40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Greetings to all the Cool Kids!
    I've finally had a moment to read the thread. So much going on! Mostly great.
    Thank you all for the well wishes for Bruce. He's hanging in there. I'm a lttle worried about how next week is going to go as he'll be totally on his own. I have to travel to DC Mon- Thu.
    KS, I really like the idea of eating healthy to get an insurance premium reduction! That makes total sense! I hope the house works out perfectly.
    Sdereski, the veggies and BBQ sound awesome. Glad the weather is holding!

    Speaking of weather, it sounds like we're all have weird bits! I'm in the NW corner of CA right on the coast, and it was sprinking here this morning ... but not too bad, so I rode the motor bike to work.

    Larro, sorry about the ticket! You're obviously a devoted son to want to keep your lunch date with Mamma. Glad she's doing better and the Rehab is starting.
    Alf, grrrr.:angry: It is so crazy-making when the docs just won't get aggressive with the testing when you need them to. Fingers crossed for you.
    Caramel, I love hearing about your warrior daughter. Sounds like the proverbial chip off the block! The medicine ball hip exercise sounds awesome! Have fun with the photo shoot.
    JFM, hysterical story about the puberty dirt! Boys that age are just my favorite. Mine is now 28, and like Annette's boy, they really get into their "manliness" as it evolves. :laugh:
    E's Mom, despite the super scary hotel, I'm glad you had a great trip! Way to go on the weight maintain.

    Speaking of weight ... I could use some butt-kicking. I'm really not keeping it together. It would be easy to blame it on the fact that I'm ridiculously busy caregiving when I'm not at work -- which is true -- but not an excuse. I know I can do better. I've been having beer or wine pretty much every night, and eating the same food I'm fixing for him, which means pasta instead of salad. Must do better. I'm afraid to take the scale back out of the closet.

    Beeps, happy to hear you're in the mountains! So lovely and peaceful.
    MomforNoah, kids are better then treadmills if you want to exercise! My boy would get me to jog while he skateboarded. It only worked in my favor when we were going up hill!

    Geek, I hope your run was great!

    I will make a batch of green juice tonight!:drinker:

    Stay Cool! :flowerforyou:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey all you Cool Kids. I have got back from my Panama City run. I got up at 0600 to make sure I had plenty of time. {I even washed the car this morning, something I should have done a few weeks ago} When Mamma was checking in at Blountstown Health and Rehab, the nurse came around and introduced herself. Then she told Mamma who her mamma was.

    Mamma perked right up and said, "I made you a blanket when you were a baby, and you were born on January 31."

    The nurse said, "I still have the blanket, and I was born on the 30th of January."

    It turns out she is my cousin. Her great grandmother and my grandmother were sisters. You can't talk bad about anyone in a small town. The odds are they are kin to you.

    Since I was in town, I ran by Margie's office and voted. She had brought flatbread and cold cuts for her staff, so I got a sandwich out of the deal. I'm sure that not everyone gets that kind of service when they vote.

    KellySue, I feel for your husband. I have had a bad back for over 30 years. The craziest things will mess it up. Although my problem now is high up on my left side, not my lower back like normal. I had thought it wasn't going to hurt anymore. But then when I got home and started doing the dishes, the pain was back. I lift in the morning, so it has to be better by then.

    Beeps, my 3-4 year old grand nephew went down to his grandparents at The Springs for the weekend. They went up to the Garden of the Gods. He said, "I love rocks. I love big rocks. Those are really big rocks."

    CG, hope Bruce's recovery is a smooth one. Just think how happy he will be to see you when you get back home.

    Alf, we do have some nice beaches. They would be great if it wasn't for all the people. We always went to Mexico Beach since there wasn't as many folks there. But the tourists have found it now. When I was in the Navy we spent a lot of time in the Caribbean, including Puerto Rico. I got one of the worst sunburns I ever had down there. In February!!!!

    Caramel, keep showing your daughter you are the iron woman. Your determination is amazing.

    I hope everyone has a good day.

  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Morning :happy:

    Hope you all are well. I'm starting to really enjoy my strength training and am working on building up my home gym. I'm perusing the classifieds for a deal right now.

    Caramel - you are so blessed to have a wonderful daughter who you share so much fun with!

    Larro - I just moved to a small town and I know what you mean - lol. Through going for coffee at a couple of women's places, I now know the entire story of everyone on my block .... :tongue:

    KS & CG - Well wishes to your hubbies

    Geek - GO MAN GO!!!!

