
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Well it was a productive day for sure! Absolutely NO one was at work…so quiet! I got lots done! Hooray! It is a gorgeous and sunny and warm day. We were going to work on the taxes tonight but will have to start with hunting and gathering LOL. Actually we have everything in a file, so it’s really a matter of sorting and organizing!

    DH is jumping around because his new speakers for the jeep just arrived! I bought a whole day bed set on line for a ton of money and was pleased today to get 1) a sheet set, 2) a pillow, and 3) a mattress pad at pennys for a whopping $17.00 with my rewards point. So now I don’t feel so bad about the other stuff.

    Barbie: fresh peaches and for free! YUM maybe I’ll put a “free cucumber” sign on my front lawn!

    Ann: I get frustrated about the language issue too but for another reason. Omaha has a HUGE and very diverse immigrant and refugee population and there are no other languages anywhere except Spanish. We even have Mayans here and guess what they don’t speak Spanish!

    Renny: crud be gone!

    Michele: were you glad for all that rain?

    Yanniejannie: my issue with flying is the lack of control. I am confident I could fly any plane better than any pilot even without any experience LOL

    Katla: good/bad news on the surgery. Glad DH has a great surgeon but sorry he has to wait. Hopefully the time will go by fast! I have never had my calorie goals change on mfp but that is awful and so sorry that happened to you

    Hello Madgoth: welcome aboard. Good to hear some positive results from hypnosis

    Heather: Hairy Bikers Spanish chicken? Now where did you meet hairy bikers? LOL

    Sylvia: It may sound funny but I always liked buying bras with my girls. They both are little and they have their pick of the cutest bras ever...much nicer than what I can buy for my “big girls”. I was a C-cup in 6th grade, so I have never had much selection!

    Dramamom: good for you and the loose pants!

    Cynthia: welcome home!

    Strassenkoenig: my dh’s mother moved to Phoenix and several years ago we went to visit her and I was appalled at all the huge green lawns everywhere! I kept saying “I thought there was a desert here!” She has long since died, but her friends who still live near her say that all the houses are changing their yards back to native plants to conserve water. We really need to pay attention to our earth!

    Vicki: hope you are enjoying this nice weather!

    Rita; I agree that alcohol adds useless calories…but I do love my wine! I try to “save up” for it

    Jane: a property manager/management company can be a real estate company or a company that just deals with rentals. It
    sounds like you are dealing with individual home owners. If you use a business, they have to follow the tenant-landlord laws of your state. If you are using a business and not being rented too for no reason, you can file a complaint and make them rent to you There are also some programs for people who have “bad credit” due to house losses from losing their jobs when the economy melted down. If you are being denied because of that history, you can look into those programs. I just wish you the best of luck!

    Well dinner is on….sausage jambalaya, fried zucchini (I know, I know), and a big salad. I have been looking forward to this meal all week! It’s our one red meat dish this week. OK, take care, Meg from warm and sunny Omaha
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    She's keeping the baby and the other grandmother is throwing a shower (ugh trying not to be judgmental...relatives don't throw showers) and of course it's on our anniversary and we were planning on being out of town. She didn't exactly invite us though; kind of like DH's birthday party where poor BF didn't know he was supposed to come. Going to go cry and poke my eyes out now. Meg
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Today has been nice. Mellow weather, mellow me. :smile: My son-in-law emptied the 5th wheel (travel trailer) where we had stored all the extra stuff. (No garage.) The 5th wheel will go to a new home next week. It will be nice to see the last of it. It was my home for 3 years while we waited for the house to be built.

    I’m slowly sorting through my bins that were in the 5th wheel. Now they’re on my porch! I had the bright idea a year of so ago or doing an eBay business so bought lots of bargains (good prices, good brands) at the thrift stores. Those things are filling up several bins. I also have several bins of books that I’d like to get rid of.

    Unfortunately, after buying stuff to sell and clearing out my bookshelves, reality set in. Why is it that reality never matches the dream, lol? My purpose with the eBay biz is to earn a little extra moola (that’s always nice) and be active at the same time. I can usually pick up a little tech writing but that is so sedentary (not to mention boring).

    I’m thinkin’ the eBay business is like exercise. The prospect is daunting but it probably won’t be so bad once I get going. The worst thing about it is probably that it’s solitary. I tend to keep to myself too much as it is. I do love spending time with my kids and grandkids though (several of which live one wall away!) so I’m not a total hermit and, of course, I spend lots of time with other family members when I'm in the Bay Area.

