any women over 250lbs



  • ehauss
    ehauss Posts: 1
    I joined MFP over a year ago and i was at 270 then i stopped coming on. It's always good to have a support system! Then I started at 265 and I am down to 259. I have only been on it for 4 days, but I am also doing a whole body deep cleans and that is where im dropping the weight. I am eating the right foods and drinking the right drinks, so I hope after the cleans that my weight will still drop. I want to get down to at least 140 and I have a long ways to go. but I know I can do it, cause all I have to do is look at my little girl and realize I could be doing so much more with her and for her! she is my baby girl
  • BooAndKitty
    I started 275 lbs and currently weight 268.8 lbs. Feel free to add me?
  • kimmylowe86
    kimmylowe86 Posts: 14 Member
    Hiya, at my heaviest I was tipping the scales at 20 stone. I got sick from being so heavy, so lost 3 stone in about a year and felt great. Since then I met my boyfriend and had put pretty much all that back on. When I started eating better at the start of the year I was 19st 6. In May I started using Juice Plus to kick start myself into eating better and making better choices, and to date Ive lost about 1 stone 4 pounds, which I am ecstatic about. There are days/weeks where I feel like Im not losing fast enough, but I finally feel really good again. My clothes are feeling looser and I know Im getting fitter. I only started tracking on mfp last week, because I wasnt losing again and didnt want to lose momentum, and it is amazing how much you can underestimate how much your eating! Well I have my first weigh-in since starting tracking on Monday and I am fairly confident that I will have lost this week :) You've made a good choice doing something about your weight and you can feel free to add me if you need support :D good luck
  • ondopa
    ondopa Posts: 4
    New to this... I weighed 257, lost 88 pounds and kept it off for two years, then gained 50 of it back..... So depressed with myself. Going to start again, it's so hard to get motivated when you are depressed.
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    Get frustrated. Don't stop.

    You're GOING to get frustrated. Don't let it stop you. If you're hungry and you're thinking you need to eat rabbit food, you don't. I still eat crap, I just eat less of it,and I have been losing for 6 months. Have a look at my diary if you like, and feel free to add me.
  • sharim1948
    Good morning all you beautiful women.

    I have a question for you all. Have you all measured yourselves along with your weight. The reason for the question is the frustration of the scale not moving...but as a professional dieter (hehehehhe) I have found that if my scale isn't moving down, the measurement seem to take a downward turn at that point.

    There is a trick to this...say you weigh in everyday or once a week we will see results, but when we see nothing that is when we begin to doubt ourselves and our plan. The other part of this is your body. It begins to change shape as we take off the weight albeit a bit slower when your weight is in excess.

    Measuring daily or even once a week will drive you nuts and cause frustrations more so than weighing so if you haven't measured yourself my suggestion is to do so ASAP...then one month later measure will be surprised how many inches have come off even if the scale did move much. It won't hurt to add this to you Plan.

    Every bit of success is worth grabbing. You are more than the numbers on the scale.

  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,561 Member
    I started at 375.3 on April 18th. I am down the 317.4 as of August 5th. You can do this, you absolutely can. The key is, if you slip... let it go, and do better tomorrow. We're none of us perfect, after all.
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    I started at 300+ in mid-January. I'm now down to 235, which amazes me. I now run regularly, which amazes me. I can fairly easily keep within my calorie goals on a daily basis, which amazes me. :laugh: Things I never thought possible before.

    Whenever I get frustrated, thinking it's going too slow, I remember that I've lost ~70 lbs in 7 months. And how would I feel if I had given up in January, and now, 7 months later, I was the same weight or even more?! I would wish that I had stuck with it!

    It's slow, it's frustrating, I often want to quit - but it's SO WORTH IT!
  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    We didn't gain this weight overnight and we aren't going to lose it overnight. My highest weight was 366 pounds. I'm 5'2" tall. I was bigger around than I was tall. Sad. When I was 18 I weighed 120. It took about 3 years to gain all of that weight. I lost almost 100 in a years time and maintained at 280 for several years. I restarted MFP on 6/5/2014 at 280 and am now down to 261 in 2 months. This is very doable. It is all in your mindset. I have found, the more I move, the more calories I can have and still lose. However, I still try to stay under what MFP suggests and still get my workouts in. Find some kind of exercise that you enjoy. Don't knock any of them until you try them. I started out walking and doing Richard Simmons "Sweatin" workouts. Since then I have started C25K and Zumba along with Circuit Training. I have loads more energy that I didn't think was possible. I have developed a love affair with running. The other day, someone referred to a runner. Two months ago I couldn't even walk to my mailbox without getting winded and out of breath. Stick with this and you will thank yourself in just a few weeks. Nothing you put in your mouth tastes as good as being healthy feels. Add me if you like. I will cheer you on and support you as well as kick you in your butt when needed.
  • mindiimae
    mindiimae Posts: 5 Member
    My starting weight at the beginning of this year was 287 at 5'3".... this last weigh in (yesterday) I have finally dropped below 250, weighing 247! I was very miserable... there were nights where I would be so full going to bed I could hardly sleep, and would wake up feeling just as crappy! It's been a slow journey and I have indeed already had ups and downs thus far this year, but I have made some major improvements and am happy with my progress! I recently moved to Texas from Michigan and now me and my best friend go on walks every day "together" and we take pictures of our surroundings.... it's a nice way to stay motivated together even though we are 1500 miles apart! Currently I've only been walking but I've been thinking about adding in some sort of circuit training that my friend has raved about, along with light yoga.