    Esmom - So glad you're back!

    Alf - So sorry you are having to go through all this pain :flowerforyou:

    Beeps - Enjoy your time :smile:

    MomforN - Your kids are lucky to have such a great mom!

    Im off to eat breakfast and start a much needed organization of my basement! Yay! :grumble: :grumble:

    Great day all,

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning. I've got my morning workout and breakfast behind me. I did have to do half the reps on my last set of lifting. My back isn't really hurting, but it just doesn't feel right. And I did get a little stitch in my side. I have to set up {either today or tomorrow} for an event at work, and I didn't want to press it. No real plans for the day, other than calling to see if Margie is up to going out to eat after work. With early voting she doesn't get off until 530, an hour and a half later than normal. On these weeks when I don't have anything between Monday and Saturday, I go in and tend the lobby plants to make a few hours. I'll go by and visit Mamma, do the setup, take care of the plants, then take Margie out to eat. I would rather do it tonight, as the restaurants will be crowded on a Friday night, She would rather go tomorrow since Saturday will be a lighter day of early voting.

    JFM, when you get through with your basement, you can come on down to the Larro Ranchero to work on my upstairs. I hardly ever go up there unless I buy a book to add to the library, or find a stereo at a thrift store that i just can't live without. I have always had one of the upstairs bedrooms devoted to storing my old sound systems. But now my collection is spilling over into the other one. Maybe I need to have a yard sale:blushing:

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I forgot to do the numbers. Since this is Thursday, I'll just leave these here.

    Body Fat, 21.8%
    Body Water, 57.0%
    BMI 24.4
    Weight 174.7

    I was only 168 calories below my goal over the last four days, yet I lost 2.7 pounds since Sunday. I must have underestimated cardio and over estimated calories eaten. It's tough when you can't weigh everything. I'll try to just barely get in the red for the next week and see how it goes.

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good afternoon Cool Kids! It's my late day at work as it is performance night, and I work 11-8:00 or so depending on when we get cleaned up. Not my favorite days, but I did get out for a nice run this morning. It was quite breezy and running out on the first mile was easy with the wind at my back, running mile two back was a bit more difficult since I was running into the wind. Never really realized how much effect that can have on a run before- :huh:

    Hubby slept much better last night- thank goodness! I was very glad for a good night's sleep since I have continued my clean out of my house one little section at a time. I'm not, but I sometimes feel like one of those hoarders you see on tv with all of the junk I have thrown away over the last week and there is still so much more to go!

    Have a good day all!
  • annettehangartner
    annettehangartner Posts: 23 Member
    Wow, Thursday already....have no idea where the week has gone. Woke up today to another cloud coverage, some drizzles last night, and still a layer of sand everywhere from a sand storm Tuesday. The cooler morning (low 70s) was SO refreshing today. I did manage to get some of my flower pots replanted last night, in the front yard I planted some plants on the porch that needed shade....well I am not sure what made me thing I needed shade plants there, it is facing the East, so it gets the late afternoon hot sun. So I replanted a bunch of the plants that were in the ICU, with a Do Not Resuscitate tag, I think they were thankful that I pulled the plug

    I use a Fitbit Flex, and have been watching my sleep patterns, usually I get 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 hours of actual sleep. Last night was
    4 1/2....there is not a coffee cup big enough today!

    Larro.....I enjoyed your 'small town' story, I am not a native to this town, and I crack up when I hear people in the community rant and rave about people or businesses. I was in a pizza shop yesterday (fantastic salad bar there) and there was a table of about 12 ladies, all over 65 easily. There were deciding where lunch was for the next week. One suggest Olive Garden, then that led into a discussion about lousy parking, which was all blamed on the Mayor, which led to the story about one of their daughters who dated him in high school....and he didn't know to keep his elbows off the dinner table....ohhh I could have sat there and listened to them for hours!

    JFM...we just got our home gym set up, takes up a good portion of our garage...which does not have AC, so we are not able to use it in the peak of summer, but boy is it nice to be able to use it before hopping in the shower, in the privacy of your own home. We found a couple good pieces on our local Facebook groups for Swap and Trading...almost every town has them. Some Called Trunk and Trade, Quick Swap, etc, Once you find one in your local area you can easily find several more. people can post things to sell, or make comments on things they want to buy. then Typically you meet in a public place, like a large parking lot. LOL I found our Weiderman Weight Machine there, and we only paid $70, it retails for $450. We got a punching bag on stand with a speed bag too, and all that was $90.

