Food(s) that you stopped consuming without realizing it?



  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Half and half for my coffee.

    Prior to joining MFP I was using a quart a week. I was so shocked by how many calories it equaled for one week!

    Anyway, I started using less and less and then switched to 2% milk. Thought I was going to hate it but I'm so used to it now.
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    Over time, I have almost eliminated red meat and pork and it just kind of happened as I noticed I felt better after eating white meat/ fish.

    I purposely at some point gave up white bread, white rice, white pasta but now it's just something I never thing about.

    I've given up drinking my calories a long time ago, so rarely any sodas but periodically diet ones.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Sadly, wine.

    My husband makes wine so we always have some around the house. During the school year we'd go through a bottle a month, but in the summer... a bottle a week easy.

    Now. I just don't want to drink my calories. I used to drink a glass while making supper 3-4 nights a week. Now.... I had to force myself to drink the last 3 ounces of the rhubarb wine from 6 weeks ago. And I dumped 1/2 of it out b/c after being in the fridge that long, it wasn't worth the calories!

    <- runs off to google "how to make rhubarb wine" while thinking of the crop waiting to be harvested in her garden

    As for the OP, the only thing I can think of is cream and sugar in my coffee, because I prefer to eat than drink my calories.
  • danielletogether4health
    Meat - Red Meat, White Meat and everything in between. I am plant based for health reasons (unlike my daughter who is animal rights based). I can't recall the last time I purchased anything in the meat section of the grocery store.
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    Pasta. Weird I just thought of it. I always loved pasta! I have to have some sort of tomato sauce once a week at least but now I put it over zucchini and I don't miss the pasta at all! I love zucchini instead!!
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    French fries and potato chips. The funny part is I don't miss them either. I accredit it to logging in on MFP and realizing just how full of calories they contain.
  • ravenribbs
    ravenribbs Posts: 288 Member
    Mayonnaise. I LOVE mayo. But since sandwiches have mostly dropped off my radar, mayo just doesn't factor in anymore. Therefore, I also don't eat nearly as much bread as I used to. *Wistfully* I occasionally miss my sammiches..........
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Over the years I have quit eating quite a few desserts,French fries & never buy salad dressings.
    Only butter used is on toast,maybe every 6 wks. Skim or almond milk in a smoothie,no more than 2 slices of bread a day for lunch sandwich.No white pasta,used to whole wheat now.Been ages since I fried anything.Meals are veggie based,small meat servings & always have fruit.
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    Soda. Not completely, but I am literally consuming about 90% less.
    Sugared cereals.
    macaroni and cheese.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    yep, dairy milk is one of mine too.

    Mostly though...

    french fries

    I don't eat low carb diet but I never loved those and don't miss them. I do love bread & rice though.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    - Juice (all kinds)
    - French fries. I make my own baked potato wedges now; no need for fries!
    - Cookies/cakes/sweets from grocery stores. They taste too sweet now and leaves a nasty after taste for me. :/
    - Same with most processed milk chocolates. Bleh.
    - Same with chips and other similar snack foods. They've been replaced by fruits, cherry tomatoes, nuts, and snap peas. I don't miss them at all.
    - Cow's milk. My skin cleared up really nicely since I randomly stopped drinking cow's milk...
    - Fast food. I just don't desire it anymore...
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I stopped eating butter/marg. It just happened, started eating sandwices without it, decided I like cream cheese or hummas better and just stopped. Now it wouldn't even occur to me to have butter or marg on a sandwich.
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    I never outright ban any food, but I find that as I'm budgeting my calories and planning my meals, some foods just don't fit in anymore.

    Most fast foods and junk food, chocolate, chips. Also nonspecific foods, ie foods brought into the office, doughnuts, muffins, candy, etc... I nearly always skip where I never would have before.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Chocolate. Now it's just 1-2 pieces of Ghirardelli or syrup on my ice cream
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Cheeeeeeese. I used to grab a stick of cheese as a snack at least once a day and would add cheese to everything - roast veggies with parmesan, shredded cheese on my eggs in the morning and salad in the evening. Now I can't tell you the last time I had cheese. Weird. I didn't even notice that I wasn't eating it anymore until you asked and I thought about it. It's just not worth the calories for me.

    I still love and eat cheese. But I have noticed that I eat *drastically* less of it than I did in the past. It really helps to cut back on calories, sodium, and fat. There are many things I used to put cheese on and no longer do (burgers, omelets, salads, baked potatoes) and more things that I still top with cheese but probably 1/4 of the amount I used to consider appropriate. For example when we make homemade pizza my husband typically uses 1/2 cup of mozzarrella for the whole large pizza and in the past I would put all or most of a whole 2 cup bag on a large sized homemade pizza. It's not AS cheesy but it is just as delicious.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Pork. I reorganized my freezer today to make room for some ground beef and noticed I had a pile of pork ribs that went untouched since before my last weight loss attempt (ditched and have been keeping off around 25lbs). I think it's time to make room for the beef.
  • MaidensAndMonsters
    Fast food in general. If I must, it's always a salad.
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    I, too, have stopped consuming milk, cokes, potatoes, and bread as I have progressed in my new low carb lifestyle.
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    I'm not sure if this is a stopped eating or a change eating, but:

    -chocolate. I used to rummage to find ANY sort of chocolate in the cupboards. If I didn't buy it, I'd end up eating chocolate chips or chocolate syrup just to get my fix. Now I eat really good (really expensive) handmade chocolate and it's amazing. So good and only a little bit is the right amount.

    -store bought bread. I've been making my own bread and maybe there's not a huge calorie difference but it's fresher and tastes so much better. Kind of like the chocolate, I'm eating a lot less because it's more satisfying.

    -margarine. Now I use real butter. Yeah, it's higher in cals but it tastes better and a little can go a long way. I still use olive oil for cooking for the most part, but real butter on homemade bread <3

    - crap ice cream. Again, I buy the good stuff now, not just whatever is cheap that I'll shovel in my mouth. It's more expensive and comes in a smaller container but I only get it maybe once every month or two.