July Cycling Challenge 2014



  • oinkerjnn
    oinkerjnn Posts: 85 Member
    Y'all are some biking monsters.

    I did a 12.75 mile loop yesterday, left my driveway, drove out to one beach and then to another, then looped back to my house. I love riding trails but there is something to Be said for working out and not having to drive somewhere to do it.

    Looks like I have ridden 47 miles this month, but its not my primary exercise. Though its definitely my most enjoyable exercise.
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    Completed my best ever month on the bike. Completely shattered my previous best results in virtually every category.

    My initial goals this month were 800 miles and 50,000ft climbing. Halfway through the month I increased those goals to 1,100 miles and 65,000 ft climbing.

    Happy to say I finished with 1,176.3 miles and 74,141 ft climbing :-)

    07-01 31.8 miles ridden at 14.7 mph avg. with 1,496ft climbing
    07-03 29.3 miles ridden at 13.0 mph avg. with 1,818ft climbing
    07-04 23.5 miles ridden at 15.2 mph avg. with 1,640ft climbing
    07-05 72.9 miles ridden at 14.3 mph avg. with 5,759ft climbing
    07-06 30.3 miles ridden at 13.0 mph avg. with 2,062ft climbing
    07-07 63.0 miles ridden at 15.0 mph avg. with 3,837ft climbing
    07-08 29.2 miles ridden at 13.4 mph avg. with 1,967ft climbing
    07-09 13.8 miles ridden at 15.4 mph avg. with 761ft climbing
    07-10 55.0 miles ridden at 16.0 mph avg. with 2,944ft climbing
    07-12 100.0 miles ridden at 14.5 mph avg. with 5,485ft climbing
    07-13 40.7 miles ridden at 16.3 mph avg. with 1,769ft climbing
    07-14 83.1 miles ridden at 13.1 mph avg. with 7,164ft climbing
    07-16 56.1 miles ridden at 13.7 mph avg. with 4,193ft climbing
    07-17 25.8 miles ridden at 14.5 mph avg. with 2,210ft climbing
    07-18 40.5 miles ridden at 14.1 mph avg. with 2,691ft climbing
    07-19 41.3 miles ridden at 12.8 mph avg. with 3,3201ft climbing
    07-20 89.2 miles ridden at 12.6 mph avg. with 7,132ft climbing
    07-22 62.4 miles ridden at 14.0 mph avg. with 5,026ft climbing
    07-23 25.0 miles ridden at 15.1 mph avg. with 1,437ft climbing
    07-24 16.7 miles ridden at 11.6 mph avg. with 1,033ft climbing
    07-25 70.9 miles ridden at 15.5 mph avg. with 2,546ft climbing
    07-26 131.6 miles ridden at 15.0 mph avg. with 4,813ft climbing
    07-27 13.9 miles ridden at 12.0 mph avg. with 833ft climbing
    07-31 30.1 miles ridden at 15.1 mph avg. with 2,204ft climbing

    MTD Totals

    1176.3 miles ridden at 13.7 avg and 74,141 ft climbing
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    This has been a difficult month for me. I had to have abdominal surgery early on and the recovery has kept me off of my bike. I was told earlier this week that they found cancer in my previous surgery (If any of you are praying people, I would appreciate anything that you can send my way). So, I end July having only gotten in one ride and face August without much hope of getting more. Just know that I am in your corner, cheering you on and riding vicariously through you!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member

    7-2-14 31 miles
    7-4 15
    7-5 30
    7-7 31
    7-9 32
    7-10 15
    7-11 20
    7-12 30
    7-13 15
    7-14 15
    7-15 31
    7-16 15
    7-17 22
    7-18 20
    7-20 15
    7-22 32
    7-23 15
    7-24 23
    7-25 20
    7-26 30
    7-27 15
    7-28 15
    7-29 31
    7-30 16
    7-31 31 MTD 565
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    7/3 - 1.5 miles at 8.9mph.
    7/5 - 2.6 miles at 9.9mph.
    7/7 - 0.8 miles slowly.
    7/9 - 3.0 miles at 10.2mph listening to Cheap Trick on the Walkman (external speakers - not earbuds).
    7/12 - 3.0 miles at 10.6mph listening to the Go-Gos.
    7/14 - 1.0 miles at 8mph.
    7/16 - 2.8 miles at 10.5mph.
    7/19 - 5.5 miles at 10.0mph listening to The Mavericks. Pretty sad that I'm excited to be on pace to get 30 miles for the month, but it's been a sickly month. And I AM excited to be on pace to get to 30 miles this month.
    7/20 - 2.0 miles at 7.5mph listening to the newest Black Keys album.
    7/21 - 5.0 miles at 11.1mph listening to Skillet. Felt pretty good today. And I managed to out-ride a tiny dog that was trying to bite my ankles. He almost got me.
    7/24 - 3.0 miles at 10.1mph listening to Supertramp.
    7/26 - 1.8 miles slowly - combined miles from yesterday and today as cooldown from mowing.
    7/28 - 0.5 miles.
    7/29 - 1.2 miles.
    7/30 - 1.0 miles.
    7/31 - 3.8 miles at 10.8mph.