    It's harder up here in the Northern California Sierra Foothills of California. I've lived here for 10+ years now. I spend time with a couple of friends, but not much. It seems much harder to get to know people at this age than it was a few years ago.

    Deb, interesting info about contacting FitBit customer service. It's worth a try. I hadn’t thought of that. If I do get another FitBit Zip (one way or the other), I’ll be a lot more careful with it. I still can’t figure out where the heck it went.

    Welcome, Viola. Oh, do I know the lose it/regain it cycle! You are in the right place to lose it and, with determined effort (I’m telling this to myself too!), keep it off.

    Molly, thanks for your input re the FitBit. Hmm. Decisions, decisions.:ohwell:

    Sylvia, a 38 yr old son does not make you old. :noway: My daughter is 46. Agghhh. How did that happen? Of course I was only 12 when I had her. (Just kidding, but I was pretty young.)

    I’m sorry to hear about the situation with your son’s kids (your grandkids). It sure sounds like the mom is on drugs. I hope your son is aggressive in his approach to all this. Supervised visits certainly seem appropriate. My heart aches for you.:brokenheart:

    BTW, the metal FitBit bracelet is gorgeous. Too pricy for me but fun to look at.

    Katia, I hope the surgery date works well for you and that all goes well. I’ll be thinking about you. Update: your DH got a surgery date! I hope he’ll be able to deal successfully with the pain between now and then. I’m glad he’s going to a good surgeon.

    Congrats on the pound(s?) lost.:flowerforyou: You are smart to keep yourself at goal.

    Vicki, woot, woot. Nice loss. :flowerforyou: You’re doing the work to make it happen. It’s nice to see the evidence once in awhile. Congrats on staying the course. It’s not easy. I hope you will do what I want to do when I get there….keep your eye on the goal….and continue to keep it there. It’s so easy to regain the weight. Been there, done that, hope not to do it EVER again!!!

    Jane, wishing you luck and the absolute right place.

    Dee, take care of yourself. My daughter is just getting over an awful bug. :huh: I’m taking elderberry syrup religiously and giving it to my grands. (I make my own as it’s far less expensive than buying it.) Elderberry syrup is one of a very few things (the list does not, surprisingly, include Vitamin C) that’s been proven to work.

    Meg, I smiled at your story about Benny Beagle. I have a little half miniature poodle / half Yorkie (I think). She has a terrible barking problem. Actually, she doesn’t mind her bark but everyone else does. She has the shrillest, loudest bark I’ve every heard.

    I was using a citronella bark collar (it sprays citronella when the dog barks – a scent that dogs hate). Unfortunately, the collar broke. Her barking was getting worse every day so I sprayed some of the citronella directly on the collar and put it on her when she barked. Oh. Poor thing. I’d sprayed enough citronella on the collar that some got on her fur. She ran around, threw herself on me then threw herself on the ground. :laugh: :noway: :laugh: :noway: :brokenheart:

    I felt so badly. I took the collar off and wiped her neck off with a damp cloth. She was traumatized. But…here’s the good thing. Whenever she starts barking, I get the collar and just show it to her. If she barks (more than a bark or two) I hold the collar where she can smell it. It works, lol! :happy: We’ll see how it does over time. I was going to order a new citronella collar but maybe I won’t have to.

    BTW, for anyone who has problems with strange dogs being aggressive when they’re out walking or biking, they make a citronella spray. From the customer comments on Amazon, it works amazingly well. Will even stop a dogfight. The dogs just slink away.

    Thanks for your advice, Meg, about dementia. There are times when it is funny. My brother will talk to my dad then ask him a question about what they’d just talked about. Most of the time, my dad won’t remember. My brother smiles and my dad is good-natured about it. He actually knows he can’t remember things and will comment that his memory is shot.

    At this point, he can still hold a conversation, play Sudoku and, in fact, play a mean game of chess. He just can’t remember worth a darn. The worst times are when he thinks he’s younger.

    Fairly recently (I might have mentioned it here), he wanted to drag the exercycle down 3 steps from one deck to the other, then down more steps and a ramp to the storage shed. This when he’s using a walker and can barely get around. He gets cantankerous when you tell him it’s not a good idea. He really must think he’s 70 again (and he was in great shape at 70).

    I don’t win when I argue with him so I simply pulled the exercycle down myself. Fortunately he does still listen to my mom.

