2000 calories a day - still not gaining

I am currently eating 200 calories a day and feel too full to eat anymore then that.

I am having breakfast, lunch and dinner with snacks in between.

I cant eat a lot of dairy at the moment, I am getting tested currently for a few possible things including chrons, celiacs diseas,diabeties and thyroid issues.

Could any of these affect my ability to gain weight?

Or is 2000 calories just not enough

currently 5 foot 6 and weight only 8 stone. My TDEE is around 1500 and basic rate around 1300

My goal weight is 10 stone. impossible I know!

*Removed note as was deemed a little too defensive


  • missylectro
    missylectro Posts: 448 Member
    Try calculating your TDEE on www.iifym.com and eating more than that...

    For example mine is a couple hundred over 2000 and I'm shorter than you so I would suggest up-ing it
  • oksanatkachuk
    oksanatkachuk Posts: 149 Member
    First u might want to include high density cal food like protein shakes and peanut butter.

    Second- try lifting weight. Will add u muscles.

    Third (but I m not getting logic behind it well, though it helped a lot of ppl)
    u can try eating on deficit of ur tdee for a few weeks than go back to normal.

    But prolly u need to make a check on ur body with doctor
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    Try calculating your TDEE on www.iifym.com and eating more than that...

    For example mine is a couple hundred over 2000 and I'm shorter than you so I would suggest up-ing it

    My TDEE is 1537 calories a day
  • waxon81
    waxon81 Posts: 198 Member
    Do you like peanut butter? Swap out a low calorie snack for a PB&j and thus up your calories by about 400 a day (or if that's not to your taste, find a calorie dense alternative). It's likely that you've just got an enviable metabolism
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    It looks like you're not consistently logging, so it's not likely that you're getting 2000 calories consistently every day. Maintaining a constant surplus is really difficult, and you have to keep on top of it. It's really easy to slip back into under-eating. If you're not gaining, you're not at a surplus.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    1.) TDEE is an estimate
    2.) If you are not gaining- you are not eating enough and or are miscalculating what you are consuming.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Try calculating your TDEE on www.iifym.com and eating more than that...

    For example mine is a couple hundred over 2000 and I'm shorter than you so I would suggest up-ing it

    My TDEE is 1537 calories a day

    are you sure this is not your basal metabolic rate?

    ETA: what is your daily activity like?
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    It looks like you're not consistently logging, so it's not likely that you're getting 2000 calories consistently every day. Maintaining a constant surplus is really difficult, and you have to keep on top of it. It's really easy to slip back into under-eating. If you're not gaining, you're not at a surplus.

    Yes. I have issues with internet so can not log on daily to do it. I get 2000 minimum daily.
    What would be the point of lying to both you and my doctor?
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    Try calculating your TDEE on www.iifym.com and eating more than that...

    For example mine is a couple hundred over 2000 and I'm shorter than you so I would suggest up-ing it

    My TDEE is 1537 calories a day

    are you sure this is not your basal metabolic rate?

    no the basic rate was around 1300

    daily activity: walking around house and up and down stairs
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    I know certain thyroid problems can make it hard to gain weight. Hopefully your doc will find any problem if there any.

    Do you like tree nuts? They are calorie dense and tasty.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i agree with calculating your TDEE.
    Second- try lifting weight. Will add u muscles.

    it takes a lot of training, surplus, and supplements (especially for a woman) to gain significant muscle.

    ETA: i also just ran your TDEE and its showing 1768 with exercise 3x/week.
    you *should* be gaining, though slowly, at 2,000cals.
    how accurately are you tracking your intake?
    try adding to your surplus slowly (2100 for a week....2200 for a week....etc.) and see if you can find that sweet spot where youre gaining at a healthy and consistent rate.

    good luck OP!
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    1.) TDEE is an estimate
    2.) If you are not gaining- you are not eating enough and or are miscalculating what you are consuming.

    I don't exercise other then walking around the house and u and down the stairs ect,

    So how many calories DO I need then? or how much DO I need to eat?

