"Beyond Diet"...have you tried it? Looking for opinions



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I never pay for information I can get for free.
  • jramsthaler
    jramsthaler Posts: 2 Member
  • jramsthaler
    jramsthaler Posts: 2 Member
    I'm pretty sure this says 6.5 months, not 6.5 weeks...
    Just found this, so thought I'd put in my 2-cents worth... I just joined myfitnesspal as a kind of test to see if what I'm eating on Beyond Diet is really as many calories as they say it is. It's only been a week, but my findings so far are that weightloss is NOT just calories in vs. calories out! I've been on Beyond Diet for 6 1/2 months and have lost 37 pounds on the program eating about 2000 calories a day. I'm going to keep up the double logging for a while just to see if my findings continue to agree.... but I am very happy with the Beyond Diet program where I don't count calories, do moderate exercise and get to eat food that tastes good and fills me up. The only thing I've really "given up" is sugar, hydrogenated fats, and soy. And I don't eat processed or packaged foods - you have to plan and cook real foods. It IS a way of life, not a diet and is not super-fast weightloss. I love it!

    37 lbs in 6.5 weeks works out to be about 5.7 lbs per week of weight lost. At first, it may just be the shock to your body or the durastic change in diet/lifetsyle.

    Safe and the most successful weight lost happens at around 2lbs/week lost . . . so I would say this is fast, rapid loss but congrats on the loss!
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    I went to webmd and did a search for beyond diet. Well I don't know what you had red but the 9 reviews I read there were all positive so I don't understand how it's labeled dangerous and atrocious.

    However I would like to say that even if the reviews were as negative as you say they are they are still just reviews by people who have tried the site for themselves. I think it amazing that a negative review written by someone that you likely do not know is acceptable and honest because they reinforce your own view but positive comments posted here by myself and others are regarded dishonest lies

    I am not affiliated with beyond diet in any way other than as a member who joined the site last December.

    I have a question for those who say you can eat whatever you like so long as you eat less calories than you consume. If that is the case then why do I see so many posts on this site as well as other "calorie counting" sites where they OP insists their calorie intake is lower than what they are burning and yet they are still not loosing?

    I will tell you why that is. It all depends on your food choices.
    On a previous post I said I had started eating bread and I started gaining weight
    That's because my metabolism type is a protein. I need higher levels of protein than carbs

    My wife's metabolism type on the other hand is a carb type. She can eat bread and still loose weight.
    She needs higher levels of carbs than protein and if she eats too many proteins then she will gain weight even though her calorie consumption is lower than what she is burning.

    This metabolism type also explains why there are high carb diets that some people swear by and others find they don't work for them. If your a carb type then a high carb diet plan will likely work for you but if you are a protein type then it won't work for you and you will always be hungry. The same is true for high protein diets. It works for some but not for others

    Why? Because whether or not it will work for you depends on what metabolism type you are.
    If your failing to loose weight on the diet plan you are on, your probably not failing because your doing it wrong.
    It's probably because your eating the wrong food for your metabolism type.
    I can't prove that metabolism typing is real. I can only speak from my experience.
    My experience has convinced me that is true. Google it if you don't want to join beyond diet
    This is not an idea exclusive to beyond diet. There are lots of sites on the web that are for it and there are lots against it.
    That is true with everything though. If you ditch an idea because there are sites on the web that speak against it then you will ditch every idea about everything. Even the notion that weight loss=calories in - calories out has many opponents on the web.

    Personal experience is the best determination for truth in my book
    And according to my personal experience
    Yes you must consume less calories than you burn in order to loose weight
    However those calories also need to come from the right foods for your metabolism type.

    Telling people that you can eat whatever you want so long as calories in is lower than calories out is extremely bad advice in my experience.
  • lnz2317
    lnz2317 Posts: 1
  • Hi, I'm new! FYI, the Beyond Diet e-book is available for free online. You don't even have to pay the $3.99. I am glad that I read these posts first. Thanks!
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I found it very helpful when trying to start eating clean, lots of great information about how certain things get digested and why you should or shouldn't eat certain things. I also like that she uses the glycemic index as a base for everything so you're not getting sugar crashes etc.. I loved the recipes you could get on the site. I did not like the structure of the diet and did not lose weight on it, for me, counting calories is what I need. I didn't like that you had to eat a certain # of carbs, fats and proteins per meal dependant on an online quiz you take. I also don't like that she claims fatty protein or lean protein doesn't matter, you can have a difference of several hundred calories there, it has to matter...? Just didn't work for me. I think its a great option for people and is very cheap. You will get a constant barrage of emails from them trying to get you to buy supplements and shakes and all sorts of things tho.

