skinny girls with cellulite - fat girls no cellulite!!!



  • Canwehugnow
    Canwehugnow Posts: 218 Member
    Really?! Wow.
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    Do a lot of yoga and drink a lot of green tea. Worked for me, got rid of most of it within a month of incorporating both on a daily basis and I wasn't even trying to get rid of it... I did some research when I noticed a massive difference and both are supposed to have a positive effect on cellulite visibility. I have very little if any visible on my thighs and my bum only shows a little when I tense.

    Like everything in life, there isn't a single thing that causes it. Yeah, some people may have a genetic predisposition and others might not, but there will be other things that affect it too.

    If you work your legs and get the blood flowing it should clear it out.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    and as for the "every girls worst enemy bit".. yeah, not so much. You asked a question, one I had thought too at one point. Not to be cruel, or insensitive... just being frustrated at who I was and not wording it right. I get what you meant.

    This. I totally got where you were coming from.

    I have cellulite, always have. My 5'7" teenage daughter who weighs 110 has it. My mother has it. Totally genetic.
  • beachbodyproject
    beachbodyproject Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks everyone for responding! Even people who had nothing nice to say! All your answers will help me focus on the right things to achieve my goal and continue my journey to becoming a healthier me.
  • baoyaoren
    baoyaoren Posts: 11 Member
    As they said. It's partly genetics, partly body fat percentage and eating/exercise habits.

    One part of it is that there is 'white fat' and 'brown fast/beige fat', which refers to the amound of mitochondria in the cells. The more mitochondria it has, the faster it can metabolize the fat, and the darker it is. White fat also has the fat in larger 'droplets' and white fat cells enlarge more easily - which AFAIK is the first step towards forming those lumps that then show up as cellulite.

    Until relatively recently it was believed that babies have a lot of brown fat and it just goes away when you get older, but it has been shown that even in adults, new brown fat can show up. Basically, the body does that when it needs to metabolize fat as fuel, and not just stores it for a rainy day.

    One study I heard of showed that adult humans gain brown fat when their bodies have to cope with differences in outside temperature regularly - meaning, when it's a bit cool in one room or outside you don't immediately turn up the heating or get another blanket or sweater, but wait for a couple of minutes to let your body adjust to the temperature instead. (I've had this trick for a long time, as long as it wasn't freezing cold - when I felt cool I could either put on another sweater, or remove a shirt or sweater to feel comfortable again. Don't do that when you're sick, tired/exhausted or have drunk alcohol.)

    I also think the changes in fat distribution that come with regular aerobic exercise include an increase of brown fat. Not sure about anaerobic training.

    Another thing that reduces my cellulite (usually stage 1 all around - you can even feel the bumps on my lower arms and my neck though they're not visible, stage 2 around thighs/backside/even stomach when I'm above BMI 26) is to do regular cupping massages, two or three times a week. (But it's a mess and I am too lazy to spend the time on it ... :P)
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I had cellulite when I was 18 years old, highly active, and BMI 17.5 (underweight). It is what it is.
  • StriversNYC
    StriversNYC Posts: 14 Member

    body composition: fat and lean mass

    some girls are very skinny but have no muscle and their entire body is fat (fat and bones)

    some big girls have lots of lean mass but minimal fat
  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    Although I hate the fact that you used "fat girls." I.

    Now that I'm losing weight I seem to have a lot more cellulite than before.... Sometimes it's just genetics and like my case other times you just need a lift heavier....

    This is a common misconception. You don't have actually more cellulite than before: you can just see it better now that the overlying layers of fat are being removed. Kind of like stripping the fat off muscle: it was always there, you just couldn't see it very well.

    Yes I agree.... I should have said I can see it more..
  • Rochester_mom
    Rochester_mom Posts: 100 Member
    I'm 5'6" and I've run the gamut from fat to thin, and I have never had cellulite. I don't do much in the way of lifting, but I do some running which I think helps keep my legs toned and I do Jillian Michaels DVDs. My mom who is 74 doesn't have any and my older sister who is a yoga freak has absolutely no cellulite. I think it's genetic.
  • karrindrwd
    karrindrwd Posts: 22 Member
    People seem to forget that "skinny" girls can be fat too. Just because someone appears thin doesn't mean their body fat percentage is lower than that of those other girls your saw necessarily. There is such a think as "skinny fat". Also everyone here is correct, genetics plays a huge role in where you are destined to store fat. Personally, I've had at least SOME cellulite since I was a child, and I was tiny and ran constantly. The only point in my life where I "got rid" of my cellulite was when I was a swimmer. I was exercising 5 hours nearly everyday and my body fat percentage was at an unhealthy 8% so along with the glory of nicer legs I also lost my lovely breasts and my hip bones began protruding in a most unattractive way. Back then I didn't realize how many calories I should have been eating and wasn't getting enough food. I am 5'7" and aside from dealing with a few bumps on my legs, have been blessed with "curves". Despite my thighs, I still think I have a beautiful body, and I hope that you will attempt to live a healthy lifestyle not for vanity, but for your health.

    Strength training along with cardio to burn fat to expose your newly formed muscle helps to reduce the appearance. I can say from personal experience if you become an Olympian, or maybe just participate in a sport you will likely greatly reduce the appearance just by having fun. Smoking and being dehydrated are big culprits for making cellulite worse. Also sun bathing since it can weaken the skin and make it thinner above the areas containing the bulges. Many people also believe that maintaining a low sodium diet will help reduce the appearance. I will say, living a lifestyle like this is better for your heart and kidneys so I wouldn't be surprised to see it help in that department as well. Many also believe that our tendency to be sedentary is what leads to this dimpling since in many other countries with more active populations, most men and women are cellulite free. I think, if you look at other species of animals, that we just need to stop living under a microscope.