    Gloria, I think I understand your frustration over Robin Williams. I had an aunt by marriage who, I’m guessing, was both schizophrenic and bipolar. (However, she wouldn’t put up with any doctors who suggested such things to her.)

    Whenever my uncle, who was sick with lung cancer, had to see a doctor, my aunt did too and her problem was always worse. She was truly surprised when he died. Go figure. But I think it was part of her mental illness.

    She was fun to be with when she was younger but increasingly less so as she got older. She constantly asked for advice, saw a kajillion doctors about this and that, and never, ever, took any of the advice she was given. After my uncle died, she sold their house, then spent all the money living in hotels for a year.

    She contracted breast cancer and absolutely refused treatment. Her sons begged her to go but she wouldn’t. She eventually died from it. Not a big surprise there.

    Dealing with someone who's mentally ill can leave you feeling helpless and sometimes angry. (I was furious when my aunt gave away some antiques that had been in the family for many years – to parasites she met at church. Grrr.) I don’t know whether Robin Williams’ family tried to intervene. They might have but there’s no way to know.

    A friend’s (in her early 40s) dad recently killed himself. I assume he was depressed. He didn’t reach out for help. He lived on the same property as my friend. She did everything she could for him. He wasn’t an easy person either. She’s very angry about what he did. It left her with a mess of paperwork, tangled finances, etc. So…I can’t blame her for feeling angry. It’s frustrating when you don’t know what to do or what to expect.

    Urr. I’m starting to feel down myself thinking about these thing. I enjoyed Robin Williams, particularly in the early years. Mrs. Doubtfire was, to me, hilarious. I’m sorry to think about what he must have gone through. I feel the same way about my aunt. It doesn’t help altogether with the frustration of someone taking their own life though, which is what my aunt did even though she wouldn’t have said so.

    On to happier subjects!

    Barbie, I love peaches! I got some organic ones from the produce stand not too far from here. Yum. One of my fondest memories is of being a kid, standing with my sibs in a line alongside the car, which was parked at a produce stand on a mountain road. We all leaned over to eat our enormous and luscious peaches, juice running down and dripping off our chins.

    Hi Anne, my mom does have some old-fashioned views on eating. However, she loves to drench her food with butter and the level in the mayo jar goes down fast. But her portions are small, lol.

    BTW, you’re a perfect candidate for some citronella spray. I wonder if you could make a holder on your bike for it.

    Welcome to every new (and re-newed) MFPer.

    Heather, it’s nice to have something you want to outlive you. My tech writing career didn’t produce anything I care much about, but the family cookbook I put together will live on. It’s 260 pages long and is filled with favorite recipes from everyone in the family, pics going back to when my folks were first married, anecdotes I collected from everyone, and quotes to match the anecdotes. My sister, mom, and a couple of nieces illustrated it. I treasure it and look at it as my legacy.

    The thing I loved most about putting the cookbook together was reading the recipes from the various generations. They ranged from Jello salad straight from the 70’s to very-gourmet barbecued oysters – and everything in between.

    Sylvia, I liked your advice to Heather. Writing does use a big chunk of your soul. Your advice to save what she wrote was lovely.

    Pat, thank you for the touching memories. It’s amazing how much things have changed in such a short time.

    I got to bed at a decent hour last night and feel a million times better today. I don’t think I’ll aim for 7pm, lol, but 10 or so would be great, particularly since my grands and daughter like to wake me when they wake up (which is often way too early!)

  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    .What does it take to find a place?I wish we never lost our house of 20 years,due to hubby loosing job and being unemployed for several years.This will be the 5th move since aug 2011.
    Sorry for the rant.
    Have a good day!!

    From what I've been reading over the weeks, it sounds like your pets are an issue. As much as you may not like it, rental property is business. If someone is managing it the property manager is accountable to to home owner (each state's laws are a little different) and very few are going to risk replacing the carpet after a tenant leaves, which is what happens 90% of the time with pets. I was licensed in Florida and managed over 500 different rental properties for owners over a 5 year time span. There were certain breeds of dogs that state law/insurance prevented us from allowing in a rental, even if the homeowner was agreeable.

    Point is, as personal as it feels to you, it's about the lowest risk in the homeowner's eyes. If you do get lucky enough to find a place that will allow your pet(s) they are probably not very good and experienced landlords, so don't count on much.

    Hope I don't sound like Debbie Downer but it just seems like you're on such an emotional roller coaster over something that is what it is, unfortunately. Either way, I hope something works out for you soon!

