Family Members that try to keep you/make you fat...



  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    The subject is misleading - because I wanted to Reply - No one Can Make you FAT!

    But after I read, you are AWESOME! That's exactly what it takes to stay in check. Temptation is everywhere, you have to decide how you are going to deal with it!

    Way to Go!

    I was worried someone might take it the wrong way lol

    Ha Ha Somebody always takes it the wrong way! I understand
    I eat salads and chicken everyday across from coworkers whom eat nachos, pizza, mcdonalds, pasta, chinese, burger king, etc..... But I'm in shape and they're are not. :-D
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Lol. I live 3000 miles away from where I grew up and over a thousand miles away from any family. Plus I live alone. Needless to say, unless I go see them, I don't have this problem. The first thing I did before going to grad school and after finishing my B.A. was figure out a way to get the hell out of dodge. Family is a distance. :)
  • Myamya123
    Myamya123 Posts: 30 Member
    Sadly, my husband seems to prefer me when I am fat, unhappy and have no self-confidence.
    Last year I had lost lots of weight using MFP and Jillian Michaels DVDs. So he stopped looking after the children for half an hour everyday, stopping me from exercising. He refused to go to the swimming pool any more (I don't drive and can't go on my own). He was horrible to me because he knows I overeat when I am stressed.
    He succeeded : I fell back into binge eating and put on 35lbs.

    I am back on track now but I am still unable to exercise because of this - all I can do is go for walks with the children.

    UMMMMMM... and your still with this guy?
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Sadly, my husband seems to prefer me when I am fat, unhappy and have no self-confidence.
    Last year I had lost lots of weight using MFP and Jillian Michaels DVDs. So he stopped looking after the children for half an hour everyday, stopping me from exercising. He refused to go to the swimming pool any more (I don't drive and can't go on my own). He was horrible to me because he knows I overeat when I am stressed.
    He succeeded : I fell back into binge eating and put on 35lbs.

    I am back on track now but I am still unable to exercise because of this - all I can do is go for walks with the children.

    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • captaindle
    captaindle Posts: 30 Member
    If anyone tries to sabotage/criticise my eating habits I usually tell them to worry about what's going in their own mouths and leave me to decide what goes in mine. They usually shut up quite quickly.

    This! I am amazed at how thoughtlessly the people close to me can behave at times. Some are well intentioned but others I feel sure are certainly trying to sabotage me. I've always been a direct, head on type of person so I don't get much, if any, push back when I tell people to knock it the hell off. And my god, if anyone ever tried to put food in my mouth, after I said no, I'd go ballistic. Luckily the people close to me know me well enough not to try something insane like that.

    I will say that my boyfriend is an amazing cook and we've spent this past 5 years together enjoying food like it was our job. I've gained 4 dress sizes since we started dating. He's gained a lot too. He completely supports all my efforts but he hasn't changed his habits yet. I can tell that he's coming around to it but he still indulges in some of my favorite things and that can be tough at times. But I've developed strategies to deal with controling my own temptation. In life, temptation will always be there since we live in such a food-centric culture. Strategies to deal with it are necessary to succeed. . . at least for me.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    Sadly, my husband seems to prefer me when I am fat, unhappy and have no self-confidence.
    Last year I had lost lots of weight using MFP and Jillian Michaels DVDs. So he stopped looking after the children for half an hour everyday, stopping me from exercising. He refused to go to the swimming pool any more (I don't drive and can't go on my own). He was horrible to me because he knows I overeat when I am stressed.
    He succeeded : I fell back into binge eating and put on 35lbs.

    I am back on track now but I am still unable to exercise because of this - all I can do is go for walks with the children.

    UMMMMMM... and your still with this guy?

    She has children, as she said. It's MUCH easier to say "I'd leave the jerk!" or "Kick him out!" than it is to actually do it. Child care, finances, careers, and much, much more need to be considered. I'm NOT saying to stay together simply for the children, but I don't think she needs negative comments here. Sounds like she has enough to deal with at home. Her post made me very sad. I hope she rises above it and is victorious!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Sadly, my husband seems to prefer me when I am fat, unhappy and have no self-confidence.
    Last year I had lost lots of weight using MFP and Jillian Michaels DVDs. So he stopped looking after the children for half an hour everyday, stopping me from exercising. He refused to go to the swimming pool any more (I don't drive and can't go on my own). He was horrible to me because he knows I overeat when I am stressed.
    He succeeded : I fell back into binge eating and put on 35lbs.

