poll: Do you log all food and beverage consumption?

yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
I have not log an exact accurate day yet. More likely never will. I do not see the point if I have and still am losing fat.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    When I was losing I did...I logged everything as accurately as possible. It's good you're still losing...but I think the reason why so many people think this doesn't work or whatever is because they don't keep an accurate log...nothing even remotely accurate.

    I don't log anymore and have maintained for over a year without logging with no problem and I could probably lose now without logging if I wanted to...but in the beginning is was pretty imperative that I log pretty much everything as accurately as possible.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I'm always a little lax in the summer, but for the most part, yes.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    other than the first month when i logged religiously, i have only logged as accurately as i need to still lose, which turned out to be pretty damn inaccurate, though now that i only have about 20 left to lose (and have stalled for the past 2 or 3 months) i'm gonna start measuring everything to cut down the margin of error. if i had been doing this from the start, along with keeping my weekend drinking to a minimum, i feel i would be at/alot closer to my goal by now. but whatev, still made pretty good progress, and i know exactly why i've stalled on the scale (drinking is mostly to blame)
  • mallorytravels
    mallorytravels Posts: 86 Member
    I have for almost a month now!
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Everything I eat and drink, every day.
  • haildodger
    haildodger Posts: 181 Member
    I log everything; except on occasion the zero calorie things like water or pop. Furthermore, I would say I enjoy doing it. lol
  • alison067
    alison067 Posts: 43 Member
    Yep, everything :)
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Yes, I do, as accurately as possible. I only have a 250 calorie deficit, so there are many weeks when I indulge a little and then just don't lose. But I enjoy the process more with a small deficit :)
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    Yes I do log everything everyday and I purchased a food scale about a couple of weeks ago and was amazed at how much over estimating I was doing!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I don't log my coffee.. but I log the stuff I put in it..

    I sometimes don't log herbs if I use them very sparingly or I will log them but just log everything as cilantro rather than looking them up individually.

    I log spices like onion powder garlic powder and chili powder though because I'm really heavy handed with them and the it can be a 30 calorie difference in a meal!

    On the flip side, if I put a cup of food on my plate, I log the whole cup. If I leave a few bites, I still leave it as a full cup, I don't go and measure what I've left and subtract it.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    I log everything I eat or drink, but I know there are inaccuracies in mine because I've never felt the need to buy a scale to weigh my food or anything like that.
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    I log everything - the good, bad, and ugly!
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    I log everything. It keeps me honest =) I tried not logging - it lasted half a day because I could tell I was overeating right away... accountability I guess...
  • thegilly6
    thegilly6 Posts: 137 Member
    I obsess over it. If I don't I'll eat more than I should.
  • sammama5
    sammama5 Posts: 92 Member
    Yes. When I was first losing, I realize now that I wasn't logging very accurately. I have had to go back through and double check all of my recipes I have recorded, and be sure I haven't left anything out (in my pizza recipe, I had forgotten to include the sauce).
    Now that I'm down near my goal, I have become much more consistent and careful about logging, but still am having a hard time losing the last of it. At this point, I'm not stressing about the scale, but rather paying more attention to how I feel and how my clothes fit. However it would be nice to see the scale drop a little more.
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    I do absolutely Mon-Fri
    Saturday and Sunday are a little harder since Im not on a schedule like I am during the week. I dont revolve my life around logging, so if I go out to a place without nutrition facts listed,then I just try and make good choices. It has not hindered my weight loss
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Everything....good and bad.
  • MisterKinsey
    MisterKinsey Posts: 9 Member
    Indeed, I do. Keeps me honest and keeps me on track. It also helps me plan my day to make sure I don't get hungry, thence, tempted to eat outside my plan. While I find the use of electronics reprehensible while dining out with my wife and friends, I have to admit that I tend to use my iPhone to log my meals when I order at a restaurant.

    I am following the DASH Diet Plan (thank you Dr. Laura Svetkey at Duke University) and daily tracking is essential. BTW, for those with hypertension, I highly recommend the DASH Diet - it works. For those who may be interested, here's a link to the NIH DASH information ... http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/dash/.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    I have been lax lately due to family issues, but I am trying to get back to it.
    IF I don't have an accurage measurement, I make sure to OVER estimate my intake and UNDERestimate my output (exercise) so that the error is on the side of losing.

    ETA: PRE logging helps a lot by making me look at the "price before buying!"
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    Most days I do log everything. When I first started losing weight, I was able to not log at all and just cut out certain things. I lost ~30 lbs. Then I started gaining (slightly) again, that's when I started logging (somewhat accurately). I lost another 15 lbs. Then I hit a long plateau. That's when I got a food scale and started running. I lost ~8 lbs and reached my original goal. I lowered my goal another 5 lbs and am currently in a plateau again due to sloppy logging and inconsistent exercise. In my experience, the closer you get to your goal, the harder it gets and the more accurate you need to be with food logging (and more conservative with calories burned for exercise).