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    She's keeping the baby and the other grandmother is throwing a shower (ugh trying not to be judgmental...relatives don't throw showers) and of course it's on our anniversary and we were planning on being out of town. She didn't exactly invite us though; kind of like DH's birthday party where poor BF didn't know he was supposed to come. Going to go cry and poke my eyes out now. Meg

    Ugh. Don't really have any words, but I do wish you won't poke your eyes out. xo
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of work on the bosu. Tomorrow I'm planning to do Jari Love's Ripped to the Core DVD

    We have the Newcomer general meeting and then senior bowling. We went to the other bowling lane Monday and I think we're going to go there in the winter and maybe just be a sub on this league. Four people on a team makes it so long before you get out. I know for some people this really makes their day. But I do have other things that I need to do. Plus, I don't like getting home so late.

    madgoth - welcome back! So glad to have you with us

    Slyvia - you're on a roll with your weight loss. Congrats on your honesty.

    HS DramaMom - woohoo on those pants. What an awesome feeling. It never ceases to amaze me how we now want better foods. My biggest problem is that people (when they have to bring something) bring not-good-for-you foods and I would rather have fruit and veggies. One thing I can't seem to do is to leave food on my plate. However, I can take just a little bit. But there is just something in me that feels I have to clean my plate -- probably a throw-back to my childhood.

    Cynthia - welcome back. Glad you had such a great time

    Anne - how interesting! Never knew that an Atkins diet really isn't good for women our age.

    Vicki - that's great the police gave that certificate to your sons. It probably also made an impression on the others, that there is a reward for honesty

    Rita - sorry about the dampness. You probably should find where it's coming from because if you don't, mold can start to grow.

    jane - my heart bleeds for you.

    Meg - fantastic shopping! I'd certainly take a free cucumber! I don't like bras with that underwire, it hurts my breast too much. But I also need a padded bra, I'm so small. So trying to find that combination is challenging. Not impossible...just challenging. I can't believe the other grandmother is throwing your daughter a shower! How tacky! Is the other grandmother going to help support this baby? Let's hope so. Cry all you need to, just don't poke your eyes out

    mimi - I didn't know dogs doin't like citronella. Wonder if it's the same with cats? So sorry about your friend's dad

    Michele in NC
  • madgoth
    madgoth Posts: 60
    Thanks ladies for your comments and advice. I am not actually doing atkins, but I have before. I just can't believe that is healthful. I did lose, but I could never add any foods back after the first few weeks.

    ANything I do that involves eating less, healthy and exercising will be positive for me. I completed my food list for today and went over a few calories, but still acceptable.

    My next step will be to continue as I have been, and start adding in the exercise tomorrow. This weekend I will weigh and measure and begin to actually track my weight. I just find it hard to do all the new behaviours at once. It overwhelms.

    I do appreciate the supportive remarks and I hope to become more familiar with all of you so I can return the favor. That is all from me for the day, and I will see you ladies tomorrow. Have a great evening!
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Woke to no frost this morning.
    Made Jeannettes' buckwheat pancakes with blueberries and banana for breakfast.
    Was going to do Jillian's Hard Bodies but pulled Wii out and did 30 minutes WiiFitPlus and 42 minute Wii Sport. Walk dog after dinner
    Making Jeannettes' soft turkey tacos for lunch. Love her high fibre recipes
    Chicken mushroom and leek pie for dinner.
    Posted all food and 1879 healthy calories

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, ladies,

    Just a few words before I fall into bed. DD is somewhat better but one ear is still quite troublesome and the nose is constant. Just gave her some NyQuil and tucked her in. We dismantled our camp two days early, lost money there, but I can't see her sleeping in all that dampness. So, we are back at cousin's house.

    LOL, Meg........Thought I was the only person on earth who went ballistic about the impropriety of a relative giving a shower, glad to see I have company!

    Also entering my two cents on the Spanish language discussion. I think years ago people were much more humble and grateful to arrive here and proud to identify as belonging here in part by learning English. Language was learned rapidly due to effort on their part and community and employer pressure. Now, the sense I have is that refusing to learn and use English is an act of defiance coupled with a sneering disdain and an unwarranted and unjustified feeling of entitlement......and we allow (if not comply) by the use of dual language on signs, packages, etc.