    CG.....You post reminded me that I have not had a nice glass of wine, or an ice cold beer in ages....I think I need to 'budget' for that this coming Friday. There is a little artesian brewery here that I have not visited yet

    Alf....you mentioned you cooked fish up for upcoming meals, did you just steam it all, or what? I am fish stupid I think, I know how to cook just about anything, but fish intimidates me

    KellySue, good luck downsizing....I do not envy you!

    Caramel, wow a photo shoot sounds like a great goal to set!

    Beeps, a Mountain Vacation....LOVE that, the Cascade Mountains are less than an hour away (Mr Rainier and Mt St Helens....and all the beautiful lands in between) In fact I think I hear them calling my name

    Everyone else, have a GREAT Thursday, be extra special nice to someone today...and be even better to yourself!
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member

    Alf....you mentioned you cooked fish up for upcoming meals, did you just steam it all, or what? I am fish stupid I think, I know how to cook just about anything, but fish intimidates me

    Annette, I just laughed when I read your note to Alf. I am STEAK stupid. I cannot get my head around how to cook it. Chicken, pork, fish? NO problem but I don't even buy it because I'm too nervous I'll screw it up!

    Larro - I'd love to help you out! I don't mind cleaning other people's stuff, it's just becomes a drag when it's your own...lol

    Oh and KS - I find it kind of fun going down memory lane, opening boxes and things..although I guess it puts a different spin on it when you're on a time constraint. Is there a time/date that it has to be done by?

  • azymth99
    azymth99 Posts: 122 Member

    Alf....you mentioned you cooked fish up for upcoming meals, did you just steam it all, or what? I am fish stupid I think, I know how to cook just about anything, but fish intimidates me

    Annette, I just laughed when I read your note to Alf. I am STEAK stupid. I cannot get my head around how to cook it. Chicken, pork, fish? NO problem but I don't even buy it because I'm too nervous I'll screw it up!

    Larro - I'd love to help you out! I don't mind cleaning other people's stuff, it's just becomes a drag when it's your own...lol

    Oh and KS - I find it kind of fun going down memory lane, opening boxes and things..although I guess it puts a different spin on it when you're on a time constraint. Is there a time/date that it has to be done by?


    Ok tips for steak. Depending on the cut of meat you're talking about- lets go with a NY Strip. Get a meat thermometer- (one that you can put in the steak and run the cable out of the oven). Remove some (but not all) of the fat on the side. The bit that remains- score gently on a diagonal with a knife (this will keep it from curling up).

    Season however you like- but salt and pepper are a must.

    1. Preheat your oven to 450.
    2. Preheat a saute' pan and drizzle a little olive oil- swirl to coat. Be sure to get the pan HOT first. (a Grill pan also works well)
    3. Drop the steak in and sear it for about 3 minutes. Repeat on the other side.
    4. Put the steak inside a sheet of aluminum foil. Stick the meat thermometer in the thickest part of the steak.
    5. Put the foiled steak in the oven.
    6. Watch the thermometer until it hits the desired temperature: rare=130 medium rare=140 medium=150 med well=160 well (cringe)=165.
    7. Remove the steak from the oven and let it rest for 5 minutes or until the temp comes up 5 more degrees. Trim the remaining fat off (if you desire, I leave it right where it is).

    Slap it next to the mashed potatoes and enjoy! This technique will work with other steaks (filet, porterhouse etc.) and the temps are the same. Tougher cuts (like flank steak, round steak etc.) require a different technique or they may be chewy.

    Hope this helps!
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Hello Cool Kids

    Looks like you all have been busy. Sorry I haven't been around much. Renovating the new house has been taking up a lot of time plus getting the kids ready to start school Cant believe I have a Senior and Junior in HS this year!!!

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day!!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning (barely) Cool Kids, and happy Thursday!

    I just found out my folks are coming over...they're over the mountains about 4 hrs away. I love them, but sheesh! I'm already pretty wiped out caring for Bruce and working. Got to put on my game face!:smile:
    Good job on the weight loss Larro. I think I may know where they went... Glad your back isn't geting worse.
    KS, isn't it a trip how much difference a little wind makes! I'm glad your hubby is feeling somewhat better.
    Annette, that eavesdropping story was great! As for cooking fish, there's a myriad of ways, but one easy one is in a foil pouch. Google that. You'll find easy pouch recipes for just about any kind of fish and flavor.
    Fay... awww... kids are so cute at that age. Last year of HS for one! Enjoy your renovating project.

