how to get motivated to get up in the morning to excercise

I have been wanting to get up earlier in the mornings to go and use my treadmil as it's a deep freeze here in Manitoba right now.... I can't take my dogs for a walk. And I need to start excercising again. And I don't have time at night with 3 boys and with all their hockey / takewondo. So I thought get up earlier and do some treadmil and if i have time in the evening I can squeeze out another work out.... But every day I tell myself yes tomorrow up earlier and you can do it.... my alarm goes off in the morning and I snooze it over and over again until the last possible sec and I get up and then it's a rush to get out the door.... I need to know HOW I can stop doing that.... anyone out there have any advise for me???


  • sarahmckinley
    sarahmckinley Posts: 23 Member
    :( I have no advice, but I would love to hear if someone else does...bummmmp!

    it's SO hard when it's SO COLD!!!
  • CJWirth09
    CJWirth09 Posts: 24 Member
    Me too!! Would love some advice!!
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    my advice...stop hitting the snooze button. Just get up, and DO IT! Not trying to come across as harsh, but set your mind to it, and make yourself get up and excercise. Guarantee you'll feel A LOT more accomplished if you do. :)
  • realm69
    realm69 Posts: 23
    Unfortunately I don't have any advice, but I did want to say that I totally sympathize with you I have been stuck in the same rut. The covers are so warm and it's so easy to hit snooze. Before the Holidays I was doing really well getting up early and going walking, but it seems like the weather has sapped all my willpower. Good Luck!
  • balston2010
    balston2010 Posts: 62 Member
    I dont know either...i have been trying the same thing for years..maybe if we have to make each other accountable we would.
  • sliceofsarah
    sliceofsarah Posts: 141 Member
    Try going to sleep in your exercise clothes. That's what I do and they are pretty comfy to sleep in. That way there is one less excuse to not get up in the morning to exercise! You can just roll out of bed and not have to think about it.

    Oh and I also wanted to have that I just have everything ready to go in the morning. Workout shoes with socks tucked in them by the bed, water bottle filled, MP3 player out with headphones. It really helps just to have it all ready for when you wake up!
  • Iorns78
    Iorns78 Posts: 118 Member
    I agree, any advise would be appreciated!! I have two active little ones and work 10 hour days, if I got up in the AM it would help me out, I would actually get a workout in!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I keep my alarm in the bathroom so I have to get up to turn it off, and I put my workout clothes in there too so when I'm up there are my clothes and then I just do it. Some days I swear I'd rather get stuck in the eye with a stick but I'm up and the clothes are there so....
  • corey_e
    corey_e Posts: 162
    When I first started on here I took baby steps. First I changed my diet and no exercise. Then once my body adjusted to the new diet I felt a little more energy which I then started walking my dogs when the weather wasn't too bad and playing my wii. Then after about 2 weeks I was able to get up and go to the gym and each day it got easier and easier. I have so much more energy now and that keeps me going.
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    Put the alarm clock out of reach so you actually HAVE TO get up to turn it off. Once you turn it off, keep on walking right to the treadmill where you have your workout clothes and shoes waiting. Put them on, go use the toilet, put on some tunes or a movie and start walking.

    Would this do the trick?
    Best of luck in your success. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I use to live in Winnipeg Manitoba so I know where you're comin' from on the coldness...Try placin' your alarm clock away from the bed, where you HAVE to get up to turn it off from beepin' or the music...! Once up go to the bathroom, do your business - have your workout clothes ready for you in the bathroom - get changed. Take whatever music or a bottle of water with you to the treadmill...start it up - and a way you go...! You'll feel much better once you completed the first mornin' :) wishes my friend xo
  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    the only way I have been motivated to get up early to exercise is by going to exercise classes at the gym in the morning. It does help that my gorgeous hubby comes to those with me. It is hard though to drag myself out of a cozy bed at 6.10!
  • deusse
    deusse Posts: 3
    My advice would be to get yourself something that's a real treat -- do you love to read? how about an awesome new page turner? love movies? move your TV into the treadmill room -- and save that treat for ONLY when you are on the treadmill. It has to stay in that room. So if you get yourself really into a book or a movie and enjoy half an hour of it or whatever you choose each day, you will be DYING to pop up to see what happens next...

    That's what i do anyway :) Good luck!
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    wear your ourout clothes to bed and have everything ready to go and have it organized. As soon as alarm goes off jump out of bed and let the cold air wake yah up and just do it. You dont need motivation for that you need desire.
  • mchristensen527
    Put your alarm clock on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to snooze it.
  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    I don't let myself eat breakfast until I work out. That's a pretty decent motivator, for me at least.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I have no clue either :sad: sorry...but I would lov e to hear advice...

    I am late almost everyday to work, because I hit that damn snooze button too many times. I wake up at 6:35 to be out of the house by 6:50 to only be out the door at 7:10 (yikes) :noway: ... Would love to know how to get up earlier.. I tell myself all the time, I will get up when Hubby gets up.. I will get up at 5:30, or I will get up even at 6.. but nope.. sleepy me lays there. :ohwell:
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    I'm the same way. I've been trying to fit in 5, 10, 15, 20 minute workouts here and there whenever I can (usually while I'm watching TV in the evenings or on my lunch break) Hoping that maybe getting more active in general will make it easier to motivate myself to get up in the mornings. The few times I have managed to push myself to just do it and get up (MOOOSEEE3 is right) I have had so much energy throughout the rest of the day. I think part of my problem too is that I don't get to bed early enough and so still being tired on top of being cold makes it really, really hard to get out of bed.

    Good luck...hoping we both get better at this. :wink:
  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
    I read once where it takes the brain 2 weeks of consistent daily routine to determine that this new routine (getting up early) is a good thing. Up until that point your brain will react harsly to you screwing up it's understood routine (staying warm and cozy in your bed). BUT if you just make yourself do it for 2 weeks, by the end of that time when your alarm goes off your brain and body will say "yes, this is right and normal and I'm ok with this." and may even look forward to it!

    Two weeks doesn't sound that bad right???

    Good luck!
  • chelebe
    chelebe Posts: 13 Member
    I have the same problem. I hate morings. I was luck though in the sense that my boys karate teacher took pity on all of us out of shape mothers. He now holds a kick boxing cardio class in the back of his gym. so while my kids are learning their stuff, I am working out too. You might try asking their instructor if they would consider doing the same. Then you can skip the moring workout on those days.