    Assuming I dont eat enough is no good unless you can tell me why. dont think any of you are reading my question
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    i agree with calculating your TDEE.
    Second- try lifting weight. Will add u muscles.

    it takes a lot of training, surplus, and supplements (especially for a woman) to gain significant muscle.

    I do not wish to gain muscle - only fat. I cannot do training or weight lifting, going to a gym is impossible for me
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i agree with calculating your TDEE.
    Second- try lifting weight. Will add u muscles.

    it takes a lot of training, surplus, and supplements (especially for a woman) to gain significant muscle.

    I do not wish to gain muscle - only fat. I cannot do training or weight lifting, going to a gym is impossible for me

    then like others have mentioned, i think this is just a case of needing to up your calories.

    im intrigued, however, at your statement of not wanting to gain LBM but only fat.

    what is your ultimate goal? just curious.
  • coshaw19
    coshaw19 Posts: 3 Member
    let me help you here, eat more food. get some gluten free bread if your intolerant and just load up the peanut butter, don't be afraid of sugar, eat alot of carbs. i eat 4500 and don't even gain a pound a week at 172 5'8. i use to be the same way, 2000 is all i could eat. but you HAVE to build an appetite, just try to over eat for a while and stretch the stomach. like as soon as you wake i am sure you aren't hungry at all. eat ALOOOOTTTT. you will feel sick but after a couple days your body will be ready for it. in my experience you can fit 1000 in easy for breakfast. if you get most of your nutrition out of the way for breakfast the rest of the day seems easy and you don't have to force yourself to eat.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    It looks like you're not consistently logging, so it's not likely that you're getting 2000 calories consistently every day. Maintaining a constant surplus is really difficult, and you have to keep on top of it. It's really easy to slip back into under-eating. If you're not gaining, you're not at a surplus.

    Yes. I have issues with internet so can not log on daily to do it. I get 2000 minimum daily.
    What would be the point of lying to both you and my doctor?
    I'm sorry, I didn't mean that you were lying. I just meant that purposefully over-eating is WAY more difficult than most people realize. I wasted a full month at the beginning of my bulk because I thought I was eating at a rate that would let me gain, but in reality I was nowhere near where I needed to be. My brain's default setting is to always eat just a little less, to cut calories wherever I can, and that was destroying my surplus. If I wasn't measuring and logging everything, every day, I wasn't going to hit my goal.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I have been trying to gain fat for 2 months now .. and not working. I know many people here would think we are nuts, but it is not fun being skinny. But 11 months ago I was fat and overweight. Calorie deficit gone wrong in my case.

    But keep at it .. you will get there. My suggestions .. high calorie food. Ice cream, chocolate, avocado, peanuts, olive oil.

    Look up high calorie foods on the net .. and start eating.
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    i agree with calculating your TDEE.
    Second- try lifting weight. Will add u muscles.

    it takes a lot of training, surplus, and supplements (especially for a woman) to gain significant muscle.

    I do not wish to gain muscle - only fat. I cannot do training or weight lifting, going to a gym is impossible for me

    then like others have mentioned, i think this is just a case of needing to up your calories.

    im intrigued, however, at your statement of not wanting to gain LBM but only fat.

    what is your ultimate goal? just curious.

    My goal is to be 10 stone and curvy. I want to have fat. I want to have cellulite ect. Looking "fat" is my goal. I know that sounds wrong but I have body dismorphic disorder and will not feel normal unless that is how I look
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    2000 is probably not enough. I'm the same height and my maintainence is 2050 but if I eat more it catches up, if you know what I mean?
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    i agree with calculating your TDEE.
    Second- try lifting weight. Will add u muscles.

    it takes a lot of training, surplus, and supplements (especially for a woman) to gain significant muscle.

    I do not wish to gain muscle - only fat. I cannot do training or weight lifting, going to a gym is impossible for me

    then like others have mentioned, i think this is just a case of needing to up your calories.

    im intrigued, however, at your statement of not wanting to gain LBM but only fat.

    what is your ultimate goal? just curious.

    I'm also curious, as I've never seen anyone say they only wanted to gain fat. Nothing wrong with a little fat, just want to hear the answer.