintenance, do your research now. you will want to slowly add calories and test the limits til you reach a comfortable level of being able to eat more, exercise and maintain the weight w/in a +- 5 pound range. Don't panic if it takes you a few months to find your magic number (calories) and just keep going.... keep living. Find new goals and enjoy your life!!
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Boy I never would have thought i would catch it so bad for that sushi cake thing.:laugh:
    I have Celiacs so no cake not now not again . That has been part of this journey.And that gluten free junk is so fattening that was also part of this journey learning not to eat the GF labels but to eat around gluten.
    But my goal ,my number is a set number with two pounds(give or take) on either side of it for fluctations. And its been hard ,really hard. With losts of stalls and losing it all at .2 lbs at a time. And many but many 1000 calorie burns.
    So i guess what I need to know is when I get there do I suddenly stop. It all comes to the end. Do I feel like I crossed the finish line? Have I tampered down and barely notice?
    I would try to think of this as one long continuum - your life. You've maybe crossed off the first phase, the lifestyle-change phase, as done, but maintenance is as important as the first step. And that in turn you've been getting yourself used to during the lifestyle change, so it should be like second nature in maintenance. Perhaps you're overthinking it a bit?
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    On that day, I can go from eating at a calorie deficit to eating at maintenance. That will be a reward all by itself.