    G'Nite everyone,
    Yanniejannie.....camper turned bed-sleeper......Ahhhhhhhhhhhh......
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    well, I finally got a photo posted but it isn't one of me. It was a parakeet flying wild.
    I had plans for today, but my DH decided to interrupt my day and take me out. So out we went. We had Chinese for lunch. Wow, that adds up fast. It was good though. We went to a bookstore and then to the library. DH checked out the wrong book at the library. He discovered it after the library was closed.

    I have twice found phones at the local w-m. One, an Iphone, I turned in to the service desk. The other, was on the floor and I nearly stepped on it. I picked it up, laid it in my cart. A few minutes later it rang. I answered it and took it to the owner, who was at the service desk. It had video so we could see each other. Mostly, I find pens. I can pull into a parking space that is empty. When I get out of the car, there's a pen. I find them in the grocery store, parking lots, dept. stores. The best thing I ever found was a man's diamond wedding band. I still have it. It is one of those steel ones, inset with diamonds. I found it in a parking lot at the mall.

    Anne - I didn't know that Trader Joes and Aldi's are connected. I've heard of Trader Joe's, but haven't been to one. Aldi has a huge distribution center about 20 miles from me. The local store opened earlier this year.
    On citronella - what about a citronella bracelet, worn around your ankle?

    The main reason I'm losing weight is simply because I'm eating 1/3 less than I did before. I was eating 2500-3000 cals. a day. Now I eat between 1800-2000. I use two "tricks" in my eating plan. I try to eat fruit everyday. I added more calcium (a glass of milk, a yogurt or some cheese for a snack) to my regimen. The calcium helps to burn belly fat. I That's it. I don't exercise. I walk sometimes with a group of friends, usually a couple of miles walk down by the lake. My only exercise whatever housework I do that day. Right now I'm trying to weed out the closets and accumulated junk.

    Years ago, i used to ride my bike to school and around town. When I had my first apt. . I didn't drive. I used my bike to grocery shop. That was fun. I was limited to two bags and a backpack. I had a large basket over the front tire. It held two large paper bags. I love riding a bike. I also dance. Haven't danced much lately, not for years, because I don't have floor space. I'm trying to make some space to dance again.

    Meg - I'm north of DFW. I have a sister around Houston.

    Welcome to those who are new and newly returned.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good evening dear ladies.

    HSDramamom, I am another one who hasn't seen the scale move in weeks but continue to see changes in my body size. heck, as long as I see that I am OK with it. I do dislike when I go to a doctor and still have to see them write down my present weight especially now that I am 1 3/4 inched shorter but I guess that's what my body is doing.

    Cynthia, welcome back. B&B food...yikes but oh so good. Those people want to make you want to come back and feed you pretty good. I would love to stay in one and soak up some local personality and friends but dear hubbie doesn't want to. It would make him have to sit and relate to some one he doesn't know.

    Vicki when my husband and his friend were counting the money and realized what kind of money it was their hands were literally shaking on the way to the police.

    When I was a little girl, my Mom would pay us kids by the piece to iron. Of course the pay was pretty small, like a nickle. We hated to do it. Dad being a preacher had to have his shirts pressed just right. Us girls were 8 years and up when our brothers came along. When it came to buying a Christmas present for them my sisters bought the typical things like a rattle or ball but I wasn't typical. I ironed their clothes for Mom and got extra money!

    Mimi, I have a can of air, like for cleaning a computer key board, that my cat is petrified over. When I was training her all I would have to do is get that an of air out. The can is empty but she doesn't know it. If she is doing something wrong all I have to do is to reach over in the direction of that can and she scatters. Pour little ears down. I feel bad but it is at least a humane way of keeping her out of trouble.

    I love the idea of the cookbook. What a wonderful thing to compile and print off. I'm sure it was a lot of fun talking to the older generation and getting them to talk all about recipes and anecdotes and everything. It is also a wonderful thing to pass on to generation after generation.

    We started our Christmas music tonight in choir practice!!!!!!We were able to get a performance CD with our part highlighted on the CD to help us learn it. I hope everyone takes advantage of it to help them learn. A cantata will be a true test for my compression socks. I will have had my follow up appointment with the cardiologist and know whether or not I need to get heavier than the mild compression. I talked to the director and they have a short stool that can be put in the choir loft if I need it.. Christmas music is my absolute favorite.