    Always looking for friends and support, feel free to add me !
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I started at just under 250lbs at 247. I began with small goals like dropping 10% of my body weight and 10lb increments. I took pictures with every 10lb loss. I think the biggest thing is to just log your calories every day no matter what. That way you get more aware of what you are doing and at least to some degree, stick with it. It is possible to change, even through small changes. Best of luck!
  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    I started out at 250 about 6-7 weeks ago. I am now at 233 with a goal of 170. Feel free to add me. I log & read forums everyday
  • kristinhowell
    kristinhowell Posts: 139 Member
    At my highest, I was 310, around the beginning of 2013. In June, I was 291 and am now 263.

    My biggest obstacle was not losing weight to become happy. I had to be happy to keep the motivation to lose this weight. I am happy with myself now, and I just want to be fit and healthy, and I will be happy with myself when I get there. Do it for you, and don't do it without thinking about what else in your life or your mind is making you unhappy, because more than likely, it's not just the weight. There's tons of support on here if you don't have it near you. We can all get there, we just have to be willing to work for it.
  • mandyosetti
    mandyosetti Posts: 72 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm on everyday. I started at 284 and I'm now at 242. I've got a long way to go but it's all worth it in the end. :)
  • idmalone
    idmalone Posts: 66 Member
    I started at 271 pounds 4 weeks ago and am now 257. You can totally do it. I started by doing ten minutes on the elliptical every day. Put it up to 15mins after three days, then 20, now I can do 50 mins without wanting to cry or puke.

    Counting calories and eating very healthy BUT have had a cheeseburger and even a krispy kreme! I am really honest about what I log, and I do not allow myself to get negative if I decide to eat a slice of cake or whatnot. I am learning to look at 'junk' food as a choice. As long as it is not a daily part of my diet I am fine. I am just being kind to myself, thinking of it as a lifestyle change rather than a deprivation plan. Consistency is key, no matter what happens I get up every morning and do my exercise for 30 mins minimum. No matter what happens I drink lots and lots of water. No matter what happens I eat as many good healthy foods as I can. I am never, ever going hungry.

    The thing is, after a couple of weeks of eating some fresh veggies and wholegrains, and moving your body, you WILL start to feel better. It might take a while to 'see' the difference (measurements are a really good idea to keep yourself from losing hope) but you will feel the difference very quickly.

    I am 50 years old - don't wait until you are my age, :tongue:
  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    I definitely feel the same! Seeing how far I have to go is really scary and frustrating thinking I'll never get there, but just keep pushing and things will work out. As you can see from my ticker, I have a lonnnng way to go.

    You and anyone else are welcome to add me. :)
  • LindsayJA76
    I have the same thing happen to me all the time, as a matter of fact today is my first day back. I got depressed and said the hell with it when i was having difficulty and now i am at my heaviest. not quite 250, but very close at 245. time to kick this *kitten* into gear.
    good luck to you :)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    I haven't read all the responses. But when I started this round of weight loss, I was 255. And miserable. I have since lost 31lbs. What a difference! I'm doing a low-carb/high-fat diet. So much more energy and improved mood. My depression is pretty much GONE. I still have 59 to go, but I have so much hope.

    You can do this. It IS hard. But it IS doable.

    Good luck!
  • lilkidtchr
    lilkidtchr Posts: 9 Member
    OP - I hear ya!! Just got under 250 and am happy but scared/worried/apprehensive to celebrate because I've failed so many times before. I had back surgery 3 months ago and the neurosurgeon told my husband I need to lose weight or I'd end up in there again. I don't want to do that! Each day I try again and have been doing ok for 50 days now (my current MFP streak.) Feel free to add me - we're all in this together, right?
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    ... I think im going to start with little goals like 10 pounds. Im happy to kno there are other people out there in simimular situations.

    I think this is a great plan. IMO, when someone tries to do EVERYTHING at once (eat low cal, exercise like a maniac) its very easy to burn out. I suggest you start by counting calories and eating at a deficit. The rest will come once you've begun to lose weight. Losing weight is motivating. Like others above, I recommend eating foods you already eat, but in smaller amounts so you can stay within your calorie deficit.

    If there are foods that you cannot eat just a tiny bit of, then maybe leave those alone for a while, or find a substitute that satisfies you but you can control the portion. For example, I felt I was going to miss salty things, especially chips and kind of obsessed on not having those for months and months.

    What I did when I first started tracking calories was buy some super hot Cheetos that I could hardly stand to eat. I measured out an ounce and allowed myself to eat those. This way I got the salty crunch but it was not very rewarding because of the heat. I now can eat a bit of regular chips if I want it without eating more than one or two portions, which I just log and account for. For quite a while I just passed on that stuff. It's all about figuring out what you can eat in smaller amounts in order to be satisfied.

    I never was a huge sweets eater but did want a dessert or treat now and then of course. So after using MFP for a while and reading the forums I learned about Talenti brand gelato and the rave reviews for Sea Salt Caramel. I googled it and found a source 15 miles from me and bought a container. Wow. What a wonderful way to spend 230 calories! So very filling and satisfying. I am willing to walk an extra mile a day on days I want some.

    You can do this. Make it work for you. Start slow and make changes that don't overwhelm you. But be sure to buy a food scale. It is very difficult to be accurate in you calorie amounts without one, IMO.