    If you're thinking of eating clean there's some good info there, if you're looking to start portion controlling it might help there too but if you're looking for a miracle that is not BD. Just about every post on the msg board there was "help, I'm not losing weight". I also hated the site, very poor layout. It may have changed now but I prefer MFP.
  • I have been on this Beyond Calories 10 Day diet plan, and it works for those that like to pick at food constantly.
    I have just finished 10 days, took a break off for one day and now back on it for another 5 days...lost total 4.5 KGS..
    almost 10 ibs.feel great, clothes fit and self confidence is returning, but .you have to be strict, and follow the plan, any deviation witll result in it not working..
    We eat Eggs and Bacon for breakfast and link sausages etc., it says does not have to be lean meat but small and often is
    the key....if you exercise as well it an add bonus...:happy:
  • bvanstory
    bvanstory Posts: 3 Member
    I was a sucker and subscribed. Her recipes are so basic. Basically she sends you newsletters with links to her "amazing friends" who supposedly have great information for you. All they are is very long videos or articles with zillions of links to try to get you to buy crap. You can find much better information right here and on free websites. It was one of the worst $49 I've ever spent.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Nine out of ten Nigerian princes agree, Beyond Diet is the finest Flim Flam...IN THE WORLD!!.
    It`s pathetic that MFP lets this thread remain.
  • Janet_in_MO
    Janet_in_MO Posts: 5 Member
    I hadn't been here for a while so I had no idea that this thread went berserk! I'm a real person with NO financial interest in BeyondDiet. I continue to follow the plan because for $47 (yes, they do TRY to sell you other stuff and I don't like their marketing practices) I've been able to shed a lot of pounds and get very close to goal despite being 50 years old and dealing with crazy hormones and a busy life. BeyondDiet taught me to make better food choices easily without having to think about them too hard and it is doable long term. Bottom line for me is that this is the FIRST TIME I've lost significant weight that I know I won't gain it back because my diet has actually changed, and believe me, I've lost the weight many, many times before via Atkins, Weight Watchers, low-fat, low-carb, trying to "watch my calories"! I don't feel deprived (although you do have to change what you eat). I don't have cravings. I don't eat all organic even though the plan recommends it because I can't get it nor can afford it. I've continued to have labwork done at my doctor's office and my bloodwork is excellent. It's a no brainer for me, but maybe it doesn't work for everyone. :-)
  • dmas79
    dmas79 Posts: 2
    Ive spent hundreds on this stuff and excercise equipment over the years, til i found MFP! All a waste. Truth is you don't need to spend 1 dime to lose weight. Honestly if you do, then you should also consider buying a
    Book on how to manage your money next Lol. J/K! Do NOT buy a book on money. That's also a waste. Self help is a huge industry. But the only person you're actualy helping is the person selling whatever you're buying! Buy just using myfitnesspal, you're losing weight, getting healthy and saving money all at once
  • dmas79
    dmas79 Posts: 2
    Try the Paleo diet. That's probably the most natural and healthy I've read about so far
  • GAV8dq
    GAV8dq Posts: 4
    Eat less exercise more, bannish these fad diets as they do you more harm than good
  • Right now beyond diet is offering 2 memberships for the price of 47 dollars. I would like to find someone to split the cost with me.
  • TheSheepFollower
    TheSheepFollower Posts: 64 Member
    dmas79 wrote: »
    Try the Paleo diet. That's probably the most natural and healthy I've read about so far
    I was thinking of doing the paleo diet, have you done it or are doing it, how effective is it?
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    WHY are people still giving the OP advice on this ancient thread? She hasn't even logged on in half a year. :o
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    They advocate "clean eating" and explain how fat burning happens in your body and what foods you have to avoid that hinders fat loss.

    Haven't tried it but as soon as I read this line I knew the site is bogus......what hinders fat loss is too much food.......

  • TheSheepFollower
    TheSheepFollower Posts: 64 Member
    LeonCX wrote: »
    WHY are people still giving the OP advice on this ancient thread? She hasn't even logged on in half a year. :o

    I think people are now just chatting on this thread, in other words, talking to the repliers, and not the op,