    Had a weird dream last night. Both my daughter and and niece have been talking about this flesh eating bacteria and saying it is around the Florida coastline where we are going. So last night in my sleep my left foot started hurting real bad. I mean it was real bad. i have some Lortab in my bedside drawer and I even thought about getting up and taking one. Then I was dreaming about this same foot, it became ulcerated on the bottom, so much that the flesh was completely gone all the way down to the bone in ugly patches. At the same time I was dreaming this my foot continued to hurt so bad. I guess my sleep was disrupted enough that my bladder decided I needed to get up. It was then that I discovered that my foot didn't hurt at all and it must have been PART of the dream. If did give me a big headache though so I took and Advil which helped. The shot I take for my MS sometimes gives me weird dreams and I took it last night so that may have also been the reason for the dream.

    I'm still plodding along on my facebook game. I am currently in 2nd place and closing in on the person in 1st. But the month is still young so who knows what it will take for me to stay in 1st place, if I get there. I am also glad this is a once in a lifetime thing to do. It is hard work.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Katla: 500 calories is not really a diet blowout. :flowerforyou: That said, I’ve never hear of MFP increasing calories suddenly, only reducing them when you lose weight. I think you can uncheck that in the settings.

    Strassenkoeni: not sure I agree with you about not feeling at home in a new country. But then I’m one of those people who adjusts easily. I suppose I feel at home (or not) about the same in any place, once I get used to it.

    Vicki: what a nice wish, that everyone takes time for herself today.

    Rita: good for you for analyzing your diet. You would probably have more room for healthy food, even with a beer now and then.

    Jane: still thinking of you; I sure hope you find something good soon!

    Kim: I’d take your cucumbers! My mom always makes them with sour cream, a little vinegar and a little pepper.

    Meg: please don’t poke your eyes out. We need you. :laugh:

    Mimi: did you see the size of the Fitbit bracelet? (Are you talking about the Tory Burch one?) I was wondering whether I should splurge, but discovered it’s a full inch too small for my (pretty normal-sized) wrist.

    Correcting cats’ behavior: we always used the plant mister set on a stream instead of mist (only water, of course). Worked great. Also, double-stick tape on the edges of the counters works great to keep them off when you’re not home to squirt. After a while they hate jumping up on the counters.

    Language: I’ll put myself out on a limb here and say that I think the US should get used to the fact that it’s becoming bilingual. Trying to turn back the clock isn’t going to work. Granted, it’s a big adjustment for lots of people who've grown up with a mostly English-speaking country, but the country also has a lot of economic profit from Spanish-speaking guests and citizens. BTW, America has never had just one language, if you check the history.
    I also feel that as visitors to another country, we should take into account that they have their own language and are not required to learn ours (although it is an advantage to do it in touristy areas). Personally, I enjoy trying out other languages during travel, even if I’m not great at it.

    Thanks so much to everybody for the good wishes and warm welcome back! :heart: I slept for 10 hours and feel like I could sleep for 10 more.

    Hope everybody has a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    morning ladies,
    yesterday was a day...I am working alone as an assistant other one on vacation,, which she deserves..
    2 other girls are on vacation, so we have one of the hygenists from another office working with us,,, she puts the instruments in a case and leaves them in the sink.. when Zina and Jeanette are there the lab runs smoothly,everyone of us helps out.. well this girl didnt know what she was doing, the other hygenist thinks she is above helping out, she said well thats not my job..
    they crammed our schedule so I was assisting and doing the lab work, as we need the instruments to work.. I was freaked mad.. and exsausted.. my nasty from office manager barked at me as soon as I walked in saying we didnt have a patient until 8:45 what was I doing there so early.. I said Oh well, and she said NO Oh well.. I had alot of work to do before seeing patients so I just sort of ignored her and did my job.. I could barely move last night.. I ate pretty well until I got out of work.. because of the stress yesterday I stopped at Burger King and got a double cheeseburger and wolfed that down:explode: then came home and finished off my DH bowl of spagetti and meatballs, and about 6 golden oreo's, and had a mug of vanillia sleepytime tea..
    didnt even log after work, I fell asleep at 7:30 and woke up at 5:15 I needed the sleep..
    have to take the car over for a recall at 7:30 this morning, then I think I will pick a card up for the DH from his dad for his birthday and will have my DFIL sign it today for him. then have to get the cortisone shot in the heel:noway: then I am supposed to ice my heel for awhile, going to meet Rita for lunch to see if she can figure out what the glitch is in my computer.. it is working ok now..
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Alison: :flowerforyou:

    Forgot to say we discovered adult vitamin gummies. They may be the best thing ever. :bigsmile:

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I had such fun yesterday. I took the other two grandkids to our local Walmart to shop for school clothes. They are not as tough to fit as the older girl, so when they found things they liked it was easy to find the right sizes. They had Hello Kitty stuff on clearance, and my granddaughter loves that stuff, so she was happy and the Bill was much smaller, so I was happy.

