Stronglifts on *gulp* A SMITH MACHINE! (& a c25k question!)



  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    i've never figured out why everyone here is adamant that people can't lift and run on the same day . that's the way i always do it. i'm a sucky runner, but the fact that i lifted right before hitting the trail doesn't make me any worse than usual.

    try doing it on the same day if it's more convenient for you. it's much easier starting out if you make your exercise fit your lifestyle and not the other way around

    IMO it boils down to what one's goals are and what one is training for.

    I have Oly lifted and tried to train for a Half at the same time. I never PR'ed either that season actually I did terrible at both ends.

    The terrible part was as Half Training peaked and long runs became longer lifting became a pain not to forget even having a Squat Day 2 days after a Long Run was a torture.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    yes but if the goal is general fitness- running and lifting on the same day is just fine.

    edit- I'm actively training for power lifting- and I do cardio on some of my lifting days- after my lifts.

    it kind of sucks- but it's fine. I survive.

    Monday's I train for 1.5-2 hours then go to 2 hours of professional dance classes. Haven't died yet. ... well yet- I mean I guess it could still happen.
  • Jerseygrrl
    Jerseygrrl Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks everyone. I think I'll use the smith machine until I can afford both a babysitter and a new gym.

    I would ideally do both SL and c25k the same day only because weekends are family time for me, and I'd have to use Saturday for one of the two workouts :/

    Doable, but not ideal. Like a smith machine lol.

    First, congratulations on making a commitment to take better care of yourself! Your beautiful baby will be so glad to have a mom who has the energy to keep up.

    I think it's fantastic that you have found a solution on a limited budget, and are willing to do what it takes to move forward.

    I often run on the same days I lift, and I've not had any problems. I don't have any aspirations of competing in any powerlifting contests. I simply want to reveal some muscle once I've decreased my body fat an appropriate amount. I also want to keep my bones strong.

    Good luck with your journey! Check back in and let us know how it's going.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I lift and run on the same days BUT I do them in separate workouts. My reason for this is because I'm training my c25k with my oldest daughter. She's running a 5k with me in October. So if I get her up to go to the gym with me in the mornings, she's running while I'm lifting. Which is fine but I would rather her get used to running outside with the terrain than on a treadmill since the 5k is, afterall, running outdoors. :)

    I too started my SL with a smith machine since I went to this $10 a month gym that didn't much for free weights. Then I moved and now have access to a gym for $20/month with more amenities (and I can take my daughter) with a good size free weight section and 4 squat racks. My heart is content!!
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    i've never figured out why everyone here is adamant that people can't lift and run on the same day.

    Me either. When I was training for my duathalon I lifted in the morning and did my run, biking and sometimes both later in the afternoon. Never had an issue.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    i've never figured out why everyone here is adamant that people can't lift and run on the same day.

    Me either. When I was training for my duathalon I lifted in the morning and did my run, biking and sometimes both later in the afternoon. Never had an issue.

    I lift/run on the same day too, but never on my long run. It's just a matter of structuring your program around both goals...I am successfully completing half marathons and running 5/3/1 at the same time.
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    stronglifts program doesn't recommend the smith machine as it does not give you the proper form. I tried it, and I really injured my shoulder and was down for the count for two months with no arm work because of it, and now I still have lingering nerve damage that is v--e--r--y slowly going away. If you absolutely must do it, be careful. I will never do it again.
  • kristarablue2
    kristarablue2 Posts: 386 Member
    Yes you can do squats on a smith, I have done it many times (probably hundreds of times), in some ways they will save your knees. Just because people hate on smith machines does not mean the are entirely bad don't let that stop you from accomplishing your goals....5X5 is a great program. The smith won't help with stability muscles though.

    I never hurt myself on a smith machine, my biggest problem was how to relearn how to squat when I left the gym with only a smith machine. Actually I spoke to a trainer (not associated with the gym and that is a bad *kitten* trainer) and he suggested I use the smith for squats due to my terrible knee issues, but you have to have proper form which is different on a smith.

    I so go to it!!!!
  • Advaya
    Advaya Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the kind replies (and the compliment on my cute baby)! I have seen some people post about Smiths and .. uhh.. not had such nice responses. I'd love to use free weights for it all, but I'm truly limited at the moment. It won't be forever, and I will be very careful with form.

    Also glad to see a lot of people say running and lifting on the same day is possible. I realize I probably won't give running my all as it will be second in the day (and its also possible I"ll have to switch days eventually), but for right now my goal is strength and training for a 5k. I plan to probably complete c25k twice prior to actually running a 5k, by which time I will change my training schedule around.
  • dojomax
    dojomax Posts: 7 Member
    1. can i use the smith machine for the squats?

    sure. not nearly ideal, but it'll work if it's all you got

    2. can i use the bench and barbell for everything else?


    3. can i do C25K while also doing SL?

  • Advaya
    Advaya Posts: 226 Member
    I suppose I could modify C25K to where I just run 2x a week (Tue/Thur). I'm not in a hurry, and plan to do it twice anyway. Once for stamina and once for speed. I won't run a real 5k till next spring. Assuming in the span of time between Thursday and Tuesday I wouldn't lose everything I gained. I think I'll print up a twice weekly routine. That'll add quite a few weeks but whatever.