    I am back on track now but I am still unable to exercise because of this - all I can do is go for walks with the children.

    UMMMMMM... and your still with this guy?

    She has children, as she said. It's MUCH easier to say "I'd leave the jerk!" or "Kick him out!" than it is to actually do it. Child care, finances, careers, and much, much more need to be considered. I'm NOT saying to stay together simply for the children, but I don't think she needs negative comments here. Sounds like she has enough to deal with at home. Her post made me very sad. I hope she rises above it and is victorious!

    Nothing negative about a reality check.
  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    My mom is notorious for starting a diet herself and buying all the good stuff, then falling off the bandwagon. However, she is also notorious for ordering take-out and getting frozen pizzas when I'm trying to lose weight.

    Eager to move out on my own again!!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Sadly, my husband seems to prefer me when I am fat, unhappy and have no self-confidence.
    Last year I had lost lots of weight using MFP and Jillian Michaels DVDs. So he stopped looking after the children for half an hour everyday, stopping me from exercising. He refused to go to the swimming pool any more (I don't drive and can't go on my own). He was horrible to me because he knows I overeat when I am stressed.
    He succeeded : I fell back into binge eating and put on 35lbs.

    I am back on track now but I am still unable to exercise because of this - all I can do is go for walks with the children.

    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    ^^^ x10... seriously, that sounds like an abusive situation to me.... Why on earth would someone that loves you want to have no self-confidence and to be unhappy?
  • eviezoo
    eviezoo Posts: 4
    you go girl!!!! good for you! I live with roommates who always have bad food in the house like baked goods and soda and I keep falling off the wagon with having some of these things but I am not going to let myself get off track!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    The only person that makes you fat is you.

    Good for you on making your own decisions instead of taking the easy route and splurging, but I hope you realize you could've been doing that all along. Your family members aren't shoving copious amounts of food down your throat. Offering someone a treat or ordering their usual Starbucks drink for them isn't "trying to make you fat." It's you that picks the food up and puts it in your mouth, and so only you are to blame, not them.

    Like I said, good for you with the NSVs. Keep it up and remember that the responsibility to keep going is all on you. We can't blame others for our lack of willpower.
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    My family has never cared about my eating habits, but I had an ex whose mom was always trying to get me to eat more and more. Eventually I did gain weight. She was obese and a spiteful, miserable person and tried to make everyone else's lives hell. Luckily my now husband's family treat me very well. Although my M-I-L has an eating disorder and is terrified of gaining weight... so sometimes I feel fat just being around her, even though I know she's not healthy.
  • LadyGisborne
    LadyGisborne Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you for your concern. I know that it is most definitely not a normal behaviour from a loving spouse. I am thinking a lot at the moment.
    Losing the weight is a small, first step towards regaining control over my life.
  • Myamya123
    Myamya123 Posts: 30 Member
    Sadly, my husband seems to prefer me when I am fat, unhappy and have no self-confidence.
    Last year I had lost lots of weight using MFP and Jillian Michaels DVDs. So he stopped looking after the children for half an hour everyday, stopping me from exercising. He refused to go to the swimming pool any more (I don't drive and can't go on my own). He was horrible to me because he knows I overeat when I am stressed.
    He succeeded : I fell back into binge eating and put on 35lbs.

    I am back on track now but I am still unable to exercise because of this - all I can do is go for walks with the children.

    UMMMMMM... and your still with this guy?

    She has children, as she said. It's MUCH easier to say "I'd leave the jerk!" or "Kick him out!" than it is to actually do it. Child care, finances, careers, and much, much more need to be considered. I'm NOT saying to stay together simply for the children, but I don't think she needs negative comments here. Sounds like she has enough to deal with at home. Her post made me very sad. I hope she rises above it and is victorious!

    Lots of people have children and overcome these situations, however this is abuse and she needs to know that. Im not trying to put her down. Or leave her a negative comment. But abuse is abuse and it needs to be recognized.
  • mandicambre
    mandicambre Posts: 3 Member
    This is totally my mom as well. I don't live at home, so when I come over (even though I visit about twice a month), it's always festive. Last time I visited, my parents made ribeye steaks, baked potatoes, garlic bread, daiquiris. I ate some of each (refused the daiquiris), and my mother accused me of trying to starve myself because I didn't clean my plate.