    They all came over for dinner and I made oven baked coconut chicken with rice and a sweet and sour sauce. It turned out so good, and nobody knew it was low salt. Every bit was gone! I also made strawberry bread. Big mistake. It was SO delicious! And there was absolutely nothing in it that was healthy - except the strawberries. I might made it again, but use applesauce instead of oil.

    Here's the recipe link. In case anybody wants to try it.

    Meg, I've been thinking a lot about your impending grandchild. I know it's really hard right now, but I hope you will keep your heart open to this tiny creature. It's not his/her fault. I hope someday WAY in the future you can look back at this as a blessing. Grandkids are so wonderful, and fill your heart in a way that nothing else on earth does. And I think every baby deserves a shower, and being thrown by a relative doesn't bother me at all. My neighbor (from the house next door to my studio) was expecting her third and she threw her own shower. I have to admit that bothered me a little bit, but oh well. I still gave a gift.

    Cynthia, I love Fiber One Gummies for extra fiber. Yummy too. I didn't notice the size of that fitbit bracelet. It sure wouldn't fit my large wrists. Good thing I'm too cheap to buy it.

    I'm STILL NOT under 190! Good grief! How long does it take to lose 0.2 pounds? I swear I only had one little piece of strawberry bread. I stayed under on calories. Maybe if I pee one more time this morning before breakfast...

    Well, I'd better get busy.

    Have a great day.

  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244

    Meg, I've been thinking a lot about your impending grandchild. I know it's really hard right now, but I hope you will keep your heart open to this tiny creature. It's not his/her fault. I hope someday WAY in the future you can look back at this as a blessing. Grandkids are so wonderful, and fill your heart in a way that nothing else on earth does. And I think every baby deserves a shower, and being thrown by a relative doesn't bother me at all. My neighbor (from the house next door to my studio) was expecting her third and she threw her own shower. I have to admit that bothered me a little bit, but oh well. I still gave a gift.

    Have a great day.


    Almost my exact thoughts but worded so much better than I would have been able to. I had my son when I just moved back to this state. I really didn't have friends or anyone traditionally appropriate to throw a shower. Good thing I didn't care. My mom threw it and I planned the entire thing. You can take the girl out of event planning...... It was just as I wanted and more about celebrating (and mentally preparing) the pending arrival of my son than the gifts.

    I've been reading a few posts about Adkins and opinions on what's right and not. My 50 cent is that not much is more unhealthy than obesity so if Adkins works for some, who am I to say? It works for some of us to count every little calorie and step, it works for others to eat more calories, some need to exercise more than others, etc. ...... I support everyone's effort to a happier and healthier lifestyle, even if it's not what may work for me.

    With that said, I need to getting my "effort" in gear here. These floods (inability to ride outdoors and Zumba cancellations, etc.) have thrown off my exercise this week and I've failed in kicking in Plan B. New day, new opportunity.

    It's a perfect late September day here :ohwell: Happy Day to all!

    xo- Gloria in crisp and sunny Metro Detroit
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Good afternoon my lovely ladies!:flowerforyou:

    Just finished making some plum jam which I hope is going to set.:ohwell:
    Also made some lime parfait from the Hairy Bikers Asian Adventure. It is delicious and I used the half fat creme fraiche.
    I was making it for dessert with my friend on Monday (it is served frozen) , but managed to squeeze out 3 more portions so have some for another lucky visitor.:bigsmile:
    It takes 4 egg yolks so I have 4 egg whites over. I could put them in the freezer, but there are already several in there so I thought of macarons. I got some freeze dried raspberries from Amazon the other day so that is what I will be making tomorrow. I googled them and you can keep filled macarons in the freezer.:bigsmile: This bbq is going to be a feast!:tongue:

    It's raining again here, but that suits me. I will be picking kale, which has loved the rain, to go with pork in cider stew I have got out of the freezer. I don't feel like cooking tonight after my efforts today. :noway:

