Friends over 40?



  • Redheadguy
    Redheadguy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm 40. Need a lot of motivation. Seems like when I get going, I make that initial water weight loss, then....nothing. After that, I get discouraged and fall off the wagon.

    I'm starting over as my son is back in school and I've got some time during the day to work out.

    Ready to hit it hard....again...for the 100th or so time...

    I'd like to be on here daily to keep myself honest. Anyone and everyone is welcome to add me and nag me along!
  • 808Kine
    808Kine Posts: 60 Member
    "Just turned 49--yikes! Used to be really fit, until two years ago when I changed careers, then it was less time in the gym and more time on my butt. But, we're never too old to pursue fitness, so here I am. Looking for all the support I can get from the over 40 crowd. "

  • simply4ME
    simply4ME Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All.. I'll be blowing out 41 candles next month! :) I am also new here to these message boards. At home I'm among people who are constantly sabotaging my weight loss attempts. They don't do it on purpose, or maliciously. They just "forget" and well.. they just aren't too supportive in this weight loss journey I'm on. So, I'm looking to friend anyone who can be supportive, and give advice. I am willing to do the same. Add me.
  • anjol35
    anjol35 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everybody-I am 42 and new to the site and I am finally ready to lose this weight so I would welcome the friendship and support. I would like to lose 100lbs long term but I am aiming for 20 in the immediate future. So far I have lost 11lbs.
  • crom911
    crom911 Posts: 16
    46 yr old stay at home dad looking for more friends my age also. Working my way back to the old me :) feel free to add me, anyone. On every day and diary is open
  • jpads1234
    jpads1234 Posts: 95 Member
    42 here need all the support I can get . Log on daily
  • FitCattitude
    FitCattitude Posts: 64 Member
    I'm 48, and discovered myfitnesspal just over a week ago. 2 lbs lost, despite the 1 lb aim, so I'm chuffed to pieces. Awesome community. Will send you a friend request. :-)
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Hi ,I'm Lisa,and 43 years young I'm new on here. Could use all the support I can get
    SEAFOODMAN Posts: 342
    yay i'm in :drinker:
  • oofdieblunk
    oofdieblunk Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 41 and finally have the schedule to accommodate working out. I am doing much better with that than the eating. I am currently in the final weeks of the Couch25K program. My goal is to run a 5K in October. Looking for fun people to share the ups and downs of the battle of the bulge. I have a little one and an awesome husband! I would love to see them at the finish line! Also, I want to set a great example for my little girl!
  • emcgehee1
    emcgehee1 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 45 but 35 in my head. I have two more days of Couch 2 5k and I love to do YouTube hip hop and Bollywood style Zumba but don't know if my knees are going to let me keep that up much longer
    SEAFOODMAN Posts: 342
    oh yeah, i'm 41 :bigsmile:
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    *waves* 42 here!
  • Sevasti_Titi
    Sevasti_Titi Posts: 250 Member
    42 and canadian ;)
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    i'm can add me if you want. i am in italy so the time difference is a bit, but i am still on here every day usually and my diary is open.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hi Angie. I'm soon to be 42 with a 16yr old son and a soon to be 3yr old daughter. My diary's open. I sent you a friend request. Anyone can add me. My goal's are to become healthier by lowering my cholesterol, try to get under that dreaded Obese category on the BMI chart, and lose my muffin top. LOL :happy:
  • Garrett1234
    Garrett1234 Posts: 147 Member
    I agree, having friends in my age range is helpful. Similar experiences.
  • kpayne912
    kpayne912 Posts: 10 Member
    47 here and always looking for friends to help motivate and get ideas from.
    Feel free to add
  • Slendermike
    Slendermike Posts: 1,776 Member
    43 here. Always looking for more support. Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • 808Kine
    808Kine Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 49, and cant believe the self-loathing I see in this thread. Age has nothing to do with anything. It isn't harder, it's the exact same. The math is the exact same as it was before. Please do not friend me. I'll stick with friends from all ages that don't fall back on excuses and just work hard everyday. Cheers.

    Actually, it seems as though there are many contributors to the thread who simply want to reach out to one another and not necessarily "self loathing". Some people feel more comfortable associating with others who are at a particular stage in their lives and there are huge differences in the lifestyles of 20 year olds versus 40 year olds. There are physiological and psychological differences and anyone who does not agree with attempting to identify with like minded people can just go on to another forum.

    No need to lash out unnecessarily dude! Maybe it is time that you do your own little inventory about what you want to get out of this site and follow that path, but don't tag along on perfectly good thread biting at other people's heels!