    I think a lot of it, at least with my mom, is it can feel like a value judgement to some people. As you said, a lot of our eating habits are learned behavior, so changing those can seem like spurning the eating habits of your loved ones. I know my mom feels like I'm judging her if I don't eat the meal she's made (that she's also, obviously, eating). I always try to strike a balance of having some, while staying mindful of my calories and not overindulging.

    Part of it too is a kind of jealousy. My mom has fought her size my whole life (even though she's usually been on the slim size up until the last 5 years), and I think it irks her to see me lose weight (especially since I've been overweight since 6th grade). She makes it competitive, and it's hard to make her see that my losing weight is about *me* and not at all about her. That said, she's still my biggest champion in so many other ways that I have learned to let this roll off of me and understand where it comes from.

    Parents :)
  • s0njas0n
    s0njas0n Posts: 18 Member
    I don't think her goal is to make me fat, but my mom (a Type II diabetic) doesn't listen to anyone when they say they don't want sweets in the house. I don't live with her anymore, but on our family vacation she brought brownies and 2 types of ginger bread. A TON of refined sugar and carbs. Then she got ice cream and chocolate fudge, oh and about 10 Lindt candy bars. It was very hard for everyone not to eat all the junk and I personally wouldn't have even wanted any of that had it not been in the house already.

    I wish she would stop for her own health as well as the rest of our family. She says she can't stop eating poorly, but she keeps it in the house all the time so the cycle will never stop. ; (
  • jfboomer
    jfboomer Posts: 79 Member
    If left to her own devices, my mother would feed me till I burst.
    She believes food is love. She wants to keep shoveling love into me to prove to herself she's a good mother.
    My husband has been doing this too. The second he finds out I'm dieting, all of a sudden, Dunkin Donuts and Bagels begin to appear in my kitchen for breakfast. He brings them home from work once in a while after his night shift as a treat for the family.
    I think everyone likes me to be plump because it makes them all feel thin.

    My mom is the same way about the food is love thing! I grew up in an italian family so everyone was always telling me "eat, eat!"

    I also sometimes wonder about the staying plump thing as well. One of my close friends is always discouraging me from losing weight or 'too much' in her eyes because I think she's afraid she wont be the most attractive/fit one of the group anymore haha. But I really think that's more of a fear she may not actually be aware of also.

    I think she has already lost that battle to you! :)
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Food is social, food is comfort, food is family time, food is friends and fun.

    All of these things are associated around food. They have been for eons and they will continue to be long after we're gone.

    Whenever you meet people outside of the home, it's at a coffee shop or for lunch or dinner and/or drinks, or even a picnic. Even inside the home, there are holidays, birthdays, BBQ's, etc. Road food is a requirement for all road trips and travel. It's the norm.

    I never looked at it as family members trying to keep me fat or make me fat, I look at it like that's just human nature in social interaction. It just takes stepping back and realizing that we are responsible for our choices and that we need to be mindful of how much we are consuming instead of mindlessly shoveling food in our mouth talking about conspiracy theories on this seasons Big Brother.
  • MyRummyHens
    MyRummyHens Posts: 141 Member
    I had problems with one family member, who really wasn't happy with my post baby diet, health and exercise choices. They eventually got used to the situation and the comments and attempts to feed have long stopped.

    Whilst jealously is strong factor behind some comments, I just thing that with some people it's all about worry/concern. They don't like you changing because they don't know what it means for you, or for them. When you stick to your guns and show them you mean business the people who care start supporting.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    I would have never noticed such things before.

    Mindfulness is the first piece of the puzzle! Good for you for noticing the slight pressure, recognizing it as dangerous, and making a good decision anyway.

    While I don't have any stories about family members who actually want to make me fat, I am constantly saying "no thanks" to food and drink suggestions that do not contribute to my plan to be a healthier person. If you have someone in your life who won't stop offering you Reese's PB cups (which are nigh irresistable to this girl) despite your frequent "no thankses", it pays to be direct about the situation. I've had to do this before, too. The worst is homemade "special" fattening food. It is handmade for you. LIkely, the person you say no to is going to be offended.

    Good luck on your journey :)