    Thanks everyone for your encouragement in publishing my old languishing novels. I have thought about doing it for years, but it used to be so expensive. Now the Amazon way makes it possible and I have DH'S experience to call on. My hesitation is more to do with the fact that I have changed so much since I wrote the early ones and I am slightly embarrassed about what it reveals of my state of mind in those days. As I said, they are "historical documents". I think a preface explaining all that might be in order.:tongue::wink:
    Mimi - I love the cookery book you have put together. What a great idea.:flowerforyou: I had an idea of writing something where I used an item of food to go off on a riff of memory, rather as I have done on here occasionally. Something simple like a boiled egg has so many associations for me. Then I could give a technique or recipe. A whole life story could be written that way with recipes. I could call it Tastes of Mind. :tongue: :smile:
    You can tell I am feeling quite creative at the moment. I haven't felt so much like writing or doing something with my old writing for a very long time. I think you girls have got something to do with it. :flowerforyou: :love: I feel I have lots of energy, I just have to channel it. I so much lost heart in my writing that I didn't want to touch it, but that is changing.
    THANK YOU.:flowerforyou: :drinker: :love:

    Lots of love from Heather in Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: One particular “Pub” we visited in the Victoria area was very much on the fancy side, but there was also a great little place located on an island a bit further north in Telegraph Harbor that was quite casual and country. They had wonderful steamer clams. :love: Good luck with your book project. I hope your software is up to the task. If there are things in your old books that you no longer like, would it be possible to make a few changes in the e-versions? Or does that require a lot more work than you want to take on? I am happy that you’re feeling so much more positive about your writing. It is an important part of you. :flowerforyou:

    HSDramamom: Clothes fitting better is a wonderful non-scale victory (NSV.) Congratulations! Your body is changing for the better. The weight will come off in its own sweet time. For a while we had a group of Plateau Princesses and I was one of them. Just keep following the plan and the weight will drop. Drinking extra water often helps. :flowerforyou:

    Madgoth: I am at goal and still counting calories to be sure I stay on track. Eat foods that are healthy and keep you feeling good, measure them, and count the calories. Portion control is a key to success, and my primary strategy. :flowerforyou:

    Rita: Rum and sparkling water is not even close to beer in calorie count, although all rums are not created equal. Whiskey is lower in calories than beer, too. I occasionally have rum and dietrite pure zero cola. I choose that particular cola because it doesn’t contain aspartame. I have to avoid wine, because I seem to drink way too much of it.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Janemartin: I’m sorry you’re having such a tough time finding a place to live. I’m sending good thoughts your way.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: I’m so sorry about the baby shower issue. Was it just thoughtless or mean? Maybe the other grandmother didn’t know about your anniversary. I agree with other's advice. Set aside your disappointment in your daughter's behavior and allow yourself to love this baby. It may be one of life's greatest blessings. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Why are you shorter? Did you tell us about this before and I missed it?:huh: :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: I did reset my calories and sent MFP a question on why it suddenly changed. I haven’t had a reply, though. I agree that we need to be more flexible about multiple languages. My grandma was German, and that was quite unpopular during and after two world wars. She and her sisters learned English but always spoke with a noticeable accent. I see this as a similar issue, and each new waver of immigrants went through a time of being less than welcome. I don’t plan to learn Spanish as a second language, but I am picking up words and phrases. I loved my ESL kids when I was teaching, with only two or three exceptions. The exceptions were trouble makers and they were in the minority. I had more Anglo trouble makers over the years than Hispanic ones. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m so glad you had a good time school clothes shopping with the DGC! I’ll bet they remember the experience for a long time. They know they’re loved and that is the most important part. Having new school cloths is also a huge plus. Clothes make a difference and kids can be mean. :flowerforyou:

    Plans for going to DD’s house are moving forward and I’m likely to book my flights in the next day or so. I had a talk with her last night and tried to nail down dates. She has an appointment tody and will let me know whether there are changes in expectations.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    Hello again everyone: I am back from vacation and only two pounds up. I am finding that quite amazing considering all I ate over the last two weeks and not exercising regularly. Not going to try to catch up on all the reading but I am going back over the last few pages. Good to see familiar posters. Take care all, Sue in SD
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well what a morning this has been.. went to the dealership... no problem there, then went to the foot dr.. and so it begins got the shot of cortisone,and then he said the dreaded words..if you want to keep up with your active lifestyle..surgery is the only option:noway: now our insurance is pretty crappy, with a high deductable, and I dont have time to take off from work.. ,sort of let the DH know and now he is ticked off.. ie.... money out, and no money in... would be out of work for 1 week, then wear a boot for 2 more, then stitches out and then go about your buisness..
    we shall see..