    I did NOT behave any better last night. Over cals again. I'm on a good trajectory today though. I found a new probiotic drink that tastes awesome and only has 10 calories. I'm stocking the fridge with those instead of IPAs!:drinker:

    The sun has finally come through the marine layer here, so it should be a lovely day on the Redwood Coast. Wishing you all lovely days in your parts of the world.
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member

    Alf....you mentioned you cooked fish up for upcoming meals, did you just steam it all, or what? I am fish stupid I think, I know how to cook just about anything, but fish intimidates me

    Annette, I just laughed when I read your note to Alf. I am STEAK stupid. I cannot get my head around how to cook it. Chicken, pork, fish? NO problem but I don't even buy it because I'm too nervous I'll screw it up!

    Larro - I'd love to help you out! I don't mind cleaning other people's stuff, it's just becomes a drag when it's your own...lol

    Oh and KS - I find it kind of fun going down memory lane, opening boxes and things..although I guess it puts a different spin on it when you're on a time constraint. Is there a time/date that it has to be done by?


    Ok tips for steak. Depending on the cut of meat you're talking about- lets go with a NY Strip. Get a meat thermometer- (one that you can put in the steak and run the cable out of the oven). Remove some (but not all) of the fat on the side. The bit that remains- score gently on a diagonal with a knife (this will keep it from curling up).

    Season however you like- but salt and pepper are a must.

    1. Preheat your oven to 450.
    2. Preheat a saute' pan and drizzle a little olive oil- swirl to coat. Be sure to get the pan HOT first. (a Grill pan also works well)
    3. Drop the steak in and sear it for about 3 minutes. Repeat on the other side.
    4. Put the steak inside a sheet of aluminum foil. Stick the meat thermometer in the thickest part of the steak.
    5. Put the foiled steak in the oven.
    6. Watch the thermometer until it hits the desired temperature: rare=130 medium rare=140 medium=150 med well=160 well (cringe)=165.
    7. Remove the steak from the oven and let it rest for 5 minutes or until the temp comes up 5 more degrees. Trim the remaining fat off (if you desire, I leave it right where it is).

    Slap it next to the mashed potatoes and enjoy! This technique will work with other steaks (filet, porterhouse etc.) and the temps are the same. Tougher cuts (like flank steak, round steak etc.) require a different technique or they may be chewy.

    Hope this helps!

    Thank you!! Great info, seems pretty straight forward. I think I may just break out of my rut and surprise my family with some steak and mashed potatoes :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Question? Do you mean wrap the meat in foil or make a dish/plate out of the foil?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    All this food talk is making me hungry!! :laugh: Good morning cool kids!!!! I hope everyone had a good sleep! I started eating healthy on Monday and drinking lots of water. I am down 5 lbs. I am happy about seeing that number drop but I am not going to get too excited. What I will do is continuing what I am doing. I feel good in the respect. The hips, well, still hurting. My back not so much. I really think what is causing the problem is my hips, especially the right side. I think it was just projecting to the back. If that makes sense. My sub will be teaching on Monday but he is not sure he will on Wed. I hate the stress of having to find a sub for my class. I was thinking about quitting at the end of the year but I think I want to quit sooner. I cannot continue to add more stress into my life.

    Annette, I love to grill my fish but I don't mess with the outdoor grill. I used to have a George Foreman grill but it stopped working. This time I pan fried the fish I bought, wild salmon, halibut and white fish. I cooked them separately some in coconut oil and another in olive oil. I seasoned it with pepper, dried oregano and some with fresh herbs from my garden.

    JFM, steak, mmmm, not eating it right now but my husband normally grills it. Very seldom we cook it in the oven. I sometimes just cut it up and stir fry it. Youtube is great in finding great recipes and google of course.

    Curious, enjoy your parents, you will miss them when they are gone. :cry:

    Gotta go!!!! Take care! :flowerforyou:
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    TGIF Cool Kids!!! Enjoy your start to the weekend!!!
  • azymth99
    azymth99 Posts: 122 Member

    Alf....you mentioned you cooked fish up for upcoming meals, did you just steam it all, or what? I am fish stupid I think, I know how to cook just about anything, but fish intimidates me

    Annette, I just laughed when I read your note to Alf. I am STEAK stupid. I cannot get my head around how to cook it. Chicken, pork, fish? NO problem but I don't even buy it because I'm too nervous I'll screw it up!

