any women over 250lbs



  • chefkryia
    chefkryia Posts: 25 Member
    I restarted closer to 280 and im already in the 250s again. It isn't easy, but you can do this. We all can.
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    I'm currently 216, but I started at 294 at my highest. At the beginning of the year I was 255. I've been where you are and I know exactly how you feel.
  • nicailyzee
    nicailyzee Posts: 183 Member
    I started out at 270 lbs in December of 2011. I really started getting serious and losing since March 2014 joined MFP in June and I down to 228. You can do this. We all get discouraged, plateau etc., but it is how you deal with it. No matter what DO NOT GIVE UP! There is no magic pill or potion here only logging and exercising and eating appropriately for weight loss. You can do this send me a request if you like I will support you in you journey if you log on!
  • I don't really know what advice to give you to help with motivation, as we're all unique. But -- in 2011, I topped out at 320 lbs. I just made a lot of changes to my diet, lifestyle and most importantly my mentality. I'm 5'9", currently weigh 179 lbs and my end goal is 150 lbs :)

    Anything is possible with persistence and diligent effort :)
  • I started at 253. I am at 240 after only a few weeks. I think it is all about your perspective. If you think of a Diet they usually end in failure. Think about the things your eating and how you can make small changes. When you make a point to know the calorie values then you may not got for that extra cookie or what ever it is you like. Also portions and measuring are so important. After a while you will do it by habit. A subway cookie is 220 cal. and I love them. But it is not worth all of the hard work.. I am very careful to watch everything that goes into my mouth, however I ate a gooey pizza last night and it was great. I do not deprive my self of anything. If I know I will be dining out, I eat very healthy during the day. Also you can ask for the lunch menu they have small portions. And lastly you should get a yonanna's maker. It takes ripe frozen bananas and other frozen fruit and make it the consistency of ice cream. Very healthy and its just fruit! I do strawberry, banana, & pineapple. They even have recipes with chocolate and peanut butter. You have already taken the first step your on my fitness pal! This is a great site! If you fall off the horse then dust your self off and pick back up. Use this site! add new people its great for leaning on each other. You got this!
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    Yes! I have been there! When I started here last year between july5th (my start date) and Sept 5th, I lost 34lbs!!! Went from 249-215. Granted it was hard work. I stopped exercising when I found out I was pregnant with our third. Just had him in June and Im so ready to get back to exercising. As far "dieting" goes.. I dont mind calorie counting or eating healthy, but I do want to eat foods I like and learn how to prepare more healthy foods that also taste good. I find that when I get out to exercise, it makes me quite happy, I love taking a jog or going on a long walk or a hike. It boosts my morale. Im currently 240 (gained weight while preggo) But I am ready to get back at it. I usually log on everyday (or at least I did, and am hoping to start again now) feel free to add me!!! You aren't alone in this, even when you feel like it! Wishing you the best!
  • jlledonne2
    jlledonne2 Posts: 6 Member
    Everyone feels miserable when they first truly realize how much they've gained and how much their going to have to loose. It's the turning point in our healthy lives that gives us the jump to make a difference and realize that we're not happy like this. As you can already see you're not alone at all! But don't give up and try and make the change. A lot of other ppl have been where you are now and have successfully completed their weight loss goals and became a happier healthier version of themselves. Feel free to add me and I'll try my best to motivate you!
  • Me! Me! This is my restart, but now that I have found this forum it will take on a whole new meaning. Restarted at 284.5 and as of weigh in 271.8.

    It didn't take you a week or a month or a year to get where you are so don't expect it to melt away fast.

    I have been doing this for years (fad diets, pills, promises) and it hasn't been working yet. Oh I lose and then gain almost double what I lost..

    What I have done is make a list of all the reasons I have failed before and then put what I need to do to make my Lifestyle Change work. Make it something you can do and keep doing...

    We are all here for the same thing and the support is here to help us all...reach out before you get bored and quit....for me at 66 is not an is now or never and I am not going there...that is my challenge to me...

