Joint Facebook Account w/ Your SO?



  • Loss4TheWin
    Loss4TheWin Posts: 249
    My daughter and her husband do this as well as one of my older friends who just got married last year.. Both of them are married to cheaters so I am sure it has something to do with that.. plus both females do most of the posting.. when the guys get on and say: "I love my wife"...I'm pretty sure it's the females posting those comments.

    I have those friends, too. My husband's cousin is always talking about how awesome his wife is on Facebook, but according to him, he hasn't been on Facebook in two years. The only reason it's still active is so his wife can log on and send herself game requests, so it became pretty obvious what was happening, lol.

    I have a friend with the worst wife ever. Seriously, she sucks. She doesn't work, she doesn't clean, she doesn't cook, she wont open the door for a delivery person, she doesn't drive, she doesn't let him go anywhere without her, she'll divorce him if he smokes, she growls and hisses at him regularly (I'm not even kidding - like he'll reach for something on her plate and she will straight up growl at him), if he buys himself something, he has to buy her something of equal or greater value or she throws a fit...I could go on.

    About once every two months, there's a post on his Facebook page that says "I have the BEST wife ever", or "Winner of the Best Wife of the Year Award goes to My Wife!!". Either he's delusional or she's posting for him. I'm waiting for the day she mixes it up and posts it as her own status. That would be awesomely hilarious.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I've heard it's a thing certain conservative Christians do (I wouldn't know, as I'm neither conservative nor Christian, and my husband and I have separate FB accounts). It's either to protect the woman against impropriety (pervy PMs), or as a symbolic gesture, you know, the whole "a man cleaves unto his wife and they become one flesh" kind of thing.

    my parents are conservative christians they have their own separate accounts.

    "protecting a woman" is just code for jealousy, control and manipulation.

    I'm throwing a big fat BULLCHIT flag.
    Note that she said CERTAIN conservative christians.
  • melissafaith24
    melissafaith24 Posts: 251 Member
    I've heard it's a thing certain conservative Christians do (I wouldn't know, as I'm neither conservative nor Christian, and my husband and I have separate FB accounts). It's either to protect the woman against impropriety (pervy PMs), or as a symbolic gesture, you know, the whole "a man cleaves unto his wife and they become one flesh" kind of thing.
    Most of the folks I know with joint accounts are young married Christians (mostly Mormons, a few others). And they've started them when they get those cute engagement photos done. Good point.

    Now it makes a little more sense. All of the couples I have seen doing this are conservative Christians (at least on facebook they are).
    Perhaps THAT is why I snarked at the woman who suggested the folks who don't are perverts....I'm NOT a young conservative Christian. :wink:

    And i am a conservative-ish snark taken ;)

    ETA: I didnt suggest those who dont have one are. But thats biscuits and gravy.
  • Tara_238
    Tara_238 Posts: 70 Member
    I have two friends on facebook with joint accounts with their husbands. I never asked why, simply because I don't care.
    We have separate facebook accounts, we have our own friends but I do get random friend requests from his friends and even some family members that I have never met and have to ask him if he knows who so-and-so is.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Always strikes me as odd when I see this. Same with joint email accounts. *shrug* Whatever works.
  • BlackBetttie
    BlackBetttie Posts: 423 Member
    Don't do it, it's a trap!
  • mysmileighs
    mysmileighs Posts: 103 Member
    I have a FB that I interact with people. I'm friends with all of my BF's family. I show him stuff all the time that comes across my fb. I post things for both of us... Why?? Because he can't help himself from trolling people and keeps getting accounts banned. :noway:

    If we did create a joint fb account when we got married, you wouldn't know, because we will have the same exact name. (We have the same first name now - same spelling - and when we get married, it will be identical. Hehe

    I can totally understand how it would just be easier to have one fb account and share updates that way.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    for whatever reason, the joined facebook account thing with your partner annoys the crap out of me.

    I have a friend who has a joint e mail with his wife. He often asks why we (guys) don't send him e mails we are passing around.
    The answer is obvious.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    This is why I don't want to get married anytime soon

    This and potentially being called "hubby"

    Brb going to throw up

    Why even bother getting married at all? Just do one of those long term partner type relationships. there is no reason anyone "has" to get married.
    yes. that's solid gold.
  • rebeccalee1986
    I think it is weird and to me screams trust issues. If someone is going to cheat it will happen regardless.
  • Catchphrase33
    Catchphrase33 Posts: 40 Member
    It's almost as strange as a couple sitting on the same side of the table at a restaurant.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    I think couple joint accounts are so stupid. If you're so dependent that you can't even have your own Facebook, you have issues.
    BITEME_GRRR Posts: 150 Member
    People are making a way bigger deal than it needs to be. They probably have family and friends together and its easier to stay in touch with all of them on one account.

    IDK, I Don't have Facebook, I call and see my friends :)
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    My beloved and I are about as close as two people can be, but we're still two separate people and plan to remain that way. Joint accounts are stupid and weird and disturbing and codependent and they make it appear that one doesn't trust the other enough to even maintain their own online presence.
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    Never opened a joint facebook account with my ex but we did have a joint email account. I don't know if it's still open because he opened it(obviously I had the login info at one point)but after we broke up I decided I didn't wanna log in on it anymore so it's been months since I even attempted to log in.
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    My husband and I have separate accounts. We did create one joint account just for the 3 months leading up to the wedding, and only friended people who were attending our wedding - it was a destination event, and it just made sense not to clutter our own walls with wedding plans and chatter, and it was one place for people to tag all the photos they took. But we've never used it since. . .
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Everyone who is saying that joint accounts scream co-dependence/ trust issues are really reading WAY too much into it. I have a few cousins who have joint facebook accounts. In each case it's because one of the pair didn't have an account previously and the name was just added to the other's account after they got married... it's pretty much ONE member of the couple's account with the other's name thrown on. I never really thought of it as a huge deal.

    For me, my facebook account is my account. but my husband doesn't have Facebook and I have almost all of his family on my facebook and he uses MY account to facebook stalk his family... Also if I post new pictures on facebook, he always wants to log in to see how many "likes" we have. I don't care if he wants to stalk people from my account or look on there to see what people are commenting on our pictures as long as he doesn't make any posts or upload any photos, etc. If he wants to do that, then he can go make his own account.
  • _JustDG_
    _JustDG_ Posts: 1,584
    Well what I've learned on MFP today is that unless your partner routinely checks your phone, Facebook account, and smells your junk when you get home, you're not really in a solid relationship.

    Guess I'll just stay single. I have this weird thing where I kind of like being my own person.

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    IDK, I Don't have Facebook, I call and see my friends :)

    I really should delete mine. I mean, when I opened it Mark Zuckerberg came to my house, locked me in a room with no windows and made it so I could use my cell phone for anything except calling people. It's kind of a bummer.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have two friends on facebook with joint accounts with their husbands. I never asked why, simply because I don't care.
    We have separate facebook accounts, we have our own friends but I do get random friend requests from his friends and even some family members that I have never met and have to ask him if he knows who so-and-so is.
    My fiance doesn't have FB and refuses to get it. I have several of his friends on my friend's list and I tell him about things they post. He's used my account to FB stalk old friends of his and stuff. But I'm not going to add his name to it. He can use it whenever or start his own, though.

    I also have a friend whose husband refuses to get his own account, but likes to play games on her account. She hasn't added his name to it.

    It's not people having access to their SOs' accounts that I find odd. It's the two names that I find odd.