    Larro - I'd love to help you out! I don't mind cleaning other people's stuff, it's just becomes a drag when it's your own...lol

    Oh and KS - I find it kind of fun going down memory lane, opening boxes and things..although I guess it puts a different spin on it when you're on a time constraint. Is there a time/date that it has to be done by?


    Ok tips for steak. Depending on the cut of meat you're talking about- lets go with a NY Strip. Get a meat thermometer- (one that you can put in the steak and run the cable out of the oven). Remove some (but not all) of the fat on the side. The bit that remains- score gently on a diagonal with a knife (this will keep it from curling up).

    Season however you like- but salt and pepper are a must.

    1. Preheat your oven to 450.
    2. Preheat a saute' pan and drizzle a little olive oil- swirl to coat. Be sure to get the pan HOT first. (a Grill pan also works well)
    3. Drop the steak in and sear it for about 3 minutes. Repeat on the other side.
    4. Put the steak inside a sheet of aluminum foil. Stick the meat thermometer in the thickest part of the steak.
    5. Put the foiled steak in the oven.
    6. Watch the thermometer until it hits the desired temperature: rare=130 medium rare=140 medium=150 med well=160 well (cringe)=165.
    7. Remove the steak from the oven and let it rest for 5 minutes or until the temp comes up 5 more degrees. Trim the remaining fat off (if you desire, I leave it right where it is).

    Slap it next to the mashed potatoes and enjoy! This technique will work with other steaks (filet, porterhouse etc.) and the temps are the same. Tougher cuts (like flank steak, round steak etc.) require a different technique or they may be chewy.

    Hope this helps!

    Thank you!! Great info, seems pretty straight forward. I think I may just break out of my rut and surprise my family with some steak and mashed potatoes :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Question? Do you mean wrap the meat in foil or make a dish/plate out of the foil?

    Wrap the steak in foil. It keeps the steak from drying out as it cooks and helps hold the thermometer in place- you can omit this if you prefer- but if you like your steak more than medium it will help keep is moist. I like mine ultra rare so I skip the oven, but my wife prefers her's medium well.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday kids, hope you are well and in great spirits.

    I had a very stressful day yesterday and all I could think of was my training session with Denise. I knew when I got there my game face would be on and I had to perform. I was filled with stress and my performance was nothing short of intensity times 2. After the session, I felt a thousand times better. It really helped me to realize even more that we should allow nothing or anyone to get in our way of becoming better. Had I cancelled my session, I would have missed out on that awesome release. I know I am changed because years back, the stress would have caused me to eat a dozen chocolate chip cookies with whipped cream and a dr pepper to wash it down.

    On that note have a great day kids.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Speaking of food, yesterday after I had cooked a pot of peas, and had the pork chops ready to go on the grill, Margie called and said she had changed her mind, that she did want to go out to eat after all. So we will be having peas and pork chops tonight instead. And I didn't even say any bad words {out loud}.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    This is the way I read this the first time through.

    I know I am changed because years back, the stress would have caused me to eat a dozen chocolate chip cookies with whipped cream and a pepper.

    I do like peppers, but have never thought to try them with cookies and whipped cream:bigsmile:
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Good Morning everyone :)

    I am behind on our thread and I'm going to go try and catch up when I finish my post.

    I am struggling!! I know this week I could have probably reached my 10 lb. mark, but I have fallen off the wagon...SOS!
    Tuesday night I had bunko at my house for 12. I had to cook dinner, provide snacks, drinks, and a dessert. I actually did "ok" on Tuesday night, but ever since I've been outta control!! Maybe I just need the leftover candy, etc., out of the house. I dunno, but I need to get it together!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    kj- I find that if I don't keep that kind of stuff around I don't think about wanting it. It's when I know that it's there that I really want to eat it. My advice- chuck it!!!

    caramel- exercise is my stress buster without a doubt!! I always feel much better mentally after a good workout- physically I am wiped sometimes, but that passes too! Although, I do have to admit that chocolate chip cookies and whipped cream do sound really good! :bigsmile:

    I did my longer run today- almost 3 miles. I am going out to dinner later and am trying to plan for it. Also going to look at the house again tonight to make a final decision about putting in an offer.

    Hubs blood work came back normal. They were concerned about his kidney function because he is diabetic, but all was fine. They are now thinking that the pain is musculoskelatal, so it's back to the primary physician to get possible x-rays. Hopefully we can pinpoint what is going on.

    Busy weekend ahead- bridal shower tomorrow that is about an hour and a half a way from here which will take up most of my day. Sunday will be a grocery shopping day and more sorting and cleaning.

    Have a great one everybody!