Looking for Nike Fuel Band Friends



  • I am looking for friends to add. I do around 3000 points a day add me Joe Hughes
  • whoaitsruss
    whoaitsruss Posts: 2 Member
    I just started my nike fuelband looking for more motivation and friends please add me
    Screen name is whoaitsruss
  • Hey guys, new to the Nike Fuel Band. Looking for friends as well. bah_rye_ehn is my username.
  • shafa4321
    shafa4321 Posts: 132 Member
    just ordered my MFP
  • jdugan86
    jdugan86 Posts: 2 Member
    Just started up again and would love some friends as well.

    Add me: jdugan86@yahoo.com
  • selk88
    selk88 Posts: 1 Member
    just got a fuel band yesterday would like to add some competition to get me going

  • Just got myself a fuel band. It's kinda unpopular here in Russia, so looking for friends elsewhere. Add me, guys!
  • sarahcscott3
    sarahcscott3 Posts: 31 Member
    I just started up again as well - anyone can add me, it's scottastic219. Thanks!
  • i just Got mine yesterday. ADD ME
    Nike Fuel + "BeardedFitness"
    BIGBMF Posts: 50 Member
    Bigbmf. New account
  • taralandry777
    taralandry777 Posts: 1 Member
    Just got my fuelband last night add me!!
  • Got my fuelband! Add me shaunboi2319@gmail.com / DandTLegacy
  • Here's my Nike Plus if anyone wants to friend up

  • Hi guys! I've been using my band a few weeks and with no friends using it id love to get some motivation from you guys!
    Add me Aaron Denevon
  • Hi I just bought the new nike fuel and looking for friends ADD ME Ryan Randazzo My profile pic is me wearing a black hat and a black agile sweater.
  • DuckiesorDie
    DuckiesorDie Posts: 23 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me on there as well, my name is Ben Turner, screen name BT4080. The more the merrier as I only have a few friends on Nike+
  • Add me looking for friends to compete with. Ryan Randazzo look me up
  • Please add me ArmenWay

    Hi I'm addicted to my nike fuelband. I had first one for 4 months and I was swimming with it, surfing, sauna and more things that you suppose to not do with it:) I just got my new royal count edition fuelband and I'm looking for friends who're extremely active. My avarage is 6000 points a day. S/n ArmenWay