Are you going to continue using MFP?



  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    For me, I do not want to continue using MFP for the rest of my life. I'm the type to get bored with doing things over and over again... logging food is no exception; I don't see myself using this website beyond 1-2 years. When life gets too hectic or when I find a new "obsession", I probably won't log anymore. FYI, last years obsession was my hula dance group/gigs but I stopped that earlier this year. So, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna move on from MFP eventually. lol. But however, I'm glad I found this cool website and I learned so much about nutrition and fitness in general which is great since I am studying to become a nurse. I definitely won't lose the knowledge I've gained so far. Hopefully, I reach the point where I maintain without needing to watch very carefully what I eat but I think for me, this can only be accomplished when I no longer am so obsess with food. I just love yummy food too much!
  • ianthy
    ianthy Posts: 404 Member
    Yes - 5 mins logging is a small price to pay for staying at my goal weight.
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    It's more important to be here than ever before, losing it was just reaching the starting line, if you want to maintain it's more important be more accurate with your portion sizes, losing was just eat a little less than your calorie limit.

    Pity there no technogoly out there, that could do autologging for us, because logging is a pain and can be time-consuming what must be done everyday.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I'm headed into maintenance now and plan to keep counting and using MFP.
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    I plan to keep using it when I reach my goal b/c I love the friends here and logging, its just routine for me. I don't mind it and it keeps me accountable. When I get to maintenance that will be a whole new struggle so I'm thinking I'll still need MFP!!
  • rgdelacruz43
    rgdelacruz43 Posts: 35 Member
    I will still use it when I reach my goal but it won't be every day. What I'm sure of is that I'll be recommending MFP to any people I know that is also having weight problems and make them realize it's not too late to change :).
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Probably until this whole 'internet' fad dies down. *cough*
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I'm about 3lb from goal now. Short term I'd like to practice maintenance and find the best calorie goal for me. I also want to try putting on muscle. So no plans to come off MFP.

    Longer term I'm thinking of having a "warning weight" if I come off MFP. If I hit a certain weight above goal then I eat at a deficit for a week and do all of the logging.
  • Lorichr
    Lorichr Posts: 54
    I hit my goal a couple years ago and have continued to use MFP. It just comes so naturally now to log my food everyday and its a good way to keep an eye on nutrients, micros, macros.... It is just part of my lifestyle now.
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member

    I don't log every day since I've been maintaining.
    For me logging everyday is being obsessed with food. Also for me and because I homecook everything and eat very varied meals, logging is just a pain (and takes much more than 5 min).

    I will however keep coming on MFP episodically for at least another year.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Yes I have used it religiously for the 20 months since I hit my goals. I also know good habits and could probably do it without it.

    Three reasons I continue . . .

    I often look at my calories at the end of the day and find I am 500-1000 calories UNDER my goal. This tells me not only can I have the snack I'm thinking about eating, but that I SHOULD. I eat very healthy. Sometimes I need more calories.

    Yesterday I had the opposite problem. It was an unusual situation, but it is exactly why I gained weight in the first place (I always ate healthy). My husband had surgery yesterday. I got up at 5 and had my normal breakfast. I brought a snack to the hospital (boiled eggs and cashews), which I ate at 10. They offered my coffee with cream and sugar (I had two) and some cookies (100 calories). Now it's 1:00, I haven't even had lunch, I'm starving, and I had 350 calories left for the day. What? I had barely eaten!

    When I am on my regular schedule and eat what I usually do yes, I hit my calorie goals easily. If I exercise a lot, I'll even be under. But it takes just small variations from my normal schedule - a piece of cake, some cookies, eating out and having a whole sandwich instead of splitting it with my husband - and I'll be over 500 calories.

    Do that often enough and you do what I did - put on a pound a year every year for 20 years.

    I also just like it. I learn things every week that surprise me. Plain donuts have twice the calories of glazed? And less than a bagel? Who knew? Quinoa has HOW MANY calories per cup? I have found logging incredibly educational. And I'm a data junkie. I like wearing a fitbit. I teach statistics. Knowledge is power.
  • bnmoyler
    bnmoyler Posts: 133 Member
    I'm about where you are. I think I will continue to use my fitness pal afterwards- just not as intense. I feel that I've pretty much learned portions and portion control and I eat the same things over and over again.
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I continue to log because my macros are as important as the total calories. I also like being able to work in a "splurge" with no guilt whatsoever because I know it fits. I have tried to relax my logging a little bit, such as omitting small nibbles. But it's HARD after being precise for so long. :glasses:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I still use MFP for the social aspect, but I don't log. I've maintained my weight for almost 16 months now without logging. This really depends on the individual though...I always looked at the act of logging and keeping a diary as a tool to learn how to eat properly. It's kind of like training wheels...eventually you take them off and just ride...or at least I believe one should be able to do that.

    I pretty much just try to eat healthfully and in appropriate quantities...I rock my nutrition and rock my fitness and all is well.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'm into maintenance and will continue to use the site, however, I will not log my food every day. I just got tired of it. I can keep a fairly accurate count in my head. There are some days where I can't though, so I log my food about 3 or 4 times a week just to make sure i'm still on the right track. I also weight 2 or 3 times a week to make sure i'm still doing good :)
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    I will probably be using MFP or some sort of tracking for life. I look at it as a lifestyle change. It's the only way I can be accountable and not use my maniacal exercise as a ticket to eat everything in sight.

    I've been maintaining the past few years by using MFP.
  • muppetkeeper
    muppetkeeper Posts: 33 Member
    I've hit target weight and now plan to use for at least a month, probably two (hell, six months), here's why

    - I obviously didn't know what the right amount of food was for me, otherwise I wouldn't have got fat in the first place, I need to learn that, I'm a slow learner :-)

    - I do a lot of exercise, which is all calorie counted, so I need to know how much to eat to stay at target weight,

    - I love cake, but now only have it when I've burned the calories with exercise first, no exercise, no extra calories, no cake... MFP gets me cake, it should be knighted.
  • Jenny775
    Jenny775 Posts: 108 Member
    Far from target but most definitely! It's part of my routine. :smile:
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    yes, when I reach my goal I will continue to track my food to keep accountable.I will make part of my daily routine such as taking a shower, btushing my teeth etc.Its so easy to lose track of what you are eating. Even I am away from home and I am u nable to logg my food, I end up eating large portions and hoing for that extra cookie because I am not forced to fit that into my calorie goal. So I will still log my food when I reach my goal.Pain in the butt ? yes but it beats having to lose weight again
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    Well i can't predict the future for certain but I can't see myself staying on here forever unless i figure out a different approach. Each day it takes me quite some time to log and prep meals and it also is kinda stressful in a way to be constantly restraining myself so strictly on how much i eat. I believe that once i get to my goal i'll stick around for maybe a year or so after for maintenance to see what my maintenance levels look like on average and then i'll say goodbye to mfp for a while and just live my life. Making sure to take all my good habits with me. So being a good healthy weight i'll be able to get exercise constantly and watch what i eat and weigh myself weekly to make sure i'm staying on track. However, i don't believe i could live the logging every day of my life. To each their own haha.