    Add me please and we can do this will keep us all honest.

  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    I started at 322lb and am now 294lb, i have lost it all twice before and then put it back on . Third time Lucky. Thats not counting all the thousands of diets that did not result in major wieght loss and only lasted a few weeks at a time. I think the secret is finding something that is realistically doable long term. This time round I am doing Ketogenic food plan which seems to suit me because it supresses all my cravings. I am going to tackle it one stone at a time.
  • cass_wilson
    cass_wilson Posts: 31 Member
    I was 354!!! I was shocked that I had gotten that high! I've gotten down to 294 and it felt amazing to hit under 300! I am never ever going to go back. I think it is important to be kind to yourself and remember it is a long process. You got this
  • Thank you for this. I have gained weight on so many diets it is pathetic. Honestly: Thinking about everything that goes into my mouth is nerve wracking. I am really hoping that this time is different because this weight is literally killing me.
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    I was 354!!! I was shocked that I had gotten that high! I've gotten down to 294 and it felt amazing to hit under 300! I am never ever going to go back. I think it is important to be kind to yourself and remember it is a long process. You got this

    One of the biggest things I HATED was going back over 200 when I got around 180 5 years ago. That was actually a really hard pill to swallow. Also one of the reasons I'm taking it as slow as possible now - to get it as close as possible to a lifestyle change.
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    And feel free to add me :) Trying to get as many people with similar goals on MFP and get serious about this, maybe it will help you too :)
  • shellecollins
    shellecollins Posts: 89 Member
    I just hit below 300 (whoohooo). With that being said I defiantly need some friends that have that have similar goals, and help me with much needed motivation!
  • Great Job!!! what are you tools, tips and advice you can provide?
  • atkinsshake
    atkinsshake Posts: 21 Member
    Oh do I know that feeling. We are all in the same boat. I found that going off my "plan" of eating has led me astray and resulted in some serious weight gain. I realized my problem wasnt going astray, we are all human, it happens. We pig out on something we know we shouldnt. Now I say SO WHAT!!! It doesnt mean I have to make that a constant ongoing trend. I can stop and go right back to my good eating. The results, I lose weight anyway. Dont punish yourself if you make a mistake. Go back on the plan of eating and congratulate yourself that you are normal and that everyone does not eat well ALL OF THE TIME. Good luck. I am with you 100%. Have used this pattern all of my life. If I dont see the #'s on the scale I freak out. Now it has been around 10 days and I havent lost a lb...just going up a few and down a few. Frustrating to say the least but this time I am not going to cave and if I do, I will be back asap. Good luck!
  • yellowsnowdrop
    yellowsnowdrop Posts: 154 Member
    I started at around 211lbs and now weigh 185, that's in just 12 weeks or so. You CAN do this Add me if you like Hugs and good luck H x:flowerforyou:
  • amelia651
    amelia651 Posts: 17 Member
    That's me. I started at 280 (yikes!-- when did that happen!) and have been here about a month, I am down 14 pounds, and because of the support and accountability I haven't really had the urge to get up and quit yet! Feel free to add me for support or if you just need to vent. you CAN do this.
  • new to this app...n I am 280 lbs...desperately trying to lose jus glad I found this...hopefully I can lose the weight n at the same time make some new friends
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Stop beating yourself up. Decide that now is not the time for you do this and just don't. Be happy eating what you enjoy and enjoy what you do.

    When you are ready...when you WANT to do all the hard work for a long, long time - you will! And you'll be happy about it!

    Do not waste any part of your life thinking you should do one thing, but do another and beat yourself up. Just stop that.

    What you should do is be HAPPY. Life is short. Enjoy whatever you're doing!

    I started at 250 and am 188. I have 50-60 more pounds to go, but I will tell you that between eating healthier foods and losing weight, I feel so much better than I did when I was...well, I'm still fat, lol...than I did when I was morbidly obese.