    MTD = 36.5 miles.
    Goal = 30 miles.
    Still need = 0 miles.

    My thoughts are with you, CricketKate. All the best!!!
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    July 2 - rode 46.1 miles for a duration of 3:53:22
    July 3 - rode 5.44 miles for a duration of 0:27:15
    July 4 - rode 26 miles for a duration of 2:12:32
    July 5 - rode 31.2 miles for a duration of 2:40:29
    July 6 - rode 35.6 miles for a duration of 2:42:10
    July 10 - rode 26.6 miles for a duration of 1:52:44
    July 11 - rode 30.2 miles for a duration of 2:05:54
    July 12 - rode 6.14 miles for a duration of 00:32:36
    July 13 - rode 17.75 miles for a duration of 1:54:47 (XC race)
    July 14 - rode 17.4 miles for a duration of 1:12:17
    July 15 - rode 31 miles for a duration of 1:46:34
    July 17 - rode 31 miles for a duration of 1:45:52
    July 20 - rode 69.2 miles for a duration of 5:02:19 (RAGBRAI day 1)
    July 21 - rode 40.7 miles for a duration of 3:27:52 (RAGBRAI day 2)
    July 22 - rode 108 miles for a duration of 6:40:55 (RAGBRAI day 3)
    July 23 - rode 39.6 miles for a duration of 2:56:07 (RAGBRAI day 4)
    July 24 - rode 65.8 miles for a duration of 5:28:19 (RAGBRAI day 5)
    July 25 - rode 70 miles for a duration of 5:13:53 (RAGBRAI day 6)
    July 26 - rode 70.5 miles for a duration of 5:00:29 (RAGBRAI day 7)
    July 28 - rode 18.5 miles for a duration of 1:21:50
    July 29 - rode 6.45 miles for a duration of 0:42:24 (MtBike technical skills)
    July 31 - rode 8.17 miles for a duration of 0:51:41 (MtBike race pace practice)

    July Totals: 801.35 miles for a duration of 60:03:22 hours

    800 miles and 60 hours on the bike was NOT my goal for the month of July!!!!

    Regardless, I crossed the 800 mile mark today. That's way too much riding for my XC race oriented goals, but the week of riding RAGBRAI (Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) blew up my numbers. I'll be back down to more normal miles and hours on the bike for August (and beyond).

    Congrats to all for a great July of riding. I'm sure we are all looking forward to August (I know I am as I've got 4 races), so here's to August and turning the cranks...
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    How scary, CricketKate. You have my prayers.

    7/1: 30.52 miles
    7/4: 25.12 miles
    7/5: 29.94 miles
    7/8: 15.37 miles
    7/9: spinning (counted toward cycling days)
    7/10: 16.90 miles
    7/13: 30.86 miles
    7/16: 15.31 miles
    7/19: 38.20 miles
    7/21: 15.52 miles
    7/27: 17.07 miles
    7/28: 14.21 miles
    7/31: 8.49 miles

    Goal=250 miles and 16 days; Now=257.25 miles and 13 days.
    Mileage goal met; 3 fewer riding days than I'd wanted.

    I'll repeat the 250 goal again, since I should be running more in August, and maybe bring the days down to 15.
  • Not really sure what my goal was after all, but I wanted to ride as many miles as I could in July. Ended up with 1872.8 miles (3014 km). Really happy with the results of my hard work.
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    7/1 - 32.5 miles
    7/2 - 21.7
    7/3 - 32.2
    7/5 - 33.1
    7/6 - 37
    7/8 - 31.4
    7/9 - 31.6
    7/10 - 64.1
    7/11 - 31.5
    7/12 - 31.8
    7/13 - 31.5
    7/14 - 15.5
    7/18 - 21.2
    7/19 - 31.8
    7/20 - 32.4
    7/23 - 31.7
    7/26 - 31.7
    7/30 - 31.7
    7/31 - 31.7

    Total - 606.1
    Goal - 600
    Remaining - NONE!!!
  • 101sal
    101sal Posts: 43 Member
    Hi All, target for the month was 250 miles cycling and spinning and happy to say I smashed it :-)

    Date Kms
    1 Rest
    2 14.48
    3 15.00
    5 50.38
    6 Rest
    7 20.13
    8 20.19
    9 14.28
    10 Rest
    12 29.40
    13 41.30
    14 Rest
    15 13.31
    16 21.74
    18 53.56
    19 Rest
    20 42.70
    22 14.43
    23 21.60
    24 22.05
    26 29.20
    27 19.02
    29 16.07
    31 30.25
    July 489.09 Kilometers
    303.91 Miles
    25.74 Average Kms
  • eaglelakebill
    eaglelakebill Posts: 120 Member
    Goal 125 miles

