What time do you work out?



  • Well I take time WHENEVER I can- I don't really have a set time. For example, today I am hitting the gym before work. Sometimes I will go late in the evening after a shift or on a day off. I think any time you can spare 20 minutes or ANYTHING is better than nothing, and it's better than trying to force yourself into a routine that's hard to keep. My Motivation is usually me thinking "well if I don't do it today, when am I ever gunna do it?". I don't want to fall into a trap of promising myself health and a toned body and just letting myself down constantly- try and see it as a gift to yourself. Even walking is great! Or a class. I think finding something you enjoy will keep you motivated.

    Don't beat yourself up too much- we all have these moments where things slide a little. I am trying this new thing where I have downloaded motivational meditation and do it once or twice a day. That seems to kind of work!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I get up at 430am, my motivation is to have my me time before kids wake up. And to have the evenings for my family because workout is done.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Whenever the heck I want.

    Just kidding. I prefer the mornings, because it gets it off my do-do list, it's easier to avoid procrastination if you get it done quickly, I have energy that lasts all day when I do, and paradoxically it curbs my appetite so I eat more sensibly all day than when I don't work out.
  • victoire713
    victoire713 Posts: 720 Member
    On weekdays, it's usually afternoons(I don't usually get to my destination until 11.50, and then I eat dinner at noon). Like around 2 or 3, depending if there's a class scheduled that day. If there ain't one, then I will just head to the basement and get started around 2ish, sometimes around 3. If there's a class, then I go to the basement around 3. I usually go for an hour, but sometimes I can't even go that long. It just depends on the amount of energy I have. Yesterday and the day before, I did less than what I did on Wednesday, because I was tired and I wasn't as manic as I was on Wednesday. So yea. U get the idea there.
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    I've been getting up doing my workouts at 5am prior to work before I ran to the gym after work and that worked out as well for me at that time but not now. I went through a 6 month plus busy time at work with no time for workouts and the evening went out the window. Now in order to get back on my routine, mornings are necessary so up at 4:15- 4:30 am I go. I use evenings to add bonus stuff like extra push-ups, squats and deep stretches. Tonight I made myself do it after work because I'm focused on getting it in. My motivation is all my lovely clothes!
  • EmmaR35
    EmmaR35 Posts: 41 Member
    I am not a morning person - I can barely get up in time for work everyday. I (luckily) have a gym at work, so I go on my lunch break. Its a nice mid-day break and if I can't go outside to run, they do offer some classes during that time (Pilates, Xtreme Fit). I would try to go again after work, but by the time I get dinner finished and dogs fed, I cannot help but answer the call of my couch and whatever book I'm reading.

    Hi Dragonfly, I am also not a morning person and go to gym after work. I've been considering going during lunchtime, but am worried that I will be out of the office too long . How long do you work out for and how long does it take you to get dressed up again for work?
  • ingehooper
    ingehooper Posts: 37 Member
    Im a stay at home mum to two boys (3 and almost 2) I do it in the morning usually when they are finished with breakfast and are playing together. I get a 30-60min workout in then feel alot better. Im aiming to add some stretching/pilates in before bed to relax after my day soon. I just grab a workout when the boys are quiet and happy to play together for a while
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    I'm a SAHM i workout when it suits me kids lol,my 2 yr old easy but I gotta wait till my month old baby is sleeping....if its been a long night baby waking too much ill leave it till the afternoon and do a dvd but if I'm full of energy in the morning ill pop the kids in the jogger and go for a run for 30 min which I like very much, I like exercising outdoors:)
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Time of day doesn't matter, I go whenever I can. If you're really motivated to do this, it comes from within. There's no such thing as the "ideal time", distractions or reasons why it can't be done. You will make time. You will figure it out, and you will put in the effort. If you are truly motivated, there is no obstacle. Anybody who really cares about something will always put in the effort and make it happen whenever they possibly can do it.
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    Between 1-3 pm M-F.
  • Deanner03
    Deanner03 Posts: 371 Member
    0430 during the week. I'm always the first one up on weekends, so usually around 0600.
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    I exercise on my days off. Spinning class at 11 am. Perfect for me.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I work out at different times. My husband has to work today so I'll go to the gym when he gets home, maybe 6pm. I'm looking after our 3 kids so I have to wait. Tomorrow I'm doing a class at 9:45am, Mon I'm doing Zumba at 6pm, Tues I'm doing PT at 3pm, Wed I'm doing spin at 6:30pm.... My husband works shifts so I go to the gym while he's home to look after our kids. On his lates week I do morning gym sessions/classes. I'm on maternity leave so don't need to worry about work at the moment :smile:
  • TheMannon
    TheMannon Posts: 36 Member
    I get to the gym between 0530 and 0600 during the week. I do cardio outside on weekends, basically whenever i wake up.

    I'm not a morning person historically but my compliance rate is way higher when working out first thing, for various reasons (**** comes up during the day; brain has more time to come up with reasons not to workout, etc)