What are your temptations, foods you just can't resist?



  • GorgeousMani
    GorgeousMani Posts: 45 Member
  • chrish1981


    Mexican anything.

    PECAN PIE with whipped cream (OMG!!!!)

    French fries.


    As my husband would say: I don't have a sweet tooth; I have sweet teeth!
  • Shawnalee0703
    I intentionally keep them out of the house haha so I can't really remember ;)
    Maybe.... Dark chocolate chips (those are always in the house hehe) Going out to Mexican is definitely a tough one and we try to go out very rarely and when we do it's Mexican or Thai food. But honestly I have kept things GONE and if we want something we buy a small amount, finish it and then it is gone and we forget about it. I have trained my body pretty well, too much sugar makes me sick... but I enjoy myself a No Pudge Fudge brownie now and then ( but you can make a single serving!!!) I might even have one tonight! lol Everyone has a weakness right? It used to be Tim's Cascade Jalapeno Potato chips (only brand I like!) but now I only buy them when we go camping :-D

    If you haven't had No Pudge Fudge Brownies and you like brownies... you MUST try them! You could even have them with frozen vanilla greek yogurt and it is YUMMY! :-D

    OH! I do love me some homemade Oatmeal ANYTHING cookies! (raisins, dark chocolate, nuts, you name it)
  • Kezzanna
    Kezzanna Posts: 45 Member
    Where do I start? hot chips, chocolate (any variety), crisps, special fried rice, schnitzel, and for awhile this also included soda.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Cadbury Cream Eggs - they only come out at Easter time (which is a very good thing) and I just can't seem to pass them by. Thankfully I've only bought ONE this year...boy that 150 calories tasted soooooo good. :devil:
  • Natolee72
    Natolee72 Posts: 122 Member
    ALL FOOD LOL!!!! :bigsmile: Sweet, salty, crunchy, spicy....etc...etc...etc!!! I'm a stress eater :frown: :embarassed:
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Anything involving cheese, lol!
  • Cuddles2523
    Cuddles2523 Posts: 139 Member
    Oreos are my weakness! I definitely have to keep them out of the house or i'd be in big trouble :)
  • Shawnalee0703
    I forgot one I can't say no to!!! A GOOD Brat with Kraut at a Mariners or Seahawks game that or a hot link! EEK! I have found replacements for home, but at those games.... I don't mind the line or the $$ lol :-/
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    Liege waffle (360Cal, about 4x6x1.5 inches) - it's a waffle that needs nothing added to it because it's already full of sugar and butter... I treat myself to half of one occasionally by sharing with a friend.

    Creme brulee (410Cal, 1/2cup) - it is so so so easy to make and you know from the process of making it that it is nothing but heavy cream, egg yolk, and sugar. So bad, but so good. I haven't made it since my torch for caramelizing the top broke last summer.

    One thing I think I can resist although I do miss it-- fried chicken. Breaded and salty/spicy.
  • muckasmom
    muckasmom Posts: 4 Member
    When I was born my mom couldn't nurse me and there wasn't formula, so the Dr. had my mom use Evaperated Milk and Karo Corn Syrup as a formula for me. I think that pretty much explains alot. Anything with corn syrup, candy bars, frosting, sodas, cake, pies. Just to mention a few - then there is potato chips. All the mentioned are major Trigger foods for me so I can't have any of them because it will cause binge eating.
  • virginiagomes
    virginiagomes Posts: 110 Member
    Nuts, lots of them....sometimes about 8 servings.
    Chocolate....love it, and lately I have been binging on Fiber One Cinammon-Brown sugar "pop tarts"
  • fancyladymeek
    I try and eat my temptations (except for one!)

    I love fried mozzerella sticks...so I have (fully loaded) Precious Colby Jack cheese sticks - 8 grams of fat and 90 cals, but combined with some canadian bacon is a nummy lunch!

    I love sweets...so 100 Cal Packs, especially at night when my willpower is down.

    Cookies, so if I hike for a long time (generally our Saturday hike is several hours) I will eat a Clif Bar White Chocolate with Macademia nuts bar (white chocolate, macademia nuts, and oatmeal - heavan!)

    Bread....so I'll have a tortilla for dinner with brown rice, ground turkey, and greek yogurt.

    The only temptation I don't indulge in regularly is crab rangoons. By far my favorite food in the whole world, but impossible for them to be anything but crazy in fat! So I don't eat them...although for my birthday dinner I'm going to a Chinese buffet and pigging out....I may gain a couple pounds, but its once a year and knowing that I'm getting it on that day makes it so I don't need it today!
  • autumn5gabby
    pizza and ice cream
  • Shawnalee0703

    The only temptation I don't indulge in regularly is crab rangoons. By far my favorite food in the whole world, but impossible for them to be anything but crazy in fat! So I don't eat them...although for my birthday dinner I'm going to a Chinese buffet and pigging out....I may gain a couple pounds, but its once a year and knowing that I'm getting it on that day makes it so I don't need it today!
    Have you considered making them yourself? Could you use spring roll paper and low fat cream cheese with crab and bake them or what about puff pastry? There is ALWAYS another option hehe I like them too!! ;)
  • fancyladymeek

    The only temptation I don't indulge in regularly is crab rangoons. By far my favorite food in the whole world, but impossible for them to be anything but crazy in fat! So I don't eat them...although for my birthday dinner I'm going to a Chinese buffet and pigging out....I may gain a couple pounds, but its once a year and knowing that I'm getting it on that day makes it so I don't need it today!
    Have you considered making them yourself? Could you use spring roll paper and low fat cream cheese with crab and bake them or what about puff pastry? There is ALWAYS another option hehe I like them too!! ;)

    I tried making them once before and they didn't taste real great.

    Honestly, I have zero self control when it comes to crag rangoons. It is easier for me to abstain than it is for me to try and make a healthy batch...cause that batch will last one night....

    But, I like your idea! I think after I've been practicing good portion control and balance for a few more months I will try what you suggest, especially with the baking!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Donuts are my kryptonite. I can turn down or walk away from cake, cookies, ice cream, pastries and any kind of savory food, no matter how much I may want it. But I have yet to be able to pass up a chance to eat a donut if the opportunity presented. Thankfully, it's been a very rare temptation. lol
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Oh God, ice cream for sure. Not just cheap stuff, but the luxury stuff that is a million calories and pretty much just cream!! Pair that with a brownie (with nuts!) and I'm in heaven.

    Prob have that about once a year now though :-(

    I also love nuts - which are ok - except I like them salted (cashews) or caramel/ choc coated (any)!!! Bummer.

    I also LOVE things like pecan pie and sticky date but I can't actually eat them now without serious heart burn etc after - makes it a lot easier to turn down.

    My main weakness is wine! And living here in South Australia, wine is cheaper than water, lol. And once the wine starts, the nibbles start....and go on and on and on and on!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Oh, and birthday cake! My homemade ones have been developed with years of practice.... awesome. My youngest is 3 next month - whoop whoop!! :-)
  • Ronni66
    Ronni66 Posts: 43
    Hamburgers...fat juicy grilled with lots of mayo and all the trimmings. Oh and Long John Silver's..can't resist it. Nope. ::shakes her head::