    7/8 6.3 miles @ 14.4 mph for 26 minutes
    7/9 10.1 miles @ 14.6 mph for 41 minutes
    7/11 9.8 miles @ 13.8 mph for 42 minutes
    7/13 7.2 miles @ 13.1 mph for 33 minutes
    7/16 10.3 miles @ 15.3 mph for 40 minutes
    7/18 13.2 miles @ 14.1 mph for 56 minutes
    7/19 14.7 miles @ 14.3 mph for 61 minutes
    7/21 10.4 miles @ 16.0 mph for 39 minutes
    7/22 16.9 miles @ 12.9 mph for 79 minutes
    7/24 6.8 miles @ 10.7 mph for 38 minutes (nice ride with my wifey!)
    7/29 17.1 miles @ 14.8 mph for 70 minutes
    7/30 9.6 miles @ 8.2 mph for 70 minutes

    Total to date: 132.4 miles
    I hit my goal!
  • I was trying to complete the Strava "July MTS" (1250km) challenge and tagged on an "8800 meters of climbing in 9 days" challenge onto the end of it because I managed to do the 1250km a week early.

    Felt wrecked by the end but I'd done -

    Distance: 958.4mi
    Time: 70h 37m
    Elevation: 69,530ft

    I also did my longest single ride of 81 miles as part of it :)

    I find riding east from where I live, to find flatter routes, a bit on the boring side due to having to ride lots of bypasses and the like. So I tend to head West which makes for some very hilly rides which doesn't really help when you're trying to go for mileage.

    A couple of the rides I did in this block involved riding up Holme Moss.

    Strava profile for anyone interested: http://www.strava.com/athletes/1220506
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    I was trying to complete the Strava "July MTS" (1250km) challenge and tagged on an "8800 meters of climbing in 9 days" challenge onto the end of it because I managed to do the 1250km a week early.

    Felt wrecked by the end but I'd done -

    Distance: 958.4mi
    Time: 70h 37m
    Elevation: 69,530ft

    I also did my longest single ride of 81 miles as part of it :)

    I find riding east from where I live, to find flatter routes, a bit on the boring side due to having to ride lots of bypasses and the like. So I tend to head West which makes for some very hilly rides which doesn't really help when you're trying to go for mileage.

    A couple of the rides I did in this block involved riding up Holme Moss.

    Strava profile for anyone interested: http://www.strava.com/athletes/1220506

    Nice work!
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    This has been a difficult month for me. I had to have abdominal surgery early on and the recovery has kept me off of my bike. I was told earlier this week that they found cancer in my previous surgery (If any of you are praying people, I would appreciate anything that you can send my way). So, I end July having only gotten in one ride and face August without much hope of getting more. Just know that I am in your corner, cheering you on and riding vicariously through you!

    All the best to you energy wise for fighting the fight! You are in our thoughts and prayers....
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    7.7.14 - 9.5 miles - 20.0mph
    7.8.14 - 28.4 miles - 19.3mph
    7.10.14 - 19.0 miles - 20.3mph
    7.13.14 - 19.0 miles - 19.8mph
    7.15.14 - 28.5 miles - 19.9mph
    7.16.14 - 19.0 miles - 21.0mph
    7.18.14 - 20.0 miles - 20.3mph
    7.19.14 - 28.3 miles - 20.2mph
    7.20.14 - 42.3 miles - 15.8mph (no drop, slow ride)
    7.22.14 - 19.0 miles - 20.2mph
    7.24.14 - 28.5 miles - 19.9mph
    7.26.14 - 83.5 miles - 18.2mph
    7.27.14 - 19.0 miles - 19.0mph
    7.28.14 - 28.4 miles - 20.4mph
    7.29.14 - 19.0 miles - 19.9mph
    7.31.14 - 19.0 miles - 20.4mph

    430.1mi 22h 26m 7,058ft

    Definitely a light month but figured it would be since I missed the first 8 days due to vacation on the beach ;) I ran a lot more than usual as well. Ready for August!!!
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    I'm not much for posting daily numbers I guess but for the sake of other big guys with lots of time on their hands here is the totals for July:

    1464 miles

    Starting Weight 7/1 - 235.5 - Ending Weight 8/1 - 218.5

    Did my longest single ride yet at 127.46 miles this month... took everything I had in me to pull that one off.

    Just started riding a couple of months ago after quitting smoking so still going really slow but I do keep going.
  • whitehaze
    whitehaze Posts: 13 Member
    July totals:

    740.6 miles
    19.9 mph avg speed
    129.2 miles was longest ride

    July 1st weight was 197
    July 31st weight was 186
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    467.09 total for the month. Over 114 miles better than my previous best month in Oct'13.
