About ready to give up



  • AlliSteff
    AlliSteff Posts: 211 Member
    Did you say you eat your TDEE calories? Or do you eat TDEE minus some calories? The reason I ask is if your TDEE is 1700 and you were eating 1400, it would take 12 days to lose one pound, wouldn't it? Did you give it that long before you increased? Also, are you SURE your TDEE is only 1700?

    Oh those TDEEs...depends on the site. IIFYM says a 20% reduction is 1656. 15% reduction is 1760. Scooby gives me anywhere from 1650 to 1830 (based on whether I choose 305 hours per week, or 5-6...most weeks it is 5-6).

    I've tried a few different TDEE numbers. I started at 1700 for a month with no change, then tried upping it to 1800 for 6 weeks, with no change....so now I've dropped it to see if anything will give. I do test it out for a decent amount of time- not like a week or 2
  • croulez
    croulez Posts: 2 Member
    Read Gillian Michael's book on endicronology.